
Looking at the burning black flame full of danger in front of him, the mysterious man wearing the silver moon black robe slowly raised his head and looked at the figure in front of him who suddenly flashed in white. Under his hood, there was a sigh that could not be laughed at.

"It's just a try. No matter how good I am, I can't come back from the dead? Do you have any deep misunderstanding of me

Then, there was a sound of sarcasm.

With the sound of sarcasm, a bright red light slowly swirled out under the hood of the man in silver moon and black robe. The burning black human flame seemed to be attracted by something. It began to rotate inward continuously. Finally, it seemed to be inhaled into the center of rotation. It disappeared, revealing the moonlight disease that only the clothes were burnt black The body of the wind.


in this regard, I silently watched the dark flame disappear. The man in the white robe, with the same hood covering his face, and the figure embroidered with bloody crescent on his robe, snorted softly.

"Other people's eyes are used skillfully."

Then there was a sneer.

"Oh? It's like you're not using other people's eyes. "

In this regard, the black robed man embroidered with Silver Crescent Moon seems to have sneered, followed by a tit for tat retort.


Hearing this, the man in the white robe of blood moon snorted again and said, "it was my eyes, but it was placed on him since I was born."

"Then, if it is your eyes, you don't have to ask me to go back, or take them back?"

Smell speech, silver moon black robe person is light mouth.


But this sentence seems to stab the pain of the man in the white robe of blood moon. He chokes for several seconds before he spits out this anger.

"Well, don't pretend to be in front of me. Don't you pretend to be grumpy in front of many people just to confuse me? Let me think that you lost an eye, the state of mind imbalance, and then slowly look down on you, isn't it? "

But for the anger of the white robed man, the silver moon black robed man seemed to have no feeling, and did not care at all. What's more, he broke down what he put on.

"Oh? I'm not allowed to be grumpy? You're really generous. "

In this regard, the blood moon white robe person seems to be a sneer, cold voice. In his words, there is a strong sense of ridiculing the other party's insolence to control other people's emotions.

"Come on, it's OK for you to cheat those unknown guys like big snake pill. You and I have known each other well. After so many generations of experience, will you lose your sense because you lose one eye and even become irritable? Don't be kidding. If you want to kill me, you'd better put away these fool tricks. "

However, hearing this full of sarcastic words, the silver moon black robed man is not salty.

In the words, it was understatement, so he resolved the irony. By the way, the man with the knife in the words cut the man with blood moon white robe again.

"Know the root and the bottom? This may not be true. After all, as a person who knows everything, I still don't know about many things in you. The first one is the eyes taken from me. Why has there never been any rejection or maladjustment in you? Even, the integration is more perfect than when it is on me. Even, with the same eye power, you play more perfect than me It's easy to release my Tianzhao pupil

In this regard, the man in white robed with blood and moon, who heard this, was not as angry as before, but rather calm.

Even, he sat down slowly. In front of the man in silver moon and black robe, he looked like he wanted to have a good conversation.

"Did you see an outsider for the first time?"

But for the blood moon white robe people suddenly calm down, as if a different person, and slowly exudes a kind of pressure with calm, silver moon black robe people do not seem to have any change, the words, or with a stick.

"Hum! Are you an outsider? "

In this regard, the blood moon white robe person cold hum a, retort a way.

He has seen a lot of outsiders, but none of them can bring him so much trouble as the one in front of him,

moreover, he has such a huge impact on his side and even the whole tolerance world!

At the same time, after finishing this sentence, the eyes of the man in the blood moon silver robe fell on the corpse in front of him who fell on the ground in the moonlight.

The shadow separation tactics of the moonlight gusty wind just now should be learned from the guy in front of you.

If not for a pharmacist, I'm afraid Sha Yin and Da she wan would really capsize in the gutter.

I'm afraid I can't hide Muye collapse plan, let alone Muye collapse plan, if Ma Ji is killed by moonlight and wind.And with the eyes settled, blood moon white robe people's heart, can not help but pan up such a thought.

At the same time, in my mind, the battle just happened.

As can be seen from the battle just now, the fighting consciousness of the moonlight wind is not only a special level of tolerance.

Muye's special tolerance is basically a specialized ninja, whose strength is quite strong on the average level of tolerance, especially the ability of specialization. For example, the three-day dance of the moon is almost comparable to that of Shangren and even the elite's endurance level. However, the reason why they can't become Shangren is their command ability In other words, small unit level leadership and small unit level strategic and tactical capabilities.

That is to say, it is impossible for us to have the strategic and tactical ability just like that.

It's not that he has no brains. It's just that his fighting style is not that he can use this style of shadow separation tactics.

Now, in the first dance of the three days and the moon, the moonlight wind has planned to separate two avatars, one shadow avatar. When Maggie is distracted by his separation, he lets the shadow Fenshen carry out the last attack of the dance of three days and the moon, that is, a sword on Ma Ji's shoulder.

Later, while Ma Ji was attracted by his improved dance of the three days and the moon, the dance of the shadow of the moon, Ma Ji secretly prepared to slip away. It was only because the pharmacist Dou did not know when he had reached the only way to escape and blocked the access road, so he chose to fight to death.

In the end, though, his shadow body tactics were technically a failure.

However, in the eyes of the white robed man, it has been a very successful battle for the special tolerance of the moonlight wind.

