It is estimated that Ohnogi also ordered the entire army to gather to fight against Qianju Monet under his rage.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] Besieged on all sides! (Second more)

  The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. When Qianshou Monet excitedly led people to the land of the earth, he seemed to be alerted. The front was pushed back a long distance. It would take a lot of time to rush over, and to When the front line is too long, the supplies on Konoha's side will not be able to keep up.

  After fluttering in the air, Monet was a little disappointed. He was wondering if he drove straight in and fucked his mother directly.

  After setting up camp and resting until the evening, Monet called his team for a meeting.

  Konoha's first battle was very neat and beautiful. Although it is not a classic battle for ten thousand ninjas to eat five thousand, it is enough to declare to the ninja world that Konoha is the father at this time.

  Except for him, Monet, will anyone else dare to come up and attack with all their strength?

  "Cousin "[-]", just hit him and kill Yanyin Village in one go!"

  Tsunade didn't think about it that much, and this hearty battle made her spirits soar.

  Monet didn't speak, and turned his attention to his subordinates.

  The ninjas are in high spirits. It is a pity to go back now. There are still a lot of supplies in the army. It should be no problem to last a few days. There are still [-] fat meat in front of me.

  Although the loss of the previous Wuqian Yanren was enough to make Ohyemu feel distressed, but it could not hurt the roots of Yanyin Village with a large population. He did not have the habit of handing over his back to others. At this time, their rear Sharen Village, Yuyin Village and The situation of Sanleizi, who was ready to go, was chaotic.

  "Monet-kun, I just went through the war. Although the morale is high, I suggest to rest in place and aim at the country of rain."

  Relatively speaking, Snake Brother's overall view is much more comprehensive, and he was not carried away by victory.

  Touching his chin, Qianshou Monet had an idea.

  "Let's divide your troops! Deploy a thousand Uchihas for me, and I will personally command the entry of Hyuga and a thousand ninjas!"

  "Tsunade, Brother Snake and Sakumo Hatake, you should control the situation before I come back, these seven thousand troops will be allocated by you!"

  "You have only one mission, guard the border!"

  Split up!

  In this situation, he was the only one who could do this kind of thing.

  With [-] elites inserted into the territory of the land of the earth like a sharp knife, the seven thousand ninjas of the adventure retreated to the border between the land of fire and the land of rain!

  This is the way the world is, the daring starve to the death of the timid.

  Especially Qianshou Monet is the most difficult to deal with the bold and powerful. His purpose of forcing him into the land of the earth is still not to kill Onogi and destroy Yanyin Village, but to cut the meat of Yanyin Village like a sharp knife, forcing Ono Mufu to give it softly. Konoha compensation.

  It's the same sentence, if you don't make a move, you must press the opponent to the ground and rub it frantically.

  After sorting out his thoughts, Qianshou Monet finally figured out how to solve this battle situation.

  He had thought before that the rapidly developing Konoha was short of money, and the remuneration and taxation of those tasks were enough, and the purpose of his attack this time was to gain profits, and the defeated country was the most powerful. Perfect target!

  The blueprint was slowly being conceived in his heart, and Monet even saw him join the team of Uchiha Laughing Four after he unified the ninja world and laughed along with him.

  "No, Naruto-sama! There are ninjas from the Land of Winds behind us!"

  "Lord Hokage! Hanzo, the leader of Yuyin Village, is approaching from the left with someone!"

  "Lord Hokage! Hinata's sentry found Yunyin Village ninja on the right, the number is unknown!"


  Just as Monet was immersed in it, the three panting messengers ran in quickly and loudly woke Monet with a thousand hands.

  What the hell?

  Monet didn't react for a while.

  "Don't panic, Hanzo is an ally, and he should have come to support him."

  Zi Lai also smiled and didn't feel that something was wrong. He even patted Brother Snake on the shoulder to comfort him. Brother Snake took two steps back with some disgust. He always felt that the longer he stayed with him, the longer he stayed with him. The IQ of dating is lowered...  

  "Are you a fool? Yunyin Village and Yuyin Village obviously negotiated! This is to surround us!"

  Tsunade punched Jiraiya hard in the head.

  Three-way attack!

  No, it's a four-way attack!

  Monet's eyes closed and opened his senses instantly, three huge chakra clusters behind him, and the ninjas of the land of the land who had retreated in front of them even started to move!

  It seems that they also got the news that they want to avenge the destruction of the [-] troops during the day!

  Are you fucking going to surround yourself and kill it?

  That anti-bone boy from Hanzo actually followed other Shinobi villages to attack Konoha?

  court death!

  The furious Qianshou Monet stood up, but he was still thinking about splitting troops to chase Oh Yemu, and everyone had already called the door!

