No pain Sword in hand

Well These are standard accessories, and they are the most common items for children.

It's right that there is no detonator. These children should not know the function of the detonator. Even if they do, I'm afraid they won't get it back. After all, they don't know how to make it explode. They probably don't appreciate it.

It should be.

Except for bitterness and sword in hand There are also bacon, which he Yin is good at. All the bacon balls are like military grain pills. Although they are not as effective as military food pills, they are full. Three or five can guarantee a meal.

All in all


Basically, I can persist until I go back to the village.

This bear bag is a bacon pill bag at all. Except for kuwu and the sword in hand, it is basically a bacon pill. There is nothing else!

Checking, Chiba couldn't help but smile bitterly.

However, this situation is better than bare handed. Although kuwuhe sword is the most common weapon, it is also an essential weapon. It has a wide range of uses. For Chiba, there will be more tactical choices.

Moreover, this forbearance bag is definitely the most reasonable tolerance bag that Chiba has ever seen. The contents of the same two big bags can almost catch up with the ones they took from the Muye armory. All kinds of interlayer are convenient and secret, and they are absolutely unique.

Such a craft Yuze doesn't have to sell arms at all Er, no, it's selling battlefield waste and furs. It's estimated that the harness bag can be sold out of stock.

Even with the skill of the bear bag, I'm afraid every village will be moved to find out the talents who can become ordnance producers in the future.

To this, Chiba couldn't help grinning.

In his mind, at this time, he could not help but flash, five shadows surrounded by harmony, all kinds of scenes of pulling people with candy.


But at this time, reexamination, did not miss anything Chiba, fingers suddenly a strange, suddenly found a sandwich.

"This is..."

Then, a very thin thing, like a cloak of grass green fur, was pulled out. It was nearly one meter five to one meter six, but it was the size of a thousand leaves.


In a flash, Chiba froze.

How can such a piece of fur be so thin that it can even be embedded in two palms

This, harmony, isn't it the descendant of the powerful character who made the forbearance which was not described in the original work?

In her hands, she can't really have the ancestral skill of making a forbearance!

At this moment, looking at the fur cloak, Chiba was really stunned. The handle and material showed that it was a fur, and it was the fur of the big wild boar with thick skin. I don't know what means harmony used to make it so thin that it can be folded into the bag. I don't know what means harmony used to remove the fur texture on it and dye it Grass green makes it look like grass.

This thing is simply made for Chiba to hide in the grassland or forest.

Although there is still rough work, it can be regarded as a hidden artifact in the night. Even if the door injury mode brings night vision ability, Chiba can not guarantee that the person hidden under the cloak can be found 100% in the grassland or the forest with luxuriant leaves.

It seems that I really don't have to worry about their livelihood!

They will really only cross the better!

However, after lengguo, Chiba is smiling, and then put on the bear bag, he did not hesitate to put on the grass-green fur cloak.

"Well, then, try it. Injury mode and injury mode are critical!"

Gently put on the cap of the cloak, only showing his eyes and the lower half of his face. Chiba slowly closed his eyes. In his consciousness, eight throttle gates and eight acupoints appeared in front of him.

First of all, the first door

Thinking, Chiba slightly took a breath, followed the eight door dunjia method, shut the door!


However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and the two words in his heart almost blurted out.

First door, open the door

Never move!


It can't be said to be motionless, it can only be said that after a slight gap has been opened, it is closed.

Open the door, fail!

How could this happen!

Then, Chiba closed his eyes and tried again, but this time, the gap opened a gap, and then closed it.

After that, again, it was the same failure.

Eight door dunjia, unable to use?


Can't open it?

At this moment, Chiba almost hit the branch next to him with one blow. He never thought that it was almost like an instinct to open the door. He even failed several times.It's like, eight door dunjia can't be used!

What's going on?

How could this happen?

For a moment, Chiba was a little flustered.

This is an incomprehensible physical condition. Generally speaking, the higher the body strength is, the more favorable it is for the eight door dunjia. Although the eight door dunjia is forbidden, it is not only powerful but also practical. Basically, as long as the body is not weak or injured to a certain extent, it will never happen that the door cannot be opened.

But now, Chiba is not only not weak, not only healthy, but also physically stronger than ever. In this case, let alone unable to open the door, even if it was the Du men mode that could barely bear the load before, or even the state of Du men that could not be loaded, they could carry a good load.

Can't open the door?

With the body of Chiba now, it's impossible!

Now, most of Chiba's strength relies on the eight gate mode. It can be said that the eight door dunjia can not be used and the door can not be opened. Basically, 90% of Chiba's strength is limited.

This is definitely a blow!

Especially at this critical moment!

"Tut! Sure enough, there will still be such a small episode, not so smooth, not so smooth ah

However, this time, Chiba was just a little flustered. After being flustered, Chiba soon calmed down and even vomited a little relaxed.

The body has been strengthened unprecedentedly, but also some things have been temporarily taken away by the law of "gain must lose"!

The feeling of "undeveloped" also includes the fact that the eight door dunjia has been beaten back to its original form?

Sure enough, my body, if I go back, must find several trusted doctors and experts to study together.

Watanabe and Lily can be trusted, and their attainments in this field are not bad.

There are also several in the hospital, although not have medical ninja, but have rich medical knowledge of friends, also trustworthy.

The top priority is to go back to the village!

Fortunately, we don't need eight gate mode to achieve the speed faster than before.

Let's go!

Don't think about it, don't hesitate!

But at this moment, in his heart, there is a kind of "I know that it will not be so simple to give me so much reinforcement" idea.


Just as the thought flashed, the thousand leaves in the grass green cloak disappeared in place.

After that, there is a grass green figure which seems to blend into the grass wave, flying past, leaving a long grass green wake.

All the way

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