"Well, instructions for starting the second exam."

After seeing all the people take the consent form in hand, Yushou washes the red bean clapped his hands, motioned the public to see it, and opened his mouth.

"To put it simply, you're here to launch the ultimate wild survival challenge."

And see all people have noticed their own, Royal hand wash red beans also have no nonsense, straightforward mouth way.

Wild survival challenges

What a troublesome exam!

At this time, hearing this sound, Nara Lu Wan's face of trouble is more intense, especially after reading the consent form in his hand, he is even more bitter.

At the same time, his eyes, but can not help but look at the two teammates.

Does Long Yan still have Xingnai


What to do?

There is no way to predict what will happen

Do you have to take a step and see a step?


And at this time, a leaf of feather field did not change that a lazy face, is also flashing a trace of distress color.

In this exam, we have to sign the contract of life and death. Obviously, there will be casualties.

Moreover, compared with the moderate tolerance and the upper tolerance, the lower tolerance is due to the strength and the reason why the strength difference between them is too small. I'm afraid that the mortality rate is higher than the injury rate. In other words, since the strength gap between the two sides is too small, it is impossible for anyone to capture anyone alive, or even fight for victory or defeat with their lives.

Basically, a battle will kill people, and the rest are not dead, and the probability of serious injury is also very high.

During this period, Muye will not send any rescue team, and there is no rescue mechanism. It should be very common for serious injury to evolve into death.

I'm afraid that if half of the people pass, the death rate of the remaining half will exceed 60%.

This is still optimistic.

That is to say, next, he will experience a battle of life and death with his HIDA ryohama and Yasuda Xingnai.

The pressure on him is still considerable.

If he is alone, then the forest of death is not a worry. However, with the words of Long Yan and Xing Nai, then everything is hard to say.

After all, the fight between ninjas sometimes depends on the strength of their strength, but sometimes, it may be in a flash, and it has nothing to do with the strength.

Sneak attack, assassination, conspiracy, cunning

In this dead forest, these will be impossible to defend. If one is not careful, he may not be able to protect both of them.


Finally, thinking of this, Haneda Yiye sighs.

"Long Yan Are you all right? "

But at this time, Yutian Xingnai gently held Yutian's slightly shaking hand. This careless and lovely girl, with a pair of big eyes, was already full of worry. He looked at his eyes and trembled slightly. His face was frightened. He did not know what he was thinking.


Let her worry!


What am I hesitating about!

These, always have to face ah!

Even if it's not now, it must be faced with in the future!

At the same time, feeling the softness and warmth in his hands, Takeda's trembling body slightly shakes. Looking at this pair of eyes of great concern and worry, such an idea suddenly passed through his heart.

"I'm fine, Xingnai. Be sure to keep up with me later."

Then, suddenly, the color of panic on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a determined color of determination. After tightening his warm and greasy hands, he said.

"Well! I see! "

After seeing his childhood sweetheart's face returning to normal and feeling full of security from his hands, Yutian Xingnai nodded repeatedly and said crisply.

The two children are ready, and we can't fall behind!

Try to pass the exam!

Pass as many people as possible!

At this time, when they noticed the actions of the two children, the people in caoyin village also made up their minds, and the color of determination on their faces was even stronger.

"First of all, explain according to the topographical order of the drill ground."

At this time, the Royal hand washes the red bean to take out a scroll, after unfolding in front of the public, opens a way.

As you can see, it is the general topographic map of the dead forest.

"The 44th drill ground is a circle surrounded by 44 locked entrances. There are rivers, forests and other terrain. In the middle is the only man-made building. The distance from the tower to each door or wall is about 12 kilometers. In this limited area, there will be a field survival challenge. The content is the second examination 。”

In this regard, the Royal hand washes the red bean non-stop explanation way.Sure enough, the lower tolerance of caoyin village is obviously different from other Ninja villages. It seems that it is not impossible for them to pass the first exam.

