Transparent and warm water drops, in the air out of a touch of crystal, heavy fall on the ground, broken into countless beads, halo on the ground a little dark, this piece of quiet camp, issued a crisp crack sound.


Then there was a slow exhalation.

Chiba, who has been standing holding the scroll posture, slowly opened his eyes. With his eyes opened, the wavy lines slowly faded away and turned into ordinary eyes.

"Click, click, click!"

At this time, a series of breaking sound sounded in his hands, and the seal scroll that released all the tail animals chakra broke into powder in this moment, and slowly floated in the air.

"Goodbye, jiuxinnai..."

Then, open eyes in the dim slowly retreat, into a sense of calm, thousand leaves in the mouth, unconsciously whispered.

Then, after taking a final look at the body of the girl lying in the hospital bed, which has lost her breath and vitality, but seems like the girl who may wake up in the next second, she takes a slight breath. After pressing down the last wave in her eyes, Chiba turns around, lifts the curtain of the camp and goes away quickly.

Now that the four generations of Huoying have been killed in battle, I'm afraid there are only two of the most important things for Muye.

At least one of these two things is related to himself. With the efficiency of the three generations of fire shadow, I am afraid that this matter has already begun to be discussed, that is, emergency meetings and other things should have started!

Before that, before all decisions are made, we must clarify the interests with the three generations of fire shadows.

Anyway, we have to hurry up!

And out of the camp moment, Chiba's heart, is a flash of such a firm idea.


However, also at this time, the idea flashed a moment, Chiba's body was on the spot, his face flashed a touch of surprise.


At the same time, not far from him, there was also a sound of consternation. His face was gloomy and the shadow of the three generations of fire was also on the spot, looking at the thousand leaves coming out of the camp.

"Three generations of master Huoying..."

And the next second, Chiba slightly surprised voice sounded.

Not yet?

According to the normal procedures for the aftermath, and the emergency capability of the three generations of Huoying, what kind of emergency meeting should be started at this time, and the issues of rehabilitation and post-war recovery should be discussed in half.

At the same time, in his heart, there was such a slightly surprised idea.

Chennai transfused blood to himself, almost all of his blood was delivered to him. According to the normal speed of blood transfusion, it is impossible to complete it without according to the hours. How to say, during the period of his blood transfusion, the third generation of Huoying has already dealt with the emergency measures, and then it is time to discuss what will happen after this night.

Even, for example, Xiaochun has to start preparing the materials to be reported to Daming of the country of fire. Even when the materials are completed, they will rush to Daming.

Let the country of fire rest assured at the first time.

On the other hand, the third generation of Huoying should also be prepared for the next defense of the village. After the loss of four generations of Huoying and a large number of ninjas, the third war of tolerance is not over yet!

Moreover, just because the third endurable World War is not over, Muye should get rid of the decadent state of the death of the new fire shadow as soon as possible, and show other tolerance villages with a relatively strong attitude the attitude that Muye, as the winner of the third endurable World War, should have, or be able to end the third endurable World War, rather than because he suffered As a result, other tolerance villages want to take advantage of the fire and let the Third World War of tolerance revive again.

Such as the Jiuwei rebellion, no matter how much information is blocked, it will eventually be transmitted. Even now, it should have been passed to the ears of other Ren villages. The third tolerance World War is not over. Even if the armistice treaty and the alliance treaty are signed, other Ren villages will not be naive enough not to set up any ears and eyes on Muye.

Therefore, the seal of Jiuwei is just the beginning of another war for Muye. Although there is no blood in this war, if it fails, the consequences will be more serious than bloodshed.

"Yes You're all right. "

Hearing the sound of Chiba, the fire shadow of the third generation seems to be relieved. The color of astonishment on his face slowly faded, and his mouth blurted out this sentence.

"Go in and speak!"

Obviously, the three generations of Huoying seemed to expect that Chiba had something to say. After taking a sigh of relief, he raised his hand and motioned to Chiba to go to the camp where he came out, as if to talk about it in detail.


In this regard, Chiba naturally responded immediately. He wanted to look for three generations of fire shadow, and at this time, he also realized his meaning.After getting the affirmative answer from Chiba, the three generations of Huoying went back. Chiba followed closely. Soon, they entered the main camp.

"You're OK. That's great."

Stay two people into the tent, three generations of fire shadow with this sentence to break the silence between the two.

"What was the loss of the village?"

But when I heard this sentence, it came out.

Although he knew from the time when he launched the natural skill of reincarnation, he was afraid that the loss of the village was far greater than that shown in the original work, and even so great that it had shaken the foundation of the village, which was the foundation of the winner in the Third World War of tolerance.

"This is the loss report, the latest."

As for Chiba's question, the three generations of Huoying did not say much, but directly handed over the scroll of the loss of the dark part, indicating to Chiba that he could see for himself.

Between words and actions, he did not hide Chiba because the scroll was absolutely confidential and contained some information that even some senior leaders of the village could not know, but let him watch it directly.


In this regard, Chiba slightly a Leng, but after all, took this scroll, looked up.

It seems that what I think is correct.

And, it's a matter of course.

This reaction of three generations of fire shadow, and the content on this scroll

And in the moment of taking over the scroll, he has grasped what key information in his heart.

Sure enough, the losses were heavy.

This can also explain why when he and the representative of yunyin went to Muye for peace talks and decided to take away the leader of the Japanese clan, Muye had to find a compromise

At the same time, he also turned such an idea in his mind.

What a loss!

Although the leaves were not destroyed and did not look as thorough as Penn destroyed them, they were not much better.

