"What do you say?"

In a secluded part of the wood leaf, the only window can overlook the prosperous area of the wood leaf. Most of it is covered by shadows. Only a little light from the window lights up the room in the window size area. In the deepest shadow, a rather surprised idea rings out.


And this surprised voice, is to attract the attention of the small white snake, hissing on the windowsill. The little white snake tilted its head, as if quite puzzled, and turned its eyes to the source of the sound, the deepest shadow.

in the pupil of the inverted eye under the black eye shadow, it seems to be somewhat suspicious.

It seems that I didn't think that there were people in the shadow.

"Haneda Yiye, injured."

At the same time, a hoarse, slowly sounded on the side of the windowsill, as if to answer the question of the shadow person.

"Tell me the details. I want to know everything. "

At this time, hearing this sentence, there was a voice in the shadow that there was no room for discussion.

"The white scale avatar I developed for you should be able to fully convey the process to you."

At last, only the sound of clothes came from the shadow. It seemed that people in the shadow sat down again.

The implication is to have a long talk.

This guy

When he heard this, he noticed the movement in the shadow. He turned his back to the little white snake. He was about to leave. His eyes narrowed slightly and stopped his steps.

"Of course."

However, big snake pill did not show a look of discontent, but obediently turned around, with an unpredictable smile, said.


I feel that Chiba Taki has become this guy's nightmare No, it should be a psychological shadow.

As long as it involves Chiba Taki, this guy's tension is beyond the normal range.

It's time to stop working with him.

After this sawleaf crash.

And in his heart, still, his heart, is a flash of such an idea.

Originally, just now, they had reached an agreement, and they were about to enter the next stage of the plan. It happened that he used to monitor the examination venue, that is, the white scale of the first exercise field of Muye, came back and delivered a message that surprised him a little.

Haneda Yiye is injured.

In addition, before he was injured, he did an extremely extraordinary thing, almost baking the wood leaves on the fire.

At that time, because he was too surprised, he subconsciously vomited the name of HIDA Yiye. After hearing this name, the shadow people who had said they would leave each other sat down again, which was the scene just now.

Obviously, it is because HIDA Yiye, the shadow person, sat down and wanted to know all this in detail.

And the reason why this shadow person would be so interested in this Yutian Yiye is that this Yutian Yiye is suspected to be Chiba Takata.

I'm afraid only Chiba takifu has aroused such great concern of the shadow man.

However, the snake pill at this time found that the shadow man's attention to Chiba long seems to be unusual.

It almost gave him a feeling that he had lost his sense.

After all, just now they have discussed and made a plan. Whether it's akihita Ichiba or Kiba Takata, or whether it's not, they have detailed plans to ensure the success of the Muye collapse plan to the maximum extent.

In order to ensure the maximum success rate, they have to deal with some arrangements that have to be changed due to the intervention of Haneda Yiye. The time is still very fast.

After all, the time limit of the Muye collapse plan is only a few days. Now, a suspected Takeda Ichiba has been involved, so there is no time.

Now, it is absolutely unwise for this shadow person to waste time on this piece of information because of the injury of Ichiba Haneda.

Even if Haneda Yiye is injured, it will definitely affect their plans. However, if they don't make good arrangements now, the impact on their plans will definitely exceed and far exceed that of Hayata's injury.

That is to say, now even if you know that Haneda Yiye is injured, it is impossible to pay attention to this matter.

Now the reaction of the shadow people is absolutely not normal.

If he can still prioritize.

"Well Let me think about it. When did it start... "

Then, thinking of here, big snake pill did not have any nonsense. After a little thinking, he told the shadow man exactly what the little white snake had conveyed.

The words are quite concise. After all, the shadow man has lost his mind. He is still rational.There are so many valuable materials about the wood leaf collapse plan, especially the research and experimental data that have been sealed up for a long time, as well as the genetic data of some families whose leaves have declined and whose blood vessels have been cut off. So many precious things can only be given this opportunity.

If, this opportunity, he can not grasp.

Well, there may not be another chance.

Now, we can't live without the shadow. The requirements of the shadow man can only be met by big snake pill.

Although time is pressing, at this time, he can only meet the conditions of the shadow man and make a quick decision.

"Oh! Ha ha

But after listening to the narration of big snake pill, there was a burst of laughter in the shadow.

"What's the matter?"

In this regard, dashiwan was stunned. The sudden laughing voice and the abnormal performance of the shadow man made him feel that the shadow man was losing his heart and crazy.

Feather field a leaf is injured this matter, unexpectedly can let him so laugh out.

It seems that I met something extremely happy.

"I didn't expect that. What is the expression as like as two peas in the same face in Chiba, though I do not know if the leaf of Haneda is in the Longtan, but I really want to see what the expression is like in the face that hit Chiba just as it was struck by the attack.

At this time, the shadow man seems to be very happy, as if Haneda a leaf injured, is the thing he most likes to see.

Even, the joy in this tone almost makes big snake pill think that the shadow people have forgotten the severe form they are about to face.

Next, can the sawleaf collapse plan really go ahead?

For this, big snake pill's heart, can't help but give such a big question mark.

"I haven't lost my cool. Don't worry."

However, the next second, it seems to be aware of the idea of big snake pill, in the shadow, there is still a little bit of gloating voice.


In this regard, big snake pill also did not say much, the complexion unchanged said.


