"Listen, today's business must be kept secret. And, no matter for any purpose in the future, we can't mention it in front of people, let alone disturb the patients because of such things! Whether it is a hero who has saved the village several times or not, he is just a child, a child who has just lost many important people! We should take good care of the patient's mood! "

After leaving the emergency tent and entering a tent on the other side of the camp, the female medical staff turned around and looked at the medical staff who still seemed to have no idea and were still chattering about it. They said rather sternly.


Hearing this prestigious captain and camp chapter, the more than ten medical personnel were stunned.

However, soon they opened their mouths and looked at them as if they were subconsciously refuting.

After all, it was a medical miracle just now, a medical miracle that has never appeared and even can't even be imagined in this era. Even master gangshou's medical Ninja is hard to reach.

This It's just a matter of keeping secret. It's OK not to mention it. But if you don't disturb the patient, don't you mean never go to the child because of this?

How can this be!

This situation must be studied!

This kind of medical miracle, even if it is not completely studied thoroughly, and even if only a little bit of research results are obtained, the medical level of the whole village can be improved. As long as a little bit of new medical ability is found from it, many lives that might have died can be saved.

How can we not study it!

How much tragedy, how much pain can be saved!

This one, can't!

At this time, almost all the medical personnel's mind, are flashing such an idea.

As the resident medical personnel of this backup medical camp, each of them is a senior medical personnel who has experienced the war. Even, several of them are still the first-class medical ninjas in the village, and the rest are outstanding in various fields.

Otherwise, they will not be arranged in the medical facilities that will become the only refuge outside the village on the night of nine tails. They are enough to serve as the last hurdle in the medical defense line.

And because of this, they have experienced a lot of wars and wars, or small-scale battles between them. Therefore, they have seen more joys and sorrows than ordinary people.

As medical staff, excellent medical staff, they almost all have a heart that can feel the same. They can almost feel the despair and pain in their hearts, as well as the grief of their relatives and friends.

That's why they lost their manners just now.

Even now, there is no way to slow down.

They also don't want to see such a tragedy. They are supposed to save the dying and heal the wounded. However, compared with the joy and joy after the success of the rescue, they feel more helpless sadness and despair.

Now, what happened just now is a miracle, almost a miracle.

Almost immediately, apart from being shocked by the medical miracle or miracle just now, they all made up their minds to study the miracle well, even if they could get some new technology from the tip of the iceberg.

It can also reduce a lot of tragedies.

After all, it is impossible to treat Chiba's injury just now. Even if the child is still alive, it is a miracle in itself. It may be because the child's body is strong enough.

However, all the cells in his whole body were atrophied, and even part of his body had completely disappeared. The cells in this part had completely disappeared. His body could not be said to be in a state of life at that time.

Basically, it was a body.

It was entirely because of Chiba's tenacious willpower and some change which they did not know from his body, so he did not die completely.

Moreover, he is still RH rare blood type, but also lost too much blood, even if the body does not become like that, it is bound to die.

There is not enough Rh blood in the village blood bank. Even if there is, there is no time to deliver it.

This child's blood loss is too terrible, far beyond the limit of blood loss, the amount of blood transfusion needed has reached a certain degree of medical impossibility.

Because, in general, blood loss to this level, there is no need for blood transfusion.

Man, it's gone.

And this is the case of death. When the girl's blood entered the child's body, his shriveled skin began to fill up slowly. The whole process was simple and gruesome. With the girl's blood constantly entering the child's body, Chiba's body filled up at a speed that could be recognized by the naked eye, As if blowing a balloon, the whole withered body bulged up, and with the increase of blood transfusion, the skin began to shine.During the whole process of blood transfusion, they watched Chiba slowly fill into a perfect shape from an old corpse on the verge of death. Even better than usual, it was as if after the girl's blood transfusion, her own life entered the body of Chiba and saved Chiba.

Directly pulled Chiba from the line of death, and recovered.

That's right. It's all right!

Chiba went directly from dying and endangered to heyday.

The reason why this happens is that you don't have to look at it. It's because girls' blood, girls' blood, has extremely terrible healing power. Now, almost all of girls' blood is transported into the body of Chiba.

They just need to test the blood of Chiba to start the first step of the research, which is basically cost-free research.

Now it's going to stop.

It's unreasonable and incredible.

If you can replicate this blood, even if it is a small part of the effect, even if one percent of the effect is copied successfully, it can save countless people.

Some seriously injured people will be able to stabilize the injury in the first time, and then, strive for time to be treated.

The cause of death of many heavy wounded in the battlefield is not those who are seriously injured, but because they can not be treated in time!

How can we not study it?

Moreover, with Chiba this child's character, will certainly cooperate fully!

This child, will agree!

This will benefit the whole village and the whole future!

How can we not study it?


Why is this?

At this moment, all the medical staff's mind, is a flash of such a series of ideas.

Incredible, the words of his captain, too strange.

"It's my decision. It can't be leaked out, it can't be mentioned again, and it can't be studied."

However, the next second, before their retorts were uttered, they were interrupted by a slightly tired but still majestic voice behind them.

Subconsciously, everyone turned and looked at the tent door.

Then, everyone's face, is a sudden change.

At this moment, the door to speak to interrupt the door, is the three generations of fire!

It is the order of Huoying that we should not investigate and study this matter!

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