Regardless of the economic loss or the exquisite writing skills, Muye lost at least half of the Ninjas in the village's normal defense, which had made Muye unable to fight in the Third World War of tolerance.

Although Muye is still a strong tolerance village, compared with Yun Yin, if it really fights, I'm afraid it will fall into a bad situation. At that time, the war will surely fall into a stalemate.

And when that happens, will other villages really abide by the truce? Was the alliance at that time really an alliance?

After the wood leaf lost its absolute power, will there really be invariable friends and the so-called spirit of contract?

This is a world full of darkness and treacherous ninja, which is so naive!

It is impossible to predict what kind of consequences will be caused by the adhesion of war and the chain reaction against the leaves.

But no matter what kind of consequences, the leaves can not bear the heavy.

Even, it is very likely that the envoys sent by Yun Yin at that time wanted to start a war with Muye. On the one hand, they could get the white eyes of the orthodox family of Japan. On the other hand, they could also use this to launch a war to drag Muye into the abyss. It can be said that they killed two birds with one stone.

And if the leaves of the tree make a compromise, it doesn't matter, they can at least get white eye, and make no loss.

, as like as two peas work not completed, they did not expect that the family would have a family separated from their patriarch, and it would have resulted in two losses.

At that time, I'm afraid the three generations of Huoying were helpless. They could only compromise with yunyin and compromise to end the Third World War of tolerance.

Look at this kind of loss now, the wood leaf can fight, the war can continue, but after the battle, there is only a shell left.

It is very likely that because the pillar Ninja died too many, the next generation of excellent teachers could not be found after Lien Chan. At that time, the whole Muye had to recover its vitality and be a bit lucky. I'm afraid that it would be impossible to recover without three or five generations of people. If they are not lucky, they may never recover. Finally, they will be replaced by other forces.

After all, if there is no military organization, the state of fire will not pay too much attention to friendship and so on.

The country of fire, such a rich country, has enough money to attract strong enough military power.

Tolerance, but not only ninja village is a powerful military force.

There are also the mercenary organizations rarely mentioned in the original book, such as the dark Ninja organization.

As a national military organization, it is still tempting for some organizations to completely wash their hands and expand their influence within the scope of the state's permission with the money of the state.

What's more, a country like the state of fire is the most tolerant military force in the world!

In addition, the roots of wood leaves grow in the country of fire, and new military organizations have settled in the country. In the process of crowding out the leaves and even eliminating the leaves of empty shells, I am afraid that they can still get valuable things and even powerful ninja power belonging to Muye.

Apart from other things, the ban room of Muye can at least cultivate a large and medium-sized tolerant village.The inside story of the most tolerant village is not decoration.

Therefore, in any case, for the sake of Muye, the three generations of Huoying must compromise, even if it is to hand over the patriarch of the first and most noble clan of the Japanese clan.

"So, do you have any plans for Naruto, the three generations of Huoying adults?"

But after reading the scroll, Chiba sighed in his heart, but there was no change in his face. He solemnly returned the scroll to the third generation of Huoying, and opened his mouth to transfer the topic to another place.

Is there no better way for Chiba to do this?

But as a result, Chiba handed over the scroll, the three generations of fire shadow heart is a little sigh, understand the intention of Chiba to open the topic.

The loss is too serious, even if it is Chiba, there is no better way, in addition to those conventional emergency measures, to turn the tide.

However, this kind of economic loss and personnel loss are both hard losses, and Chiba can not make up for it with money and personnel out of thin air.

This is the most variable thing, even if it is God, I am afraid there is no good way.

It is impossible to change the situation in this respect.

"Naruto is the only child of shuimen and jiuxinnai, and is also Jiuwei's human pillar force. I intend to take him as Yisun and protect him with all the strength of ape flying clan and the protection treatment of village fire shadow level."

After sighing, the three generations of Huoying also quickly adjusted their mood and said their future plans for Naruto.

As Yisun?

But hear this sentence, thousand leaf's facial expression is unable to restrain suddenly one side, in the heart is full of inconceivable.

The fire shadow of three generations wants to be a righteous grandson?

Is it not to conceal the identity of Naruto?

In this way, is it not clear?

Shouldn't it be the same as the original?

Here, shouldn't it be the same as the original?

This How is that possible?

This is absolutely impossible. How can such a thing be allowed to happen?

Then, after inconceivable, Chiba's heart only can't believe.

He never thought that the three generations of Huoying were prepared to deal with Naruto Zhu Li's identity in such a way that he directly elevated Naruto to the level of Yisun of Huoying. He was also the Yisun of Huoying who had paid everything for the village. He was also the Yisun of the ape flying clan, like muyewan, who had the inheritance qualification of the ape family.

This is not a simple sense of watching Naruto like, or Naruto is the treatment of Nine Tailed pillar force.

It can be said that the three generations of Huoying tried their best to protect Naruto.

It's not a simple thing.

Behind it, the three generations of fire shadow have to deal with complex relations, which are not as complicated as the current wood leaves.

If we just deal with the interpersonal relationship and the network of interests caused by the incident that the receiver is a righteous grandson, I am afraid that the three generations of fire will take the rest of their lives into account.

Three generations of fire shadow, to Watergate and jiuxinnai, are you so concerned?


Is it so deep?

But in the end, the idea in Chiba's heart turned into such a stunned idea.

"No! You can't do that! Absolutely not

Then, in the midst of this astonished thought, a firm objection was blurted out of his mouth.

"You must not accept Naruto as a righteous grandson!"

At the end of the day, he added this objection with great determination and intensity.

Take Mingren as Yisun?

No way!

Absolutely not!

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