"Ah! It's harmony teacher! "

Hearing this gentle sound, Xingnai, who was still crying and rubbing against Longyan's back, made a slight movement. Then he put out his head behind Longyan. After seeing the visitor, he put his hand around him and put his lovely round face into a smile. He threw Longyan to the side with a bright smile and ran towards the man who came.

"Cough! Cough! Cough, cough

But when she ran out, Longyan was lying on the ground, covering the place where she was hooped with both hands, and began to cough violently. The tears in the eyes of the two staring smooth and round were slowly filled with tears because of the fierce cough.

I What a fool!

Big fool!

But in his heart, already began to scold oneself.

At last!

At the same time, holding a big bag of snacks, looking at the person who has not far ahead, Haneda leaf slightly positive, the heart is a flash of such an idea.

At this time, in front of him, there is a beautiful woman who exudes this gentle temperament. Although there is no smile on her face, her soft facial features give people a feeling of gentle smile all the time. Just looking at it, you can feel a spring breeze on your face.

Behind this gentle woman, there are a group of ninjas wearing grass to protect their forehead.


At this time, Xingnai plunges into that gentle woman's arms, chuckles and rubs incessantly.

Fortunately, her tears and snot have all rubbed clean on Longyan's back, otherwise this gentle woman's body is obviously new clothes, but will suffer.

"All right, Xingnai."

For this hot little girl, he Yin smiles all over her face, gently caresses the soft hair of the little girl, and pinches the round face of the girl from time to time. After she is coquettish for a while, he gently picks her up and puts her aside. He touches her head and says.


In this regard, Xingnai nodded heavily and cleverly followed the harmony voice.

However, she soon found that there are two knees and hands on the ground, cough non-stop Long Yan, looking at his uncomfortable appearance, immediately one side of the face, Deng Deng Deng ran to the past, while to Long Yan patted the back, while asking Longyan's condition with a look of worry, but also quite reasonable straight gas Zhuang asked Longyan who bullied him.

"Ah Is Long Yan provoking Xing Nai again? "

"Well, why didn't the boy learn a lesson?"

"I can't help it. They were born on the same day. It's normal for them to sleep together after they were born. It's normal for them to have a good relationship."

"Ah! It's true that the feelings of the two children are much better than those of the other children! "

"Well This is the so-called "no guessing". Even if you know that the end will be miserable, you can't help it. Who calls them childhood sweethearts. "

"Well, it always feels like it makes sense."

"What makes sense, this is the truth!"

At this time, the lower tolerance behind harmony also noticed the situation and began to whisper in a volume that everyone could hear.


However, as one of the parties, Long Yan, who was one of the parties, coughed and wanted to cry without tears.

Where did he provoke Xingnai!

Where is he!

It's obviously that stupid leaf!

It's all the fault of that idiot!

At the same time, want to cry without tears, all regret and resentment, has been all transferred to Yutian Yiye's body.

If he had not been able to cough like this and relieve his suffocation, I'm afraid he would have scolded him again.


But at this time, looking at the harmony that has already come to him, Yoda Yiye's eyes leave from the lower tolerance people behind the harmony, unconsciously speaking.

Tone, but a slightly dignified doubt.


In this regard, he Yin nodded and looked at the young man with black and white hair as white as flowers.

At this time, behind him, there were 12 xiaren sent by caoyin village to take part in the middle endurance examination.

According to the rules of the tolerance test, there must be a group of three, that is to say, there are now four groups of teams participating in the test.

"And another group?"

Smelling speech, looking at this beautiful woman with pleasant mood all over her body, Haneda Yiye's eyebrows are slightly frowned, and there is no pleasant look on her face, on the contrary, it is quite dignified.

"Have you been attacked? Are you all right? "

Then, before waiting for harmony to say something, Haneda leaf's dignified look flashed over an inexplicable startled color, and quickly opened his mouth to ask.

"Don't worry, it's not attacked. It's just that white tail seems to have eaten something unclean and suddenly has diarrhea. There's no way but to send them back to the village, so let them go back in groups. Because of this, they came to play. Longyan and Xingnai couldn't bear it, so they came to you first. "To this, harmony explained truthfully.

Originally, according to the plan, there were 15 people in caoyin village, that is, five groups of xiaren, participated in the middle endurance test. But I don't know why. The leader of one group seemed to have eaten something unclean and had diarrhea for two consecutive days. There was no way but to ask the group to send him back, which led to only 12 people now.

But also because diarrhea has been dragging the progress, so the two children can't bear it, directly to the wood leaf.

That's where it is now.

But after all, because they were worried about the two children, their speed of travel was still improved a lot. In the end, they arrived at the front foot and the back foot with the two children.

"Is that so..."

Hearing the explanation of harmony, Haneda Yiye couldn't help but look at the two children there and murmured in his mouth. His face, after all, eased down. You can see that he was a long sigh of relief.

Twelve people


I always feel that if there are only 12 people, the plan will change a lot.

After all

Still need

At the same time, with a sigh of relief, such an idea flashed through his mind.

"Wait a minute, Mr. He Yin. We'd better go to Muye newspaper and prepare it. You've been so busy all the way that you haven't had a good meal. Let's have a rest first."

Then, he suddenly raised his hand and stopped the harmony that was about to open his mouth.


When he heard this, he saw the serious expression of HIDA Yiye. He wanted to ask about some harmony. He immediately changed his mind and nodded.

"Advanced village."

Then, he called to the next forbearance behind him.

"Yes! Lord harmony. "

To this, the next forbearance responded in unison.

