
This is Ask me for a covenant?

What do you mean?

Isn't it about how to help us?

And the covenant

What does it matter?

Looking at one hand with the letter paper just delivered by the white pigeon in one hand, Watanabe's modesty with a little serious meaning on his face, Haneda Yiye and Yoda harmony look at each other, stunned and speechless.

Obviously, it was confused by Watanabe's sudden turn of modesty.

This is still about the delay of one month, and then, in a flash, it refers to the written covenant.

This There is no necessary correlation among them!

What's more, what's a written covenant for?

"Is that all right?"

However, seeing their confused appearance, Watanabe slowly put down the letter paper in his hand. With a sound of "bang", the flame ignited from his fingers, and instantly burned the small letter paper to ashes.

Can't you show us the news?

And see this scene, Yutian harmony and the muddled color on the face of a leaf of Yutian suddenly fade away, eyebrows slightly frown, but the face is slowly serious up.

"Of course."

Then, Yokohama simply took out the scroll of the covenant and gently placed it in front of Watanabe's modesty.

At this time, there is no need to talk nonsense. Since we want to take advantage of this incident to thoroughly deepen the trust relationship with Muye and exchange the present risk for more future, there is no need to hesitate at all.

Moreover, Muye has added many provisions to guarantee Muye's dominant power over the written covenant, and even has the right of final veto. Even if Yuze signs and delivers it in person, and has a certain understanding of each other with the three generations of Huoying, the three generations of Huoying can still have the veto power over the allies within a certain period of time.

Of course, this time is no more than three days.

That is to say, although the wood leaf has given caoyin village unimaginable benefits, it also restricts caoyin village in many aspects and guarantees its own dominant power.

Of course, the unimaginable benefits have been satisfied by caoyin village. In terms of dominance, even if it is a verbal agreement, there must be a lot of contents of the covenant or agreement to ensure the dominance of the village.

At this time, he was not afraid of what Watanabe would do to the covenant.

The dominant power is in the hands of Muye. Even if she doesn't give it now, if she really wants to do something about the covenant, she can modify it as much as she wants. After all, caoyin village and Muye village are not equal.

Moreover, no matter how Muye elevates caoyin or treats him kindly and equally, in the end, the strength of caoyin village and Muye village is not equal, and the Ninja's world is finally respected by strength.

However, because of the coexistence of tolerance, a set of rules of the game which need to rely on the covenant and credibility has been developed.

How much, limit the absolute strength of respect for the situation.

It also gives Xiaoren village a little survival crack.

With this set of rules of the game, it is easy for Da Ren Village to dare not to destroy the village, but also to act within the rules. Otherwise, it is easy to become the target of public criticism.

As long as the rules are followed, Xiaoren village will not be drained. After paying a certain amount of blood and tears, it will be more or less able to gain the chance to survive in the armed conflict and even the war of tolerance, as well as the power to recover after the war.

This is also the case with Xiaoren village. In such a relationship, in peacetime, they attached themselves to Daren village to obtain assistance to ensure a certain degree of prosperity. In the war period, they were hired by the village, paid a price, and finally survived, and then obtained the assistance of the village to ensure recovery and prosperity. This cycle has been from the birth of the tolerance world to this day.

Now, what Muye has done and what caoyin village has gained is to break the cycle.

Strengthen the relationship between Muye and caoyin village, form a mutually beneficial alliance with Muye as the absolute leader, and break the pattern of tolerance.

"Thank you."

However, Watanabe didn't show any difference in the simple offer of Yukita harmony. He just unfolded the scroll of the covenant and looked for it carefully.

It's really

Do you want to change the terms?

In this regard, Yoda harmony and Haneda Yiye look at each other again, full of doubts in their eyes.



Why is it necessary to modify it at this time? Is the letter just sent by three generations of Huoying?

In case of revision, what terms should be amended?

Is it good or bad for us?

In this doubt, Haneda Yiye and Yutian harmony eyebrows all slightly frown.

