The so-called killing and killing heart, after driving the strong man who killed his partner crazy, forced such a strong man who looked so quiet and invincible into a crazy man who rolled his eyes and salivated. After leaving his past self, he still did not recover his feelings and feelings.

And Chiba finally understood that revenge is not the key. For the past self, revenge is only a goal, not a obsession, after losing feelings and feelings. The reason why I can still feel what I can feel when I think of revenge is just because it is the goal.

It's an emotional sense of urgency to achieve a goal.

It's not feeling emotions or other feelings.

Then, at this time, the feeling of soul withdrawal, which makes Chiba distressed, may irreversibly change his state of no emotion and no feeling, but suddenly fade.

After seeing the scene of revenge, he seems to feel a sense of relief. Although he has not recovered his feelings and feelings in the past, for Chiba, who still has feelings and feelings, his own methods of dealing with the past and his revenge methods are even more able to vent the backlog of emotions than Chiba himself thought.

In the process of experiencing with the past, Chiba, as a relatively independent consciousness with normal feelings and feelings, is totally empathetic. Basically, it is personal experience. After some experience, Chiba is naturally sentimental. Even if there is no emotion, it will be affected by the past self, with feelings and partners miserable Death, Xiaoqian entrusts life and gives hope for life. In a sense, it is also a great emotional impact on Chiba. Even, the negative emotions generated by the emotional impact are more and deeper than those of his past.

After all, in a treacherous world, Chiba has experienced a desperate situation of life and death, and has lived to the present. Chiba is superior to his past self in terms of force and intelligence, or in terms of strain and vision. When he sees that his past self has made obviously wrong plans, he can't speak and can't control it When the situation, can only watch the past of their own mistakes, resulting in irreparable consequences.

That anger is no less than the negative emotions of losing partners.

Therefore, Chiba has accumulated quite a lot of dark emotions than he has accumulated in the past. In addition to the influence of his own mentality without feelings and feelings in the past, Chiba's psychology will be distorted in some place in the long run.

It caused an irreversible change in his character.

It's really dangerous.

No doubt, the best way to solve this problem is to let him lie down in the past and let him die with a knife Death.

A madman, in this cruel cycle of reincarnation, if he does not die, and has an opportunity to wake up, think about this period, will it be another torture, forever remain in the bottom of my heart torture.

Whether it would make him shiver, frightened and ashamed to dig a hole in the ground to bury himself alive.

Or, even if the recovery sober, also completely lost the courage, become a in this nightmare reincarnation absolutely can not become the existence.


If you let people kill you and dare not resist, you will eventually become a slave without dignity. In the end, you may not even call it a living creature.

That's what really scares the old self.

The humble are not afraid to die.

If this person continues to be so crazy, it may be a good thing for him. Once he wakes up, the mental and spiritual damage caused by his past self will accompany him all his life and make him suffer all his life.

This is the real cruelty.

If the past self was a knife, with the butterfly knife left by Xiaoqian, it would be a kind of happiness for him.

But it's the karma of this damned guy.

If he had simply ended up with his former partners instead of killing them, how could he have accumulated so many dark emotions, and after the explosion, how could he have touched the defense mechanism of the human body and lost his feelings and feelings.

And if you still have a trace of feelings and feelings in the past, how can you retaliate in this extremely vicious way?

Such a way of revenge, only after the loss of feelings, and Chiba is essentially the same in the past can you want to ah!

In the end, it was just the damned guy who took the blame.

It is this lifetime of torture and this sense of retribution that makes Chiba's negative emotions completely released.

After all, what he has done in the past is basically the same as what he has done.He can feel the reality of his hands.

After these emotions are released, the feeling of soul withdrawal gradually fades away and is completely suppressed.

Moreover, Chiba's mind, after this hearty revenge, seems to have settled down.

At the same time, all his past experience surged into his mind. He subconsciously changed his way of thinking about these things, which was also his thinking habit. He subconsciously began to analyze these things.

Gradually, some with his experience in the world of fire and shadow can not have some understanding, slowly into his heart.

And his mood is beginning to become more and more stable.

The feeling of soul withdrawal is becoming more and more weak and blurred.

At this moment, Chiba knew that he had already begun to transform, relying on absorbing the cruelty he had experienced in the past.

In other words, he has overcome the cruelty.

At the same time, he also deeply understood that the previous fear of cruelty was just that he was really scared.

The other self has to let himself go through all this, not to change him, but to let him experience.

His mind is not strong enough.

At least, before the other one is as powerful as the other, he will not be able to meet the requirements of his past.

But now, he has some understanding that as long as he can hold on to this cruel memory and the revenge ends, he will have a great harvest and can continue to experience safely.

This cruel memory, the mental requirements, not as high as Chiba imagined.

The purpose is not to try, but to exercise!

And after the mood is stable and feels open, Chiba not only slowly absorbs the previous experience and lessons, but also experiences the training of the mental endurance and tenacity. Chiba also does not passively accept all of his past.

