"So now we are considered to be the official allies of Muye? No worries? "

Little by little, the scroll in his hand turned to ashes in the fire between his fingers. As he sat down, he looked at the stack of documents on the table. His eyes fell on the young man in the silver moon black robe, that is, Yuze Yuda. His mouth seemed to confirm it.


In this regard, Yuze Yuda looked at the formal covenant he signed with the three generations of Huoying in front of Yoda and nodded.

At this time, the covenant held by Yoko Hata has turned into fly ash.

"So what is this pile of documents?"

Hearing the speech, Yoko Yoda put away the scroll of the covenant and picked up a document in front of him and looked at it.

Just now, when Yuze Yuda handed the documents to herself, she was attracted by the fact that the formal covenant had been signed and that she wanted to destroy the covenant she held. She did not read these documents.

After all, no matter what these documents are, the most important thing is the formal covenant with Muye village. Moreover, since Yuze has come, this is the covenant that must have full effect. No, it should be said that the leaders of both sides have agreed that this covenant should be implemented from now on.

The rules and regulations on wooden leaves and caoyin village must be observed.

She also wanted to make sure to some extent whether Muye did something in the covenant signed with Yuze. If she did, the covenant in her hand could not be destroyed. At that time, it could be used as evidence.

It's also the tail of the leaf.

However, as a result of this review, it is natural that Muye has not made any changes and practices. The two treaties are completely consistent, and even in some vague places. In Yuze's formal covenant, Muye has specially set up a supplementary agreement, which illustrates the fuzzy boundaries of this part. It can be said that Muye is full of sincerity.

This also appears to be some villain's heart.

However, the so-called "guard against people" is indispensable. Even if it is a villain's heart, as the weak party of both sides of the covenant, naturally, we should be more careful.

Now that the formal covenant has come to an end, harmony's attention naturally falls on this stack of documents.

Just now, Yuze had already shown her, I'm afraid, a very important document. Now, her attention naturally falls into this stack of documents.

"Look at it."

In this regard, looking at the conversation, he has picked up a document to look at the harmony, Yuze Yuda did not say much, just said.

"This And at the stop where the sound of this word fell, the voice of harmony exclaimed, but it rang.

"New cooperation? Comprehensive cooperation? You got all this? "

Then, after exclamation, there is the harmony with a voice of surprise and a look of joy.


In this regard, Yuze Yuda nodded, and his mouth also showed some slight smile, but he said with some emotion.

After all, from now on, they have finally found a stable environment. With Muye's agreement and cooperation, caoyin village will be stabilized. Although there is still a great crisis in front of them, it does not matter how big the crisis is.

What's more, if there is no risk, then how can this tolerant world be filled with darkness and cruelty.

But now, the situation has been very good. At least, their caoyin village, no, is their Yutian clan. They can live in peace and stability just by going through this crisis. In caoyin village, in their homes, they can live well.

Just look at the result, even if it is to do their best, even if it is to sacrifice themselves, Yuze Yuda is also willing.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event for the Yutian clan.

If they lose this opportunity, caoyin village can survive, and the Yutian clan can also save their lives. However, it is just a matter of survival. After seeing too much darkness in the tolerance world and the helplessness and blood and tears of Xiaoren village, he never wants to see the kind of body that he finally built up.

He understood that the absolute advantage of Da Ren Village could not be shaken no matter how they moved it. This is the reality, and this is the cruelty of tolerance.

However, it does not mean that they will not be able to get a place to live without being exploited by the village.

Now, this alliance with Muye is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he will never let go.

"Well? Rain

And also at this time, a slightly surprised, but sounded in Yuze Yutian behind.

"Oh A leaf. "

In this regard, Yuze Yuka subconsciously turned back and looked behind him. In his eyes, he reflected the young man with white hair. His mouth showed some slight smile and said."How did you get here?"

But after confirming that he is the leader of his village, HIDA Yiye is not as surprised and cautious as Yutian Heyin. He just sits down beside him, picks up his cup and drinks water.

"And the others?"

In this regard, Yuze Yuda is not a positive answer, but asked.

"Drink too much, go to sleep."

Smell speech, feather farmland one leaf looked at two children that hold tightly on top of the head, say casually.

It seems that he did not intend to study the reason why Yuze Yukawa is here, as if he had just asked casually.

"Yes It seems that you expected me to come

In this regard, Yuze Yueda said with some emotion, but the topic is back to the reason why he is now in Muye.

"You flatter me too much."

Smell speech, feather field a leaf shakes head, a face "don't joke, how can I guess your mind" open way.

Wood leaves such a generous condition, to rain Ze's ears, he really is the first time to come.

It's not bad as I thought.

I just didn't expect that he would arrive so soon.

According to his footstep, it should be within a few days after the start of the tolerance test team, or even after the beginning of the test.

At that time, there should have been no news of an alliance.

Is this guy sure that Muye will form an alliance with caoyin village?

In other words, knowing that he must meet with the three generations of Huoying, he arrived in Muye ahead of time and had a meeting with the three generations of Huoying, so as to establish an alliance advantage.

Now, it seems that he should have contacted three generations of Huoying, and he has gained a lot.

And at this time, in the heart of a leaf of feather field, it is flashed such an idea.

"Yiye, have a look. Are there any problems with these documents?"

At this time, before Yuze Yuda said something, several documents were handed to Haneda Yiye.


In this regard, Haneda Yiye takes a look at the Yutian harmony that has passed the document, then nods and takes over the scroll.

