"Oh? Are you kidding? How can a village like caohin frighten such a huge thing as Muye? "

Looking at that upside down wooden leaf ninja, Yutian and sound is a little smile, with a little cold meaning, opening way.

There is no sense of guilt because Muye heard the words about cooperation with the hostile forces and the other party clearly put forward.

It seemed that his face was full of discontent and anger.

Is Watanabe modest?

At this time

At the same time, Yoda harmony and Yoda Yiye's heart flashed such a thought with a little doubt.

Momentum Is it not weakened at all?

On the contrary, we were caught on our side and hurt our feet.

Besides, it's two people

At this time, in their eyes, Watanabe's modest heart flashed such an idea.

In the heart, it is quite bitter.

Originally, I thought that the sudden opening remarks just now could make the two people shake a little, so as to occupy a certain advantage, and make certain initiative for the next negotiation or explanation.

However, they didn't expect that the two people had no disturbance. Even this Yoda harmony can be said to be preemptive, and directly expressed his dissatisfaction with Akiba incisively and vividly, and directly occupied the initiative.

Even, it is very likely that these two people, no, should be said to be this Yutian Heyin, had already detected his existence just now, and those things about the defection were deliberately told to him.

"Please don't laugh, Mr. ho Yin. Caoyin village is Muye's most important ally now. Muye will never abandon caoyin village. Please don't be so arbitrary. "

However, although his heart was bitter, Watanabe's modest face was still that kind-hearted appearance, and there was no change. It seemed that he didn't care about the words he had just said.

Whether it is the words of harmony that should not be said, or caoyin village, which is contained in the words of harmony, will betray this matter.

He, or Muye, didn't seem to care.


Good face work!

In response, Yoda's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was a cold hum.


It should be said on purpose, harmony.

And at this time, in the heart of a leaf of feather field, it is flashed such an idea.

Just now, he Yin didn't guess what was on his mind, but because of Watanabe's coming, or perceiving Watanabe's modesty outside, he said it on purpose to make Watanabe be be unable to sit down and take the initiative to take the initiative.

If caoyin village is placed in a weak position, it is more or less bound by the hidden rules of public opinion or the game between villages.

Let the next negotiation or explanation be more beneficial to Cao Yin.

Even, it is possible that the misdemeanor of the harmony just now is just a play, which is played to Watanabe's sincere listening outside the window.

"Oh? Is it? So, why, without any discussion, postpone the formal examination after the preliminary election for one month, although Muye never said that it is normal for Muye to adjust the interval between the preliminary selection and the third test. Moreover, the organizers of the tolerance test in all ages have changed things, including the examination time, at will. For ninja, this is also true It's normal. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. A little accident is also a type of assessment.

However, after signing a written agreement with us and asking us to keep it confidential, Muye also raised our standard treatment in Muye village without authorization. Although the covenant was not published, it basically informed others that the relationship between Muye and caoyin village had changed, or even in disguise, told other people that Muye had made an alliance with caoyin village One month delay on unilateral decision.

I would like to ask, does Muye not know that this will affect our caoyin village, or even bring disaster, or is it just a cover for caoyin village? "

And at this time, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth, Yukita said.

Between words, however, it is sharp.

"Lord Heyin, please..."

And when he heard this, Watanabe said in a hurry, and his face was also a look of fear. He felt that "we have no such intention. Please don't do this.".

"Needless to say, although caoyin village is only a small tolerant village, it has survived in the cracks for such a long time, and there are also some means. This time, we are free to follow the leaves. However, we didn't expect that Muye would do this and kill us directly. Originally, we thought that Muye was always the most important one It's just that we don't think it's such a big bear village. Well, you don't have to be hypocritical. Since caoyin village dares to put everything on Muye, we are ready to destroy the village because of Muye. We are conscious. Even if all the people in caoyin village are killed, we will let Muye remember caoyin for generations The village has courage and dignity! "However, he did not say this sentence, but was interrupted by a smiling Yutian and tone.

It was interrupted by the words of Yoko Yoda, which had no waves but was extremely heavy.

He almost got up and left the room.

One, do not need to say anything more, all talk free attitude.

"Lord Heyin, please calm down!"

This time, Watanabe changed his face, flashed his body, and bowed at a 90 degree angle, which stopped him in front of him, but made a gesture of apology directly.

A gesture of sincere apology.

Judging from his expression, expression, tone, and posture, HIDA Yiye, who is looking at him, has an illusion. If it wasn't for representing Muye, Watanabe's modest apology gesture would be a humble one.


In this regard, Yuda harmony cold hum, although stopped the pace, but it is quite dissatisfied, turn around is a cold hum.


It's completely blanked!

Unexpectedly, this harmony is clearly a woman, but it is so strong that it is just strong, but it is always pinching the painful foot we are in!

Now, it's the other side's advantage.

Hearing this cold hum, Watanabe modest heart more bitter.

To tell you the truth, he was caught off guard by some people. Moreover, it was their fault. The threat of the accusation by Yasunari made him feel a little overwhelmed. For a moment, he could not say what he had planned before.

In fact, this matter is ultimately the fault of Muye. Unless Muye doesn't want the credibility of his allies, if the treatment standard is not raised, it will be fine, as long as both parties keep secret.

There is no problem for both sides to extend the period of two months to three months. Even during this period, they can sign all the formal treaties.