Smell speech, shadow, but cold hum a, seem to be very dissatisfied with the attitude of big snake pill.

"I remember, the white scale body can carry on the heart view transmission, don't you see anything from the body?"

However, after the cold hum, the shadow person still adjusted the tone, opened a way.

"Do you mean that HIDA Yiye's extraordinary behavior? Indeed, it is difficult to get off the horse

In this regard, big snake pill said.

"No! It's not such a thing. For the three generations of Huoying, it's a wonderful opportunity. It's estimated that Muye and caoyin village have reached an agreement at this time. Moreover, the three generations of Huoying will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to beautify Muye's international image again and strive for more resources of Xiaoren village. It's nothing if HIDA Yiye is If I take Chiba, it is very likely that this extraordinary behavior is just a show. "

Smell speech, shadow person but seem quite not to care, open mouth says.

Sure enough

Although there is a tendency to lose his mind, this guy's strategy is completely the old enemy of Shanglong Chiba.

I'm afraid Chiba Taki is inferior to him in the study of the whole tolerance world.

Three generations of fire shadow in this matter, is really quite thorough use.

To this, big snake pill heart can't help but nod silently.

The news he received was almost what the shadow man said. Obviously, the shadow man had a thorough understanding of the three generations of fire shadows.

Even, we have a thorough understanding of the general trend of the tolerance world.

In fact, the actions of the three generations of Huoying have little impact on their plans. It doesn't matter what agreement they have with caoyin village. As long as the shadow people join in, the issue of Muye and caoyin Village Alliance that should have been considered has become less important.

What's more, some of the change plans they discussed were specifically aimed at this situation, so there was no need to worry too much.

"If you are also a disciple of that monkey, don't you know his style? I've learned a little bit. "

But at this time, waiting for him to speak, in the shadow, it sounded this strange voice of yin and Yang.

"Who knows? After all, there is always something I can't think about who drives me out of the wood leaf. "

In this regard, the big snake pill also did not have any too big negative reaction, even, the corner of the mouth also showed a smile.

Between the words, it is understatement to push back this evil spirit.

"Well, time matters. I don't want to talk to you any more. In addition to the previous arrangement changes, I also need you to keep a good watch on the situation of RI Ning Ji and the situation of Yutian Yiye. It can be relatively relaxed."

Smell speech, shadow of the people but also did not stay on this topic, straight said."RI Ning CI?"

And hear this, big snake pill slightly a Leng.

RI Ning CI is just a rising star. Although she is a member of the Japanese clan, it is only a family separation. After all, it is subject to great restrictions, and its strength is still very young. Do you need special surveillance?

To be honest, big snake pill doesn't understand.

"Yes, hiningci, perhaps, this child will become a very critical force."

So says the shadow man.

A crucial force?

What do you mean?

Is he trying to absorb RI Ningci's betrayal of Muye?

This What do you mean?

But hearing this, the big snake pill in the heart doubts even more, even has been unable to maintain the complexion invariable, the brow slowly frowns up.

To tell you the truth, rixiangningci has a great prejudice against the Japanese people. Everyone can see that the fighting just now is more and more fierce. Even, they are ready to kill the day of the Zong family.

It can be absorbed.

At least with the ability of the shadow man, it can be absorbed.

However, although risuningci is a genius, or a genius of the Japanese people for a century or even a thousand years, his strength is limited.

What's more, he is a member of the family. He is bound to the boat of the Japanese clan. Moreover, his eyes can't be transplanted to other people. He is a chicken rib.

At such a critical point, it really has no effect, on the contrary, it will drag them down.

It doesn't make sense at all.

It's not only meaningless, but also counterproductive.

Here, big snake pill really can't understand what the shadow man is thinking.

It's not something out of his mind. It's that he can't keep up with the rhythm of the shadow man.


And at this time, it seems to feel the condition of the big snake pill, and the shadow man sighed suddenly.

"Apart from the three generations of fire shadows, what else can you notice in this incident just now?"

Then the shadow man spoke again.

What else?

It's what I've overlooked that's important

To this, big snake pill eyebrow is a frown again.

"Forget it, I'll tell you the truth. How did Yutian Yiye get hurt?"

And the next second, before the big snake pill brain turns open, the shadow person opens a way.

How did you get hurt?

Then, after hearing this sentence, big snake pill is another Leng first, but immediately in the brain suddenly big bright.


How did he get hurt!

Obviously, there was no reason for him to be injured in the second trial and other circumstances.

In other words, his injury could only have been in the primary.

However, in the primary, his opponent gave up and he did not fight at all.

There is only one chance to get hurt!

At this time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"You mean?"

After that, he understood the intention of the shadow man.

"That's right. No matter whether HIDA Yiye is Chiba Taki or not, since he is injured, the people who can hurt him have the power to hurt him. As long as he can hurt him, then, for us, if we can make use of it, it may become the most critical strength. And this day Ningci is the candidate of this most crucial force And

in this regard, the shadow man said.


RI Ning ci

It can only be him, it can only be him, so that Haneda Yiye is injured.

However, this HIDA Yiye's strength should be far superior to him. At that time, there were several names of forbearance to stop him. He

How to hurt Yutian Yiye?

And hear this, big snake pill is in the heart first nod, but then it is again confused.

"Do you remember that day, Chennai?"

At this time, it seemed that he had insight into his mind, and there was a sound in the shadow.

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