However, because of the current situation of caoyin village, they had to put all their eggs in this Zhongren exam, which created this atmosphere and passed the first exam.

This kind of statement always feels a little far fetched.

At this time, her eyes, is no trace of a glance at grass hidden people, in the heart of such a series of ideas.

In her mind, she flashed through the discussion of the whole staff of caohin village after dinner after the end of the first exam yesterday.

At this time, she still had some doubts about Kakashi's conclusion.

"And the content of the challenge of survival in the wild is that everything can happen, the battle of scrolls!"

However, in the heart doubt return to doubt, her mouth is still saying.


Hearing this, Xiayan people obviously noticed the key point in this sentence.

"Yes, the book of heaven and the book of earth are the battles around these two volumes."

In this regard, the Royal hand washes the red bean also does not sell the key, took out the scroll which writes "the day" and "the earth" straightforwardly, explained.

Obviously, this is the book of heaven and the book of earth.

"A total of 26 teams passed the first examination. Half of them, that is, 13 teams took away the book of heaven, and the remaining 13 teams took away the book of earth. I gave each team a volume of the book of heaven or the book of earth, and the completion condition was to take the book of heaven and the book of earth and go to the central part of Tata together within five days."

Then she said.

"Five days? That is to say, to fight for five days? "

Hearing this, Yu Zhibo Sasuke couldn't help but look at the same glance at chunye cherry, and the confused whirlpool Naruto, who seemed unable to understand, spoke softly.

At this time, the three people stand very close, although the voice is light, but the other two people can hear.

"Half of the people take away the book of heaven and half the number of people take the book of earth. In the end, if we gather together the book of heaven and earth, then half of them must be eliminated."

At this time, Sakura chunye also said.

"Five days?"

But at this time, with the spring wild cherry at the same time, there is also in the other side of the mountain minefield, and chunye cherry and team-mates discuss the low tone is different, she this is exclamation.

"What about eating?"

At the same time, Qiu daoding, beside her, exclaimed a very practical problem.

That is, about eating.

The most important question, none of them.

"Self sufficiency, the wild is a natural treasure house, food is enough!"

In this regard, Royal hand washes the red bean quite helpless to say.

"But man eating beasts and poisonous insects and weeds are everywhere."

Hearing the speech, the pharmacist also put in a mouth.

"What's the matter?"

But heard two people's words, the Autumn Road dingci immediately shrunk down, the whole person is not good.

"Are you a fool? Dingci, that's why it's a challenge to survive in the wild... "

In this regard, Yamanaka minefield said quite helplessly.

At the same time, Nara Deer pill has been silent sigh, the whole face of bitter meaning more intense.

"Of the 13 teams, 39 are qualified, half of them are qualified, and half of them are eliminated. I'm afraid it is impossible."

At this time, after the pig deer butterfly, sunward Ningci also gently opened his mouth and discussed with his teammates.

"The distance of action will be longer every day, but the time to recover will be shorter and shorter. This is a very serious examination."

In this regard, Locke Lee also said his own judgment.

"What's more, there are enemies all around, and we can't even neglect to guard against them. I'm afraid it's impossible to even have a good sleep."

At the same time, every day also said.

Sure enough

It is necessary to ensure that half of the population will be eliminated.

However, compared with the rules of the examination, the young people of Muye, as well as those new people, have very good quality.

Compared with the old-fashioned forbearance, it's not much less.

Cao Yin is still far from the wood leaf.

At this time, paying attention to the reaction of all the people around him, Haneda Yiye flashed such an idea in his heart.

"I'm afraid that those who are injured in the competition for the scroll and can't bear the rigor of the field challenge will surely appear."

And listen to the analysis of the next forbearance, Royal hand wash red beans inserted waist, gave everyone a positive answer.

"That! Can I give up halfway

In this regard, Nara Lu Wan suddenly raised his hand and opened his mouth."No, according to the rules, you can't give up halfway! Please spend 5 days in the forest

Smell speech, imperial hand washes red bean to see this towering braided youth, then gave him a death penalty.

