How could it be!

Yin Yin and Sha Yin, and big snake pill What does Fengying mean

The cold sense of the back belongs to the wall, because it was too shocked and slightly tilted forward, slowly disappeared. However, an unprecedented coldness which was more cold than the wall was countless times. Suddenly, it began to steam from the back, and fell quietly to the ground. The eyes of the strong wind suddenly widened, and the face was already full of horror.

At first, he thought that this direction was what happened to the Ninjas in other villages. After all, after all, after the Zhongren test, although nothing could be seen and nothing happened during the day, there were some minor frictions at night, especially between the outer villages and the outer villages. During the daytime, these villages were peaceful. Even if there were any conflicts, they would step back After a few days of fighting in the village, it's just a little bit hard for the villagers, but it's just for them to take advantage of the fight in the night, but it's just for them to take advantage of the fight.

There were also some small disturbances last night and the night before yesterday. Although they were not handled by him, according to the regulations, basically, as long as they do not disturb too many people or affect the official test the next day, and there is no great loss, they will turn a blind eye.

Just make a note.

You don't even have to stop it.

After all, the animosity between Xiaoren village is not much less than that between DA Ren Village. It's all chain like. Xiaoren village will also fight for territory and grab the source of tasks. There are casualties between each other. In addition, during the war and relative peace period, Dagong village always employs Xiaoren village to do things that are inconvenient for them. This time, you invited this small village The other side hired the Xiaoren village, and the conflict was bloodshed and casualties. Naturally, the hatred would not be counted on the employers. After all, taking money for benefits, the hatred could only be counted on the other side who hindered each other. In other words, the hatred could only be counted on Xiaoren Village.

In this way, enmity and hostility will be formed.

But this time's tolerance test, basically covers all the small tolerance villages, which are hostile to each other naturally.

During the day and in the exam, naturally, there will be plenty of hostility, hatred and gunpowder, and conflicts will inevitably occur in the process of the examination. Only a little face is given to the host. Even if we want to make the other party, we will follow the rules.

Naturally, the defeated side in the conflict will not be reconciled, and there will be fighting in the middle of the night.

Since Muye wants to have a good relationship with Xiaoren village, she can't do more than one thing. It's OK to keep one eye open and one eye closed. As long as it's not too much, there's no problem.

Although the fighting in the middle of the night can be unscrupulous, Xiaoren village is conscious. It can't go too far in Muye, let alone become openly hostile to Muye. Although it's not light, it is still prudent, at least it won't offend Muye.

In this way, although this matter is still fighting, but in essence, the well water does not offend the river, and peace and security.

As for the only two big tolerance village in this exam, Muye and Sha Yin are naturally not provoked. After all, they are Daren village, and Xiaoren village still dare not provoke them. If there is anything, the final choice is to step back.

What's more, Muye has a strict record. As the host, it's more than one step. One is tolerant and the other is proper. It's impossible to make things happen.

As for sand concealment, it is also very low-key. Basically, there is no problem if the gate is not out of the gate and two doors are not stepped.

Originally, the moonlight breeze, who was in charge of this area's duty this evening, thought that the movement here just now was just another fight between Xiaoren villages, but the movement was a little bit big.

As a matter of fact, the damage to the eaves of the full moon is also the biggest loss in fighting these days.

However, for the leaves, it is not too much loss, but also the degree of one eye closed.

However, the village of this fight is somewhat abnormal. It turns out that Yinyin village as Xiaoren village and shayin village as Darren village, and I love Luo, which everyone is afraid of in the middle endurance examination.

However, this anomaly is actually within the allowable range, but it does not matter. As long as the situation doesn't further develop and cause a disturbance, he doesn't have to pay much attention to it.

However, I didn't expect that I had just found my hiding place and was ready to observe the direction of things. I was relieved to see that I love Luo seconds kill the Yinyin ninja. Then I heard the plan of "wood leaf destruction" between Shangren, the guide of Sha Yin, and the pharmacist of his village. At this time, the moon light and the wind were calm ninjas, and they were shocked and speechless at the moment.