But said, also did not have the nonsense, he directly looked down at the eye.


What's going on?

However, when he saw the communication between HIDA Yiye and Yutian harmony, Yuze Yutian's face was a little surprised, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Yutian harmony.

It doesn't matter, Yiye.

In this regard, Yoko Yoko is also the first time to notice Yuze Yuka's eyes, turned his eyes and nodded to him, indicating that it was OK.

What happened while I was away?

And see the positive vision of Yoda harmony, Yuze Yuka eyebrows slightly wrinkled, eyes flash a few silk doubts.

To tell you the truth, he is still a little uneasy about Haneda Yiye. After all, he has no idea about his origin. He has a certain absolute favor for Chiba that he can't guarantee calm and balance of interests. When Chiba recommended him, he didn't check it out.

When he had to think about a more sensitive position of hiyoda, he had to consider a more sensitive position.

First of all, HIDA Yiye is an existence of unknown origin after all. On weekdays, although it seems that there is no problem, HIDA Yiye is really excellent. Even if he has problems, Yuze Yuda is not sure to be able to see it.

His security is in a state of insecurity.

And he had no way to find out.

Secondly, unknowingly, Haneda Yiye became so important that he originally wanted to withdraw his financial power because of his insecurity. However, he found that no one was incompetent except him.

In other words, no one can stabilize caoyin village, which is economically besieged by seclusion.

He can only use one leaf of this feather field.

In other words, the importance of Yutian Yiye to caoyin village has reached the point where even if he knows that he is not safe, his safety can not be confirmed, but he can only control the financial power.

It can be said that the existence of Yutian Yiye has strangled caoyin village, or the throat of their Yutian clan.

Therefore, for a long time, even if HIDA Yiye is not different and does things conscientiously, he also tries to avoid touching the real core information of caohin village. Even if the front door is not out of the gate and the second door is not stepped, even the village is not out, and even the ninja who has made friends with him, he is almost the object of the whole village. Yuze Yuda still has no way to rest assured.

And he can't rest assured, he Yin and zongmi naturally can't trust Haneda Yiye.

However, now it seems that during this period of his absence, harmony and Yiye must have happened.

The harmony is obviously a leaf of trust.

During this period, did they have a frank talk?Since he Yin now shows the appearance of trusting Haneda Yiye, he naturally has the truth of harmony. At this time, Yuze Yutian doesn't say much. He just looks at the documents in his hand attentively, but his eyebrows are full of frowns.

In the heart, it is like thinking.

Talk to the voice sometime.

At the same time, his mind also made a decision.


Yiye, and Chiba are really similar!

Then, the next second, his heart, can not help but flash such an idea.

Just now HIDA Yiye showed that he didn't know he was coming. However, Yuze Yutian didn't believe that he would really not know. I'm afraid that the boy had already expected that he would come in advance, and the reason why he came in advance was clear.

In other words, the speculation is clear.

"Is zongmi in the village?"

At this time, however, the words of harmony came suddenly, interrupting his mind.

At this time, all the documents are piled up in front of Yutian Yiye. Yutian Heyin looks at him and says as he opens his mouth.

"He has reached the woodleaf, too."

In this regard, Yuze Yuka said truthfully.


On hearing the speech, Yutian harmony's voice raised several decibels, saying, "there is no one in the village now. I have a leaf in your zongmi. Even if Longyan and Xingnai are not in the village, then, the village..."

"Don't worry, I asked Mingtai to strengthen its defense. Now she is a ninja with one side on her own, and all the big guys are there. For the time being, other big tolerance villages should not launch attacks in such an uncertain situation. Their reaction is not so fast. Don't worry. I'll leave Muye with zongmi later. It's just going to be arranged. "

In this regard, Yuze Yuda did not let Yoda go on, such as the opening way.

Obviously, he has already thought of what he thought of, and has made arrangements.


Smell speech, hear the arrangement of Yuze Yuda, Yuda harmonic slightly frowned, also did not say much.

"So where is zongmi now?"

Then, Yutian Heyin seemed to ask casually.

"It's already arranged at the contact point. Don't worry. Since the three generations of Huoying know that I'm coming, there will be more Zong Mi who is with me. It's just a matter of keeping one eye open and one eye closed. Besides, it's a good sign to expose a contact point to Muye."

In this regard, Yuze Yuka said.

since the three generation of fire shadow knows that I am here, I am afraid that Zong MI can not escape the eyeliner of the leaf, and the teahouse is exposed.

However, the exposure will also be exposed. There are not many contact points of other tolerance villages in Muye, as long as you don't do what Muye can't stand.

At the same time, such an idea flashed through his mind.


Hearing the speech, Yoda hoyin also nodded. Zong MI and the contact point there was no room for recovery. It would be good if the consequences were not bad.

"When are you going to leave?"

Then, he asked again.

"Wait until you've finished reading these documents."

In this regard, Yuze Yuka said. But it's about to leave for the village.


Smell speech, Yu Tian and sound nod, but did not feel surprised.

Yuze, after all, is the strongest existence in the village and the leader. In terms of battlefield command ability, caoyin village can not compare with it.

Now that the strategy has been determined, even if zongmi doesn't go back, Yuze must go back to the town.

And time is running out.


Then, at this time, a pile of documents, heavy fell on the table, issued a dull sound.

At the same time, the two people's eyes at the same time to look to the side, fell on the Yutian Yiye who put down all the documents.

"Yuze, you have been cheated!"

Then, a word that made their hearts jump came over.

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