(everyone happy New Year's day, and then for the alliance leader, ask for double monthly pass or something, in short, today's fifth watch! Thank you for your support

Chiba's voice dropped, but the three generations of fire shadow, shuihumenyan and Xiaochun turned to sleep were all smiling.

What a childish remark!

Defeated the strongest guard, is the strongest guard?

Of course not. If you just beat a few guards, you can say that you are a guard ninja. It's a bit naive and childish.

Really, I really don't understand this Chiba. Sometimes he is as careful as an adult, and ordinary adults can't compare with him. Sometimes, like this, like an innocent child.

However, such contradictions make them feel normal. There is a feeling that this is what Chiba should look like.

At this time, Chiba looked at the three wooden leaf high-rise buildings with bamboo in mind.

Hongyan plate with a poker face, fist also gently clenched up.

Originally, the purpose of Chiba is this, let's protect jiuxinnai! Yes, the most important person, of course, should be protected by themselves!

And Tuan Zang's face had returned to the appearance of drooping eyes, but his eyes were obviously narrowed up and said, "even if you beat my guard, you may not be competent for the guard's responsibility."

"Why?" Chiba turned his head and thought of Tuan Zang and asked discontentedly.

However, this time, Tuan Zang did not answer, but looked at the three generations of fire.

At this time, the three generations of Huoying laughed and said, "Chiba, I know what you mean, and you have proved your strength, but after all, you do not have enough experience. To be a guard, you not only need to be able to cope with any situation, but also to keep focused and sober mind at any time. The most important thing is to have considerable experience in guarding. After all, jiuxinai is very important to the village, which you know very well. This is not an ordinary escort mission. "

Turn to sleep Xiaochun and shuihumenyan also nodded, after just that out, they have changed their outlook on Chiba, and their face has also eased a lot.

Just now Chiba's performance, and the strength of the two of them to defeat Tuan Zang's guard group of four, make Zhuan Xiaochun and shuimenyan very satisfied. They also heard about Chiba's brilliant performance in the Zhongren examination. They even learned from the fire shadow of the third generation that when rescuing jiuxinnai, the genius also made great efforts to hold down yunyin village That night moon than, it is he who dragged the night moon than, wave wind water gate can arrive in time, save two people.

However, when they came to discuss with Tuan Zang about "should the secret department or the root manager Zhu Li", they heard that Chiba asked him to protect jiuxinnai. At that time, they subconsciously felt that it was nonsense.

Even if Chiba is the most dazzling genius, it is absolutely impossible to give him the important human pillar strength with Chiba's age and experience.

It's just a fool's dream. Even the young elite ninjas of this generation, who have already made their first appearance, have no intention to give him the protection work of jiuxinnai. Don't say it's such a wet boy.

But now it seems that jiuxinnai may not be able to give it to this boy.

Of course, ten years later.

Now, he is not qualified, but in the future, he may be able to become such a great ninja, able to give him the responsibility of the village.

The wisdom and strength shown by the child at a young age is worthy of the favor of daily chop.

Even at the moment, they are a little optimistic about this kid.

At this time, Tuan Zang took a look at shuihumenyan and Zhuan Xiaochun.

This kid can make such stubborn menyan and Xiaochun change their outlook

After this one eye, Tuan Zang continued to droop his eyes and looked like a mountain.

Now, four people are defeated, that is to say, the plan failed. We can't control the force of human column. All my efforts are in vain. I was disturbed by this boy!

"So, are they all experienced guards?" Chiba defied and pointed to the guard ninja who was bound by the colorful roots.

"Although they are defeated by you, they are all first-class ninjas. It is also a first-class guard. It is estimated that the reason why you defeated the enemy is that you underestimated the enemy. In addition, you are the ninja in the village, so you are somewhat careless. " Three generations of fire shadow laughed a few times and said.

After all, the experience of the three generations of Huoying, after all, combined with the report from the dark Department, quickly determined that the four guard ninjas were not defeated under the full strength.

"So experienced and first-class guard Ninja will be defeated by children like us. What's the difference between experienced and inexperienced, first-class and second-class? What can't be protected will still not be protected. Moreover, the reason why they will be careless and despise the enemy is that they do not attach enough importance to the task? The reason why they don't pay attention to the task is that they don't put the safety of teacher jiuxinnai in the first place. "

Chiba stares at the three generations of fire.

"But, we are different. Teacher jiuxinnai is our most important person. Even if we fight for our lives, we will protect her."Chiba's words are resolute.

When the voice fell, three generations of fire shadow, turn to sleep Xiaochun and shuihumenyan, his face showed a slight consternation.

They did not expect that Chiba would say such a thing, such a word, even from a seven-year-old child's mouth.

In the eyes of this child, there is no hesitation or deception. Some are just determined to take their lives.

"Fight for your life? Don't be so light. " At this time, Tuan Zang was an abnormal sarcasm.

At this moment, in Tuan Zang's eyes, behind the thousand leaves, there seems to be a virtual shadow, and this shadow, as if in those years, the figure who took the first step to accept the "task after the break"!

"It's not so light. Night moon ratio is the best proof." Chiba is also unconventional. She suddenly turns her head and looks at Tuan Zang, her eyes like electricity.

For a moment, Tuan Zang's heart leaped and was awed by the sight.

Chiba's words made Tuan Zang speechless.

Indeed, in their understanding, it was Chiba who dragged yeyuebi to rescue jiuxinnai successfully. At that time, Chiba was also seriously injured. I've lost my life!

The facts are in front of us, who can refute it!

"Moreover, we can prove that we have the ability to protect teacher jiuxinai!" Chiba turned her eyes and looked at the three generations of fire shadows and said.

"Proof? Do you mean the four ninjas Tuan Zang took a look at his men.

"Of course not!" Chiba said.


The three generations of fire shadow looked at each other.

"Lord Huoying, if I can prove that we have the ability to protect teacher jiuxinnai, can the task of protecting teacher jiuxinnai be entrusted to us? Can we use our way to protect teacher jiuxinnai?" Chiba looks at the three generations of fire.

If you want to persuade a person, you should let that person see his eyes clearly!

The three generations of fire shadow also looked at Chiba, whose eyes were clear and firm.

Unknowingly, his face became serious and said, "if you can prove that you have the ability to protect jiuxinnai, then this task will be given to you!"

at this moment, perhaps the illusion, the three generation of the shadow of fire in Chiba behind, as if to see a thousand Ye Yimo and a young figure, burning their eyes.

After three generations of fire shadow's affirmation, Chiba closed her eyes slightly and took a breath.

Step 3 plan, success!


At this time, the fire shadow office door was gently opened.

Everyone turned their eyes and looked at each other.

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