At the same time, a feeling of palpitation also appeared suddenly.

He knows, it's bad!

"Well, I'm leaving now."

At this time, the words of the pharmacist's pocket rang softly.

Obviously, the secret conversation between the two is over. Next, we are leaving.

After leaving, the plan of Sha Yin and big snake pill will be implemented!Unexpectedly, as an ally, Sha Yin village colluded with Yin Yin secretly.

Report to Lord Huoying as soon as possible.

And hear this, moonlight breeze is also suddenly sober, and quickly calm down.

Although I didn't expect that shayin village would join the big snake pill alliance to deal with Muye, and at this time, at all costs, cooperated with big snake pill, or even abandoned the treaty. Obviously, shayin village is determined to win.

I'm afraid that one month's time will not affect their plans for the collapse of the wooden leaves. They are prepared and confident enough.

Originally, the three generations of Huoying have already seen the signs, and are doing some preventive measures.

It's just not sure. This exam is too important for us to take preventive measures in a wide range, and it is impossible to declare a state of emergency.

Although entering the state of emergency can effectively restrain all the villagers in other villages and have a greater chance to prevent possible variables, if the state of emergency is entered and nothing happens, or if the hostile forces do not make any action, Muye will get nothing. Then, this state of emergency and even the tolerance test will become a laughing stock At that time, the attack on the leaves was no less than a so-called collapse action.

After all, since its establishment, Muye has always been at the top of the tolerance world. His style of action is different from that of the other four big tolerance villages, because they have to bear the pressure brought by the strongest name.

Always have the strongest prestige.

The other four villages are shameless. It's all right to make a few jokes. Anyway, there's a wooden leaf on the top that can't be shaken. They don't need any extra prestige. As long as the name of the village is supported by strength, it's OK.

However, Muye, standing at the peak of the village is not.

It is necessary to maintain prestige.

And the reason why none of the other four big tolerance villages dare to challenge Muye openly unless there is a real war, can only make some small moves secretly, which is precisely because of this prestige.

The strongest tolerance of the village's awe exists.

It is precisely because of this prestige and the deterrent power derived from this prestige that Muye has an energy to influence the general trend of tolerance world in this tolerance world.

It can be said that if Muye is making a big joke now and his prestige is frustrated, he will be more and more unscrupulous when he pokes at the four big tolerance villages that are ready to move. He will also be unscrupulous in doing what he did not dare to do before.

For example, blatantly provocative leaves.

As long as they stand up and dare to provoke openly, then, basically, war has broken out.

At the beginning, the Third World War of tolerance was that shayin village attacked Kikyo mountain and fought with Muye blatantly, which caused a series of chain reactions and provoked the tolerance World War.


Wood leaves can't make jokes.

As long as Muye doesn't make jokes, it will give a signal to the whole tolerance world.

Muye still has to live in town. Don't make trouble!

Yes, town!

Muye's prestige, the strongest prestige, and the energy of the first tolerance village in thousands of years. No, it should be said that since the formation of tolerance world, it has been the strongest deterrent force of tolerance village, which is the pillar to maintain the balance of tolerance world.

As long as this prestige is invincible, war will not break out in the tolerant sector.

Throughout all previous battles of tolerance, there is no doubt that the conditions for launching the war are all due to the changes in Muye's side, or in other words, the change of Muye's prestige.

For example, in the first World War of tolerance, it was because of the defection of yuzhiboban and the death of Huoying of the early generation, which led to the unprecedented decline of Muye's prestige, which led to the loss of absolute awe in other villages. Everyone wanted to take good advantage of Muye, who had lost yuzhiboban and the first generation of Huoying, which led to a series of blatant incidents, which finally broke out for the first time Endure the world war.

