"Three generations of adults, you have just said that ninjas sacrifice for the village, and the village exists to protect the ninja. At this time, it is clear that the village did not protect teacher jiuxinnai well. Why should all the mistakes be attributed to teacher jiuxinnai?" Looking at the expressions of the people, Chiba added another sentence.

"This..." The three generations of fire were stunned.

What is this kid trying to say?

And Tuan Zang's eyes drooped and he was silent.

Shuimenyan and Xiaochun turn to sleep with disapproval expression. They only listen to shuimenyan saying: "there are loopholes in any defense, and they will be caught by those who are interested in it. There is no airtight wall. Therefore, when there are loopholes and losses, they should be repaired to prevent the next ventilation. That is to learn from this ventilation and ensure that the same mistakes will not be made again. Only in this way can we build a wall that will never collapse. "

It's really a child's thought. Everything is so absolute. No one can avoid negligence. The key is to correct it after negligence.

This kid is a bit of a doggerel.

Water door inflammation heart shakes head.

"Yes, Chiba, negligence is inevitable. We should not blame others too much. What's more, what's the point of putting the mistake of negligence on jiuxinnai? " Three generations of fire shadow also said.

Smell speech, Chiba actually did not see the three generations of fire shadow, but looked to Tuan Zang.

Sure enough, this group is very cunning! However, he did not notice the trap in my words.

After seeing the smile in Tuan Zang's eyes, Chiba judges.

After judging, Chiba said, "indeed, we should make corrections after negligence. But how do you correct it? The teacher jiuxinnai, who had no mistakes, was forbidden at home and lost his freedom. The teacher jiuxinnai, who did nothing, was not only nearly taken away because of your negligence, but also confined at home because of your negligence, and then satisfied your arrogant illusion of making up for mistakes. Isn't it that all the mistakes are put on Mr. jiuxinai? "

After a series of words, the four were stunned again.

There seems to be some truth in this saying, but it doesn't seem to make sense, but

Looking at the four, Chiba struck while the iron was hot and said, "do you think this is reasonable? Shouldn't I question the decision of the most powerful ninjas in the village to shirk their responsibilities? "

While talking, Chiba's eyes fell on Tuan Zang's face.

Are you still standing still?

"Teacher jiuxinnai should be protected, but it is not your" shirking responsibility "protection. It's your protection of "just taking responsibility.". She should be free, and more people should be sent around her, protected by ninjas that she trusts and gives her a sense of security. " Chiba said again.

While speaking, his eyes have fallen on the face of three generations of fire shadow.

Sure enough, three generations of fire shadow

"Well..." At this time, the three generations of fire shadows pondered, as if to say something.

However, at this time, Tuan Zang suddenly opened his mouth and said, "let whirlpool Ninja trust ninja and have a sense of security, do you mean? Who are they? "

"Teacher shuimen, as the lover of teacher jiuxinnai, is also the elite Shangren. He should be the most trusted ninja of whirlpool jiuxinnai. There should be no problem for him to protect him." Chiba said.

Hearing this, a smile flashed in Tuan Zang's eyes.

Good debating ability, but I'm still too young. I knew you would say that!

Tuan Zang was pleased, but his face was still. He said, "the wave wind water gate is indeed a qualified candidate. At that time, we also thought about letting the wind water gate serve as the guard of whirlpool nine xinnai. However, many important tasks of the village are inseparable from this elite. Therefore, we gave up the wind and water gate after careful consideration. If he does not carry out the task, the village will suffer a lot. Do you have anyone else besides him? "

Old fox, the tail finally shows. If you don't speak, I can't go on talking!

Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "of course, there are still candidates, but I want to hear about the candidate recommended by the most powerful ninja."

This guy is very alert. Do you want to deny my people in my way? Naive!

"The four ninjas I selected are all the Ninjas who are best at guarding in the dark. On weekdays, they are all the Ninjas who protect me secretly. They have prevented several assassinations for me. Saved me many times. " Tuan Zang continued to say quietly.

As soon as these words came out, Xiaochun and Shuihu menyan nodded in secret. The Ninja guards of Tuan Zang not only saved Tuan Zang many times, but also saved them many times. Their strength is still good. In the area of protection, it is also the best of the best.

However, when Tuan Zang said this, the smile in Chiba's eyes flashed.

I knew you would say that!

And Tuan Zang, who pays close attention to Chiba, is also keenly aware of the smile in Chiba's eyes.This kid! Know what I'm going to say!

At this time, the door of the fire shadow office was opened again.

"You mean, they?" With a poker face, Hongyan slowly walks into the office of fire shadow. At the same time, he throws the four ninjas strapped on his hands in front of the public, and then walks to the back of Chiba.

At that time, Tuan Zang's face changed, so did shuihumenyan and Xiaochun.

The third generation of fire shadow was even more pale and said, "what's going on? Hongyan, what is the injury on your face? "

These four ninjas are the root of jiuxinnai, the "guard" defeated by Chiba three! At this time, there were two bloodstains on Hongyan's face, which were the scars left by the sword that attacked his root. The blood was still flowing, and almost half of his face was dyed red.

"We beat them." Hongyan replied.

As soon as the words came out, the faces of Xiaochun and shuihumenyan changed greatly. Xiaochun immediately turned to sleep and said, "attack the ninja in your own village and arrest these two traitors!"

Three generations of fire shadow is also a big frown.

This attack on the village Ninja is undoubtedly an act of treason. These children are too bold and reckless! It's too unwise!

It's like sending it to your door!

"Wait a minute!" When Xiaochun's words fell, Chiba said, "we are not traitors."

"Not a traitor? Why are ninjas who attack our village not traitors? " Turning to sleep, Xiaochun said angrily.

These two boys are so bold and rebellious that they dare to take the Huoying office to demonstrate!

This is unprecedented!

"Attacking the village Ninja is indeed treason, isn't it? So, does the victim have the right to fight back? " Chiba said again.


When Chiba said this, Tuan Zang seemed to think of something, and his face changed again.

Yeah? Do you mean

Three generations of fire shadow looked at Chiba, and seemed to think of something in his eyes. Look at the wound on Hongyan's face.

"Of course! If you fight back and kill the rebellious ninja, you will still be meritorious. " Water door inflammation says.

"Well, it's not me that you should arrest, but they are!" Chiba refers to the four ninjas on the ground who are in a coma and are bound by colorful roots.

"They are the rebellious and tolerant people who openly betray the village."

Chiba thought of Tuan Zang, and his smile flashed on his face.

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