"What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

"What's going on?"

The sudden burst of smoke and dust attracted everyone's attention in an instant, whether it was the one who was still wondering about the name of Chiba, or pleased to see his teacher's happy appearance, or moved by his teammate's tears and realized something long ago, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the smoke cloud.

However, the smoke and dust are diffuse, and the surrounding things are blurred because of the smoke and dust scattered by the waterfall, not to mention the most central that is like a hazy piece of soot.

They can't see anything, they can only utter the words of subconscious doubt.




At this time, just as people subconsciously opened their mouths, three holes suddenly opened in the center of the smoke and dust group, and three figures flew out.




Then, three slightly heavy landing sounds, ape flying ASMA, xirihong and Kakashi respectively landed at three locations outside the soot mass.

And on their faces, there was also a look of doubt.

It was as if they didn't know what was going on.

"What's the matter? Ningci? "

And at this time, looking at the three teachers settled down, suddenly wake up every day, look at the side of Ning times.

Perhaps, all the people present may not know what happened, but Ningci, the first person to detect the change, should know what.

At this time, it's better to ask your teammates first than to speculate.

"I don't know. It's too fast. I didn't catch it the first time."

In this regard, RI Ningci shook his head and said.

Just now, his white eye caught the thing from the sky. However, because of his speed, his insight was insight. However, his attention and reaction did not catch up with the first time, but did not "see" clearly what it was.

And RI Ningci also knew that although white eye was born with him, and blood was almost instinctive after the awakening of the limit, he was a little bit behind his own white eye.

In a sense, he is not used to developing his own blood limit, that is, white eye.

Especially after practicing the soft boxing left by the mother.

"Yes Then, can it be the man in silver moon and black robe? "

At this time, I looked at the gradually clear scenery around and the smoke and dust group slowly fading away from the opposite side. I asked every day.

"It's probably him."

In this regard, RI Ningci said.

At this time, it could only be the man in silver moon and black robe.

After all, with his white eye vision, he did not find any other signs of fighting. Even from just now on, no one came here. Even some secret whistles under the huoyingyan did not make any movements. It seems that he did not notice here at all, or did not care about what happened here.

When no one came and the sentry was not interested, the sudden sight could only be the man in silver moon and black robe.

"No! Hiss! Hiss, hisses

And also at this time, in the day Ningci nodded, a flame burning or high-temperature steam transpiration sound, slowly from the slowly faded smoke group sounded.

Along with the sound, that smoke cloud, also floated some tiny white gas.

"Hello! Kakashi, do you see it clearly? "

At this time, the ape flying ASMA and xirihong looked at Kakashi in the distance and asked in a loud voice.

At the same time, their faces in addition to a slight color of doubt, but also a bit more dignified.

The thing that just fell from the sky was so fast that they hardly saw it. It was just that when it landed on the ground, they subconsciously chose to avoid it.

Even if it is the first time, or even the reflexive avoidance, they are half a beat slower.


In this regard, Kakashi's mouth is spitting out such a sentence, and his eyes are not blinking at the front of the smoke cloud, in the smoke and dust gradually began to emit white gas, the surrounding temperature seems to have some rise, his brow, slightly frowned.

Is that Chiba?

At the same time, in his heart, there are deep doubts.

Just now, because something happened suddenly, and the speed of the fall of the thing was really too fast. From the perspective of writing wheel eyes, they could only see a flash of black shadow. Then, the ground burst open, and when the pain of gravel hit, they had subconsciously retreated to their present position.

Although, just a glance, the insight of writing wheel eye is not enough, but after all, writing wheel eye is writing wheel eye. Even if you don't see it clearly, it still vaguely captures that this thing is an ellipse. According to the truth, at this time, this kind of thing suddenly happened. The only possibility is Chiba.The thousand leaves of the golden cicada just now came out of its shell.

However, Chiba can never be an ellipse.

So, at this time, he is quite uncertain about what is at the center of this cloud.

"Well, we have to think about it."

At this time, hearing his words, ape flying ASMA and xirihong looked at each other, as if they understood something. The color of doubt on their faces eventually disappeared quickly, leaving a dignified and serious look.

At the same time, their posture also slowly began to change, each of them had caught the chakra knife or bitterness, but they were serious and serious.


In this regard, Kakashi nodded, should a, left hand is also caught out of the bitter, at the same time, the right hand also made a few simple marks.

Although he did not understand what had happened now, he was not sure whether the dust mass was Chiba.

However, it is certain that there are only two possible situations in the current situation.

In one case, Chiba did not slip away on the way. What happened, or evaded his own attack, or planned to use a new self-developed ninja, or a kind of unknown ninja, which caused this situation from heaven and created the present situation.

In the second case, Chiba has already slipped away. Now, it is not Chiba's handwriting, but someone else.

If it is the first case, then naturally, there is nothing. Although this will overturn their reassuring inference, it is not something to worry about. The half run of Chiba can prove that Chiba has not changed. However, Chiba did not slip away at this time, which does not mean that Chiba has really changed. The half run can prove Qian Leaves did not change, but this time did not slip away, but does not mean that did not run away, Chiba changed, was infected by the dark.

It's a pity, but it's not something to worry about.

However, if it is the second possibility, the wooden leaf at this time, this way of playing, then, they must be careful.

