In the early morning of late autumn, less birds chirp in the past, only the morning fog in a quiet and peaceful, slowly spread and spread, with the rising sun, gradually dispersed and faded.

“…… That's what happened, captain

However, in one of the rooms in the courtyard where the mission was received, it was not as peaceful and peaceful as it was outside.

A strong already with some depressing atmosphere, hovering in this room, so that everyone in the room, are eyebrows light lock, face dignified.

"Yes I see. You go to rest first. It's hard. "

In this regard, the rock mountain with locked eyebrows took a look at the straight fighting power. The four ninjas who guarded them in front of them nodded and said.

In his words, he asked several people to go back to rest.

Sure enough

And his heart, is such a year.


At the command of their captain, who is also the ambassador of the whole mission, the guards responded quickly, exited their captain's room and went back to their rooms to rest.

Is this the way to lure the enemy?

When the guards left, Yanshan took a look at the various documents that had been rolled up on the table, and his locked eyebrows seemed to be a little tighter.

Last night, after the conversation with Lan Tu, he sent all the guards out to inquire about the news. Because of the freedom of access, the leaves did not interfere excessively with their freedom of behavior. Therefore, the guards' inquiries were very smooth.

Although it is said that this kind of prying behavior should not occur. If a protracted war is to be fought, they should try to show the appearance of focusing on peace talks and repairing the alliance, and weaken Muye's vigilance, which is conducive to future actions. Such probing is not appropriate. Muye is now surrounded by secret sentries in the village, and I don't know how wide the coverage is. Such a probe will inevitably expose itself to Muye's sight, which is very unfavorable to the implementation of their plan.

However, now that Muye and shayin are in peace talks, and Fengying has already visited Muye in person, this is no longer a preliminary negotiation. It is very likely that Muye and shayin will directly conclude a truce peace treaty. Then, the whole war situation will change greatly, from the current balance of power, which is dominated by Muye, to Muye's overall victory. This is an action that has to be taken.

And this time, the operation was quite successful.

Basically, all the information he wanted has been found out.

In addition to some well defended "forbidden areas", Yanshan has a general understanding of Muye's present deployment.

And, at this moment, he was convinced.

His previous inference is correct!

It seems that in many places, even in some important places, the defense of wooden leaves is relatively loose, and there is also a feeling of shortage of manpower. However, behind these loose defenses, there are a number of elite troops hidden behind them. As long as they do anything wrong because of this loose defense, then these hidden elite troops will catch them all.

Obviously, this is a sinister formation set by Muye after knowing their intention.

Moreover, because of their misdeeds against Muye, Muye can also use this to publicize the destruction of peace talks and alliance building by their native country. At that time, they may have to face two choices.

The first choice is to bear the pressure of international public opinion from Muye, intensify domestic contradictions, and make chaos without war, which may lead to a greater crisis than the failure of the war and suffer greater losses than the failure of the war.

The second option is to sign the peace treaty in the early stage of negotiation to reach the preliminary negotiation. Then Tu Ying came to Muye in person to discuss a further armistice agreement. He suffered huge losses from the failure of the war and compensated Muye to the maximum extent.

Either choice may be an introduction to the country's collapse in the next 20 or 30 years.

They must not be caught by the leaves.

Now, Muye is ready to deal with them.

And his strategy of fighting a protracted war is also quite correct.

After all, Muye's present defense is a kind of defensive measure against them. Moreover, they are in Muye's base camp, without any support or support. They can only fight alone. For them, this kind of defense of Muye is very effective. It is impossible for them to turn over any waves under this kind of defense when they are alone Yes.

Not to mention the others, just say that they are only six people. It is quite difficult to attack these relatively important places with loose defense, not to mention the elite behind.

However, the so-called long-term defense will lose, now the leaves in their eyes are impeccable, but it can not last.

Now is the period of peace talks and alliance building. In order to avoid accidents, Muye's defense system, no, even the whole ninja village system, will bear great pressure, especially when the wind and shadow are still in Muye village, defense work and various intelligence work. The longer the time, the greater the pressure and the heavier the load. In addition, Muye should guard against a large number of their arrangements, and the whole system of Muye will bear great pressure The system, slowly will enter a full load or even overload situation.At that time, there will be no mistakes.

At that time, they just need to catch up on this mistake and make things bigger and chaos worse.

By then, if the base camp is in chaos, they will have a chance to take advantage of it. The United Kingdom of mines is basically a matter of certainty.

The scales of the goddess of victory will lean towards them.

Protracted war is their only way out.

"It's just that Chiba Takata must have known that the protracted war is not good for their wooden leaves. Moreover, he must have guessed that I would definitely use protracted war as the combat policy, and even deliberately let us see the wind and shadows, that is, we would not adopt the strategy of protracted war, and become impatient and fall into their arrangement and kill them all at once. This time, our information will also come to his ears, and he will think of other ways. Next, there will be a tug of war, a tug of war to test my ability! "

And think of here, rock mountain serious look, mouth can't help but mutter up.

The forehead, however, has been slowly exuding cold sweat.

Next, he will face the monster, the nightmare, seriously, no tension, no pressure, it is really not even panic.

At this moment, he was not even sure.

However, they are already in a desperate situation and can not tolerate his retreat and escape.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

At this time, the door of the house was knocked again.

"Ambassador, Lord Huoying, please."

Then, after the knock on the door, a strange voice came.

"Yes, I see. Just a moment!"

Hearing this, Yanshan took a deep breath, stood up decisively, picked up a few scrolls on the table top, stuffed them into his arms, and then opened the door in a hurry and went towards the gate.

Today, it is the peace talks and alliance building

The first day! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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