"What is my other purpose? He must have made some plans and there must be some opportunities. I'm afraid it's not time to... "

Looking at the hollowed out open space, and the clear edge of the open space, because of the battle just now and a mess of mountain forest, Chiba wakes up from memory, and sighs gently.

After saying that he could not use the light ball, just like a program was started, he was kicked out of the light ball space of the three doors on the bluestone floor, even directly kicked out of the spiritual space.

That is to say, after this sentence, he directly recovered from his coma, and the first thing he did was to see jiuxinnai, who was about to be sealed by yuzhibo Xinyan. At that time, without thinking carefully, he subconsciously used the Jingmen mode, which almost drove yuzhibo Xinyan away.

And then there was a series of battles, until now.

In the end, he still doesn't know what plan his other self has made. From his memory, he can feel that part of his memory has been deleted. In this memory, another plan made by himself should be hidden.

Now finding your feelings and feelings is just the beginning of another plan of your own, as well as the follow-up.

Even if he doesn't look for it from his memory, he has a strong feeling that the other one has to do more than that.

Moreover, through the experience of cruel memory, Chiba has a comprehensive understanding of the other himself.

The other self, or, in other words, the past self, will never know the rules of the world's operation, and will only localize it for a while, and surely it will have a deeper purpose.

At least, there are plans to live comfortably in this world.

I'm afraid that this plan will change the whole world of fire shadow.

Although it is impossible to change essentially, at least the pattern of tolerance will change.

What's more, Chiba is 100% certain that fate can be changed, but for some reason, it has not changed.

Otherwise, the will of the world will not produce a reborn who is basically opposite to the six immortals who represent the world.

It is also regarded as immortality. The way of immortality of the six immortals does not interfere with the fate, but secretly monitors everything. It is a kind of defense mechanism. In case everything breaks down, the survival mode of the six immortals can still recover the collapse by giving strength.

In fact, the original work, the fourth World War of tolerance, can be regarded as a kind of collapse. It is not only the collapse of combat effectiveness, but also the embodiment of the most fundamental force of the whole world in the image of a big barrel of wood and night, and standing on the opposite side of the world. This itself has been destroyed. As a root force, it must serve the world, and anyone who has mastered a world The supreme power of the world, the existence of the root power, can never stand on the opposite side of the world, even if the master wants to destroy the world and succeeds.

Then, it means that the master is destroying himself.

This is the rule between the world and the world.

When the world dies, the indigenous people die.

The big tube wooden glow night stands on the opposite side of the world. The will of the fire shadow world, and the purpose of the fire shadow world's existence, in a simple level, is to let the tolerance world continue in accordance with the fate of the original work. No matter what changes, the indigenous people in the world should survive in this way, in the way of self-awareness.

In order to turn everyone into puppets, mindless soldiers, and then rule the world and face unknown enemies, this situation is undoubtedly against the will of this world of fire and shadow. If she succeeds, it means that the world of fire shadow has been fundamentally changed, which is also equivalent to destroying the world of fire and shadow. The world controlled by okumi is no longer In the world of fire shadow, both ninja and ordinary people have lost their sense of independence, which is basically equivalent to death and extinction.

As long as the big tube wooden glow night controls the world, it is equivalent to destroying the world and the world's indigenous people.

The world and the indigenous people die together.

And she has the supreme power, the root of the power of existence, is completely able to control the world, destroy the world.

Therefore, the six immortals, the God, his way of existence, can give the aborigines strength to fight against the big tube wooden night.

In other words, it can give the aborigines the power to defeat the big tube wooden glow night and save the world.

In this way, it can not only prevent the world from being destroyed by the man who can destroy the world, but also prevent the supreme power from being acquired by the evil aborigines, thus leading to the destruction of the world.

But yuzhibo Xinyan is not the same. Although yuzhibo Xinyan is also a kind of immortality, this kind of immortality is much more direct than the six immortals. If one is not done well, it is likely to produce a second big tube of muhui night.

Even if it is the will of the world, he has to bear great risks.And because of the existence of the transgressor, the world will make such a risky operation. It can be seen that fate can definitely be changed, and Chiba can still do it as a penetrator.

In other words, Chiba has great hope to save jiuxinnai and spend the night of Jiuwei.

"Well, then, there should be new hints. Now, maybe not the best time in the past."

And think of here, Chiba is a light sigh, but did not think about it, now, the most critical or nine tail night, in any case, he must have been to this level.

Even if I know a lot of things, I feel the terrible will of the world.

But he still has to do it.

After the cruel memory, he understood that jiuxinnai gave him more than just warmth.

Now in the world of fire shadow, the feelings and feelings he gets are almost all the credit of jiuxinnai.

It is jiuxinnai that promotes the relationship between him and Hongyan and Chennai, and enables them three people who are not sociable at ordinary times to come together.

It is jiuxinnai and Bofeng Watergate bet that he can improve the relationship with Kakashi and tulin.

Even from the wave wind and water gate, we can get the knowledge of the extreme changes of chakra's shape and nature.

It is precisely because of this that his social circle is becoming wider and wider. It can be said that he can maintain strong feelings and feelings, more or less because of jiuxinnai.

The meaning of jiuxinnai is not only a teacher's degree!

And also at this time, a wisp of green light, slowly from the eyes of Chiba scattered.

"Click, click, click!"

Then, under his feet, the ground suddenly cracked open.


In the silent muffle, the emerald green chakra coat suddenly appears from bottom to top like flame transpiration, and the hair suddenly floats upward. When dyed with green color, the unique eight gate chakra coat of Jingmen mode has already illuminated the surrounding area!

"Come on..."

Then, with a murmur, Chiba slowly turned around, lifted it with one hand, and held it in a lattice.

The mantis arm to block the car in general, it seems from the sky to meet the black giant blade!


And the next second, across the entire mountain forest like burning black flame giant blade suddenly cut off, will be small as mole ants, but dare to catch it on the green figure, swallow it!

In the roar, the earth trembles!

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