However, Muye is the absolute leader now. What they can do is to wait and wait for Watanabe to finish all this with humility. After that, they will check and weigh whether they need to raise objections.

And then the whole room fell into silence."Well, have a look at it, please."

However, the silence did not last long. Soon Watanabe seemed to have found a clause to be amended. He directly took out his pen and ink and revised one of the above and several subsequent clauses.

Then, after making a mark with red ink, he handed the scroll to Haneda and hyin.

"Is this?"

In this regard, Yuda harmony did not open, but looked at Watanabe modesty, expressed doubts.

"Just received the above information, there are several clauses. Muye thinks that the relationship with caoyin village is not suitable, and has made certain modifications. Please have a look. If there is anything wrong, you can discuss with me. Of course, if you agree, this one now has the effect of the covenant, and it will not be invalid because of the amendment. "

Smell speech, Watanabe modest smile, the face is already that kind-hearted appearance, so said.


Is it a treaty?

What kind of medicine does this leaf sell?

In this regard, Haneda and Yin blinked his eyes, and one side of the silent Yutian Yiye, flashed such an idea in his heart.

However, although his heart is full of doubts, but Yoda harmony or very simply opened the covenant, and did not look at other places, directly looked at the place marked by red ink.


At a glance, however, a startled look suddenly appeared on Yoda's face. His eyes widened a little, but when he looked up, he blurted out the surprise in his mouth.

"You're right."

But Watanabe modesty seems to have expected that Haneda and Yin will have such a reaction. Now he smiles and nods. It seems that it is not surprising at all.

"This Is it unfair to the leaves? "

In this regard, Yutian and sound is said.

"Ha ha! Lord Heyin, you are really joking. The previous covenant is unfair to you. This is the covenant that Muye should take out. "

Smell speech, Watanabe Qian Cheng shakes head, open mouth says.

And when it comes to the back, his face is already serious, as if, what should Muye do.


In response, Yutian Heyin suddenly stood up, bowed 90 degrees, and said solemnly, "thank you! I'm sorry to have doubted the sincerity of Muye before

But thanks and apologies.


On hearing this, Watanabe stood up abruptly and bowed 90 degrees. He said solemnly: "we should apologize. We should postpone this matter. We should discuss with caohin village. It is our honor to form an alliance with such a tolerant village as caohin village."

It's an apology and a thank you.

This is What for?

In this scene, however, he blindfolded a leaf of Yutian, turned his head and looked at Yutian's harmony and Watanabe's modesty. Looking at the two people's bowing appearance, they blinked and blinked with doubts.

However, his doubts did not last long. Soon, after the mutual courtesy, the two people straightened up. After noticing the muddled expression of HIDA Yiye, Yoko Yoda handed the covenant to him.

And after a look, Haneda Yiye's eyes also immediately revealed a touch of shock. He repeatedly looked at Watanabe's modesty, who sat down with Yutian and Heyin separately.

This is really

After several eyes, Haneda Yiye slowly eased his mind. At the same time, he also understood why he had to stand up and bow to thank and apologize.

Muye, this time is really a big deal!


It should be said that the hand of harmony is really beautiful!

At this moment, the original terms on the red ink mark above the covenant he saw had been crossed out, which represented that "the wood leaf can withdraw the covenant within three days".

Instead, Muye has the right to unilaterally cancel the terms of the covenant if caoyin violates its allies' obligations.

In other words, Muye has acknowledged the covenant.

The original half of the effectiveness of the covenant, at this time has officially entered into force, as long as the supplement or not to add Yuze's signature, it does not matter.

Of course, in the form, or to Yuze's signature.

It can be said that Muye has recognized caoyin village's ally. From now on, caoyin village is Muye's official ally.

The reason why Muye did this is because he Yin had just done it, which made the high-level of Muye and even the three generations of Huoying realize the value of caoyin village. In other words, the performance of caoyin village is exactly what Muye wants.

