"Mi No, Payne, Yanyin's task has been completed. Because the other party canceled the task halfway, we can still charge 20% of the remaining half of the deposit as a commission. "

After hearing the short mouth of a man, he suddenly heard the name of a man's mouth and mouth, and then he heard the name of a man's mouth By the way, I also reported the results of the mission in Yanyin.

"Is it? Is the mission cancelled? I know, it's hard, Xiao Nan. "

Hearing Xiao Nan's words, the orange haired man, known as Payne, nodded and said.

"You can call me Miyan if you like."

At last, as if thinking of something, said the orange haired man named Payne.

But this time, in the tone, it is already with a little warm.

"No, Miyazaki is dead. It's Payne standing in front of me."

To this, Xiao Nan shook his head and said.

"I see."

On hearing this, Payne did not have much expression, just nodded, but his voice was slightly heavy. It sounded like a different kind of warm feeling.

"So is it important to call me back this time? Or something urgent happened. "

Looking at the very familiar face in front of her, the trace of miss in Xiaonan's eyes slowly faded away and said coldly.

"A lot of things have happened."

Penn closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"What happened?"

Seeing the expression of the orange haired man in front of him, Xiaonan frowns slightly and opens his mouth.

In the tone, already took a bit anxious.

"Dragon one, tiger iron, spring A party of five, confirmed dead. "

After hearing Xiao Nan's question, Payne was silent for a moment, then spoke with a heavy voice.

"Five? What's their mission? I remember, Long Yi and tiger iron are not set to take a day off? "

But hearing this news, Xiaonan's expression, which was not easy to adjust, suddenly changed. The question in his mouth was almost blurted out.

However, his question was not immediately answered by Payne.

Penn, standing in front of her, is silent.

A silent, gloomy face.

In an instant, an indescribable atmosphere of depression enveloped the whole cave.

"Why What's the matter? "

Seeing Penn's appearance in front of him, Xiaonan was stunned for a long time before he began to speak.


For the first time, Payne, that look!

It's absolutely a big deal!

In her heart, at this time, such a positive inference flashed through her mind.

"Green dragon."

But when he heard Xiaonan's words, Penn only revealed these two words, but his tone was extremely heavy. If he imitated the Buddha's light to say these two words, there was a heavy burden.

"Green dragon? What's wrong with Qinglong? Did you die in the war? "

In this regard, Xiaonan pupil suddenly a contraction, busy and asked.

"No, he defected."

Heard that, said Payne in a heavier voice.


But this word a, Xiaonan's face is big change, the sense of astonishment overflows in the words, but is a cry of surprise.

"Yes, Qinglong has defected. The dragon, one of them, is to pursue Qinglong, but they have not come back alive."

So says Payne.

"This Isn't it true? "

Hearing this, Xiaonan almost stepped back, his face full of disbelief.

How How is that possible?

Although Qinglong didn't know the origin, he accompanied us all the way through life and death. Without him, I, Miyan and even changmen might have died.

What's more, although Qinglong is powerful, the five of them are also


What's going on?

However, her heart is full of unacceptable. Although Qinglong is a newcomer, she has saved them several times. She is definitely a reliable person.

She could not think that such a person who had saved them many times and had been living and dying together would rebel.

Moreover, it can kill five people in the top ten of the organization.

"I don't know the specific reason. I only know that he has actually defected, and has been determined to break with the organization completely. At present, it seems to have appeared in the country of fire, and then, he has been lost. "

In this regard, Penn seemed to understand Xiaonan's surprise, let her slow for a while, then said."Is it? So, is this time to find out the reason, or should I go after Qinglong? "

Xiaonan, after all, is a character who has experienced great storms and waves. After a while, he also slowly slows down. Although he still has a lot of puzzles in his heart, since Penn in front of him has said so, then, that reliable partner is really a rebel. Now, the top priority is not surprising. But calm down. Since Penn said that, I'm afraid there is no need to doubt about the mutiny. What we need now is not to ask why, but how to deal with it.

"No, we can't spend more on him now."

Penn shook his head.

"It is true that nearly half of the members of the organization have died because of the sacrifice of the dragon and the capture of the regime of rain country. We need fresh blood now."

Smell speech, the last trace of surprise on Xiaonan's face, I can't believe it also slowly retracted, the face only that as usual light cold color, so said.

"Well, fresh blood is one thing. This time, I want you to come back for another thing."

And see Xiaonan also calm down, Penn knew it was time to talk about business, and now the first priority.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at Payne's serious face, Xiaonan was slightly stunned.

"Our new ally..."

On hearing this, Penn turned sideways and looked behind him, behind a rather huge stalactite from the bottom up in the cave.

Also in this side of the moment, a scarlet right eye, slowly in the shadow of the stalactite, opened.

Vaguely, it is a figure with both hands embracing the chest and leaning against the stalactite.

Is this the angel? I think I can give you some reliable information about Qinglong. "

And in time, the figure said.

"Yuzhibo, ban."

After that, the second half of Payne's words also dropped.

What what!

But this sentence falls, the small South is a Leng, pupil suddenly shrinks, although the face is still a light cold appearance, but in the heart is already set off a huge wave.

Yu Zhibo, ban?

That, yuzhibo, ban?

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