How slow

Naruto and Sakura

In the dense shade of roadside trees, yuzhibozou's eyes slightly moved away from the boy who was lazy and returned to the cane chair on the balcony just opposite. He looked at the road when he came, and he could not help but murmured in his heart.

It has been more than an hour since the appointment, and my two partners have not arrived yet.

Although they have just received the application form of tolerance, they may need to adjust their mentality and start to focus on the tolerance test. However, they have just reached an agreement to continue to monitor this Haneda Yiye.

Of course, it's not unusual for them to be late. After all, it's not unusual for them to be late for the exam. Seeing Naruto's excited appearance, it will take some time to calm down. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if they come. Moreover, he will accompany muyemaru for a while. Even though it has been more than three hours since the separation, it is still foreseeable that they will be late.

It's just that it's nearly an hour late. It's still a little bit It's too slow!

He didn't think of it.

No matter what their two partners are, they are not without the concept of time.

Is something wrong?

And think of here, Yu Zhibo Zuo Zhu frowned, a pair of bright eyes, but can't help but fall on the balcony in the distance, it seems that the sun is up in the youth.

Or is it this HIDA Yiye who has done something wrong again

However, he has been on this balcony all the time today, without any action. He should not have any means to Naruto and Sakura

At the same time, with the eyes settled, his heart, is involuntarily flashed such an idea.

This feather field one leaf's behavior, already let him involuntarily to this aspect to think.

As if, this Haneda leaf can always calculate them without their knowledge.

Moreover, the success rate is very high.

It's like, they're going to get hit.


If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I can't keep an eye on this Haneda leaf by myself.

Naruto and Sakura, what are these two guys doing?

With such an idea, a little nervous mood flashed through Yu Zhibo's eyes, and his face showed a serious look like he was facing a big enemy.

That's right. It's like a big enemy.

As if, this surveillance of Haneda Yiye this matter, as in the face of the young man named Bai who has the limit of blood succession, and the so-called "ghost man" who can fight with his teacher and never kill him again.

At this moment, Yu Zhibo Sasuke is still alert and attentive.

In addition, this concentration and vigilance are more than those of the wave state mission.

This yuzhibo Sasuke's persistence to this HIDA Yiye is more serious than his tolerance test.

This can be seen from the fact that he has now obtained the Zhongren application form and has to monitor Haneda Yiye.

Generally speaking, at this time, he should be preparing for the tolerance test, such as starting a certain amount of training.

For Yu Zhibo Sasuke, it is not that the tolerance test is not important, but it is more important to uncover the suspicious face of this one leaf of Haneda.

It's almost

A kind of obsession.

Otherwise, with his character, he will not be at this critical point, but also pull chunye cherry and whirlpool Naruto to monitor together.

Of course, in addition to the whirlpool Naruto, the extent to which chunye Sakura can be attached to this Yutian leaf is also quite obsessive.

"You two don't be too optimistic. It's not sure that one of the names of Xintian maosou or takuchiba is the name of the most powerful ninja in Muye. After all, it's possible that the Muye Ninja didn't die as a hero and was engraved on the memorial tablet. Even, it can be said that he died or was still alive as a rebel That's why we can't pass down any deeds. It's unknown. "

At this time, when Yu zhibozou was worried, a lazy voice came from under him.


What are these three guys?

Subconsciously, Yuzhi bozou looked down and saw that three young girls were passing by under the tree with thick branches and leaves suitable for hiding.

And he knew all three of them.

It's the same class before. Now, Nara Luwan, akido dingci, who are in the 10th class at the same time, are also some annoying ones. They are enemies with Sakura. I don't know why they always pinch each other.

And speaking, this lazy and his teacher is a little similar, but different kind of non salty voice, it is Nara Deer pill.

Listen, it seems that this Nara Deer pill is pouring cold water on the other two people.

It seems that these three people are also investigating something."What's the matter? Don't you say that we've finally taken the first step? If you find the hutch with the garden, you can determine the name of the strongest ninja. At that time, wouldn't it be easier to check the strongest ninja? "

At this time, Yuzhi bozouzu subconsciously thought about the stall. Yamanaka Inoue seemed not to care about the cold water of Nara Deer pills. He was quite optimistic.

The strongest ninja?

Huts with gardens?

They're investigating what?

Hearing this, Yuzhi bozou's attention was irresistible.

In particular, they said that the "strongest Ninja", almost the first time, poked his curiosity.

After listening to these two sentences, Yu Zhibo helps the genius level intelligence. It is almost impossible to know that these three people are investigating the "strongest Ninja", and the "strongest Ninja" should be "the strongest ninja of Muye".

And from their dialogue, we can see that the most powerful ninja of Muye is either dead or alive, either as a hero of Muye or as a rebel. He may die or live.

At the same time, this Muye Ninja is not a character of this era.

Most likely, it was a character of the past.

Although it is the strongest, no deeds have been handed down, and it is forbidden to talk about it by the village, which is a taboo of the village.

Now, the following three people have found some clues. For example, one of the two names of Xintian maosou or takuchiba may be the name of the most powerful ninja in Muye.

To verify the name, it is necessary to look for a small wooden house with garden in the village.

Although we don't know where the three people learned about such a so-called strongest ninja, we can see that they have investigated deeply.

Judging from their conversation, it seems that this strongest Ninja is not any one of the most recognized fire shadows of all ages.

