In the depths of Hokage, you still have to be awesome, your father's surname is cruel, and you can pretend to be forceful. If you have the capital to pretend to be forceful, you dare to come out and shout if you don't have the name of the three generations of Fengying?

  Monet really doesn't know what to say, Chiyo has a more strategic vision than him, someone knows how to run, and you take the initiative to send people's heads.

  Want to attack me?

  "Magnetic escape! Sand and iron defense!"

  The three generations of Fengying who can freely control the sand and iron are very confident in their own skills. Without fiddling with them for a while, a huge shield appeared in front of the three generations of Fengying to block in front of them, and then stood behind them with an overly folded shoulder and waited for an opportunity.

  He never thought about the consequences of this move if he couldn't defend himself.


  The wooden man's fist smashed on the shield, and the palm that even the nine-tailed cream...maru could crush, shattered the seemingly indestructible shield in an instant, and shattered directly without even holding it for a second?

  Three generations of Fengying looked at the fist that was slowly getting bigger in horror, and scolded in his heart that this was unscientific!

  Isn't the magnetic tunnel indestructible?

  Why is your wood harder than iron?

  He was destined to have no way of understanding this question. It seemed unscientific, but it actually had its own reasoning. No matter how powerful your iron was, it was still dead, but it was motivated by the power of life!

  How could it not be stopped by your iron block?

  In less than a second, the body of the three generations of Kazekage and the wooden man had a close contact, and then they entered the ground like a cannonball. Smashed comminuted fracture.

  He was smashed back from the center of the battlefield. Along the way, Fengying hit countless stones and trees and was spraying blood. At this time, his appearance was completely different from when he was high-spirited and talked about his responsibility as a shadow.


  It was smashed back to Chiyo's side intact, and Chiyo's (biff) ten fingers just came together.

  In ten seconds, the strongest Kazekage they respected was KO'd.


  The sand iron on the body is gradually shattering, and if you move it casually, you will feel great pain. Three generations of Fengying vomited blood from her mouth, and one of her eyes was blinded. The whole body was tattered and the crotch disappeared.

  "It's so small, it's far from a pumpkin."

  Chiyo glanced at Sandai Fengying's crotch, revealing a hint of contempt. Although the Tathagata Buddha stick made her feel unbearable last time, she has since discovered an artifact, the pumpkin!

  Yes, you heard that right, the pumpkin!

  It tasted good, and she was completely infatuated with it.

  Who can compare with pumpkin?That shape is too special.

  Hai Laozang next to him swallowed and didn't dare to say it.

  "Come on! Take Lord Fengying and get out of here!"

  "You guys, stay and stop Qianshou Monet!"

  First let his own people get involved with Kazekage, and then Chiyo pointed to Kazekage's guards and said such a remark.

  Fengying can't stop you, let us stop?

  The Fengying guards who rely on bragging are ugly, doesn't this make them die?

  "What? As the guard of Lord Fengying, don't you have any consciousness? Let you go up, and I will take care of your family."

  "But if you don't dare to charge into the battle now, I'll kill you directly!"

  Chiyo coldly took out the ten people in Kinmatsu and began to threaten. If these dogs are all right, they will throw their eyes at themselves, and they are not worthy of living on the bragging rights.

  The guards swallowed. If they didn't go now, they might save their lives, but they had no choice.

  "Quick...take away..."

  The three generations of Fengying in a coma still haven't forgotten about the retreat. At this moment, he finally understands the true will of the wind...


  "All troops retreat!"

  Chiyo, who was in an inexplicably comfortable mood, shouted and took the lead in running first, and the only remaining sand ninjas immediately started to run backwards with their mad dog instincts...

  Fifth more.

  Ask for a ticket. . .

Chapter [-] I heard that you fucking still want to dance? (sixth more)

  Looking at Feng Ying and others fleeing in despair, some diehard fans of the three generations of Feng Ying were completely stupid, and they were a little messy standing there.

  What about the high-spirited Feng Ying-sama just now?

  What are you doing?

  Before they could regain their senses, Monet's bulldozer had already driven over, mercilessly harvesting their lives.

  It's a fucking attribute point!

  Qianshou Monet, who is in desperate need of attribute points to break through the [-] mark, will not be polite to these people at all. Since he has decided to stand on the opposite side of Konoha, there is only a dead end waiting for them!

  The destructive power of the wooden figurines is really awesome. It should be said that the technique of squeezing the nine-tailed eggs with one hand is really impossible. Monet even thought that one day he would clean up the kurama and let him see the wooden figurines. what is it_feelings.

  The army was defeated like a mountain. Under the strong offensive of the Konoha Allied Forces, Sand Shinobi was all killed except for a small part of fleeing. The dead body looked quite shocking.