However, for Chiba now, the impact on his mind is not very strong. Slowly, Chiba can see the problem from the perspective of a bystander in this kind of forced personal experience.

After revenge, the past self found that his feelings and feelings had not recovered, and then he wanted to understand that what had been lost was his feelings and feelings, and none of these things were left.

Defense mechanism is not to shield feelings and feelings, but to abandon feelings and feelings.

He wanted to get them back.

After revenge, he has no goal, and then he begins to feel that he has no feelings and feelings, as if he is a walking corpse, a machine, aimlessly doing repeated work in the nightmare reincarnation.

It's uncomfortable in the past.

So he set himself another goal.

Recover the lost.

Then he began to carry out all the plans he came up with to restore his feelings and feelings. For example, he killed the "companions" that he "manipulated" and killed all the villains who could accept his style of conduct.

To tell you the truth, for the past self now, the difficulty of nightmare reincarnation, scenes with less than 500 people can be completely controlled or mostly controlled. Killing a few people is not a big problem at all.

It's even, to say, easy.

Then, after losing his partner, he was sent to the scene of 30 people, where only one person could survive.

Of course, for him, this scenario of giving losers can do anything but change the rule that only one person can survive.

After living through this scene, he was put into the scene of 30 or even 20 people. Then, he gave up the liberation talent, or nature, like the devil's whisper, and tried to appear in the image of a full of emotion in some people with the same human nature, and became their partners.

Even, as before, he became an adjunct to a charismatic captain.

Everything, it's beautiful.

However, he still did not find the feelings and feelings.

After hundreds of scenes, the team was destroyed and he didn't find his feelings and feelings.

During this period, he also tried tens of thousands of methods in this team, and changed many angles, just like Chiba thought about what would happen in the night of nine tails, and tried everything he could.

However, he still did not find the feelings and feelings.

Even the downfall of these people could not stir up any waves in his heart.

Then, in the past, I finally understand that once I give up something, I can never find it back.

He will never find his feelings.

To be honest, he didn't even feel lost.

Because there is no feeling, he can not feel tired. Although the body will be tired, in his concept, it is just a concept that the body needs to rest.

So he began to repeat everything before.Because he didn't feel disappointed and knew that he couldn't find his feelings and feelings, he just pinched out a goal.

There was no wave at all.

There is no despair and want to die.

In a sense, the past of their own, has been even a step up the mood of Chiba, feel cold spine.

Such a person, too terrible.

He has no feelings, no feelings, but he has the talent to bewitch people. His mastery of human nature has reached the level of being able to control. If such a person is placed in some doomsday prophecy, he is definitely the existence of the terminator of the world.

What's more, it's a hopeless, no weakness existence.

At least, human beings can't imagine the existence of their weaknesses.

However, in the past such aimless reincarnation, did not experience long, his reincarnation times, reached 1000 times.

From here on, the nightmare cycle has changed again, and its scope has expanded again. It has become a complete world size, or a world about half the size of the previous earth, and the number of participants is no longer limited to one person or team. You can be one person or tens of thousands of people.

At the same time, terrorist threats have also begun to escalate. These terrorist threats have become extremely aggressive. They are no longer passive or semi passive, but active. In these scenes, terrorist threats have begun to search for survivors and hunt for survivors. At the same time, the types and levels of terrorist threats are becoming more and more complex and powerful.

The lower limit of Ninja has risen to 500.

For each scenario, at least 500 people participated.

The upper limit of the number of people is none.

That is, there is no upper limit.

The number of survivors is based on the unit. If you come alone, even if it is a unit or a team of people, it is also a unit.

There are only three surviving units.

This nightmare reincarnation, from here on, really exposed fangs.

Just looking at the changes of these conditions, we can see that every scene will be a bloody storm.

But in the past, I was lucky.

His first 1000 scene nightmare scene is a 10000 person level nightmare scene.

In other words, more than 10000 participants.

And it's one of a million people who have experienced a thousand nightmares.

This is absolutely disadvantageous to our past self, which should be said to be very unfortunate.

It is very difficult to find the survival qualification of the three units among ten thousand people. After all, in this scene, not only people, but also various terrorist threats are actively looking for people to kill. Moreover, these terrorist threats, as well as many unknown capabilities, may not know how to die.

But, in the past, I was lucky.

Because, in his first thousand level nightmare scene, he saw what is the real supreme strong in the whole nightmare cycle.

Ten thousand, ten minutes, all out.

By a man.

All out!

The survival unit, all of a sudden, fell on their own body in the past.

This time, however, he did not fall into a coma directly after confirming that the survival conditions were complete.

Instead, the whole body was stiff in front of the young man who was bigger than himself with a sunny smile.

"The first thousand level nightmare, this is a gift for you. I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Do you want to get rid of this nightmare reincarnation?"

Then, suddenly appeared the youth, stretched out his hand, sincerely said.

Then, the past self, found the goal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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