How How

How How could this happen?

Unexpectedly Unexpectedly

Looking at a face curious Shaxi, Chiba's stiff face, the corners of the mouth slowly twitch up.

Lose Miscalculation!

The eyes bit by bit glanced back, Qianye's teeth, unknowingly, have been tightly bitten up, the expression on the face seems to be cast into what a big mistake the same regret color.

This Is this the legend of a thousand misgivings?

At this time, the moment of regret floating, his eyes touched those papers that he had written for several days. "Gudong" sound, biting Chiba, couldn't help swallowing.

No Don't you understand?

Unexpectedly, even missed such a point!


It's over!

This point should have been missed, so next, my abacus, is not all failed!

Looking at the pile of thick paper with handwriting, Chiba suddenly had an impulse to howl.

"What's the matter? Brother Chiba, you look very bad

But at this time, Shaxi seems to find out the difference of Chiba, and she doesn't pay attention to her question any more. The smile at the corner of her mouth also slightly converges and asks Chiba.

"No No, it's OK. I just think of something. I need to be alone. Go and help you squeeze juice from sister Heyin. "

For Shaxi's question, Chiba did not turn his head, but raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the "aggressive" sound.


As soon as this was said, not only Shaxi, but also Cheng and Ying's ears stood up. As soon as the "gloomy" and "timid" appearance was changed, the whole person gathered together and almost hugged Chiba's thigh: "you say, sister Heyin is making juice!"

"Yes, go and help

Chiba answered absentmindedly.

"Wow! Excellent! I have juice today! Great

"Come on, come on, let's help!"

"So happy!"

Hearing the sound of Chiba, the children directly turned around and ran, while running and jumping. The silver bell like laughter passed along with their jumping posture.

"Bouncing and bouncing..."

Then in the three small feet to the ground sound, "pa" a sound, the door was thrown, completely closed.

When the three children left, they did not forget to close the door.

How What should I do?

When the door was closed, Chiba hugged her head with both hands, and her eyes were filled with despair.


How I forgot!

These children are struggling on the edge of war, and they are all civilians. In the background of this world of fire and shadow, the villages of civilians are just like Japan in ancient times. It's normal for them to be illiterate and educated!

Why, why, just missed such an important point!

Can't read!

What's the use of writing these things!

Can't read!

At this moment, Chiba's mood is broken. Everything that was originally planned, the original perfect departure plan, because of "illiterate", was completely broken.

Yes, that's right. What Chiba has been writing is one of the conditions for him to leave safely.

An overview of the nature and morphology of chakra

On the use of Ninja

On the feasibility and basis of tactics

An overview of simple Kundun Ninja

An overview of simple water escape Ninja

Advanced application of hand fencing

Part of Huodun Ninja seal outline

Part of fengdun Ninja seal outline

The significance and importance of physical training

Introduction and detailed explanation of medical knowledge


The contents recorded in the pile of paper flashed in his heart. Chiba was not only in a state of mind but also in his brain.

Originally, the third step of the plan was to enable the orphans to obtain certain self-protection ability. The final stage of the third step was to teach the children a certain amount of evasion, tactics and theories, and to teach them one of the fundamentals of Ninja, the basis of chakra's change in nature and form.

Let them in their own no longer the case, also can rely on these foundations, constantly become stronger, until they have a certain degree of self-protection, and even derive stronger strength.

These children are pure and good-natured. Even if their partners die in front of their own eyes because of the war, they are not blackened, or they are disappointed with the future and others, and still want to help others. Chiba is not worried that they will act recklessly after gaining strength.

Moreover, although it is not in accordance with the regulations of Muye, what he teaches is the most basic and most common thing. Even if Muye finds out that there are children who master chakra and Ninja besides this small group of ninjas, he can not be contacted.Moreover, these children are not stupid, and understand that there are some things that can not be taught. Otherwise, when they know that they want to teach them chakra, they will not be so surprised, but will be blindly happy.

Therefore, Chiba is quite at ease.

It's just, now everything has no meaning!

There's no point in it!

The children can't read!

What's the use of his writing!

These things written about chakra and Ninja, and even the foundation of swordsmanship and body skills, are completely waste paper.

The children don't understand at all!

No matter how much, how detailed, no matter how easy the text is!

In other words, Chiba made a mistake. No, it should be said that he made a big mistake. It is absolutely taken for granted.

I didn't think of a key premise at all.

Since he wrote these things, since they are written down, we must consider whether the readers can understand them. If you can't read, you can't understand, then everything is meaningless, and writing is in vain!

Even, he actually thought of this problem, afraid that these children could not understand, so he specially used a kind of easy to understand sentence to write everything.

Seriously, that's what he did.

After all, it's very hard to write sentences that children can understand from the perspective of their understanding ability. It requires a certain ability to think about whether children can understand.

At least, the people who write these knowledge must be at a certain height in their understanding of the knowledge, otherwise, they can not express it clearly.

Moreover, in the choice of words and sentences, also need to spend a lot of thought, even Chiba most of the mind spent on the choice of words and sentences, write deep, or habitually quote some terms, then children may not understand, must use simple and popular words to accurately express the meaning, otherwise, it is not popular, can not understand. If it is not accurate, it will make mistakes and will not achieve the effect.

Although Chiba's standard is up to the standard, it is not used to such popularity in terms of words and sentences, which always costs a lot of mental effort.

Even, every two or three hours of writing, he was exhausted and couldn't write any more. He had to have a rest.

We can see the effort he spent on it.

But now, everything is in vain because of his negligence and unexpected. The feeling that he thought everything was ready, but suddenly found that a small mistake led to the total collapse, really made Chiba a little bit unable to recover, so that he almost howled with his head in his arms.

"It's over It's over... "

At this moment, Chiba slowly squatted down and looked at the stack of paper in front of her eyes

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