"I left you here for your own good. If you thoroughly cultivate and succeed in the Immortal Art of Miaomu Mountain, you won't be able to perfect it in the future."

  "Don't you want to become like a toad every time you enter the fairy mode? Is it disgusting? What will Sister Yao think of you?"

  Kiln sister!

  When talking about Sister Yao, Jiraiya suddenly caught his spirit. Isn't he working so hard just for Sister Yao?What if Sister Yao sees that his immortal mode is so disgusting and doesn't give him whoring?

  "Okay! I'll listen to your boss!"

  Jirai, who came to the spirit, also directly left Miaomushan behind.


  In the early morning of the next day, Monet left the camp with his three younger brothers. Since it was to get close to nature, the first thing to do is to calm down and integrate into nature.

  In a canyon in the Land of Rain, in a clear lake, Jiraiya, Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru stood naked inside, and Jiraiya, who was caught in the middle, looked very ashamed, no matter which angle he looked at. He is the youngest, so shameful.

  "If you're really embarrassed, I'll give you a different horse button."

  The snake brother said calmly.

  "Can it be changed?"

  Zilai's eyes lit up.

  "I advise you not to change, Lord Jiraiya, you have to think this way, if you change, will you be sleeping with Sister Yao or a horse..."

  "It's small, but at least it's your own, yes."

  Hatake Sakumo understood this very clearly, and quickly persuaded him.

  What are you talking about, it's not you who are short-sighted!

  Jiraiya glared fiercely at White Fang's crotch.

  "Okay, be quiet, since you all want to learn immortality, then you have to follow what I say."

  Monet, who was standing on the shore, coughed and entered the topic. Tsunade was going to come today, but can he show his sister to others?Certainly not. Besides, the two of them have treated each other frankly a lot, and they will teach her the same when the time comes.

  And he is only in the experimental stage, whether it can be successful or not is a matter of fact, in other words, they are now laboratory mice, and they are contributing to the great renaissance of mankind...  

  Monet understands that if his vision is correct and can be successful, then the so-called celestial arts are no longer synonymous with the Three Holy Lands!

  Thinking of charging into battle with a bunch of ninjas who can master the magic... What a feat!

  In the original book, neither Snake Brother nor Sakumo have immortal skills, Snake Brother can't enter that state, Sakumo has no chance, now is the time for him to break the routine!

  "Okay! The first step, no distractions! Fantasy pretend to be a puddle of water and merge with this river! Give me a sense of fairy chakra and natural energy."

  Monet said solemnly.

  "Boss, this process is not right, in Miaomu Mountain..."

  Jirai also began to deny it with some doubts, but before he finished speaking, he saw Qianshou Monet's sharp eyes.

  "Put away your hippie smiling faces, do you think I have nothing to do in my spare time and play house with you?"

  "Let me tell you, as my subordinate, if the strength is too rubbish and is surpassed by others, it will be my face!

  "I earn my face, I have a lot of chakra, but if you disappoint me, I will consider substitutions." 5.8

  After pressing it with a cold face, Monet directly entered the fairy mode, the huge chakra directly covered the entire lake, and the natural energy began to come alive. The so-called medium has been completed!

  Hearing Monet's words, the three of them became completely serious. They understood that Monet's Thousand Hands was not on a whim, and they were not accompanying the prince to study, they were using their own experience to teach the younger brother!

  Not everyone has this opportunity to feel the natural energy so easily, and they have the opportunity that others can't even think of, so why not work hard?

  Closing their eyes, the three of them began to experience everything around them.


  First more. .

The [-]st chapter still has a character avatar! (Second more)

  The so-called natural energy is a certain kind of gas that Mother Earth emits when she is bored, but it is obvious that this kind of gas has mutated unwillingly, and after absorbing it, it can actually give ninjutsu a powerful improvement.

  When all of Monet's chakras were integrated into the lake, the huge natural energies converged, and some cute little animals around showed up one after another. In their eyes, these people were no different from stones.


  "Is it tasty?"

  Curious endings are generally tragic, and the small animals were brutally murdered and turned into food for Monet and others to beat their teeth.

  After a morning of practice, the three of them did not feel tired, but were in good spirits.

  Man himself is produced by the mother earth, and her nutrients are absorbed, which is the welfare of man.

  "good to eat."

  Jiraiya snorted and bit off the rabbit's egg and burped in relief.

  "Monet-kun, I seem to have made some progress."

  Snake brother put down the bastard shell and suddenly said.

  "Come on, say it and share 19."

