"New steps?"

Looking at the beautiful and gentle woman who opened up the topic and exposed the things she had tried before, Haneda frowned slightly, but she repeated the key words in this sentence.

"Well, don't you have something to discuss with me? Is there anything else but a change in the plan? We've all reached the wood leaf. "

In this regard, harmony naturally said.

This is the time. Besides the change of the plan, is there anything else to discuss with her seriously?

"No! incorrect! It's not as simple as that! "

However, hearing this sound, Haneda Yiye is shaking his head, even voice in the mouth.

It's not that simple.

The sentence just said by harmony is definitely not so simple.

Then, after the continuous words, Haneda Yiye suddenly stopped, swept his eyes and fixed his eyes on hoyin's eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed on his face.

"You expected it!"

Then, this surprised color, this sentence blurted out from the mouth of a leaf of feather field.

After this blurted out words, there was a trace of stiffness on his face, and his words were also slightly smothered.

After that, he was smiling, with a helpless color, and then he said again: "and the reason why you can expect is that this is because you are calculating me, you have calculated me once!"

"What are you talking about? I'm counting on you? What am I going to do with you? "

Looking at the series of changes and words of Haneda Yiye, he Yin blinked his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. The reason why the plan has changed and I will discuss with you is that you have added me to the list of forecast names in the CME and formed a team with Long Yan and Xingnai, which has aroused certain vigilance of Muye. Therefore, the intelligence of the previous Muye defense arrangement is completely invalid. Because of the invalidation, a series of changes have been derived, so I will come to you. "

Hearing this, Haneda Yiye put out a helpless smile and said: "from your reaction just now, you can see that you had expected this situation for a long time. You know that if you arrange this way, it will cause wood leaf's attention, cause certain harm to the plan, and the plan will inevitably change. However, you know the consequences of such an arrangement. Obviously, you are calculating me. It is to take the opportunity of white tail and their sudden departure to let me participate in the tolerance test

Yes, harmony knew from the beginning that the plan was bound to change.

Harmony is also very clear, three Yutian people form a team, and unfortunately to take the tolerance test, it will cause a certain degree of nerve sensitivity, will affect the plan, so that the plan will change.

It is because of this that he will know what he wants to discuss with her, which is a new step in the plan.

In this interview, HIDA Yiye did not disclose any of the contents of the discussion. How could harmony so confidently say about the new steps.

And he Yin's plan, no doubt completely deceived Yutian Yiye.

At the beginning, HIDA Yiye just thought that harmony was to increase the passing rate of the public and the exam, so he was added to the list of people taking the exam without thinking.

However, now it seems that things may not be so simple. Undoubtedly, harmony knows the consequences of this and will do so at the expense of destroying the plan.

There may be deep meaning in this.

He seems to have forgotten that the woman in front of him is not the one who can be compared with others. He is also an important figure in caoyin village. He is deeply trusted by the leader of caoyin village and even the whole caoyin village.

What's more, this harmony is also the most strategic one among the leaders of caoyin village. He not only has outstanding personal strength, but also has won many key battles of caoyin village both at home and abroad.

Even though the strategic ability of Yu caoyin village is not one of the best in the tolerant world, it can also be ranked in the top ten. Yu caoyin village is basically like two consultants in shayin village.

And in some can not be verified in the grapevine, it is said that she is deep in someone's true biography.

He Yin also has the ability to predict that she will do so. Although the plan will be destroyed, it will not be unsustainable, so he will not change his face and put him in the list of forecast names.

As for why he did so, HIDA Yiye can't infer all of them, but on the surface, he needs his personal strength.

Instead of superficial, deeper things, Haneda leaves are unknown.

However, HIDA Yiye can be sure that there must be a deeper intention. The woman in front of her is not only beautiful.

Moreover, HIDA Yiye is also very sure that these deeper plans are beneficial to the current situation and even very important to caohin village.

"Come on, what's the reason why I have to take this endurance test?"Thinking of this, looking at the harmony, Haneda Yiye opens his mouth again and blocks back the words he is about to say.


Originally, he wanted to explain something. When he heard the interrupted words, his mouth showed a bitter smile. He sighed and said, "I can't hide you."

"No, this time you kept me in the dark. When I saw the list of pre registration, I didn't think too much, just thought you would increase the qualification rate."

In response, Haneda Yiye shook his head and said truthfully.

"Are you praising me?"

And heard this, he Yin blinked his eyes, suddenly chuckled.

"Do you need to be praised now? How many people are qualified to praise you... "

In this regard, Haneda Yiye turned his mouth and said.

"Well You should not have told other people that you are going to take the tolerance test now? "

When he heard this sentence, he Yin laughed and asked.

"Well Not yet. "

In this regard, HIDA Yiye said truthfully.

At this moment, only he and Heyin know about the pre registration list. Everyone else only knows the 12 people who were supposed to participate, but they still don't know that he, Longyan and Xingnai are also going to participate.

"If you tell them today, you will know why I did it."

Smell speech, and sound mouth corner smile slowly disappear, but toward the direction of the dormitory to see a glance, eyes covered with a slight worry.

"Tell them Will know? "

And hear this, feather field one leaf blinks an eye, quite doubt repeated a.

"You don't mean..."

Then, all of a sudden, he had a flash of light in his head and suddenly understood the meaning of harmony.