If it's the shadow of fire, then there will be no mention of heroes or rebellious tolerance

However, is there anything stronger than fire shadow in the world of tolerance?

Besides, other villages.

With his thoughts, Yu Zhibo Sasuke's mind slowly sank into the conjecture of the strongest ninja, or the analysis of the dialogue among the three people below.

And, soon found the key point, the strongest Ninja has a certain speculation.

The strongest The strongest

In addition to shadow, is there or was there such a ninja that can be called the strongest in the past?


Listen to Nara and their words, it seems that this strongest, or worthy of the strongest, that is to say, the undocumented historical part of Muye has a strongest ninja who can surpass the shadow.

I always feel

It's interesting!

Then, the next second, in his mind, Yuzhi bozosuke could not help but be interested in this strongest.

"Ah I said, are you too optimistic? This is basically an impossible thing to complete. To investigate a ninja who is taboo and does not even have a name left. Even if you have found clues and reliable information, it is also a lot of indirect information, which is basically quite difficult to verify. Moreover, the only home of the strongest Ninja to verify the clues is the one with the garden There are dozens of huts with gardens in the village alone. It takes a lot of time to investigate each one. Don't forget that we have to prepare for the tolerance test. It's very likely that after the exam, we are still in the process of investigation... "

At this time, Nara Luwan's words rang out again, only full of laziness and helplessness finally became apparent.

"In addition to the huts with gardens, we can also start with Chennai and yuzhibo Hongyan on that day. This strongest Ninja is taboo. It can't be said that it doesn't mean that the ancestral family of the Japanese clan and the genius of the yuzhibo clan are also taboo. Do you think so, dingci?"

In this regard, Yamanaka minefield did not seem to care, said.

"Oh, no!"

For Yamanaka Minefield's words, akido nodded in a hurry, just because his mouth was full of snacks, so he could not express his strong approval at the first time. However, although he could not express his strong approval at the first time, he still expressed his approval position with a fast nod frequency and a firm silence in his mouth.

"Well If it is really so good to start with, since it is taboo, this kind of related person, how can it be so easy You In a word... "

Then Nara Luwan spoke again and continued to express what he thought was not easy. It was not so simple. However, as the three people moved away, yuzhibozuosuke gradually lost their voice.


Now is not the time to think of these, or focus on staring at Haneda Yiye!At this time, when the voice of Nara Luwan gradually disappeared, Yu Zhibo sasuku suddenly realized that his eyes suddenly moved away from the back of the third group of the tenth class and turned to the balcony.


Fortunately, there is no action!

And when this vision is settled, he is greatly relieved, that feather field a leaf is still good in the sun, not out of his sight.

In other words, he didn't lose it.

"Ah? Isn't that three idiots? "

And at this time, a big nerve without a sense of tension, there are some proud light floating words, suddenly sounded in his body.

That is, under this big tree.


Almost subconsciously, he looked down. Before he could reach his eyes, he already had the exact information about the owner of the voice.

His teammate, Naruto.

And this look down, standing under the tree, it is hands holding the back of the head, a face of leisurely vortex Naruto.


But before he could say anything or remind Naruto of something, a fist hit him heavily on his head.

"What are you doing! Stupid Naruto! Now we're watching. We're hiding! "

Then, before the whirlpool Naruto had time to cry for pain, his mouth was suddenly covered by the hand stretched out behind his back. Almost at the same time, he leaned and was pulled into the trunk.

Then, it was this voice that lowered the voice.


It's just in time.

At this time, after watching the whirlpool Naruto being pulled into the tree trunk, Yu Zhibo Sasuke looked at the balcony opposite. After finding that everything had not changed, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief. In his heart, he expressed considerable praise to his other teammate, Chun Ye Ying.

"Sakura, it hurts..."

Then, a few minutes later, whirlpool Naruto held his head and kept turning his eyes upward. He seemed to want to see the big bag with red light flashing on his head, squatting in the shadow of leaves behind yuzhibozou, with a face full of tears.

"Shut up! Naruto

But this pitiful words, really did not receive any sympathy, only a nervous reprimand.

"How about it? Sasuke? "

Then, is chunye Sakura lowered the voice of inquiry.

"He's been in the sun for more than three hours, and he doesn't seem to have any plans to go out. It seems that after the people of caoyin village arrived, his task was completed

In this regard, Yu Zhibo Sasuke also lowered his voice, such as Tao.


Smell speech, spring wild cherry serious nodded, pondered a sound.

"Hello! I said, why do you want to watch Yiye? There's nothing suspicious about him? I want to do some preparation for the tolerance test. Can I go back first? "

But at this time, hear two people a serious appearance, and confidential conversation, sandwiched between the two people want to cry without tears vortex Naruto can not help saying.

He doesn't want to watch a leaf!

He wants to go back to prepare for the exam!

But he wants to turn over the test in this time, let everyone know him vortex Naruto, and lay the foundation for becoming a fire shadow!

There's no time to do such meaningless things!

Besides, he still thinks that this leaf is a good man!

"He can't be so motionless all the time. We can't relax our vigilance. We must uncover his suspicious features."


However, his words were completely ignored by his two teammates and did not stir up any waves in the end.


"These three guys are not tired of it yet."

At this time, HIDA Yiye, who squints at the sun, keeps the posture of lying on the cane chair, but the corner of his mouth is grinning with an ineffable stiff smile.

Heart, full of helpless! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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