Sennai zhenshu, carrying vines, galloped all the way through the dense forest, followed by Chiba and Munei Jianren.

Just after the rest, Chiba has recovered, and muuchei has recovered some physical strength. Although the wound is still slightly painful, it feels like it should be OK.

"What should I do with the lush vines?" Murai Kenji looks at Mori Shinichi in front of him. He feels that his teacher has already made full efforts to run. However, he is not at full speed because he is carrying Tengmu Mao. It is obvious that Fujimori has pulled his teacher's retreat.

In fact, Fuji Mu Mao's performance, let him despise unceasingly, such an elite tolerance, promoted the village's elite class performance, is really ugly.

"Go back to the village and let three generations of adults deal with it after reporting the situation." Said Mr. mori.

"You want me to say, this guy killed four reinforcements..." The wood inside Jian person quite contains the anger to say.

However, in the middle of his speech, he was interrupted by sennai zhenshu: "I am also responsible for this matter. As a captain, I can't let my subordinates trust me. Finally, my subordinates made a serious wrong judgment because of mental pressure. I am disqualified as a captain."

Listening to Mori's words, Takeuchi frowned and said, "it's not the teacher's fault. Obviously, this jerk can only talk about it. It's worse than a student who hasn't graduated from Ninja school."

"Well, healthy man. After all, he is a partner of a village, and he has to be dealt with by three generations of adults. " Sennai, with his head slightly lowered, dodged a branch and said, "what do you think, Chiba?" Hearing Mori's words, Takeuchi frowned. He obviously felt that his teacher was too tolerant. If it was him, he could not help killing the laggard at that time.

When he turned to look at Chiba, he suddenly heard the sound of "bang". Chiba in the rear kept a thoughtful look. He bumped into the branch and the whole person stopped.

Such obvious branches can be hit by

A cold sweat, from Mu Nei Jian man's forehead, but he did not stop, just deflected his face, a "when I did not ask" look.

What a pain!

Chiba covered his forehead, and with one hand he grasped the sudden and horizontal branch. He turned over with the help of one hand and jumped several times to catch up with the two people in front of him.

This habit! It must be changed!

It seems to be getting more and more serious. Is it the reason why I have been training and thinking alone for the past two months? This state of thinking seems to be more serious, this state of thinking is more and more focused, even the branches did not escape.

Chiba covered his head and wrinkled his brows. As for the question of the man, he didn't seem to notice it at all. At this time, he looked at the way in which kinren and Mori were buried in front of each other. He took a long breath and said to himself: they didn't seem to notice. It's OK, otherwise they would lose their face.

It's also Masai Kenji. In front of him, Chiba can't see his face. Otherwise, he will surely find that this scene has been completely and completely seen by Masai.

As for Chiba's thinking state just now, he was thinking about the application of medical ninja.

Just now, he has already mastered the knack of treating human body, which is thanks to the fact that he found lily seed the day before departure, and asked about the points for attention and tips for treating human muscles.

Lily did not expect that Chiba even learned medical ninja, such a dazzling genius even learned medical ninja, to become a medical ninja. It surprised her. Chiba's oneness and Ninja's cooperation, she also saw clearly when she took the exam. This is definitely a great genius, a child only seven years old!

Later, when there was no public final test in the Zhongren exam, she heard that Chiba was brilliant again. She controlled the whole experiment with tactics that she had experienced so many battles that she could not imagine. Undoubtedly, Chiba was the first in the whole test.

Generally speaking, such talents will surely become the mainstay of the village in the future. Although medical ninjas are scarce and important, Chiba's genius is a bit wasted when it is put into the medical Ninja Team.

After all, whether carrying out a mission or a war, we need the existence of a critical force. This is the most important one. The most fundamental factor determining the victory or defeat is not the logistics medical service, but the offensive strength. Otherwise, no matter how good the logistics medical service is, it will not win.

Of course, it is not to say that logistics medical care is not important, at least a little bit.

And Chiba, no doubt, is more suitable for the hard work, or it would be a waste of his talent.

However, baibaibaizi felt incredible and pitiful, but after all, she was a disciple of her good friend jiuxinnai, and Chiba's sincere request made her unable to refuse. Finally, she told Chiba some tips for treating the human body. However, she did not expect that one lecture would increase half an evening in the afternoon, which led to a direct disruption of work and rest of Chiba, and eventually she was late for the task on that day.

However, from baibaibaizi, Chiba has also benefited a lot. It is entirely due to Lily's explanation that night that the healthy person of Munei can be cured.

But just now, Chiba is thinking repeatedly about his only one case of treatment process, trying to learn the most experience from the process of curing Munei Jianren, and connected with some other aspects of Lily's treatment theory.Then, thinking about it, I fell into a trance, and then I ran into that branch.

Chiba covered his forehead and grinned bitterly, but his brain did not stop turning.

Next, go back and you can develop the injury gate mode. Since you can cure healthy people, with these experiences, there should be no problem in the treatment of muscle injury in the injury door state.

This time, Yunren even dealt with Muye village like this. I'm afraid that the war is not far away, and even will directly lead to war. The development of this injury mode must be put on the agenda.

However, it always feels strange that Yunren's action was not caused by shayin village? But Yun yin?

It's impossible

Chiba frowned. At this time, he was very uneasy. He didn't know whether it was an illusion. Now he was walking through the forest, the sun was bright outside, and the forest was dark. Sometimes, he had the chance to penetrate through the cracks in the dense leaves and throw down beams of light. The light is good, too.

But Chiba always felt that behind him, there was a layer of cloud slowly pressing over, and when looking back, everything was as usual.

Now we must rush back to the village. Yunren's business is definitely not so simple. This strong man's plan is mostly to delay time and attract more attention from wooden leaves. It should be one of the real aims of yunyin.

And this real purpose, I always feel

Chiba frowns more tightly.

It will make me

Thinking of this, Chiba didn't think about it any more. Instead, he quickened his pace and kept up with Shinichi Mori and Kenji kimuchi. Just now, he felt that their speed had increased again.

Do they feel it, too? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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