That's why the terms are amended and allies are recognized directly.

As for how the three generations of Huoying or other senior leaders of Muye knew, ninja was born in a crafty way, and was good at intelligence and assassination. Naturally, there were means.

Even, HIDA Yiye has many ways to obtain instant information from hoyin when he Yin is not in the same place."Mr. Yiye, do you have any questions?"

At this time, Watanabe, who was seated, said.

However, he looked at Yutian Yiye and sought his advice.

Although this HIDA Yiye is not one of the people in charge of caoyin village, from the middle endurance examination to now, Muye still can see that the importance of Yutian Yiye is at least the future level of caoyin village.

With his face, as Watanabe, who had experienced that era, asked about it subconsciously.

However, this is just a matter of etiquette. This is what Yutian and Yinyin have said. Moreover, this adjustment is extremely beneficial to caoyin village, which can make it feel more at ease. Even if the adult Chiba comes in person and stands in caoyin village, he must not have asked three words.


However, just under this question, between the words, HIDA Yiye pushed the covenant aside, looking at Watanabe's modesty and seriousness on his face.

In this case, there is a problem.


What's the problem?

But hear this sentence, originally is only the courtesy question Watanabe modest facial expression cannot restrain again, all the face is full of the color of amazement.

This Can there be a problem?

Can caoyin village still have any dissatisfaction?

And he couldn't understand.

It can be said that caoyin village is extremely generous. Even he doesn't understand why the above authorities temporarily asked for the amendment of the most favorable clause for Muye, releasing considerable dominant power, and making a loose regulation such as "caoyin village can unilaterally cancel the covenant if it violates the obligations of its allies".

Even in his heart, he disagreed.

But now, such a generous treaty, no, should be said to be the content of the agreement between big tolerance village and small tolerance village that has never been seen before?

This Yutian leaf, is it difficult to kick the nose on the face?

And his heart, almost has wiped out a few rags of anger.

"Any questions about the covenant?"

However, although the heart has been a little angry, but Watanabe modest face, or a harmonious and modest.

A leaf

What's going on?

At the same time, the side of Yuda harmony, also some do not understand, this will have what problems.

It's just that, although I don't understand it, Yoda still doesn't say much, just looks at it quietly.

To Haneda Yiye, in the matter of the covenant, he Yin still absolutely believes in him.

"No, it's not about the covenant."

When he heard Watanabe's words of modesty and modesty, Haneda Yiye shook his head, as if he had opened his mouth.

"Not a matter of the covenant?"

To this, Watanabe modest slightly a Leng, blankly open way.

Not a covenant?

Is there any problem?

But in his heart, some do not understand.

"Mr. ho Yin, can you draw out all the traffic routes and terrain outside caoyin village?"

To this, Yutian Yiye did not answer positively, but looked at the harmony and said.

"Traffic and terrain?"

Smell speech, the facial expression of Yu Tian harmony is slightly a stiff, open a way.

"This Is it not appropriate? "

In this regard, Watanabe is also busy talking.

The main traffic routes and the terrain outside caoyin village are military secrets. Even our own people can't watch it easily. What's more, he is a stranger now.

Although Muye and caoyin village have already formed an alliance, they are formal allies, but formal allies can not watch such military secrets.

Now, listen to HIDA Yiye's meaning, but want to reveal this military secret in front of him.

How can this be?

This is absolutely not allowed!

Even if Cao Yin is willing, he will not be able to see it.

"Please believe me."

In this regard, Yutian Yiye looks at Yutian and says one word at a time.

"What do you want to do?"

Smell speech, even if it is to Yutian Yiye or extremely trust, Yuda harmony is also can not help but dignified up, opened to ask. And

concerning military secrets, Yoda harmony should not be careless, even if the other side is HIDA Yiye.

"I have a better one about the plan."

And heard this sentence, Yuda Yiye also did not sell the key son, said bluntly.



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