Otherwise, in the face of a pharmacist's pocket which is far stronger than his horse base and his strength is above Ma Ji, he may be killed if he can't turn out any spray.

Instead of being able to kill more than his Markey, as he is now.

All of this, of course, is because of his unexpected shadow separation tactics, which makes perfect use of the two people's initial misjudgment of him, especially the carelessness of Ma Ji after seeing the three-day moon shadow dance.

It can be said that although the moon blows, it is still glorious to be defeated.

And all this is due to the guy in front of him, that is, the silver moon black robed man opposite the blood moon white robed man.

Although he has not specially monitored the moonlight wind, to be honest, the blood moon white robed man did not think that this little special tolerance would turn out any spray. For a ninja of his level, such as moonlight blast, who looks quite fierce to others, is basically similar to cannon fodder, sometimes even cannon fodder can't be counted.

However, according to the information obtained by the man in white robed with blood and moon in the battle just now, the reason why the moonlight wind improved the dance of the three days and the moon with the shadow is probably due to the experience learned from the fighting style of the silver moon black robed man at that time.

Even later, the real body used to fight for death and the swordsmanship of shadow separation were also the swordsmanship that the man in black robe of silver moon was good at, double sparrow flash.

In addition, in order to surprise, the wind attribute of chakra is also wrapped on it.

This kind of thinking, which is often hidden in the ordinary place, is exactly the same.

That is to say, under the influence of the silver moon black robed man in front of him, the moonlight wind can make this kind of battle, though defeated but still glorious.

Even if the moonlight breeze does not die here, it is not impossible to follow this line of thinking and become an excellent Shangren and even an elite Shangren in the future.

Moreover, he is a promising Ninja to become a mainstay.

In a sense, the man in the white robe of the blood moon quite understands the pity of the man in the black robe of the silver moon.

However, it's a pity that the moonlight breeze is dead now, which is a good thing for the people with white robes.

At least, the loss of a guy who caused an accident is quite beneficial to him.

And this moonlight wind is just a small part of the influence of the silver moon black robed man on the tolerance world.

The silver moon black robed man only exists. Just a little spreading of his deeds can change many people. For example, the Yutian clan in caoyin village, and even the general situation of the whole tolerance world have changed because of his existence. Over the years, he has been "dead" for more than ten years, and Yu Wei still frightens the tolerance world and guards Muye.

He has never seen such an outsider who has such a profound influence on the world.

Never before.

If we classify the foreigners he killed, then the foreigners before the silver moon black robed man are just stubborn and reckless. They always believe in the so-called power. Even before the Jiuwei rebellion, they are also influenced by these outsiders and blindly believe in their own strength.

How can such an outsider, like a bachelor, compare with the present man in black robe of silver moon.

Those outsiders, at best, use their own powerful and incredible power to dominate a party. Some set up organizations, some simply act as a lone wolf. They are just a group of people with empty power but no brain or ignorance.And as long as there is power beyond their existence, then their everything will collapse.

As long as you kill them, you don't have any worries.

However, the guy in front of me is different, totally different.

For other outsiders, this person is actually a little humble. No, it's not only unimportant, but also a little transparent. During the growth period, he did not show anything special.

And those foreigners who have shown their talent almost from birth, it can be said that they exist day by day. Even, to a certain age, also maintain a small state of transparency, strength is not worth mentioning.

Even if he is the weakest among the outsiders, the son of yuzhibo has enough beauty to charm the whole muyeren village, which can also be said to be a rare and highly lethal ability among ninjas.

It is just that the son of God finally chose the universal wisdom mirror and chose the ordinary life without any waves to death.

Otherwise, if she wants to stir up trouble with her ability and qualification, she will be in charge of the whole country of fire, including Muye village.

If he wants to kill this special outsider, he will have to face the whole country of fire, and even if the son grows up faster, he will face half of the tolerance world.

Because of this consideration and some special reasons, he finally let the outsider go.

It can be said that at the beginning, the silver moon black robed man is not an outsider at all, but ordinary ninjas with defects and even those with defects are not suitable for being ninjas.

However, this is also the real horror of this guy. No matter how weak he is in the early stage, he can always win in the seemingly hopeless battles, even if he is on the verge of death. Every critical time, there will be powerful and weak people to help him, and he can also harvest these no matter how strong or not The favor of powerful people.

Zhicun Tuan Zang, the only one who had a bad feeling towards him, did not have any chance to target him, and even could not find an excuse against him.

Even, as long as Zhicun Tuan hides and moves him, it must be Zhicun Tuan Zang who will die, not only in the physical sense, but also in the social level.

And this guy not only gains a lot of support in every battle, but also has a huge promotion after he recovers from dying, and gradually gets the strength to compete with himself step by step, so that he can't see through it now.

That's what scares this guy right now.

In front of this man, the white robed man with blood moon can claim without doubt that the former outsiders are rubbish.

Compared with the two sides, it is like the gap between ordinary people and the shadow of a village!

And the degree of difficulty is also the gap between ordinary people and the shadow of a village!

"Am I not?"

But at this time, the opposite silver moon black robed man, but it is not salty to ask a question.

"All right! How do you choose the proposal that I give you

However, this time, the blood moon white robe person actually did not continue on this topic, just faintly vomited out such a sentence.

In the tone, there is an irresistible power,

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