I see. It's true!

It seems that I can infer the function of the remaining small part of the seal technique to the present level of knowledge accumulation.

The yellow tone and water quality feel of the ground, such as the wall inlaid with complex pipes, looks up at the seal on the huge copper door, and looks like the stars in his eyes. The seal technique on the seal is constantly decomposing, combining, decomposing and recombining in his eyes, which turns into knowledge that he can absorb and engrave in his mind.

However, I didn't expect that this huge seal technique can complete all my ideas with only seven or eight percent of the amount of seal technique. Even, there are some more choices to make my ideas more perfect and more possible to deal with.

Now it seems that the original thought of 10% is that I underestimate this sealing technique.

As the information in the brain is constantly transformed into knowledge, which is absorbed by him, his heart is filled with this emotion.

Chiba has been able to confirm that this is his last time to come to this seal space because he needs to memorize the seal technique.

He has mastered all the seal techniques needed to develop the seal technique of bird mantra seal in the seal cage, as well as the seal combinations that play an important role in the seal technique. Even now, what he remembers is beyond the seal skill combination he needs. That is to say, what he is looking at is extra, and now he has mastered it That's enough.

What's more, what he has learned now is only about seven to eight percent of the huge seal technique, which is not small error from his original estimate of one tenth.

Because of this, he can't imagine that only seven or eight percent of the knowledge contained in this huge seal technique can be developed. The bird mantra seal in the seal cage, which is called "no solution to the curse seal" in the tolerance circle, can be developed. The energy of this huge seal technique is unimaginable.

Before, Chiba just thought that this huge seal technique should be a seal like Yin seal system. The more the number, the more powerful it will be. However, judging from the number of seal techniques of this huge seal technique, Chiba just feels that the power is 100 times greater, or it can be estimated.

Then, he began to remember one tenth of the seal technique, especially when he touched the integration of the incantation and seal technique. He felt that the seal technique was like a vast ocean, and what he knew was just a drop in the ocean.

But now, on the basis of his understanding, when he looks at this huge seal technique, he can see nothing hundreds of times, nor can he see a vast ocean. What he sees is a bottomless abyss.

A bottomless abyss of knowledge.

This huge seal technique is the kind of seal that the more you know and the more knowledge you have, the more unfathomable the seal technique is.

Almost let him have a kind of, even if there is through welfare, a master of ninja skills, such things, but also can not learn all the knowledge contained in this seal.

Even, the knowledge of this huge seal which he could not imagine made him feel oppressed, as if facing a huge object.

Even this door, because of this sense of oppression, is even greater.

Is that all right?

After this, Chiba slowly closed his eyes, his head some swelling, some pain.

The limit of Ninja's talent and memory has reached.

Next, the seal technique in his eyes is no longer decomposed or combined. Everything is in the state of seeing what is. The seal technique is the seal technique, and the door is the door. There is no other information jumping out and imprinting in his mind.

Sure enough, continuous use, or continuous memory learning, will shorten the duration.

In this regard, after the arrival of the limit, Chiba no longer forced, but closed his eyes for a period of time, and, habitually, slowly sat down, sitting opposite the seal gate.

The water feeling of the ground, because he sat down, slowly waves.

Ninja talent

No, it's time to change the name.

Since it is the ability to master the ninja, physique, seal and so on, it is called instant memory.

This instant memory, should be uncontrollable talent, is equivalent to a passive skill. If you encounter something that you can't, as long as you have the relevant knowledge reserves in your brain, and these knowledge reserves can provide enough understanding, or you can use this knowledge to explain the things you can't see, such as ninja, physique, seal art and so on, you can learn them instantly.

The conditions, scope and depth of launching depends entirely on my knowledge reserves. As long as I have enough knowledge reserves, I can thoroughly understand the non blood inheritance limit and some Ninja forces that can't be learned through normal channels, and naturally learn.

And instant memory also has its limit. Reaching the limit will have side effects. The side effect is to completely affect the headache of thinking. However, to estimate this limit, I'm afraid that in conventional combat, even if the opponent releases hundreds or thousands of Ninja arts, I won't enter this limit. Only knowledge such as this fat seal technique and that terrible number of seal techniques will be quick Fast into the limit state.Although it is uncontrollable, the upper limit is very high, so don't worry about what will happen in the battle.

Instant memory, this should be in addition to the ultra-fine chakra control, really play the second through welfare.

It's a pretty scary ride through welfare.

After sitting down, Chiba did not completely enter the state of closing his eyes to relieve his headache and bloating. Instead, he tried to concentrate on thinking about some simple things.

For him, this side effect is also a good state of mind training. Every time he fights, he is almost exhausted. Basically, his mental state is the same as now, or even more depressed.

This is also to exercise the thinking ability under the mental limit state, which is actually very beneficial to future battles.

Of course, the process is very painful.

In this case, we should concentrate. Basically, every time we concentrate, we will magnify the pain and swelling. If we want to have more pain, we will have more pain, and we will have more pain.

However, since Chiba began to practice the eight door dunjia, he was basically in this state of facing difficulties. The more miserable and painful he was, the stronger his resilience was. Finally, he was able to stick to it.

So, according to these new seal techniques, it seems that about three feasible seal techniques can be added

Like now, concentrated, his thoughts, gradually spread out.

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