"No Clues... "

After the Ninja left in the dark, he could not help but murmured at the wind and water gate. This time, his brow was tightly wrinkled and his pen holder was slowly put down.

His face was already full of sorrow.

At this moment, the new fire shadow, who is second only to the first generation of Huoying, is full of worries.

But, already worried to some uneasiness.

Yes, this moment of wave wind water gate, a little uneasy.

What made him uneasy was the incident about his "attack on the village Ninja" when Chiba came back. In that incident, Chiba was originally innocent, but it was because of the adverse misleading of Chiba in the newspaper that led to a very bad framing incident. Although, because of this time, there was no obstacle for Chiba to take up the post of fire shadow assistant However, as a fire shadow, he can not only consider the level of achieving his own goals.

He has to pay attention to something deeper.

Even this action to win over Yu Zhibo, a deeper thing, is also one of the reasons.

And this deeper thing, to him, is definitely the biggest threat at this stage.

In the information given to the fire shadow, no, not only the fire shadow information, but also the information to the village's senior leaders, can be added to the direction of slander. The figure who secretly framed Chiba can be said to control the village's intelligence system, or affect the transmission of information in the village.

As a ninja village, the importance of the information system is self-evident, even on the military system. It is basically one of the most important systems in the village. If you master the information system, you can basically say that you have mastered half of the village.

If the intelligence system is operated properly, this person can even control the actions of the fire shadow. After all, no matter what kind of decision or decree, the fire shadow is issued according to the intelligence. If the intelligence is manipulated, it is basically the same as that the fire shadow is controlled.

How can this not make wave wind water gate uneasy?

What's more, he is even more worried. What is even more shocking is that there is no trace of the intelligence against Chiba this time. Who added it, how it was added, or what the information was like, was originally framed, or later added, but it was impossible to find out.

In this regard, the intelligence network directly under his fire shadow seemed to be blindfolded by black cloth, and he could not see anything at all.

This makes the wave wind water gate have a kind of powerless feeling, and this kind of powerlessness, pressure in the heart of the wave wind water gate, sink like a huge stone.

Of course, Bofeng shuimen is not so afraid, but some people don't understand how the intelligence system can be infiltrated. Every village, no matter big or small, is always the most difficult to be invaded. The more powerful the village is, the less likely it is to be invaded.

Since the second generation, Muye has attached great importance to the intelligence system. He has spared no effort in the construction of the information system. The budget has no upper limit. Moreover, with the ability of the second generation, it can be said that the construction of the information system is extremely tight, which can be described as airtight.

At the same time, in the three generations after the second generation, they followed the second generation's policy of strengthening the construction of information system, and improved the information system from the perspective of onlookers and a ninja master, which can be said to be solid.

It is impossible for other villages to invade. There may be one or two talented spies who can mix into the intelligence system. However, according to the arrangement of the village intelligence system, even if they enter the information system, they can not enter the core system.

What's more, it can cover up the tracks so well that the intelligence units directly under the fire shadow can't find out why.

It's just incredible.

I'm afraid this is the first time since the village was opened.

It seems that this matter, perhaps I overestimated our intelligence system.

Now, it can be concluded that our intelligence system has been invaded, but it is unlikely that it was done by other villages, but by people in the villages.

This man is not only in a high position, but also knows the way of intelligence.

, and all the intelligence departments in the village have inserted their own lines. Moreover, they can hide the intelligence and misleading incidents. They are afraid of the deputy department, or even directly the intelligence officers.

Moreover, it is also possible that I have changed into the fresh blood of the intelligence department, and quite a number of them are already other people's people.

It's time to do this.

No more delays.

And think of here, wave wind water gate slowly serious up, eyes also twinkle out light sharp luster.


Then he was summoned.

"Yes, four generations of master Huoying!"

After that, there was another sound behind him.

Now, Captain, how many shadows are there? How many people, especially those directly under the intelligence service. "When he heard the response, he asked directly.

"At present, there are 1743 people directly under the shadow of fire, 300 captains, 971 intelligence officers and 150 captains."

He responded.

"Now, reliable captains have been identified, especially those directly under the intelligence service."

Smell speech, wave breeze water gate facial expression does not change, just ask again.

"During this period of observation, it has been confirmed that the background is clean. There are 293 reliable captains, 149 reliable captains in the intelligence department, and the remaining seven are still under investigation. No doubt has been found. It is preliminarily determined that all of them are reliable."

In response, there was a report from behind.

"Very good. More than 50 leaders from reliable intelligence departments and at least 100 leaders from directly subordinate units will be selected to take over the Intelligence Department of the village. I will check all members of the intelligence department, and if any suspicious person is found, he or she can be directly interrogated by the torture force to obtain the situation of the Betrayer at any cost. Now, the intelligence system Entering the first level of investigation, our intelligence department has been invaded. "

After hearing this, the wind and water gate nodded silently, and then, in a very serious voice, announced that the intelligence department had entered the investigation state.

Moreover, it is the highest level of investigation status.

"Yes Yes

And hear this one, after death obviously Leng for a while, but still very simply agreed to come down.

However, this dark part of the forehead, has already exuded sweat.

What a great event it is that the intelligence department has been invaded. As a secret department, if he does not know, it is really time to withdraw from the secret service.

It is worthy of Four generations of master Huoying

That's true. It's very vigorous!

But in his heart, it is to wave Feng Shui door of startle Fu meaning.

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