  What makes Hanzo go against the water?

  Monet didn't know, but he knew that there were no eternal friends, only eternal interests, and it must have been the collusion of several other ninja villages to promise him some benefits.

  Forcing himself to calm down, Qianshou Monet briefly analyzed the situation.

  Anyone can mess up, but he can't. As the commander of a 2.1 troop and the shadow of a village, he absolutely cannot mess around at this time.

  "I have [-] troops under my command, and Yuyin Village has only a mere [-] troops."

  "If you choose to break through, then Hanzo's side will definitely be a weak point, but enemies in other directions will definitely come to support quickly, so breaking through is the last resort."

  With his eyes full of light, Monet with a thousand hands kicked the brazier on the ground for heating.

  Dare to take the initiative to attack, these people are really tired of living!

  "Pass my order! The whole army strikes!"


  Second more.

  The milk dog is very uncomfortable today, and his head seems to be flooded with water. The update will be slower, please forgive me. .

Chapter [-] The giant walking on the battlefield! (third more)

  "Sister, your chess move is really beautiful."

  Behind the Konoha Allied Forces, the mighty Sand Ninja troops stopped and blocked their retreat route.

  Eirazo and Chiyo stood at the front of the unit and were talking.

  "Hmph, everything was brought up by Konoha!"

  Chiyo's faces were huddled together, and it seemed from her expression that she was enjoying the thrill of this conspiracy. In fact, she found Hanzo while they were fighting with Yuyin Village a few days ago.

  Now Konoha can basically see that he is not blind, and she clearly told Hanzo that as long as Qianshou Monet cleans up Yannin, he will definitely turn back and beat them.

  In order to ensure the interests of both parties, Chiyo agreed to a truce to only do superficial work, and they would join forces to deal with Konoha after Chiju Monet came to the fore!

  Before that, Chiyo also found Yun Yin's Sanleiko, and 19 there had already given her a positive answer.

  This is a tactic to devour the wolf. With Hanzo's suspicious nature, as long as he offers some benefits and agrees to withdraw from the Land of Rain after the war, he will definitely agree under pressure.

  But the alliance on the surface of this move actually has her own plans in it. Compared with Sand Ninja and Yunyin, the rain country has the least troops!

  As long as the commander is a little brainy, he will definitely choose a weak direction to break through!

  Borrowing Konoha's hand to destroy Yuyin Village, and then they and Yunyin outflank Konoha in one fell swoop, this is Chiyo's plan.

  At that time, both Konoha and Yuyin Village will withdraw from the stage of the Land of Rain, and all they have to deal with are the old and rough people in Yunyin Village.


  Chiyo's idea is good, it can be said to be quite perfect, forcing Konoha and Yuyin Village to bite the dog, and then splitting the battlefield with Yunyin Village and finally having a decisive battle!

  The thinking is very clear, and she is not afraid that Monet will not be fooled. The surrounded Konoha has no other choice but to attack the Yuyin Village defense line.

  Under the admiring gaze of the ninja next to him, Chiyo couldn't help but start to pee.

  "As expected of your mother."

  Behind him, Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law looked at their mother with admiration on their faces. This kind of tactic was something that a battle-hardened mother could come up with.

  The idea is very beautiful, but the reality will always give you a slap in the face.

  No one would have thought that Qianshou Monet, who was trapped in the siege, never thought of running away. He wanted to let this rubbish who dared to challenge the majesty of Konoha understand who is the father on the battlefield!

  To what extent will the strength of a hang-up increase in five years?

  He dared to swell and directly eat the troops of Yanyin Village in one bite, and one move hit Oh Yemu, which is enough to explain the problem.

  The shadow level can control local wars, but the super shadow can dominate a large-scale battle!

  Why did the first generation and Madara join forces to calm down the troubled world?

  The perfect immortal body plus the first generation of the super strong wooden scorpion, and the complete body of Madara Susanoo, these two can be used to push one side of the battlefield, not to mention the two team up?

  Chiyo thought right, ordinary people would definitely lead the team to break through in such a situation, and the direction would also be the weak point of Yuyin Village.

  But who is his Thousand Hands Monet?

  No one would use common sense to speculate on the behavior of a lunatic.

  When Chiyo saw the mighty tens of thousands of Konoha allied forces charging over, her old face suddenly turned green!

  This is completely different from the script in her mind!

  "Sister, what should I do? Your plan seems to have failed."

  Hai Laozang swallowed hard, how should he resist this majestic Konoha?

  "What else can I do? Stop Hanzo and Raikage before they come!"

  Chiyo can't wait to give her little brother two mouths, because she doesn't have eyes and can't read, do you need to remind her?

  "Order all troops to attack!"

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