"Naruto, you are here. Have a good rest. My mother will come soon."

Somewhere in the wooden leaf's residence, the wind and water gate gently put the baby with golden hair fox beard and facial tattoo on the baby bed in front of him. He looked at the son whose eyes had been closed and began to suck his fingers. The corner of his mouth showed a loving smile. After caressing his son's head, he said softly.



But with this sound, the loving smile on the face of wave Feng Shui door is little by little solidified. Thinking of his wife who is still in the stone room of the delivery room, a heavy heart, guilt and self blame are springing up in my heart.

He knew very well that now he was lured away from the mountain. At the moment when he chose to save Naruto, he had already made a choice.

Give up your wife and save your son.

At the last moment, he still didn't listen to Chiba.

Now, I'm afraid his wife is no longer in the delivery room, but was captured by the space Ninja at that time.

That is to say, this matter, such a careful plan, and Chiba's painstaking strategy, was still ruined by him.

"Naruto, just wait here. Dad will take mom right away."

However, after all, the wave wind water gate is a wave wind water gate. Although he is sorry and knows that the situation is not good, he is not a bit discouraged, and even a more urgent belief surges from his heart.

That is

Get your wife back!

After saying this, the wind and water gate took a breath, closed his eyes slowly, and then raised his fingers and began to feel his own mark of flying thunder.

In jiuxinnai's body, he left a mark of flying Thor. As long as he sensed the mark of flying Thor, he could go directly to jiuxinai's side.

Moreover, if you can sense the mark of flying Thunder God, then it means that jiuxinnai is not in the different space of ninja in that time and space, and he can carry out rescue.

With Chiba's intelligence, as a ninja between time and space, he still knows that time and space will interfere with each other. If that different space belongs to the ninja in space and time, his flying thunder mark is likely to be disturbed or blocked.

Of course, if he can feel the mark of flying Thunder God while jiuxinnai is still in the different space of ninja in that space-time, and successfully use the flying Thunder God to rescue jiuxinnai, that is the best situation.

This directly shows that the space between space and time of Ninja can not hinder flying Thunder God, he can freely enter and exit, as long as there is a mark, then the space-time Ninja is not worried.


At this time, when he was sensing the mark of flying Thunder God, there were a large number of "sword of forbearance and love" in the dark space of consciousness. It was like the mark of pure white fire light. On the edge of a pure white fire mark, another pure white fire mark was suddenly lit up.


"I will seal two of these three flying thunder gods. If any one of them unties the seal and is sensed again, please be sure to arrive at the first time! No matter what you want to do or what you are doing, please do, and you must transfer it at the first time! "

And at this time, for an instant, in the mind of the wave wind water gate, flashed over the thousand leaf's repeated exhortations.

Then, when the picture flashed by, the living environment of the wind water gate suddenly became dark. Then, a light color belonging to the fire candle lit up his half squatting body.


But when he opened his eyes for the first time, he was confronted with his wife, who was pale and sweating.

Almost subconsciously, he blurted out as a surprise.


At this time, he always paid close attention to Chiba, and saw that what was cut apart was only the water part of Chiba. Because the enemy was immediately restrained, jiuxinnai, who had a breath of breath, almost at the same time noticed his husband suddenly appeared, which was also a surprise.


Then, a slight sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded behind her, which was the blind corner between her back and the wall.

It is, a seal slowly spread The flying Thunder God has no pain!

Damn it!

It's wave wind water gate!

At this moment, the masked man trapped in the water prison has a cold eye and a cold heart.


Almost at the same time, when you see the sudden appearance of the wind and water gate, the end of the seal, and a few quick steps, your hand has already pressed on the thousand leaves on the surface of the water ball and let out a breath. At the same time, the other hand has been thrown out of the restraint bag in the back waist. In the sound of "Hua la la", the scroll pulled out from the restraint bag immediately unfolded, and with a throwing force, it was tightly attached to the surface of the water ball.

All of a sudden, one by one tadpole chain ejected from the scroll and rushed into the water ball, like a small snake that had confirmed the target. It quickly twisted away in the water. In a flash, the tadpole chain had turned into a mass of ink, and the man who was about to disappear in the water was bound again."Chiba?"

At this time, he and his wife looked at each other and expressed their good eyes. After that, he had already noticed the skill of maintaining the water prison with one hand and releasing the incantation and binding skill by relying on the seal scroll. He was stunned for a moment and then called out.

Chiba Do you notice something strange inside?

And, in time to arrive, and subdue this time and space ninja?

This one Leng, in his heart, is flashed such an idea.

Obviously, such a big water ball, along with the mask man who couldn't move inside, naturally noticed the water gate.

"Teacher Watergate! Don't stay, take teacher jiuxinnai and Naruto to a safe place! We shall go now! Only two seconds! You can't let Miss jiuxinai stay here! "

However, this call, in return is the tense and anxious words of Chiba.

Two seconds?

Hearing the sound of Qianye, the wind and water gate was shocked. But soon, he noticed that a tiny ink color was rising from the chain of tadpole and melting into the surrounding water.

In an instant, he understood what Chiba was saying.

"You too

Then, he quickly reached out his hand and handed it to Chiba.

If you want to go, you should take this disciple with you!

Don't let him face such an opponent alone!

But the distance between them is only three steps away!

"No way!"

But, this stretch of hand, get, is not Chiba that galloping from the figure, and hold his hand, but Chiba firm eyes, and shake his head appearance, there is such a more anxious words.


And then, without waiting for him to say anything more, a cry of anger, which was almost full of anxiety and anger, rang out again with the meaning of no refusal.

Tadpole chain, half dissolved!

"Wait for me!"

But looking at this disciple, who was always happy and angry, and even some gloomy, he almost jumped out of his feet in a hurry. After glancing at the water ball, he felt a sign in his hand and a "brush" sound, together with Jiu xinnai, who just wanted to say something, disappeared into the stone room of the delivery room.

"Bo Luo..."

At this time, the moment the water gate disappeared, with a burst of bubbles transpiration, wrapped around the mask man's tadpole seal, completely turned into ink, dissipated in the water ball.

The spell sealing skill is invalid!

Become succeed?

Save Got it back?

Jiuxinnai, Bofeng shuimen

Is it all safe?

But at this moment, looking at the two people who suddenly disappeared, looking at the quiet Leishen lying in the corner of the wall, Qianye's mouth was slightly tilted, then again and again, and finally, it condensed into an extremely stiff smile.

A stiff smile, unbelievable and relieved.

However, I didn't care about the disappearance of the spell sealing skill which could bind the space ability of the earth for three seconds in the water ball!

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