"That's right. Don't you think that everyone has been a little bit over nervous since we entered Muye, especially after that night when we asked you whether the tolerance test could change the status quo of the village? Not only do they do some indoor exercises and meditations every day, but also after dinner, they also do more exercises. If this goes on, they don't have to take the tolerance test. Under such a nervous and physical stress caused by pressure, they may not be able to pass the first exam. Muye's tolerance test has always been very strict, which is almost the highest standard and standard in the tolerance field. They have no chance of winning, let alone passing the first exam

See Yutian Yiye understand his meaning, and the tone straight open way.

"When I did this, I added you to the list and made a forecast. Of course, I knew that no matter how good the reasons, the justifiable excuses, or the helpless situation, the three Yutian families' temporary joining in the tolerance test, as a family that suddenly appeared and then replaced the leader family of caohin village, how could it not be cited The alertness of the leaves, and even caused a series of big movements of the leaves. However, even if it is to cause such a big action, I will also arrange you in, because now only if you participate, can we stabilize their uneasiness

Then, he Yin sighed and did not wait for Haneda Yiye to speak, but said.

Tell me why you did it.

She did know the consequences, but she had to.

Of course, in front of her, Yiye will definitely increase the qualification rate with her present talent level strength, which is also part of her purpose. However, she did not do this because of the qualification rate, or even more because of the mentality of other people who are willing to endure.

Because it's about changing the current situation of the village, they put too much pressure on themselves and their mentality has been too tense.

In the present situation, only the chief of staff, who has been refusing to be promoted and who is still lingering in the lower tolerance, can stabilize the mentality of these people.

Only he has enough strength and popularity, can let these forbearance people relax at once, in this period of time quickly adjust good mentality and physical state.

"Yes Is that so? "

After hearing this, Haneda Yiye was stunned. Then, he looked at the scroll in front of him, which was full of secret signs. In the afterglow, he glanced at the information scroll that the garbage can had been burned to ashes, and sighed softly.

So it is

It's true that all of us seem to be a little bit tight these days.

I've been addicted to intelligence, but I've ignored it.

If it's not harmony, I'm afraid the plan will still be greatly affected.

And in his heart, it was such a clear idea.

"Because the tolerance test requires three people in a group, you arrange Long Yan and Xing Nai to work with me, right?"

Then he said.


To this, he Yin sighed and nodded.

This is also a helpless move. Originally, she did not intend to let Longyan and Xingnai participate in the tolerance test. One is that the two children are still young, and the other is that the two children are from the Yutian clan, which is quite inconvenient.However, if you send the letter back to the village now and arrange two people to come over, it will surely be too late.

Otherwise, they would not have chosen 12 people to participate, rather than send another team to keep the number of 15 participants.

The remaining two candidates can only be attended by Long Yan and Xing Nai.

Even so, this will cause a series of reactions from the leaves, which will affect the plan.

"Well It's a good thing to have you. "

In response, HIDA Yiye also nodded, not caring about the impact of his series of actions on the plan and himself, and agreed.

Harmony, it's the right thing to do.

Even, it is very wise.

This is actually his negligence. He should thank Heyin.

"So, is there a big change in planning?"

When I heard this, I knew that Yiye had already understood that he would not tangle with this matter, and it was also a kind of uncovering harmony. After looking at the scroll in front of Yiye Yutian, a dignified look appeared on his face and said.

Now that we have made it clear that we all understand and accept it, it is time to get to the point.

What kind of impact will her arrangement have on the plan and what adjustments will be made to the plan.

Now, she should be aware of any changes and make arrangements immediately.

"Take a look."

In this regard, Haneda Yiye didn't say much about it, but pushed the scroll full of code words to the hand of harmony tone, indicating her to have a look.


In this regard, there is no nonsense in harmony, and we can see it directly.

This code is also a family specific text developed by the Yutian clan. It seems very easy for harmony.


So complicated?

But looking at it, he Yin's dignified face is floating on a layer of astonishment.

Basically, every column on the scroll is a solution to a situation. The solution formulated by the young people in front of us for the re collected intelligence is very detailed and comprehensive, but it is very complicated.

It is not the complexity of nine turns and eighteen turns, but each solution itself requires the executor to have the ability to deal with complex information, and be able to respond to a variety of complex situations, so as to guide things to the side that is beneficial to them.


But after watching, he Yin slowly raised his head, but his face was full of embarrassment.

"Burn it for me."

Then, also in this moment, feather field a leaf corner of the mouth swept up a wry smile, open a way.

"Burn it?"

Hearing this, he Yin was slightly stunned.

"You also think, this solution, no one but you and I can do it, right?"

However, hearing the words of He Yin's dismay, Yu Tian's corner of his mouth flashed a bitter smile and opened his mouth.


To this, harmony nods hard.

This scroll, the changes in the plan and various solutions are perfect. It can cope with all the variables. In other words, it is safe to say that it is the vast majority of variables. Even if it cannot be fully dealt with, it can also guide the variables to the side that is relatively beneficial to us.


The feasibility is almost zero.

Because, the executors, among their current staff, can only do two of them.

If they are the only two, it is impossible for the plan to succeed.


It's a wonderful, perfect plan.

But it's just a chicken rib.

"So, burn it."

Seeing he Yin nodding, Haneda Yiye opened his mouth.


Without hesitation, he threw the scroll directly into the flaming stone dustbin.

Since there is no feasibility, it can only be burned.

"Then next..."

Then, watching the scroll burning, he Yin raised his head and looked at a leaf in Yutian.

"Be flexible. I'll collect information as much as possible, and then we'll act accordingly."

At this time, looking at the burning scroll, Haneda leaf's eyes, but slowly exuded a complex look.

It seems, mixed with this kind of helpless.

It seems that there is an unavoidable fear from instinct.

After watching it for a long time, he began to mumble.

Spit out

This is a word for change!

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