Answer A question?

The total feeling, it will not be so easy to answer ah!

The six immortals seem harmless to humans and animals, but to me, they may not be neutral. He may be afraid of the remaining photosphere now. Maybe he doesn't know that the photosphere has no power to destroy the world, so he doesn't show hostility to me.


Sure enough, the light ball still can't move.

Otherwise, it is very likely that I can't get out of my spiritual space!

Looking at the six immortals without any change in appearance, the corner of Qianye's mouth slightly stiffened for a moment, and the canthus of his eyes were beating. In his heart, such an idea flashed through his heart, and his right hand almost lifted up again.


However, although the right hand almost made the action before the consciousness, Chiba's answer was quite straightforward.

No matter what, he still has the reason that he can't leave now. He still has what he wants to get from the six immortals when he can't use the light ball.

Here, it is better to be frank than to cover up.

Moreover, even if it is not frank, the existence of the six immortals is not easy to be hoodwinked, or, like the plot of a novel, the simple minded blindly trust themselves and give it to that.

"My heart, is not in your hands."

At this time, hearing Chiba's simple answer, the six immortals are extremely straightforward, almost have a kind of open and frank feeling.

Is Chiba the Dragon afraid of me?

Difficult or not, after fusion, in his memory, I need to fear the existence of it?

However, I just want to quietly wait for the reincarnation of my two children, waiting for the son of prophecy, and have no intention to intervene. In this way, will Chiba long be afraid of me?

He is a man who knows everything. I am not a good man in his knowledge.

Or, in a traditional sense, a positive person?

Even, can I do harm to the world?

Different from that young man, Chiba Taki reincarnated into my world is a piece of white paper, but with a kind of obsession, and if there is a false memory that seems to be non-existent, in essence, he is a native of the fire shadow world, just like other people, like me, his sense of belonging to my world will not lose my

As long as it is not forced to worry, or the youth's consciousness to disturb, the child can not have the idea of endangering the world.

At least, there will be no idea of destroying the world. Now that the youth's consciousness has disappeared, it is impossible for him to think about destroying the world in a short period of time. As long as he does not think about destroying the world, then, no matter how hard he is in the tolerant world, it is within the scope that I can tolerate.

Such an existence who knows everything and does not produce the idea of destroying the world or hostile to the world is so afraid of me, just like facing an enemy carefully. Is it difficult for me to become the person who endangers the world?

Or is this Chiba long aware of something I haven't yet realized

Am I really right to wait here?

At this moment, the six Immortals' mind flashed through a series of thoughts, but they began to doubt their own position and identity.


Is it not in my hands


Send the proposition!

Absolutely send proposition!

If the answer is not good, it is the crisis of death!

And hear six immortals this incomparably simple words, thousand leaf's heart, is a moment flashed such a palpitation idea.

The heart of six immortals?

This special is definitely fatal. As long as he doesn't say well, the six immortals may regard him as the enemy. At that time, whether he can survive or not will be beyond his control.

Although he did not know what the heart of the six immortals meant to him, after all, the six immortals should be in a state of death. It is only because of the magic of chakra, the power of the big tube wood clan, or the power of the divine tree, or the magical effect of the combination of these forces, it led to the existence form of the six immortals similar to immortality in the original work There is, or this is the particularity of the supreme power, but he is still very clear, since the six immortals asked, it must be a very important question.

This question needs to be answered carefully.

"It's not with me, and I don't know."

Although the heart beat wildly, Chiba's answer is still very simple, but this time, a little more sincere and frank.

The heart of six immortals, he did not know where.

According to another memory, the disappearance of the heart of the six immortals is really related to him and the light ball, but he only knows that because of the light ball and his fall, the six immortals lost their heart and did not regenerate.I don't know anything else.

He doesn't know where the heart of six immortals is.

Here, it's better to be honest. Although he lost his heart, the six immortals still look very calm. There is no sign of madness. He should not be doubted by my real answer.

Or do something crazy.

And the words, Chiba's heart, is so worried about thinking.


However, the response of the six immortals made him feel at ease. Hearing this, although he could not hide his disappointment, he did not say anything more. He just nodded and pondered.

Sure enough, isn't it with him?

It's also true that I can't feel any connection with me in him, and I feel the heart all the time.


This matter, how should I deal with it, heart, can't go on like this all the time.

As long as my heart is still empty, then, the world's abnormal will continue, sooner or later, my world will

But along with this one murmur, six fairy's eyebrows, actually slightly frowned.

Can you do me a favor

Then, thinking of this, the six immortals suddenly looked up, looked at Chiba, and spoke again.

One thing for me?

And heard this, Chiba slightly a Leng.

Isn't it!

But, soon, he responded.

"Before that, I have a proposal for a deal. May I propose it first?"

Then, facing the six immortals with sincere eyes, he flashed a little hesitation on his face, and then pursed his lips.


This time, hearing Chiba's words, the six immortals were slightly stunned. He didn't expect that long Chiba would make a deal with him.


He always asks for help from others, and he should show a certain degree of sincerity. Although he is equivalent to the Aboriginal people, he is after all a visitor from another world and shows his kindness to my world. Here, I should also show kindness to him.

And this one Leng, six immortal heart quickly flashed such an idea.


After that, he also very simply said.

Did you agree so simply?

There is no fear Or is it because I ask for it

However, hearing this sound, Chiba's face did not change, but his heart was filled with a faint doubt.

"Immortal, do you want to know, the future?"

However, although the heart of doubt, but Chiba mouth, but still flat.

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