Among the villagers' comments, Chiba walked with a thoughtful look.

According to the original work, everything actually started with the civil war of the tatungmu people, the war between the Tatung muasura and the Tatung muindra, and finally continued into the war between the thousand handed clan and the yuzhibo clan. Of course, everything was provoked by heijue, but the black absolute was still too far away for me. And in the original work, heijue's ability is still unknown, at least in the information I know, heijue's ability and weakness are unknown.

I can't beat him, or I can't beat him completely.

It must be impossible to kill heijue and stop everything. And black Jue's plan has actually taken shape and can't be stopped.

Yuzhiboban has completely believed the contents of the stone tablets of the six immortals handed down by the yuzhibo family, and has begun to implement his plan of the eye of the moon.

What I can touch now is that in the coming three wars, in which yuzhiboban will get the most important pieces.

Yuzhibo brings soil!

The nine tail incident, in fact, is a one-hand act with soil!

And I can change the fate with soil!

As long as we save him in the Third World War of tolerance and stop his blackening!

So You can avoid the nine tail incident and a series of things after it! If there is a key point in changing history, this is definitely one of the most critical points!

However, the battlefield is still quite dangerous for me, no! It is still very dangerous. The successful development of the injury gate mode has only given me the ability to protect myself, and I still need to rescue and bring soil in the battlefield

Chiba frowned.

This is definitely not an easy thing. In addition to his own strength and the danger level of the battlefield, Chiba has another thing to consider.

Numerous literary works related to historical changes and his previous understanding of some books related to space-time theory out of interest. They all told him one thing. If we changed the key points of history, there would have been a kind of resistance, which would affect the situation he would encounter when he changed. Ten thousand percent of the cases affected by this resistance will be extremely unfavorable to him or even life-threatening.

To really change history, it is tens of thousands of times more difficult than those YY articles he contacted on the Internet before.

Chiba knows this better than anyone else.

Therefore, we should be careful, careful and serious to integrate everything. Then, spend all the time now, let their own strength to a higher level, now the strength, is not enough!

Thinking of this, Chiba took a breath.

And just then, "bang!" His head suddenly deviated, and a stone jumped into the air.

At the same time, a slip of blood, from under his forehead.

"Get out of here! Traitor

With the blood, is a young voice, hoarse cry.

The pain in the forehead and the sudden cry of innocence make Chiba think for a while and subconsciously look at the place where the stones are flying.

When Chiba's eyes turned, he saw a four-year-old boy hiding behind his mother as if frightened by his eyes.

His mother, however, looked at Chiba with a disgusting look after the child behind her. However, her face was more or less moving, after seeing the blood in the forehead of Chiba.

Chiba looks at the child hiding behind her mother, frowning slightly.

And when Chiba frowns, the child's mother quickly protects the child in the back, and the movement on her face disappears. After throwing the stone, the child seems to be very frightened and shrinks behind the mother's back.

In the field, it was quiet.

The heart of protecting the calf?

Chiba narrowed her eyes slightly.

At this time, with a clang, a broken jar rolled past his feet.

Chiba looked back and saw a coolie dressed man holding the posture of throwing cans.


The stone flying into the air landed.

At the same time, the coolie dressed man also called out: "son of traitor! Dirty blood! Get out of here

After this sentence, it seems to arouse everyone's resonance, such as broken cans, banana peel All kinds of garbage flew over.

"Yes! Get out of here

"Get out of here!"

"The village doesn't need a traitor like you. Get out of here!"

"Even to my partner! Get out of here

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"

A sound of accusation came into Chiba's ears, garbage fell on his feet, and even a few banana peels hit him in the face.

And this is enough to make people jump and angry, but Chiba's heart has such an idea.

There's no need to waste time here.

A very simple ten words, even this exciting situation, did not let Chiba heart a little waves.So he turned his head and took a look at the child huddled behind his mother. He pulled the banana peel off his face and walked towards his cabin.

At the beginning of his journey, when he looked at the child, he still unconsciously said, "do you dare not face the consequences of what you have done?"

An understatement, with the pace of Chiba left.

However, the child's mother seemed to be keenly aware of it. She looked at her child with astonishment on her face, but her brows were frowning.

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"

In the flying confetti, Chiba left the village at his own pace and went to his cabin.

