Half an hour

Half an hour to go.

The loess, who sat down like everyone else, ate dry food and looked at the rest of the people who were just like himself. In his heart, he was filled with mixed emotions of excitement, resentment or ecstasy.

That little monster!

Then, with the depression of his emotions, he could not help but flash scenes of blood. The sound of panic and scream seemed to reverberate in his ears.

Damn it!

Damn it!

A little bit bit of bite, a wisp of killing intention, slowly from the Loess corner of the eye eyebrow escaped to open.

As the son of the three generations of Tu Ying, Huang Tu and Tu Ying of the third generation have different temperaments when they are young. They are gentle and steady. They always have a mild but slightly serious expression. Even in the position of commander, they command extremely important battles.

I'm afraid it's the first time for him to show his murderous expression.

It can be imagined that the picture in his mind, that is, the previous campaign of encircling and suppressing Chiba was so tragic.

Yan Yinfang's tragedy!

Damn it!

Damn it!


his teeth clenched, recalling that scene, the heart of the Loess only this voice of dark scolding.

One person and five thousand people, they lost so many people!

But the Chiba Taki survived and escaped. Finally, they had to give up chasing him!

This unwilling anger, as well as the frustration that can no longer be frustrated, lingers in the heart of the Loess and can only be suppressed.

At this time, he was about to carry out a desperate task, but he did not even dare to count the number of people.


I dare not!

He did not dare to count the number of people. He was afraid that he would increase his sense of frustration. He was afraid that he would fall into boundless self reproach and self doubt, and finally he could not command the battle.

For an hour and a half ago, relying on the assignment of tasks and all kinds of thinking, he left this sense of frustration and the tragic scene of previous battles behind him. Now, when he is free to take a rest, the images and frustrations are surging up. The habit of self reflection formed in daily life has automatically turned.

He had to face the tragedy and the frustration of mixed emotions.

To tell you the truth, Huangtu has been calm. If you were any other person in Yanyin, let alone a very important task of wisdom, I'm afraid that he had already been defeated and hit to the verge of mental collapse, and even a little weak willed person might have collapsed.

After all, five thousand people besieged one person, which not only destroyed the perception of Ninja, but also killed and injured many people. Finally, he was cheated by the shadow part of the person. He did not know how much useless work he had done and how many mistakes he should not have made. His plan also had a great impact on the next plan.

Otherwise, if the perception of Ninja is alive, they have now rushed into the Muye front-line army, killing the unprepared Muye army.

If that man had not been delayed all night, I am afraid that the Muye front-line troops would have been wiped out by now.

All this is his fault. He should not even use the large forces to encircle the little monster. Instead, he should send 30 or 50 people to hold him down and attack Muye.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Now think about it, I am too attached to this little monster, and the reason why I cling to this little monster is because I am afraid of him!

Because of fear, I lost the overall view, and those who lost their sense had to surround and kill him. In fact, in this battle, there were many times when I could retreat with my whole body. No, I didn't. I could take the opportunity to drag this monster and continue to carry out the plan without affecting the overall situation!


It shouldn't be!

With the flash of the picture in the brain, with all kinds of introspection in the heart, loess closed his eyes, frowned tightly, and took a deep breath.

However, next, you should calm down and calm down. Now is not the time to blame. The plan still has no impact. Everything is in our plan. As long as there is no accident in the next step, there will be no problem.

No problem at all.

Annihilating the Muye army is also the greatest consolation to the dead comrades in arms. When the Muye army is completely destroyed, the little monster can taste the taste of despair!

At the time of the peace talks, even if this little monster escapes our army, it will never escape our sanctions as a victorious nation!

Whether he died in this battle or not, he will die in the end!

With the cold air inhaled into his nose and into his mind, the mixed feelings of anger, self blame, guilt and other negative emotions in the Loess heart gradually calmed down and was temporarily abandoned by him.

As for when to forget these failures, I'm afraid that even if the punishment of the little monster can not be eliminated, these failures, like scars, will accompany his life."Lord loess, contact us from the front battlefield headquarters!"

At this time, the perception contact of Ninja, who keeps in touch with the transit station in a little distance, suddenly comes, with a sense of anxiety in his words.

"Say it

Hearing this, the loess has no reason to jump in the heart, suddenly stood up.

"The logistics camp of the headquarters has been broken! The supplies are all burned down... "

See the appearance of loess, intelligence Ninja is almost "Gudong" a, swallow mouth saliva, just carefully with the perception of communication opening way..


Hearing this, loess almost exclaimed.

What's the concept of the headquarters logistics camp? It's 70% of the army's logistics supply storage area, which is clearly a knife in his heart.

What does it mean that 70% of the logistic supplies are gone, let alone him, anyone here knows.

"What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

"Got in touch with headquarters?"

And at this time, looking at the sudden stand up yelling loess, the rest of the rock hidden people, look at the loess, and look at the intelligence ninja, whisper.

"News The news comes again... "

And this moment, intelligence Ninja's face, "brush" once, suddenly white, pale!

The words of perception communication ring out again from the heart of loess.

What's the bad news?

Seeing the Ninja's face, loess's face also turned white. In the faint, a kind of extremely ominous premonition, like a raging wave, engulfed all the astonishment and worry in his heart, and occupied his whole mind in an instant.

"News from the supply line..."

At this time, perception communication rings again, intelligence Ninja's gnawing tone, mixed this at a loss, a series of rings in his heart.


Hearing this series of perceptual communication, the original pale loess, eyes suddenly pedal round, face suddenly pale.

"What's the matter? The yellow man

"This? Is something wrong? "

"What's going on?"

At this time, seeing his commander's face changed suddenly, Yanyin ninjas stood up one after another, looked at each other with a puzzled look.

"Poof! "

and just then, the sound of a heavy object falling over these vague whispers made a heavy noise.

"Lord loess!"

At the same time, the rest of the rock hidden people at the same time exclaimed. In surprise, all the staff rushed up in panic, and instantly surrounded the place where the Loess stood.

ChiYan has already crouched down anxiously, reaching out and driving away, as if to help something.

"No Plan to cancel Plan to cancel Let's go to the front battlefield The battlefield ahead... "

And at this time, pale face, empty eyes looking at the sky, lying on the ground of the Loess so staring at the eyes, murmuring mouth.

"It's over It's over It's all over... "

Then, it is his speech is not clear, the edge of the delirium.

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