Sixty four teams of five people, except eight teams preparing sentry towers and necessary sentry posts in the camp, 58 teams have built more than 200 transit stations, and nearly two transport networks covering 1% of the forest area have been established

Well, it's faster than I thought!

I thought the transportation network could only reach one thousandth of the speed

It was so smooth.

He put the report scroll in his hand aside, while Chiba was sorting out a large number of empty scrolls bought from the village as well as the scrolls that had been filled with sealing technique. Such an idea flashed through his mind.

It was late at night, Chiba had returned to the camp from the cabin.

In addition, after coming out of the underground laboratory, Chiba originally went directly to the camp. On the way, it seemed to have thought of these seal techniques, and then went back to take the seal techniques that he had memorized before, and went to the village. He only had enough pens, ink, paper and inkstones to put them in the camp's office room. It was already ready for a long-term struggle.

"So you're going to do some research that you can't tell me, and then leave everything to me, and you'll stay here and camp?"

At this time, opposite him, Kakashi half squinted and looked at him discontentedly.

Just after submitting his report for three hours, the guy who came back with a big bag and a small bag looked at the report, seemed satisfied, nodded, and then said the words that made him extremely dissatisfied.

This guy is going to give himself the command of Ninja engineering team, and then he has to make something that says, "I can't tell you, but it's important."

and he is very willful in this office room.

To tell you the truth, Kakashi is very dissatisfied now. This guy's willfulness is completely beyond his expectation. When he first convinced his parents, he almost broke his leg and said that he dried his tongue, because this guy was hosting the event.

What's more, this exercise plan is also put forward by this guy. It's because of the reputation of the guy and the rationality of the exercise plan that the parents can trust their children to give them. It's just that the guy doesn't do anything here. If people know, this guy doesn't come here to make command, but to stir up other messy things.

It's a big question whether the ten day isolation period can be well spent.

"Well, yes!"

In this regard, Chiba nodded his head and looked up at Kakashi, especially casually.

"I said, do you really think that parents and teachers put students here because of the task. You don't care about things. You will definitely have an accident."

Hearing this sentence and looking at Chiba's casual face, Kakashi knew that Chiba had already decided and could not be changed. However, at first glance, there was nothing wrong with this matter, but there were many hidden dangers.

If there is any opinion from the parents, there is no way in the village. Maybe the children will have to go home. But now the possibility of invasion has not been ruled out. Things will not be easy. This guy's willfulness is a little too much this time.

"It's really important."

However, as soon as he said this, it was basically a statement of interest. He believed that what Chiba understood had no effect. However, this time, Chiba said it sincerely and seriously.

This guy, is there really anything more important?

When he heard this, he found that he was the one who was moved. At this moment, such an idea flashed through his mind.

Although Chiba's demands are capricious, he has never seen Chiba be so willful that he can't distinguish the priorities. In fact, with his understanding of Chiba, Chiba has always been prudent in his work. Some things seem to be out of line, but in the end, they are necessary things. He never does things that are inefficient.

Is it really something extraordinary here?

In order to do this, we have to put down the expansion plan?

However, he is just playing with some seal


Seal technique?

Is it a secret mission from Watergate?

This seal technique has always been a special technique, and it has a wide range of applications. Even some village secrets, the last or first level, is this seal technique.

Is it really what important, unspeakable secret mission?

Thinking of this, he has naturally turned such an idea in his mind.

"Ah Are you sure? "

When such a thought flashed from his heart, his dissatisfaction and worry slowly faded away. After a habitual sigh, he cleared his face and said.

"Ah, it's important. It's about my most important people."

In this regard, Chiba nodded heavily and said very seriously.Most important Who?

No, secret mission?

But when he heard this, kakassi was stunned. The inference in his mind was overturned instantly. He was not a fool. Instead, he was very keen. The most important person that thousand leaves said was still counted. Then, since it was for the most important person, it would not be a secret task.

Moreover, if it is a secret mission, Chiba will not say that here.

"Is it? I know, but if something really happens, I hope you will listen to my schedule by then. "

But, although it has nothing to do with secret missions, kakassi has no objection, but agrees.


But hear this, thousand leaves serious face, but hang a warm smile.

This guy, I know it's my private business, and it supports me

"Well, of course, the command has been given to you."

Then, thinking about this, the point of course.

"Then there is no problem."

Kakasi nodded, then turned slightly, and lay down and said, "well, I'll sleep first, you don't wake me up."

On the side of the desk, it was his floor. In order to save space, the two people were almost sleeping under the desk.

Several beds in this room are for the wounded.

"Ah, it's hard on you."

To this, a little bit, the head is lowered, eyes on the seal type scroll, began to sort out.

These seal techniques have begun to fade from his mind, and in some places, he needs to remember.

Otherwise, when I forget all, and then remember, it will take a long time to remember, and constantly deepen the memory, and repeated memories, is conducive to the permanent memory.

Now, this step is now his compulsory course every night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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