It is obvious that this harmony has the incomparable popularity among the lower forbearances in caoyin village. In this voice, the two children's xiaren were still whispering in the voice that everyone could hear. They immediately expressed a sigh of awe, and even their bodies suddenly straightened up a lot, and they responded in unison.

"Well, let me lead the way."

After that, Haneda Yiye turns around and says.


To this, he Yin nodded, pondered a little, and then followed up.

"Long Yan, Xing Nai, go!"

When I leave, I don't forget to greet the two children.


As for the greeting of harmony, Xing Nai stood up and said that he was going to leave. However, he knelt down on the ground in pain. Long Yan, who was panting, flashed a trace of panic on his face.

However, soon, her eyes flashed a little surprise.

Then, she thought of doing it. She bent down and directly picked up Longyan, who wanted to cry without tears. In the stall where Longyan wanted to cry without tears and changed his expression into a loveless face, and in the words of "let me down", she trotted along with him.

And then there was a series of procedures. Because it was a temporary Zhongren exam, people in caoyin village didn't have any passes. Such a large army still needed a series of procedures of Muye.

First of all, they registered with the ninja on duty at the gate under the leadership of HIDA. This step was very smooth. As an envoy of caohin village, Yoda Yiye has been wandering around Muye village for a day. In addition, the dark part that moye takes him to visit, intentionally or unintentionally, lets him visit some of the facilities for outsiders. With a lot of rules, HIDA Yiye is very familiar with it 。

Then, after passing through the gate, they go straight to the registration office and ask the registration office to inform the relevant departments of the pass.

After a series of proofreading of intelligence materials, people got Muye's pass, and they were finally able to move freely in Muye village.

And this process, it took nearly three hours.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when all the people arrived at the guest house which had been arranged for them.

Fortunately, Muye's arrangement was very considerate. When they went to the guest house in caoyin village, Muye had already prepared a very rich lunch for everyone to eat.

"Hello! Yiye, are you sure that as long as you get good grades in the endurance test, you can solve the most urgent problem in the village now? "

Perhaps the food of Muye is too delicious, or people have not been late for such a rich meal for a long time. After eating, the old guy's tiredness seems to disappear. After eating, everyone has the spirit to surround in the living room of the double dormitory of caoyin village, which belongs to the participants of caoyin village, and the topic is one A common grass can endure.


In this regard, HIDA Yiye seems to have no surprise. Looking around, some began to clean up the tableware, some sat on the sofa in the peripheral living room to maintain weapons or keep their eyes closed. Some were surrounded by the harmony and the people around him, and said positively."That's why the leader lowered the standard of tolerance test and let as many people as possible participate in the test."

Finally, he added with considerable emphasis.

"Is that so? How can I feel that there is no connection between the two sentences. "

In this regard, the opening of the mouth of the forbearance or disbelief.

"Yes, yes!"

"Lowering standards and solving village problems do not constitute a logical explanation."


as like as two peas, he as like as two peas, and three brothers who were sitting on the right side of the table, suspected the triplets of his brother and sister, who were sitting on the right side. Three brothers and sisters helped to help the same eyes. Three faces of cold, cold and desolate faces were seen together.

"Well, you guys, since it is the order of the leader, there will be no mistake. You have all arrived here, so don't doubt it."

At this time, harmony is to give Yutian a leaf round field.

"It's OK, Mr. harmony."

In response, Haneda Yiye shook his head and said.

"In fact, I think the leader's idea is very simple, that is, to pass the Zhongren exam, to fight for more attention of our caoyin village, and let more big countries and big tolerance villages pay attention to us, and strive for more aid and resources, and still receive aid and resources from several big countries. As long as the big powers feel that we are worthy of being courted, everything that our village is suffering from because of its closed door state will be eased. As long as it is eased down, the situation of the village will become better and better after trade with other countries is resumed. "

Then, looking at the crowd, he said.

"How do you know that the big powers will look up to our caoyin village and will definitely receive aid, or assistance from several big countries."

On the other side, a rather mature grass with a long beard said.

"During my stay in Muye, I have also observed the defense here. Although Muye village is indeed the strongest tolerance village in the current tolerant world, its defense is well organized, and it can maintain a fairly tight defense in such cross-border Cross Village activities. However, there are still many loopholes. I have a rough observation, and these loopholes are not due to Muye's Ninja element The quality is too low, but it is a problem of the number of people. Many loopholes are due to the shortage of manpower. Only one or two guards can be placed symbolically. It can be seen that the third endurance World War and the famous Jiuwei rebellion have brought much loss to Muye. It can be said that in terms of Ninja, maybe the quality of Muye has recovered quite well, but the number of people can not be improved in just a decade or so Although there was no Jiuwei rebellion in other Ren villages, they suffered heavy losses in the Third World War of tolerance, which was no better than Muye who experienced the Jiuwei rebellion. Now Muye is like this, and other big Ren villages are similar. However, the shortage in number can only be made up by our small village. After all, people's growth cycle is fixed The problem can only rely on time, or foreign aid. As long as we can fight for Xiaoren village which is worth fighting for, even if it is the country of fire and Muye, it will cost a lot of money. "

Later, HIDA Yiye explained.

"Yes I see. I'll go back and have a rest. "

But hear feather field a leaf this one words, the name that opens mouth first however endure suddenly stand up, say nothing, walk toward own room.

"Well, we went to have a rest, too."

Then there are the triplet brothers and sisters. With beards on their cheeks, they stand up and walk to their room.

After that, the others went back to the room after thinking for a while.

After a while, in the whole living room, only Longyan and Xingnai, as well as Heyin and Yutian one leaf.

And soon, two full sleepy children hand in hand back to the room for a nap.

In the end, there are only two people left, he Yin and Yutian Yiye.

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