Stele of consolation?

These kids, you know that?

When did it happen?

When he heard the confused question on the whirlpool Naruto's face, Kakashi frowned and glanced at the tenth class over there. Then he looked at Yu Zhibo Sasuke, who had already shown his hostility. Such an idea passed through his mind.

On the face, is a bit dignified color.

Luwan, dingci, and minefield Are they investigating Chiba?

Is it because I usually say too much?

But this time ape flies ASMA is suddenly thought of what, the face slightly flashed some embarrassment.

Obviously, the ape flying ASMA also had self-knowledge. It was estimated that he mentioned Chiba most often in front of his disciples. It was because of this that he aroused the curiosity of his disciples, so he investigated Chiba.

It may be that we don't respect and shouldn't respect the heroes on the stele. But, after all, there are so many names on the stele, and there are countless battles or wars between the tolerance world and Muye. There are also countless heroes who died for the village. There are also many names of the heroes on the stele. If we didn't make a purposeful investigation, then his disciples would never know The way is so clear.

Although yuzhibo Hongyan, RI xuenai and even Chiba Taki are inscribed on the stele, they are all deliberately forgotten because of Chiba's influence and the reason why Chiba must "die".

His disciples at this age, if not for a purpose, will never be attracted to these three names.

In other words, it is very obvious that his disciples investigated everything about Chiba because of his influence.

Of course, there should be no investigation of any key information, just the name.

After all, the village's intelligence system is not fake. If the three disciples of the village find out some core information, no, even if it is close to the core, then the Intelligence Department of Muye doesn't have to eat and can jump off the building in unison.

However, even if only three names were investigated, ASMA was a little unprepared.


It seems to be a little capable!

Then, after a slight embarrassment, ASMA's heart was surrounded by a sense of pride.

Yes, proud.

In the village deliberately forgotten and basically eliminated all traces, so that they are determined to think that Chiba is dead, they were able to investigate these three names. Considering the identity of the new people they tolerate, this is a very great thing.


It's not just a great thing, it's an unimaginable thing.

It can be said that their disciples are very excellent, at least in the aspect of intelligence collection, they are already outstanding in all classes present.


What's the best one? It's the best one to collect intelligence.

Although the seventh class of Kakashi has a B-level task, it is still faced with ghost people who will not kill such famous people. However, the number of names given by his disciples alone has surpassed that of class 7.

This is a complete achievement that can't be compared with a B-level task!

This was a confrontation with Muye's intelligence department, and achieved quite good results.

At this moment, ASMA can't help looking at Kakashi, eyes, slowly floating up a bit of elation.

To tell you the truth, the guy in front of him never brought his apprentice. I heard that the village had arranged several teams for him before, and they were all eliminated by this guy. Unexpectedly, he accepted disciples this year.

As soon as he received his disciples, he came to a B-level task, which also solved the famous treachery of "ghost man never beheading". To tell the truth, among all the teachers of the same period, this guy was a blockbuster, almost forcing all teachers of the same period and even non synchronization to hold their heads up.

Not long after leading the team, he directly followed the line-up of forbearance newcomers, completed the task of level B, and solved the problem that the wanted criminals and ghosts equivalent to grade A were not killed again. This basically broke the record in the task achievement of forbearance in guidance.

And it's the sort of almost unbreakable type.

Although in the world of Ninja, the purpose of this kind of master apprentice relationship is not to create a higher record or the like, it is just a kind of most effective educational means to pass on the experience of guiding ninja and make the next generation stronger at present. There is no real record, list or ranking. Moreover, the world of Ninja is cruel after all. This kind of education is also to make the next generation adapt to the tolerance world as soon as possible, and improve the success rate and survival rate of the next generation.

The survival rate is the main factor in the yield and survival rate.

This kind of mode is a pragmatism oriented mode, and individualism does not exist at all.

It can be said that what is recorded in the ranking list is actually boring.

However, no matter how they survive in the dark and how pragmatism prevails, it is impossible for ninjas to completely become machines to complete tasks or kill people. Even Muye is still the most humane village among the five tolerance villages. Some of the inevitable things of human beings are also inevitable among Muye and the Ninjas of other tolerance villages.For example, competitive mentality.

In the guidance of tolerance, in addition to wholeheartedly cultivating their students to become talents and ensuring that they can survive in the tolerance world in the future, there are still some competitive mentality.

As a guy who can be completely trusted in combat and mission, but in daily life and daily communication, some people treat people and things very perfunctorily, and are full of a lazy and ironic posture, and have no motivation in any way. In the guidance of other periods, I don't know, but in the guidance of the same period and in the guidance of the previous issue, maitekai is all to Kakashi Having a certain vindictive competitive mentality.

In a sense, Kakashi, as a guiding forbearance, was regarded as a competitor by the guidance tolerance of the same period, including ape flying ASMA, as well as the guidance forbearance in the last issue. No, it can't be defeated by his fellow.

And his amazing achievements, although not really on the top of the line, but still let the guidance of the same period of tolerance and Maitreya are quite unconvinced and uncomfortable.

And it's vindictive.

It can be said that Kakashi, as a friend or competitor, has a poor reputation.

As two rare "super geniuses" in Muye village at the same time, Chiba and Kakashi are polarized when they become competitors or unilaterally regarded as competitive relations by others.

At least, in the eyes of ASMA, as a competitor, Chiba is worthy of admiration. They are convinced whether they win or lose.

However, some of Kakashi's words made them unable to convince themselves, or in other words, they could not think of the benefits.

To sum up, I always feel that Kakashi deserves to be beaten.