In the Second World War of forbearance, although the reason was that other villages recovered from the first war, a series of strong men, such as thunder shadow of the third generation and golden horn and silver horn, directly promoted yunyin's prestige and military strength, and led to the expansion of yunyin's ambition. Other endurance villages were also springing up, and many strong men no less than the three men emerged, Eventually led to the Second World War of tolerance.

However, in the final analysis, it is because of the outbreak of many strong men in other Ren villages, or in other words, the emergence of young talents in the first forbearance World War has finally matured, leading to a straight-line rise in the prestige of the major tolerance villages, a substantial increase, leading to the decline of Muye's prestige ratio. Only because of the recklessness of other Ren villages, can we break out the tolerance World War Or the decline in the prestige of Muye.

In the Third World War of tolerance, although Sha Yin took the lead in provoking the war, it was the disappearance of the three generations of wind and shadow that caused invisible panic, but the large proportion of this was actually not this panic.

Of course, the disappearance of the three generations of Fengying is indeed a kind of irrational panic. However, if it was not for the aging of the three generations of fire shadows, Muye did not change the fire shadow for a long time, and because Sanren was not in the village for a long time, it seemed that they had no intention to take over Muye village, creating a feeling that Muye had no successor. I'm afraid that the irrational shayin would not be straight Join the attack of Platycodon grandiflorum mountain, directly challenge the leaves of wood.yes.

Once again, in the final analysis, it is because of the aging of three generations and the impression that there is no successor of Muye, which leads to the invisible decline of Muye's prestige, which makes it impossible to control other villages.

Therefore, the Third World War of tolerance broke out.

If the four generations of fire shadow and Chiba could make a quick appearance, with the powerful and deterrent power of the fourth generation of fire shadow, then, even if Sha Yin lost the three generations of Fengying, I'm afraid, he would not attack the Kikyo mountain.

No matter how irrational or panicked, Sha Yin would not have made a battle that was doomed to defeat in the face of an impeccable wooden leaf.

It is also because after taking this risk, there is a chance to win.

If Muye's prestige is not damaged, I'm afraid it will not happen at all.

There may be local battles, but there will never be all-round wars in the tolerant world.

At present, Muye is unable to launch a state of emergency. For this reason, for the hostile forces, they have not surfaced, and all plans are in the preparation stage. At this stage, as long as they do not surface, there is room for maneuverability.

If Muye rashly launches a state of emergency, then these hostile forces can completely calm down and make Muye make a big joke in front of the whole tolerance interface, and make the prestige and deterrent power of Muye shake unprecedentedly.

At that time, in the fourth World War of tolerance, if these hidden threats were launched, the success rate would be even greater.

Even more allies can be drawn.

After all, Muye is the strongest one that can hold the tolerance world. Which big tolerance village doesn't want to replace it?

At that time, for big snake pill and Sha Yin, there would be people with similar ideals.

What's more, Muye has the strongest resource in the tolerance world for thousands of years. Which big tolerance village, no! Which big and small villages are not salivating?

It can be said that now it is the hostile forces. It is Sha Yin and Da Shewan who have the advantage and the initiative!

As long as he can timely report these information to the three generations of Huoying, then, Muye can take the initiative.

After all, knowing who is going to be bad for you!

At this time, there is nothing more important than this.

As for the fight, even if the house collapses, it doesn't matter.

"Oh, one more thing..."

"I'll leave the rest to me."

And also at this time, the body shape is about to jump out of the moonlight wind, the heart suddenly a tight.

The pharmacist's pocket seemed to have found something like that, and it rang!

"No, let me do it. Sha Yin, as a country of wind, can't help his companions at this time. And there's only one mouse. It's easy. "

And then there was the voice of ninny's mentor, namaki.

Damn it!

But almost instantly, the moonlight wind, pupil sharp contraction, body shape suddenly flash, toward the fire shadow building, fly away.


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