  After canceling the wooden man and wooden dragon, Monet jumped to the center of the battlefield.

  There were cheers around, and they were all shouting Monet's awesome words, but he was unmoved.

  "Boss, we have successfully broken through!"

  Jirai was also very excited. He followed behind in the charge just now and killed a lot of people, which was very exciting.

  "This is not a breakthrough!"

  Qianshou Monet waved to the surrounding squad leaders indifferently.

  Including Monet's squad and Hatake Sakumo.

  "Masters, the battle is not over yet, and you all know my goal. Except for Sand Ninja, the Land of Rain and Yunyin Village are all our opponents."

  "Sakumo, how about Iwa Shinobi who has been following us?"

  Lifting his head, Monet asked softly.

  "Well, the situation has changed a little bit. Iwanin, who was originally chasing us, fought with the passing Yunyin Village ninja for some reason."

  Hatake Sakumo said speechlessly.

  Monet's mouth twitched for a while. Although it was a bit unexpected, it was not difficult to analyze. It is estimated that the three parties who planned to surround their Konoha coalition did not say hello to Yanyin Village.

  Moreover, the conflict between the land of thunder and the land of land is very big, and they have always looked at each other unpleasantly, so it is normal to fight.

  Rolling his eyes, Monet cleared his mind.

  "Hatake Sakumo!"


  The young White Fang jumped out with great excitement, looking at Hokage-sama, does this mean that you want to assign tasks?

  "You took the three thousand ninja troops to chase the sand ninja. They don't have many people left now, and the three generations of Kazekage are seriously injured. Is there any problem with handing over one thousand generations to you?"

  Monet asked solemnly.

  "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

  Standing up straight, what White Fang needed was a chance to take off. He, the Minister of the Dark Ministry, was never recognized, and was regarded as a backdoor entry by everyone, so he was eager to make a contribution.

  Now that the opportunity is given by Hokage-sama, it is up to him whether he can seize it or not!

  After Hatake Sakumo left, Monet looked at Tsunade Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

  "Hanzo will hand over you, I will give you five thousand ninja troops, and let Hanzo understand that traitors are not so easy to be!"


  Sannin nodded with great interest, and before leaving, Tsunade walked to Monet's side, took a sip, and gave Monet a look.

  This little hoof, Monet quickly pressed the gun, he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of so many men.

  "The rest of the people come with me! San Leizi dares to attack me, this is completely disregarding me! And the people from Yanyin Village, who dare to go out of the border of the land of the land? I really give them something. face!"

  "Army attack!"


  I'm sorry, it's impossible to retreat, and there are only two words in the eyes of Qianshou Monet.

  Everyone thought this was a battle to break out of the encirclement, but in fact Monet knew very well that defeating the Sand Ninja was just the beginning, eating the Sand Ninja group behind him was just to open an incision to break their encircling posture, and then the center bloomed from the middle Hit it!

? ???????? ask for flowers 0 ??

  It's not that he is pretending to be arrogant, but the remaining [-] ninja troops are the most powerful force in this country of rain!What is he afraid of?

  The recovery speed of the intermediate immortal body is extremely fast. After just a meeting, Monet's Chakra has recovered to about [-]%, and he is already fearless.

  The wooden man consumes a lot of money, but he can still stand the temporary position.

  Most importantly, those living beings are all attribute points!

  Scum as a murderer!Afraid of a basket!

0 ......

  The mighty Konoha Allied Forces have officially divided their troops. Sand Ninja has been defeated and basically there are not many people left. The task is relatively easy, so Hatake Sakumo did not choose to pursue with the elite, but only with the ordinary family. The ninja chased after him. This was an opportunity to gain military exploits. Naturally, no one refuted it.

  Hanzo is a tough guy, but San Ren and [-] elite soldiers are definitely worth it, and Monet is not worried.

  As for himself, he took the two thousand real elites of Hyuga and Qianshou to the land of thunder and land. He also deserved the bad luck of Onogi. He was just seriously injured by Monet of Qianshou and was still recovering when he heard about Konoha. Being besieged, he immediately let the five thousand guard troops on the border wrap their buttocks.

  Who would have known that they met Yunyin Village led by Sanleizi who had the same idea on the way.

  It's alright now, Sanleizi's thinking is normal, you didn't say hello in advance, I see no problem with whoever hits, we still have a feud, so don't get used to it.

  Oh Yemu was furious. He didn't want to fight this battle at all. He was lying on a stretcher, and the old man was thinking about whether to retreat.

  At this moment, a group of people suddenly burst out in the middle of the staggered battlefield of the two sides.

  The one in the middle is Qianshou Monet!

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