How How could this happen?

Should not It shouldn't be!

Just now, it was blocked!

His eyes moved down bit by bit. Hongyan's mouth and eyes kept seeping with blood. In his eyes, a pair of slowly darkened kaleidoscope writing wheels flashed with reluctance, disbelief, fear and resentment.

It shouldn't be like this!

Just now, the arrow, the arrow was still blocked!

What's more, the more powerful long arrow can be easily crushed. Can you help me We should be able to defend ourselves if we can.



At this time, in a series of angry and unbelievable thoughts, the red chakra, like the last few flames and smoke of a burned out campfire, slowly transpiration and float in the air.


At this time, the cry of terror and anxiety of jiuxinnai and Chennai sounded at the same time.

At this moment, their faces were already full of panic, but in their eyes, they reflected a frightening blood color.

And their brain is all just that moment, those dark flame arrows that hit on Hongyan's defensive pupil broke into small black flames, and then, at the moment of yuzhibo Xinyan's printing, those dark small flames rotated again, twisted into small spiral cones of black flame, and directly collided with each other at a very fast speed Into the vision of the defensive pupil.

As soon as the cone stabbed into it, it was like pricking fermented beancurd. It penetrated through without any hindrance. Then, the cracks were scattered, and Hongyan's defensive pupil was dense, and the red flame skeleton was instantly broken.

At the same time, the cone stab remained unchanged. At the moment when the skeleton collapsed, it penetrated into Hongyan's body, and the blood splashed suddenly.

At this moment, with the repetition of scenes in their minds, the panic and anxiety on their faces also slowly solidified. If they could move at this time, I'm afraid that they would have to run away and embrace the tottering, bloody teenager.

"Well! I I'm fine Mr. Chennai and Mr. jiuxinai, only It just looks terrible. "

At this time, hearing the exclamation of jiuxinnai and Chennai, Bofeng shuimen and Nara kazuyama all changed color. When he saw his body embedded in the flesh, he was still spinning inside and churning out a stream of blood. Hongyan, a tiny black flame, coughed up a mouthful of blood, but shook his head and said with a smile.

Feeling Can't you feel the pain?

This should be very painful!

Burning accompanied by puncture, it should be very painful!

But now, it's not painful at all.

This time, am I really going to die?

However, between the words, he was looking at the white smoke slowly rising from his wound, and turned such an idea in his heart.

From the perspective of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he is very clear that what he should feel now is the pain of tearing heart and lung. The dark flame cone thorn is in a kind of high-speed spiral, twirling and stirring his own flesh and blood. Although the wound is not big, its lethality is very large, and because it is made up of sunlight, it will also have a burning effect 。

At this moment, he should be able to feel the pain of skin being twisted and torn, and the pain of burning, but he is not painful at all.

I didn't even feel anything.

Don't say it's pain. There's no discomfort.


Is that right?

It's not that my su Zuo Neng is not blocked, but because these cone spines carry the attribute of space, and they tear my suzoneng at the level of space!

That sense of touch, yes, should be a space level tear my su Zuo Neng.

His attack is an attack with spatial attributes!

No mistake!

And this one, suddenly, seemed to be blessed to the soul, but also like a flash of light. He suddenly recalled the physical chakra touch when suzanone was almost broken. The feeling of space fragmentation occupied his mind in an instant.

In an instant, he understood why his suzoneng was broken.

This is not a physical attack!

It's a space level attack!


And think of here, his mouth is a mouthful of blood coughing out, but this time, his mouth with blood, but slightly up, with a little sad.

Sure enough, can't I fight him now?

Even if he wakes up to his powerful power, isn't it his opponent?

I even

I even Chiba and Chennai, and jiuxinnai teacher, have no way to protect it?

At this time, his eyes began to blacken one after another, and the blood in his mouth seemed to be unable to restrain any more. The corners of his mouth and lips converged into a trickle, and his body slowly shook up.Can't you?

Just one shot?

It seems that the next step is to rest assured. This generation of outsider Takashi Chiba, as well as the eyes of Yuzhi bonetsu, have been solved in this battle.

It seems to be going very well.

Looking at yuzhibo Hongyan's body began to shake, the whole front body blood overflowing, at the same time, in the burning white gas transpiration, under the vision of his eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he could see that yuzhibo Hongyan's chakra also began to weaken.

It can be seen that this yuzhibo Xinyan is really badly hurt.

Next, before the arrival of the next generation of outsiders, I can lay out my plan.

What's more, the obstacles of this life have been cleared, and I have been able to live longer.

However, it is a pity to use the power of the outsider Chiba and consume it.

After all, the strength of this outsider is a great tonic, something that can turn the tide at a critical moment.

But it should be.

This kind of power will not last long.


It is time to consider whether to take nine tails directly or to leave some.

This guy who calls himself yuzhibo spot, should be useless. Can I get rid of it?

His ability of time and space is still quite difficult to deal with.

But, this guy, it's hard to say if he should die.

Especially in the present situation, this kind of guy has enough power to influence the general situation, so it's hard to judge life and death.

Or, take nine tails first!

With the confirmation of yuzhibo Hongyan's situation, yuzhibo Xinyan's eyes slightly deflected and fell on the immovable Jiuwei human pillar force, that is, jiuxinnai.

His purpose, after all, is to take away the human column force.

"Wait a minute!"

However, at this time, his eyes deflected, and his steps were about to lift up the opening of his stride. There was a break in front of him.


Don't you give up?

But hearing this, yuzhibo Xinyan did not have the slightest emotional vision, fell on the precarious youth in front of him.

"Who are you? You are not yuzhibo shinyan! Who the hell are you? "

Then, the next second, the tottering teenager asked in a loud, determined tone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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