"Yes, it's not a big deal after all. As a Xiaoren village, it's no longer necessary to think about how much assistance Muye can get and the formal and guaranteed written covenant. What's more, what Muye has done this time has also given us the face of caoyin village."

Looking at HIDA Yiye in front of him, and looking at the other side of the face also has some subtle color of Yoda harmony, the corner of the mouth showed a smile, the mouth seems to follow the meaning of HIDA Yiye said.

However, he had a smile on his face, but his tone was full of self mockery.

It sounds like there's no such thing as "it's not a big deal after all.".


And heard this, Yoda and tone raised his head, recovered from his own thoughts, said with a little bit of anxiety.

"At least, it's good face, isn't it? After all, it's enough face, isn't it? "

In response, Yoda Yiye also said.

However, his eyes are a little erratic, his thoughts seem to be spread out, and seems to think of something.

But from the facial expression, it is with a kind of and Yuze Yuze Yuze's self mockery color similar helplessness and sadness.

"Well, it's settled. Let's discuss the next strategic arrangement."

In this regard, facing the worry of Yoda harmony and the helplessness and sadness that HIDA Yiye rarely shows, Yuze Yada takes a deep breath and seems to suppress some emotion in his heart.

But this time, the tone is calm down.


The heart should still be

But hear this, think of Yuze Haneda just look, Yoda harmony face is a little gloomy.

She is very clear that although the wood leaf has been done quite secretly and tactfully, the three generations of fire shadow's hand is indeed admirable, and even can learn a lot from this hand in the future, but, for Yuze, it is a very helpless and uncomfortable thing after all.

It's not that they are dissatisfied with the intentions of the three generations of Huoying.

From the standpoint of Muye, he is ready to do something that no one has dared to do for thousands of years. It is normal to change the current pattern of tolerance and to increase insurance, even if it is extreme.

What's more, the three generations of Huoying are really skillful, and they admire them most.

And the reason why Yuze can feel helpless and uncomfortable is also out of this admiration. But rain Ze helpless and uncomfortable place, is the nature of this matter.

From the wood leaf's point of view, it is natural to do so.

However, from the standpoint of caoyin village, they are firmly held by Muye. Although they are not absolutely controlled by Muye, Muye can control caoyin unscrupulously, but it is also a kind of control.

In a certain sense, caoyin village is now covered with a barbed shackle, or firmly around the neck, and the end of the shackle is held in Muye village's hand.

In front of him is the aid basin given by Muye, and behind him is the shackles in Muye village. This situation is definitely not liked by any leader.

What's even more uncomfortable is that even in such a state, they still think that Muye's authority is powerful and worthy of admiration, and there is no possibility of resistance at all.

Even, this matter, no matter how uncomfortable they are in their hearts, they can only look grateful.

This is an extremely uncomfortable thing for Yuze and even for the rest of the Yutian clan.

But, can't help!

In the face of big tolerance village, what dignity can small tolerance village do?

This is the tolerance world. This is the reality. What can they do except gratitude?

Even, Muye has been regarded as a kind of "respect". At least, caoyin village is very beautiful on the surface. It is estimated that many Xiaoren villages will envy it in the future!

In fact, when he left the cottage in the mountains and wandered into the tolerant world, Yuze once challenged the village of Da Ren, which was yunyin.

At that time, they were very young, and they were not afraid of tigers. At that time, as a group of wandering ninjas, they moved around and received some small entrustments from the people. At that time, the war had just ended and all the places were waiting for prosperity. Whether Xiaoren village relied on the aid of Daren village, or Daren village directly invested in reconstruction for its reputation, they still could not get it Less tasks, the day is getting better and better.

Also in the battle again and again, whet out more and more strong strength.

In particular, Yuze, whether it is the capacity of chakra, or ninja, or even the ability of magic, all burst out in an all-round way, and his strength can be said to be increasing day by day, far surpassing them.

And the growing strength also makes Yuze's goal more and more big. Although they remember the book left by Chiba that they should not have excessive ambition, after all, they are the first to taste the taste of power, and they are just young, so naturally they have some expansion.From that time on, they were not satisfied with such scattered small tasks, and began to move the cake of Xiaoren village at that time, and because their strength became more and more powerful, they did rob them a lot of tasks.

This also caused the dissatisfaction of Xiaoren village. Both the current of Longyin village and even caoyin village carried out a series of open and secret struggles against them.

However, Xiaoren village, after all, is Xiaoren village. After the Third World War of tolerance, these Xiaoren villages suffered heavy losses because of the support of Da Ren Village. The strategic foundation left by Qianye is really too strong. Although they are in the downtrend stage, the results are basically dominated by them.

In the end, they completed the most tasks and got the most appointments.

As the number of tasks completed and the number of appointments they received increased, they also accumulated a considerable amount of wealth. At that time, they were almost satisfied with themselves. Yuze planned to contact Tian Zhiguo, which had no ninja village at that time, and prepared to establish a ninja village in tianzhiguo.

In order to establish a tolerant village, they began to establish task channels purposefully and systematically, and this time, they moved the cake of the village.

Moved the cake of yunyin village at that time.

If we say that they are just as a group of wandering ninjas, they are just robbing tasks. These tasks are basically directly released by Daren village. Even if they are not directly released by Daren village, almost all of the tasks have the shadow of or influence from the village. For Daren village, these are basically the vagrant ninjas The tasks that a group can receive are those they are not willing to do or have no time to do.

