"I know."

Leaning on the bamboo pole, Chennai hesitated, and slowly stood up, and after standing up, he nodded and said.

Then, he left in the sound of a bamboo rod.

Sorry, Cheney.

What I said next, unlike what I said yesterday, I can't let you know the real situation of naixu until you are not sure you have accepted the death of naixu.

Seeing Chennai hiding in the dark, the sound of bamboo pole hitting the ground is getting farther and farther until it disappears. The thousand leaves gently sip their lips, and the heart is full of apology and turn around such an idea.

His behavior of such a kaixuenai is very unfair to Chennai, and it is normal for Chennai to be angry about it.

After all, Hongyan is not only his best friend, but also chenai's best friend. Even, in the half year since he was not here, chenai has been taking care of Hongyan and forcing him to eat, so that he can live. Compared with himself, chenai has paid much more than himself in the past half year.

Now, as soon as he comes back, he will open her up, talk to Hongyan alone and try to save Hongyan. This is actually a bit of excessive.

However, thousand leaves have to do so. The death of naixu is not only a harm to Hongyan, but also a great harm to chenai. In this matter, he must deal with it. Otherwise, it is possible that when he persuades Hongyan, chenai will have problems.

Now he can't afford to bear another thing.

He, in fact, is a little bit of a mess.


And thinking of this, he took a deep breath, slowly spit out, heart of apology, and the upcoming face of Hongyan's fear of the pressure, back to the body, to see the front door of the closed room.

At this time, his eyes also slowly adapted to the darkness, how many can see some outline.

Next, follow the plan

At the same time, the moment his eyes fell, his heart was flashed through such an idea, and with the thought passing, his lips were slightly open, a "Hongyan" would blurt out.

"You, come back."

However, at this time, in the moment when he said it had come out of his throat, and was about to be turned into a voice, the door suddenly sounded a familiar and unfamiliar voice.

Familiar with the voice is the master, strange is the voice of the hoarse, and the tone of the heavy mood, that haggard tone.


Hearing this, thousand leaves almost tremble, the words at that mouth are also born in there, but the mouth is only silent.

Speak first!

At this time, his head is blank, he thought of a lot of possibilities, Hongyan many kinds of reactions, but, only now, he did not think.

Hongyan first opened his mouth, and it sounded haggard. Although hoarse, although he could feel his heavy heart with this tone alone, he was quite peaceful and even a little rational greeting.

Moreover, there seems to be a slight warmth in the hidden.

As if, just he came back, can let Hongyan open up.

Moreover, Hongyan's peaceful and rational greetings also surprised thousands of leaves. Originally, he thought that after all this, Hongyan must be different from his cognition in the torment of killing the beloved by himself. Even if not his temperament changed greatly, he should be less than poor.

However, from this familiar and unfamiliar words, thousand leaves feel, clearly still that Hongyan.

In terms of character, I don't feel too big abnormality, and nothing becomes cold, self-reliance and so on.

This situation, is completely unexpected, and he did not expect a good situation.

"Well I'm back. "

And a series of thoughts in the heart pass, thousand leaves in a moment, in a slight breath, so the natural response.

Anyway, the situation now should be the best scenario to expect.

It's better than the worst!

Among words, thousands of leaves of the heart, is a flash of such an idea.


Then, after this sound, the door hoarse spread such a sentence, although the tone is still haggard with heavy, but this sentence, thousand leaves feel that sincere.

Hongyan, is sincerely congratulating him.


But hearing this, thousand leaves slightly Leng, although Hongyan sincerely congratulates him, but he does not know why Hongyan congratulates him, plus see Hongyan's present situation, he also gave a half tone, a little relaxed, now also talk off.

"Assistant agent of fire shadow."

Qianye this question, inside Hongyan soon replied.

Obviously, he knew that thousand leaves took the post of fire shadow assistant agent.


For this, thousand leaves Leng a moment, suddenly understand something in the heart, now Hongyan, before, may not be his current contact with this appearance.Miss jiuxinai?

Or Chennai?

In his mind, such a question flashed through his mind.

"Why don't you tell me about it, eyes?"

However, Chiba also a little bit confused, and did not go further, or put aside for the time being. After all, there are more important things now.

After skipping the matter, he opened his mouth and brought the subject to his original plan.

No matter how much Hongyan's performance makes Chiba feel at ease, the darkness brought by naixu's death must have been in Hongyan's mind. It's not to say that because he came back today, he came back from the dead, and Hongyan didn't show any abnormality, which meant that he was really OK.

Chiba knows the weight of Hongyan in his heart and his weight in Hongyan's heart. Now Hongyan's performance can't be ruled out because he came back from the dead. Hongyan's care for him, because of his mood, shows this way.

The plan should be implemented or implemented.

In any case, the darkness of naixu's death, this hatred, there should be vent, or there should be vent.

Although it is not sure whether Hongyan still has feelings for his brother, even if he has feelings, he should take his brother as the vent point and vent outlet, even if he is to guide Hongyan to abandon his feelings for his brother!

The words, Chiba heart is also slowly began to leave aside some because of taking care of Hongyan mood and some of the mood is not conducive to the original plan, a little cold up.

"Eyes Eyes? "

And after this sentence, the door is Hongyan that slightly some Zheng God's words.

Entry point situation, as expected!

Hearing this, Chiba's face slowly became serious, and his fists also slowly grasped.

Next, there must be no deviation!

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