Like the dark sun, the black fireball shrinks bit by bit, and the black flame on the body surface is also extremely unstable. From time to time, it bursts out a touch of dark sparks, and slowly condenses into a young man's shape.

And with the condensation of young people, those black paint fire shadows also began to thin up, slowly exposed the burning figures in the dark flame.

This This is it!

At this moment, yuzhibo Xinyan's eyes opened slightly, but his pupils suddenly contracted. A kind of surprised color appeared quietly.


But also in this amazing color of the moment, his body flash, but back dozens of meters, left the light ball directly below.

After he landed quietly, his hands were closed.

In the eyes of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, vigilance has already appeared.

At this moment, above him, the paint black flame has completely faded, and the remaining flame seems to be twisted, like a snake, slowly absorbed into the shadow of the red lines with a slight yellow luster skin.

Finally, a young figure wrapped in pale yellow lustrous skin was revealed, and he fell down.

Mu Dun

Can you still use it like this?

At this moment, looking at this scene, his eyes reflected the falling down, puffing, half kneeling, covered with pale yellow skin of the youth, yuzhibo Xinyan slightly pulled the corner of his mouth.

At this time, in the perspective of the eternal kaleidoscope wheel eye, the reddish lines on those pale yellow skin have cooled down like a red iron, and the red color has faded and turned into black.

At the moment, Yu Zhibo Xinyan can clearly see that these lines all over the pale yellow skin are the seal techniques linked by tadpole characters, and the sealing techniques connected by numerous fire sealing seals, which are connected with each other, but can be separated from each other

this is

Unprecedented large composite seal!

Moreover, judging from the fact that our own sky light fire has been completely absorbed just now, these seal seals should have been strengthened, and the seal space is absolutely expanded. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to absorb so much sky light fire.

With his best defense ninja, the variation of rock hardening and wood hardening as the carrier, he used the fantastic seal technique to connect a considerable number of fire sealing seals into one, sealing all the sky lights

The seal technology of Chiba Taki has surpassed this era!

Even beyond all the times after the six times?

Although I knew he would not die so easily, I didn't expect that he would not be damaged.

And looking at all this, yuzhibo Xinyan's face is more and more dignified, even with a layer of ugly color.

At the same time, a light if there is no black light, slowly around his body.

"Hiss! Hiss, hisses

At this time, the half squatting Chiba slowly stood up, wisps of white gas from the pale yellow skin transpiration, emanating heat, looked at the front if there seems to be a black light around yuzhibo Xinyan, and looked around the scene, his face is still calm and calm, as if just nearly buried in a sea of fire that will never extinguish It didn't happen.

The terrain has changed.

It seems that this yuzhibo Xinyan has recovered his self-confidence in the paragraph just now, or, at the beginning, the suppression on him has disappeared.

Next, he will deal with me with the best mentality.

Sure enough, the person who the world will look for is not really qualified. He still has such a deep strength.

Only with such a bottom force can we survive the reincarnation of each life!

This yuzhibo Xinyan's mentality, in a sense, is also a kind of indomitable spirit!

But the next second, after observing, Chiba's mind, already flashed this series of ideas.

How fast!

But in Chiba's heart, the thought flashed, yuzhibo Xinyan's face suddenly changed, and the two words flashed in his heart.

A fist, wrapped in a pale yellow luster, came from the bottom left, almost touching his left cheek!

Only a thought of time, Chiba has already oblique body profile, with the momentum of boxing, attack Yu Zhibo Xinyan.

Come on!

Too fast to react!


However, it was blocked, and yuzhibo Xinyan raised his left hand and blocked it!

In the perspective of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it is clear to capture Chiba Wei Yi's falling body, every movement of punching, and even the trace of solemnity on the expressionless pale yellow skin's face, has not escaped its capture.

As it is almost a reflex, the eternal kaleidoscope wheel eye catches it. At the same time, yuzhibo shinyan, wrapped in the dark and shining right hand, has already raised his frame. When the two words flash through his heart, Chiba's right fist and his left arm have already hit each other heavily."Click!"

In this moment, the moment of his fist arm contact, the dark and solid chakra on yuzhibo's left arm suddenly broke apart and broke into wisps of smoke.


Then, in an exclamation that he couldn't finish, yuzhibo shinyan's eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye suddenly looked at his left arm. From the perspective of time slowing down countless times, his left forearm was bumping into his cheek bit by bit.


The next moment, a dull sound, mixed with a series of cracking crackles, yuzhibo shinyan's body suddenly flashed. The next second, on the flat ground 100 meters away, the black earth and rock rose quickly. Between the earth rock collapses, the ground suddenly subsided, and the spider like cracks burst out in an instant, spreading to tens of meters outside the pit. Finally, "bang" A crack in the smoke burst out, transpiration into a column, spray into the sky.

"Click, click, click!"

On the ground tens of meters behind the thousand leaves, which burst out of the smoke column, there are many spider web like cracks centered on the footprints of the right foot, which are embedded in the ground. They are like pits in front of the miniaturized version. Small pieces of earth and stone stand up along the spider web like cracks and form at once A miniature version of the earth forest, around the deep embedded in the sunken ground of the right foot footprints.


At the same time, a wisp of black fire, gently in the tadpole tattoo of the right boxing out of the straight small arm around the dissipation in the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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