This scene, however, completely fell into the eyes of the three generations of fire shadow who looked down in the office of fire shadow.

At this time, the three generations of fire shadow, frown tightly, was about to smoke a mouthful of smoke also slowly put down.

Am I right to do this? If Chiba's achievements are announced, Chiba will not be treated like this!

I really Is Chiba protected?

The deep question, in his heart.


"How slow! Why Chiba hasn't come back yet. "

Chiba is walking on the way back to the cabin. At this time, he is very close to his home. He is walking. From the direction of the cabin, there is such a sound of impatience from the owner of the voice.

"I don't know." This is a male voice. It sounds young. It seems to be a serious response and forward voice.

"Don't you mean he won't have to be locked up today? Watergate won't cheat me The previous voice was still impatient.

"Maybe..." At this time, a young female voice seemed to want to say something.

"Hum! I don't want to go home when I'm out of jail! I'll see what I do with him later! " The anxious voice interrupted the young girl's voice.

As Chiba walked along, his voice became louder and nearer, and when he walked out of the forest road, the cabin came into view.

In front of the cabin stood three people.

One adult, two children.

Adults are holding hands, the face is full of anger, even a beautiful red hair are fluttering up, a word in her forehead beating.

With a poker face, the little boy always looks at the sun and seems to be calculating the time.

But the little girl is looking at the adult, the corner of her mouth seems to have a nervous smile, seems afraid that the adult will do something to Chiba later.

Seeing this scene, Chiba stopped his pace. In his eyes, the light of the setting sun shone on the three people, as if plating a layer of brilliance on them.


The little girl soon found him, and when she saw him, although there was not much expression on her face, her eyes flashed with surprise and worry, and ran over in a hurry.

"Are you all right?"

After running in, she took out her white handkerchief and covered Chiba's forehead.

"What happened!" The little boy ran over with a poker face and examined the dirty Chiba with his eyes up and down.

"I'm ok, Hongyan, Chennai!"

Chiba said so, but his eyes were staring at the front and the corners of his mouth pulled.

Oh, no! It looks like Nina is impatient to wait! And super angry!

You're going to be beaten!

And Chiba thought to turn around, the adult fluttered red hair, both hands have been raised, and has come to his close, it seems that a blow is about to come down.

"I'm sorry, Miss Nina!" Chiba said, "next time, I will go straight home."



The punch fell firmly on his head.

A big red bag slowly raised on his head, and a wisp of smoke floated up!

What a pain!

Chiba covered his head, the whole person squatted down, the tears of pain would flow down.

Jiuxinnai's fist is still so painful! Why? Gangshou's fist doesn't hurt so much!

"Come back early, come back late, it's nothing at all! Just come back, but who made you come back like this

Jiuxinnai's red hair was fluttering, and he looked at the dirty and bleeding eyes of Chiba. His face was more angry, but his serious one showed some slight worry.


Smell speech, Chiba slightly raised his head to see jiuxinnai, touched the eyes of jiuxinnai, the whole person was shocked.

"Really, a fight?" Nine xinnai looked at his appearance, another punch, after all, is to put up, but there is no lack of anger in the mouth.

"Well." Chiba looked at her and nodded.

"Is he worse than you?""Of course, you can't go down! I'm sure Chiba said definitely and quickly.

Jiuxinnai seemed to be satisfied and nodded his head. He took a deep breath. His red hair fell slowly. He held his chest in both hands and said, "that's it. You must remember that you can't suffer any loss."

This kid is not going to fight It's just to make me feel at ease After all, what happened.

Jiuxinnai thought so in his heart.


When jiuxinnai just hit jiuxinnai, he turned to face jiuxinnai. Hongyan and Chennai were standing upright and busy,

of course, Chiba did not fall behind, and the three responded in perfect order.

"Well, you'll take a bath and get ready to eat! To celebrate the end of that damned confinement Nine xinnai face cloud Lei dissipated, into a brilliant smile.

Seeing this smile, Chiba's face also showed a smile, Chennai and Hongyan also looked at Chiba!


The three people answered in unison again.

Then, led by jiuxinnai, he walked into the cabin.

The moment of entering the wooden house, Chiba suddenly flashed.

Celebrate the end of that damned confinement? Giuseppe knew about the confinement?


Jajisinai has been locked up before? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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