Now, in such a state of mind, he is aware that his disciples have done something beyond class seven, or that class seven has not done. Compared with the awkward mentality, ASMA is always in great comfort. If it is not in public, if it is not for his own disciples and other people's disciples who are watching, then ASMA will not hesitate to ridicule Let's talk about Kakashi. If you can make this guy embarrassed and don't know what to say, it's best.

Because it's a special way to relieve Qi!

At the thought of that face, which has always been indifferent, suddenly becomes embarrassed. It is really

Special catharsis!

Brother Chiba

But at the moment, compared with looking into Kakashi's eyes and beginning to puff up, and even begin to imagine that the face in front of her has become all kinds of embarrassing appearance, ASMA, who has begun to be dark and cool, is different from Kakashi, who is somewhat stupefied and dignified because of the unexpected situation. As the only female director here, xirihong is a little worried and looks over there The white haired youth standing by the pit.

Yuzhibo Hongyan, Nisei

I'm afraid that only this white haired youth knows the meaning behind these two names, and the importance and influence of these two names to him.

Xirihong is worried that after so many years, his brother Chiba will remember the pain at that time when he hears these two names.

Sister Chennai

In addition to worry, there is also a bit of sadness in her heart. She has not relieved the pain of her sister Chennai's death.

To be honest, compared with ASMA and Kakashi, the contact between xirihong and Chiba is much less because of the age.

It is only because of the influence of Cheney that she has the impression of Chiba based on the perspective of Chennai only in Cheney's narration and a few encounters that confirm Cheney's narration.

In addition, he had a very sincere friendship with Chiba.

Although, Chiba, who has been busy with her own affairs, may not know that there is a little girl, because of Chennai's relationship, she regards him as her brother.

However, different from Chiba, Chennai really loves this little sister, and xirihong is also sincere and sincere, regarding Chennai as her sister's land.

Or, that kind of longing sister.

Especially after becoming the assistant to the chief of the defense forces and the vice captain in the future, Xi Rihong even regarded her sister Chennai as her future goal for some time.

And this longing sister, is also very take care of her.

Up to now, xirihong can still recall the feeling of touching his head with a doting and warm hand.

Still remember, that delicious snack taste.

Even, I still remember that pair of eyes full of doting, that beautiful and warm smile.

Even if she didn't meet much later, she could still receive the familiar delicious snacks from time to time.

Now, hearing the name again, all the things that were buried deep in my heart are emerging again.

Along with these memories and memories, there is the one lying in the hospital bed, losing all the blood color of the face.

How to see the dead Chennai at that time, Xi Rihong has no memory. She only remembers the almost transparent face without a trace of blood color, and the satisfied smile.Xirihong also forgot how her face was soaked with tears after seeing this face.

However, only that heart as if split grief, she clearly remember.

Even now, my heart is still a little dull pain.

What would it be like if sister Cheney were still there?

And with this faint pain, such a thought that would arise every time she thought of her sister Cheney also floated.


"Hello, Ningci, have I read wrong? The atmosphere seems to be wrong."

at this time, although the non teacher group was also surprised by the three names suddenly announced, like class 8, they did not make any investigation on this matter. Therefore, in terms of surprise, they were still a little less focused than class 10 and class 7, which have been investigated now.

At this time, every day's eyes passed over the three guides on tolerance, including the white haired youth whose face seemed to sink a little, and his mouth almost subconsciously uttered such a sentence.

"We, shouldn't we

Finally, with a bit of uneasiness, every day subconsciously looked at sunningci and said.


In this regard, rixiangningci nodded, but only answered, and did not say anything more.

However, although he didn't say much, his face was dignified. At this moment, as he said every day, the atmosphere among the people began to change with the three names. In other words, it tends to change.

Tend to, heavy.

To tell you the truth, RI Ning Ci, who opened his white eyes at this time, can be said to have a panoramic view of the micro expressions of all the teachers present, including the young man with white hair. His interpretation of the micro expression is because his white eye combat method is quite proficient.

At this moment, although the three teachers' expressions were different, he felt vaguely that whether he was Mr. Kakashi, or ASMA who looked at her, or Xi Rihong, who clearly showed a worried look, seemed to be worried about these three names.

From their manner, it seems that these three names should not be mentioned.

At least in the present case, it should not be mentioned.

In other words, in front of this white haired youth, it should not be mentioned.

Moreover, from the slight change of the expression of the white haired youth, it is confirmed that the three names are special.

At the same time, I also understand that the three names are special, not the name itself, but the attitude of this white haired youth.

The three teachers, in fact, are not concerned about the three names themselves, but the impact of these three names on this white haired youth!

And the reaction of this white haired youth seems that these three names should not be mentioned.

At least, it should not be mentioned here.


However, at this time, just after many thoughts had been turned in his heart, the white haired youth suddenly sighed.


Hearing the sigh of this life, almost like being trampled on the tail, Kakashi, ape flying ASMA and xirihong have all looked in the past.

At the same time, all the forbearance looked at the past.

"We'd better talk about it later. Now..."

In the face of everyone's eyes, the white haired youth's mouth is suddenly covered with a smile.


All of a sudden, Kakashi, ASMA and xirihong are stunned.

Chiba's smile, they do not understand.

Normally speaking, Chiba can never laugh at this time.


However, the next second, their faces were shocked.

At the same time, subconsciously, three people's eyes, all look to their right side!

In the eyes of startled pupils, are the images of kicking and hitting slowly.

And behind them, I don't know when, there is a young man with white hair who is kicking in the air.

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