I can't give up this exam.

"Tut! Is this really the case? What a trouble

When he heard this, he sighed a long sigh in his teammate Qiu daoding's snack eating eyes and Inoue Yamanaka's white eyes.

"Well, the relative conditions for being eliminated. First, the first one is that no three people can bring the two volumes of heaven and earth to the tower within the specified time. Second, teams that lose their teammates or are unable to move. "

And this time, Royal hand washes red bean to open a way again.

"Oh, by the way, add a condition that the contents of the scroll must not be seen before reaching the tower."

Finally, she added.

"What if I watch it in the middle of the way?"

In this regard, vortex Naruto almost subconsciously asked.

"Well Just before you see it, please imagine yourself

Smell speech, Royal hand washes red bean to show a mischievous smile, say so.


In this regard, whirlpool Naruto a face immediately Yan Yi up.

It means that as Zhongren, you have the opportunity to contact the super secret documents. Is this also a kind of trust test?

After all, although some intelligence needs to be captured or obtained by Zhongren, Zhongren is not qualified to know.

There are tens of thousands of ways for tolerance circles to obtain intelligence. As a unit that often needs external missions, Zhongren will easily disclose secrets if it knows too much.

It sounds ironic, but it is necessary.

As a kind of tolerance, we should also have the quality of this aspect

At this time, hearing the words of Royal hand washing red beans, such an idea flashed in Yutian Yiye's heart.

"Long Yan, what to do?"

At the same time, a little panic for help, but suddenly sounded in his back.

At this time, behind him, HIDA Xingnai suddenly looked at Yutian Longyan.

"Why What? "

But hearing this, HIDA's face immediately became stiff, the whole person is almost a tight, a wisp of iron green color, slowly began to climb up his cheek.

"What? What to do? "

However, HIDA Xingnai did not directly answer his question, just began to jump up and down, and his whole face was completely occupied by anxiety and anxiety.

"You! You, you, you, you! Say it

Looking at the anxious and anxious appearance of Yasuda, ryohama's face also completely changed. A light blue covered his face, and the whole person almost jumped up with his jumping posture.

It seemed that he was worried to see Akita Xingnai so anxious.

"That That... "

However, hearing this sound, Yukita Xingnai seems to have suddenly forgotten what he is going to say. The whole person is just skipping. What he really wants to say is for a moment, but he can't remember.


It's going to die!

You'll die before the exam!

But at this time, looking at Yukita Xingnai completely did not know what to say, HIDA ryohama had completely lost the firm appearance of just making up his mind, and his whole face was full of emotion called "cry out quickly".

"It's a good feeling! These two children

"Yes! Looking at them, it seems that they have returned to the daily life of the village, and the tension is gone! "

"Yes, yes!"

Then, HIDA's crying expression successfully aroused the feelings and smiles of people in caohin village.

"The more you don't know, the more you want to know, Xingnai?"

And at this time, after all, there is a discerning person, but this person is the last one Yutian Longyan wants to see.

At this moment, Haneda Yiye turned around and said.


But hearing this, Yutian Xingnai's body suddenly gives a meal, grabs Yutian Longyan's hand to release suddenly, Pa Pa Pa Pa ran to Yutian Yiye's side, raised his head, heavily nodded, flickering big eyes, full of anticipation.

Obviously, it is Yuda Yiye who has solved this problem.

"Well You just think it's not good. You can't take it anyway. "

In this regard, Haneda Yiye is heartless said.


But hearing this, yukida Xingnai habitually sucks the finger, ponders for a while, and then

"Well! I see! "

I simply accepted the answer.

You give me remember, asshole a leaf!But when he heard the crisp voice of Yutian Xingnai, with two drops of full tears, he gently grabbed his red and swollen left hand which had been grabbed by Xingnai, and blew it with a crying cavity.

While muttering, while the stomach Fei.

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