As for those who finish Chengdu, the reward for the task is still in their place, especially in terms of reputation.

However, as a group of vagrant ninjas, they have not only developed to a certain scale, but also prepared to set up a task channel. They can skip the village of Darong, take the task directly and get the biggest reward. This is not what Daren village can tolerate.

In particular, among the biggest rewards, money reward is just enough, and the attached reputation reward is the key to expand the influence of the village and grab more benefits from its surrounding areas. They, a group of vagrant ninjas, dare to move this piece, which naturally becomes a thorn in the eye of the villagers.

Yunyin village is the first to take the lead.

Without any nonsense, the elite teams of the three elites in yunyin village directly killed their organization base at that time.

Almost like destroying Gula, they directly slaughtered half of their organizations. Moreover, only nine people trapped them in the base. They could only rely on some defense facilities and traps to survive.

And that time, Yuze was also seriously injured by the Ninja named "Darui" of yunyin, and his life hung on the line.

Under the absolute strength of the village, they almost didn't even scream, and they fell into a situation of death.

If Chiba didn't appear suddenly at the critical time, I'm afraid they would have died that night, all of them died in the underground base.

Then, after that night, they understood what was called the "five great tolerant villages" and what was the unshakable absolute power.

Also in that battle, Yuze disbanded the organization and gave up his plan to establish ninja village with Tian Zhiguo.

With miraculously intact Yutian people began to wander again, until caoyin village threw olive branches to them.

He Yin still remembers the man with a broad smile who suddenly appeared in front of them, and his resolute and decisive sentence: "come to our caoyin village, we need you in caoyin village!" The words.

And this big man is the former leader of caoyin village.

Although it seems that they found caoyin village and joined in, in fact, the former leader came to find them and invited them in a confidential way.

I hope they will join caoyin village without disclosing his invitation.

At that time, Yuze was already disheartened, and their situation was getting better at that time. At least everyone had decided to settle down in the secluded no man's land area bordering the land of grass.

It was a direct refusal.

However, in the end, they went to caoyin village because of the words of the former leader: "I need a family of backbone like you".

After joining caoyin village, they learned in a secret conversation that their former leader had been suffering from a serious disease and could not live long.

In that secret conversation, the task they received began to touch the darkest side of the tolerance world. From that time on, they began to be handy in politics, economy, combat and even local battles.

The understanding of tolerance also tends to be thorough.

Finally, six months after they joined caoyin village, the former leader died. After that, the country of grass was closed.

Now, in the face of the three generations of fire shadow, it is no doubt that Yuze heart that piece of heart disease.In any case, no matter how the three generations of Huoying are good-looking on the surface and know that they are tied up, they still can't refuse to accept it, and they still have to look grateful. In the end, it makes them feel the "absolute power of big tolerance village" again.

Yuze now's mood, she is very clear.

But what's the use of knowing?

What she can do, can't she just look at it like this?

This is the insurmountable power gap!

"Oh He Yin, Yiye. Muye has agreed to deal with the part of tuzhiguo. Muye is responsible for the other three villages. This is what Huoying of the three generations said personally. We can arrange it directly. "

And at this time, Yuze Yukawa seems to suddenly think of something, opening way.

"Well, I see."

Hearing this, he Yin's thoughts closed in an instant, nodded and said.

Since Yuze has met with the three generations of Huoying and intends to discuss the issue of strategy, it must be that the three generations of Huoying have agreed to this matter, that is, to adopt the one leaf strategy.

"Well, I decided to let Yiye, Xingnai and Longyan go back with me. Now that an alliance has been made, it doesn't matter if they abstain. After all, even if only the elite in Yanyin village seems to be only a quarter of the enemy in the whole strategy, it is still a very serious situation for caoyin village, and the village must be guarded by someone. You have to stay in Muye. If zongmi sits alone, he is short of something. I want Yiye to go back and guard the village with zongmi. I form an elite team with Xingnai and Longyan, and then ask Mingtai to lead a team and an assassin team to go to the ambush point. "

In this regard, Yuze Yuka cleaned up his face and said.

The words were uttered in a tone of complete command.

Even if the words mean discussion.

Do you want to add an assassin team?

Sure enough

In the face of Darong village, Yuze still didn't get out of the shadow of that night

But hear this sentence, the facial expression of Yoda harmony tone slightly a change, in the eye is flash a few silk sadness.

"No! I can't leave the leaves. "

But in her heart thought flashed, feather field one leaf's words, suddenly spreads.

But he refused the order to return to the village.

"A leaf?"

In this regard, Yuze Yuda is obviously very surprised, turn around, the mouth of an unconscious doubt.

"Yuze, this time, a leaf can't go back, but Longyan and Xingnai are all right."

Smell speech, feather field and sound is not any hesitation, also do not have any nonsense, stand in the side of feather field one leaf directly.

"Harmony? Is this? "

In this regard, Yuze Yuka was more surprised and puzzled when he turned his head and looked at the harmony.

"I'm sorry, Yuze. I'm in Muye. I have plans. I can't leave the leaves now

But at this time, Haneda Yiye is a clean face, serious mouth way.

Yuze side

We have to make it clear!

At the same time, in his heart, such an idea came into being.

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