Now, the death of the wind is almost certain. Muye is still in danger at this time, at least someone is destroying it in the dark. Judging from the behavior of these dark hostile forces killing the wind in Muye village, I am afraid that the hostile forces are determined to do something.

And, not afraid of the leaves.

At this time, it is also possible for the enemy to invade in a blatant way when they are practicing against each other.

That is to say, at this moment, the center of the cloud is likely to be the intruder.

And if it's an intruder, then they can't hold the mentality of just practicing.

The next, most likely, is the battle of life and death.

"Naruto! Sakura

At this time, just as Kakashi was caught out of misery, Yuzhi bozou's face on the other side of the seventh shift changed, and a sense of tension suddenly appeared on his face.

At the same time, his body was slightly heavy, and his hands were already behind his back.


At this time, hearing his suddenly serious words, the whirlpool Naruto beside him has already stepped forward. His hands, index fingers and middle fingers are close together and cross. There is also a sense of tension on his face, and his eyes are staring at the dust cloud in front of him for a moment.


At the same time, behind the two people, a serious face of chunye cherry in the hand has already caught two bitter, a pair of eyes also about observation.

Obviously, the three men are already in combat.

At this time, the faces of the other three classes, in addition to riningci and Tiantian in the no teacher group, also showed some tension on the faces of gouzuka ya, rijida, younu zhinai in class 8, Nara Luwan, akido dinci, and mineno Yamanaka in class 10. Later, they entered the fighting state quickly or slowly, and at the same time, they also displayed a fighting formation.

Obviously, after seeing that the atmosphere of tolerating fighting in their own guidance changed, they almost all entered into the fighting state subconsciously. It can be seen that during this period of time, I worked with my teacher, both in class 8 and class 10, and I had a good understanding with my tutor.

However, compared with Class 8 and class 10, class 7 responded more decisively, entered the state faster, and was more sensitive to the change of their tutor's attitude, perhaps because he had participated in level B tasks.

Even when the other teams were just in a state of formation, Yu Zhibo Sasuke and whirlpool Naruto of the seventh class were ready to cooperate with the attack. Although chunye Ying was not as strong as the two, she began to guard against the attacks from both sides at the first time, and the reaction was quite fast and in place.

At this time, Yu Zhibo Sasuke and vortex Naruto are already in the state of impending attack. They are highly concentrated and easy to ignore the attack from both sides. Although chunye cherry is in the position protected by the two people, making such a defense can prevent the attack from both sides at the first time, at least delay the attack on both sides, which is enough for Yu Zhibo Sasuke and vortex Naruto Reaction time.After all, the smoke cloud in front of you may also be a bait to attract their attention, and the probability of real attack coming from both sides is very high.

Of course, the probability of a post attack is also high.

However, the ground behind them was slightly covered with dust, and one corner of the paper with runes was not covered up in a hurry.

Obviously, Sakura chunye also took precautions against her back.

And this is undoubtedly the embodiment of the tacit cooperation of the three. This series of actions can be made so perfectly, which is not something that the new generation of forbearance who just came out of Ninja school can do it casually.

This time, even if it was the tenth class of the piglet deer butterfly, it was not as brilliant as the seventh class.

The seventh class, which had faced a really strong enemy, obviously had a great growth, and even surpassed the tenth class, whose number of tasks was far better than theirs.

From here, we can also see that the growth of the three people in the seventh class may be better than that of the little pig deer butterfly in the tenth class.

As for the performance of the eighth class, in fact, the reaction speed was not slow. It was only slower than that of the tenth class. It was just because there were wounded people in the team, so there was no way to form the most perfect formation.

Relatively speaking, it is at the bottom of the three classes.

In the no teacher group, RI Ning Ci and Tian Tian have no way to form an effective defensive or offensive formation because of the absence of their teammates and teachers. However, just look at RI Ningci's step forward slightly, slightly blocking every day's actions, and quietly tightening up the appearance of something hidden every day. Even if there are only two people, considering their particularity, they are enough to cope with it Most of the time.

It seems that the performance is better than the seventh class.

However, the task gap in this year is not something that can be made up by a strong enemy. After all, RI Ningci is also the most talented person of the last term. At present, even Yu Zhibo Sasuke, compared with him, is still slightly inferior to him.

At least, at this moment, if there is an enemy and the enemy has a good eye, it is absolutely that the no teacher group looks more threatening.

"Hiss! Chuckle! Hiss, hisses, hisses

At this time, after all the people entered the fighting state and the atmosphere was suddenly tense and killed, the gray smoke in the center of the soot group was completely replaced by the transpiration of white gas, and the white gas was still rapidly dissipating. Only in these few moments, the white gas replacing the smoke and dust was slowly fading away.

Slowly, this steam transpiration sound, an oval object slowly emerged.

It looks like an oval black appears in a piece of white.

"Ha! Click! Click

And with the emergence of this elliptical object, the sound of dense cracking suddenly emerges.

As if in the white air, that ellipse thing is unceasingly fragmenting general.

People can almost imagine that the oval thing is crawling with cracks.


Then, just after the dense cracking sound reached a certain degree, it seemed that there was some drastic change in the interior of the ellipse, and the ellipse suddenly broke apart.


In an instant, a strong wind was blowing, and bits of metallic color, scorched black or semi burnt black, or not, roared out.

A touch of bright red light, suddenly emerged in the subconscious block of all people's eyes.

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