The effect will be better then.

However, the key point is that the treatment has been raised now, resulting in a delay of one month, which will put caoyin village in great danger.

This is the reason why muyefang was in trouble.

After all, what should be kept secret is the wood leaf, and it is also the wood leaf that raises the treatment unilaterally.

After all, Muye is fighting for the power of Xiaoren village, which is also a constraint. If caoyin village is treated unfairly or something happens, Muye's reputation will decline in any case.

That's why he's here now.

Muye must give an account to caoyin village, to show Muye's attention to caoyin village and Xiaoren village's allies. In the future, caoyin village can also be used as propaganda.

At the same time, a series of plans have been prepared.

It is just that, now that Yoda has such a strong reaction and even a direct threat is coming, he has to consider whether he will bring the elements of these plans under the threat of caohin village if he says those plans now.

This element is not allowed to exist in this level of negotiation.

Muye is the big tolerance village, caoyin is the small tolerance village, the small forbearance village threatens the big tolerance village, the big tolerance village also compromised, then how?

If this situation is allowed now, what should caoyin village do next time? What should other Xiaoren villages do according to the script?

Later, what can Xiaoren village do if he catches the slightest mistake and leak of the wood leaf?

That's the most important reason he can't say now.

After all, Muye is a village of great tolerance. It is necessary to take a leading position. It is necessary to help and let pie fall from the sky. It is also Muye who is happy to give it.

Otherwise, it is putting the cart before the horse.

At present, the Yukita harmony is so aggressive that for Watanabe modesty, no decision can be made except to appease and apologize.

Therefore, now he is also bowing, posing a low posture, but he does not say anything, just to avoid harmony and leave, so as not to make any public opinion that will be separated unhappily.

"Mr. ho Yin, let's listen to why Mr. Watanabe came here. I don't think Muye intends to kill all the people after providing such favorable conditions. I believe in the sincerity of Muye. "

In this regard, looking at Watanabe modesty who does not speak but just bows his head to prevent He Yin from leaving. HIDA Yiye smiles and says in a kind tone.


Harmony, this is to let me sing white face.

I don't know whether she is really angry or

At the same time, such an idea flashed through his mind.

"Well, I'll listen to it."

In this regard, Yokohama also understood and sat down at the moment.

To tell you the truth, at the beginning, she was very angry, and even had some anger of disillusionment of her beautiful fantasy, as well as the shame that her thoughtfulness was affected by her emotions, including her words just now, because she did not completely calm down.

But what I said just now is actually a little too much. The edge is too strong, and it is almost a bit of a leeway.

In other words, even the wood leaves are not given a chance to open their mouth.Almost have a kind of, already merciless, the feeling that oil and salt do not enter.

And Muye, after all, is a big tolerance village, and can't always compromise because of the cruel words of Xiaoren village.

Even the performance she has just made can not be said that it is a matter of dominance. There is no room for any concession in the issue of dominance after the future alliance.

Even if the leaves are really in the wrong.

Now, it can be said that this sentence from Yoda Yiye is very timely, and the white face is also quite tacit.

It's just right. Give the leaves a step.

It's a rescue. Just now, both sides were in a bit of a fight, and they couldn't pull their faces down. Although they were Xiaoren village, they were in charge of the situation. What they said just now, they could not go back on their words.

One leaf of Haneda is just right.

"In fact, you have misunderstood this matter. It is our negligence to delay the village for one month without consulting with your village. However, we did not think for you. It is really As you can see from the delay, the situation is urgent, and these are what Muye told you. "

When he heard the soft words of Yuda harmony, Watanabe saw something and understood that just now he was just singing a black face. Caohin village just wanted to get more benefits, and he didn't intend to worry about anything. Most of the previous harmony words were to scare himself or to occupy the dominant position in the negotiation. It's not that there is any difference in caohin village At the same time, I didn't say much. I put the three scrolls in front of the harmony.

"Is this?"

In this regard, Yokohama raised his head and said with a puzzled face.

This time, although he was still stiff faced, his eyes obviously softened, but he did not feel aggressive just now. He looked like he was talking.

And it's the kind of person who is willing to make an agreement.

As long as the salt she gave was not enough, she would not be satisfied with what she had given.

It seems that I have just said too much.

Muye should have prepared a plan for his coming this time.

At first, they didn't take this into consideration, but now they should take remedial measures.

Right, too!

After all, Muye is not a God, and it may be an emergency. It is normal that we are not taken care of.

Now, it's time for them to show their attitude.

At the same time, her heart, is to ease down, such as thinking.


I didn't expect that he Yin had such a good impression on Muye. Just now, it should be a gaffe.

Because of the delay of the notice, now, because of the plan of Muye, the attitude has changed in an instant.

It seems that caoyin village and Muye are bound to form an alliance.

And this time, will all this see in the eyes of Haneda Yiye, in the heart is the idea.

"Muye has prepared three plans for caoyin village in one month, including assistance, defense and intelligence. If caoyin village is really in danger, Muye will never stand by."

In this regard, Watanabe truly said.

The three generations of fire shadows are really in sight. The allies of caoyin village are really looking for the right one. Judging from their appearance just now, they will never turn over for some petty profits. What else can be more than Muye!

Moreover, both of them are sensible people, both understand.

At the same time, he thought.

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