  Monet nodded and said, according to talent, Snake Brother is considered to be the strongest among these people. Sakumo is different from Jiraiya Snake Brother. He is strong in swordsmanship. When Chakra and swordsmanship are combined, he can take off completely. .

  "At first, I just felt my body was warm, and some things came in, but those things seemed to be transforming my body, and even for a while, I felt that I even became the water in the lake and flowed into the distance. "

  Snake brother's eyes are bright, he has never experienced this kind of cultivation method, and it is a brand new field for him who is keen on research.


  Monet smiled slightly. Sure enough, even if there is no toad oil, this method of gathering natural energy to forcibly absorb it is also correct. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is that when the natural energy absorbs too much, the body explodes and dies.

  There is a limit to how much natural energy each person can absorb, so the next process is to realize how much one’s own bucket can hold.

  This process is more critical, and if you are not careful, you may die.

  After all, it belongs to Mother Earth, and if they don't give it, they can't be robbed.

  Cultivation officially entered the rhythm, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  On this day, Monet was still rhythmically controlling the operation of the immortal chakra. After three days of manipulation, he probably knew how much natural energy the three of them could incorporate. He would be much more at ease if he had the bottom line. Three immortals will be added.


  At this moment, the Mu Dun clone who was exactly the same as Monet in the distance ran over, panting.

  "You won't commit suicide if something happens? Have to run this far?"

  It's not right, this is not in line with the character of his clone.

  "Oh shit, I forgot if you didn't say it."

  Mu Dun's avatar's temper also came up and slapped his face fiercely, and then disappeared completely.

  "Sure enough, it's Lao Tzu's avatar, with a very prominent personality."

  Monet rubbed his face and analyzed the situation painfully.

  Well, it has been three days since Sanleizi was put back, and he lived up to expectations. After Sanleizi returned, he was not busy with investigations, but took out supplies from the village and sent them to Konoha. This time he personally escorted them. , with no surprises.

  And after three days of investigation, it seems that Sanleizi has locked in who did it.

  Although the battle scene of the material troops was destroyed, he still found clues, water escape ninjutsu!

  Fog Hidden Village!

  Similar to Qianshou Monet's guess, the only one who can make time for such activities at this time is Wuyin Village!

  The situation became complicated all of a sudden. The village of Hidden Mist, which had not been moving in the second Ninja World War, had to join in. Monet couldn't figure out whether the third generation of Mizukage had his head squeezed by the door to make such a decision.

  The Land of Water is the farthest from the Land of Rain. During this period, you have to pass through the borders of the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire. If you take action, you are sending meat to Yunyin Village and Konoha!

  So it was very straightforward. San Leizi didn't even think about going back and declared war with Wuyin Village. After all, it was also a happy person. The three generations of Raikage directly retreated all the troops guarding the country of rain. They rushed into the country of water and wanted to find a place. , the war between the two big ninja villages is imminent.

  Touching his chin, Monet wondered if he wanted to fish in troubled waters. Speaking of which, after he tossed the Wuyin Village last time, the annual tribute materials written in the treaty didn't get delivered.

  "Oh my grass!" 943

  At this moment, Jiraiya in the lake suddenly screamed and his body was still liquefied, and the originally small job was about to break down.

  "The Immortal Technique! The art of slapping and sobering up!"

  After snapping his fingers, a big invisible hand slapped Jiraiya's face fiercely. After being attacked, Jiraiya finally woke up.

  "I said, you are too unprofessional, no wonder it takes a month to take the shortcut from Toad's side."

  Monet looked at Jiraiya speechlessly, this kid is really stupid, but that kind of insight is rare in others.

  "Fairy Mode!"

  "Hatake Swordsmanship! A flash!"

  Surprisingly, Hatake Sakumo was the first to succeed in the end!

  In immortal mode, his hair turned pure green, as attractive as green grassland, and his knife was even sharper. After a flash, the entire lake was cut in half!

  "It's so green!"

  Jiraiya swallowed his saliva and said with admiration.


  Second more.

Chapter [-] The war resumes! (third more)

  Qianshou Monet was really surprised by this bright green hair. He didn't expect Hatake Sakumo's immortal mode to be so powerful!

  "Hokage-sama! I succeeded!"

  Jumping out of the lake excitedly, Hatake Sakumo was very excited with his emerald green hair.

  "Well, I see it."

  Monet swallowed his saliva. He didn't know how far White Fang, who had learned to use the celestial technique, Chakra, to use the sword technique would go. In four words, the future can be expected.

  "Fairy Mode!"

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