So, the next step is yuzhibo Xinyan!

After touching the relatively new bookshelf, Chiba moved slowly and began to walk all the way in. She frowned at the books on the bookshelf that were getting older and older, as well as the signs indicating the year gradually appearing on the shelves.

According to Nai Xu's story, yuzhibo Xinyan should be in Hongyan

In his mind, he infers the year of yuzhibo Xinyan's rebellion according to naixu's narration.

Then, after walking for a while, he stopped by two bookshelves with the same code, and frowned deeply.

So many things happened in the year of yuzhibo Xinyan's rebellion? After

stopped, as like as two peas, the Chiba looked back at the two bookshelves.

In other words, four bookshelves have been put in this year's events!

Chiba is also the first time to see such a situation along the way. The four bookshelves are eight times of the year when he saw the least things, and twice as many years as he saw except this year.

This year should be regarded as the year with the most things happening in the leaves of trees.


I remember that this year is also calm, no big things happened!

How come the number of files seems to be something earth shaking?

Can it be said that the mutiny of yuzhibo Xinyan caused such a big reaction from Muye?

Frowning, Chiba raised her head and stood on tiptoe. She took a scroll from the top of the bookshelf and photographed the dust on it. She was suspicious and looked at it.

And as it looked, Chiba soon sank in.

One volume, two volumes One bamboo slip, two bamboo slips One book, two books

Looking at it, Chiba frowns more and more tight.

No No,


Just a few words?

When Chiba browsed all the books on the four bookshelves and estimated three hours later, his face became very ugly.

As for yuzhibo Xinyan, there is only a summary of "killing the genius of the same clan, betraying and escaping from the village that night, and disappearing", followed by some personal information about him in the village. Moreover, whether it is school achievements or personal strength, even writing lunyan, it is very common. It can be said that he is a member of the yuzhibo people who can not be standardized.

In terms of strength, although they are more powerful than ordinary people, they are quite ordinary members of the yuzhibo clan, even less talented.

This information is similar to what Nai Xu told him, and the judgment recorded in the record about "suspected jealousy sneaks in and kills the genius's best friend" seems very natural. Chiba, who knows the secret of writing lunyan, can even come up with several more natural reasons.

For example, in addition to jealousy, the bastard may have learned about the evolution conditions of writing lunyan from some channel. Jealousy combined with strong desire killed his best friend, Nai Xu's brother.

After all, it's no surprise that ninjas, who are ordinary in strength and have a close friend of dazzling genius, are eager to become stronger and even fall into darkness for this.

Kill the people and then rebel against the village. Naturally, there is nothing suspicious.

It can be said that from the records, this yuzhibo Xinyan is really ordinary. Ordinary people kill their best friends, ordinary people get kaleidoscope to write lunyan to satisfy their desire to become stronger, and ordinary defection can not tell the clue.

Or something else hidden in it.

There is no explosive point that Chiba wants. It can be said that it is an ordinary and extremely rebellious behavior.

Just, if he is just an ordinary Yu Zhibo, then why is his kaleidoscope wheel eye so powerful?

Naixu's Kaleidoscope pupil power is quite strong, in the kaleidoscope, may not be comparable to the weasel and Sasuke's excellent eyes, but it should not be far behind.

From the narratives of Nai Xu, although there is no clear indication, the lines are full of fear and even fear of yuzhibo's eyes.

This is completely above the pupil of Nai Xu's eyes, so that Nai Xu can have such a performance.

Although everyone has a qualitative leap after the opening of the kaleidoscope wheel eye, the eye and the eye are different. Even the ability of the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye still depends on the ability of the eye opener.

For example, Sasuke's and weasel's eyes are excellent eyes. They can unlock not only the monthly reading, the sky light, but also the Su Zuo Neng. The ability of Sasuke to unlock is not all kaleidoscopes. Sasuke's flamboyant Dun has the ability to change shape. The weasel's attainments in fire escape are very high, and his sky light is also very high Strong.

It can be seen that the ability of kaleidoscope depends on the eye opener.

Sasuke and weasel are both geniuses. There is no doubt that ban naturally needs to say that he has soil in his heart. Even if he has Ban's guidance and does not have enough talent, he can't become a strong man who can pick up the wood leaves by himself. It's needless to say that his youth has the name of instant water stop. What's the difference between his talent and talent?So, this yuzhibo Xinyan, no talent, no outstanding place, why open an eye, pupil force can be so strong?

Even if you are as good as Dai Tu, you have to be guided by such a task


Can't you?

Put down the last book, heart read electricity turn, Chiba's locked eyebrows suddenly picked.

This yuzhibo Xinyan

Is it also the yuzhibo clan selected by ban?

That's why we know the opening conditions of the kaleidoscope?

Even know the opening conditions of the eternal kaleidoscope?

This, in the original work, it seems that the weasel also learned from the spot the opening conditions of the eternal kaleidoscope!

No way!

Another one, Yu Zhibo, who was selected by ban?

With the provocation of eyebrows, Chiba's heart has been appalled, thinking of an unexpected possibility.

"Open Are you kidding? If this is the case, then why do spot still use the soil, with such a yuzhibo, why do they want to kill Lin? And black the soil? "

And think of here, Chiba emotional excitement, a series of doubts blurted out.


No way!

This is absolutely impossible!

Another selected Yu Zhibo?

I'm so whimsical.

Then, after this sentence, there is an instinctive veto.

This is too strange. If you have such a strong pupil power, and you have already got the eyes of my brother, you can basically say that you have the eternal kaleidoscope wheel eye, and the strength is enough to realize Ban's ambition. If this is the case, then why is Lin still dead as in the original.

Lin's death was intentional, in order to blacken the soil.

If there is this yuzhibo Xinyan, then why should we bring the soil to blacken? Ban, we have found a successor!

With Ban's standard, he can't help but know that two blackened yuzhibo are together, which may not be a good thing!

Moreover, as long as one spokesperson is on the line, if two spokesmen are used, it will be easier to show his horse's feet. Once people know that there are two spots, it will weaken the false image that he is still alive, which is not conducive to his plan.


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What's the matter with


After the veto, Chiba felt as if he was in a fog. Everything about yuzhibo Xinyan, he

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