
The dull sound sounded again in the open space of the forest.

"Miss Kay!"

And with this dull, no teacher group direction, suddenly sounded a exclamation, but the day rather next to the day can not help but call out.

Kay teacher?

At the same time, every day in front of her, all the new people's faces changed, and the color of astonishment was beyond expression.


Even Kakashi, ape flying ASMA and xirihong are also surprised.

"No! Still blocked

But also at this time, the seventh class, but sounded a different from the surprise ah, such as the words, a quite with some disappointment shouting.

All of a sudden, everyone's remaining light glanced at the golden haired and blue eyed teenager. Even his teammate Yu zhibozou, who was attracted by the action in front of him in the moment, unconsciously took a look.

And looking at the faces of the people, it is obvious that the young man with golden hair and blue eyes, also known as whirlpool Naruto, is speaking out of everyone's heart.

At this moment, people's eyes are focused. Behind the white haired youth, a man kicks in the air. Looking at his appearance, it seems that there is a dull kicking sound in his ears. And this man's watermelon head and thick eyebrows is just the teacher of the no teacher group, Mr. maitkay. An easy job to do is to play the as like as two peas.

and then, with the words of the blond and blue eyed boys and even the blonde boys, the face of disappointment is that the sudden kick of the blow is easily blocked by the Chiba, the white haired young man, who raises his left hand. The pattern is exactly the same as that of Asma.

In terms of physical skills, this Chiba almost gives them a sense of impeccability.

Although, just now, the score they gave to the Chiba entity fell to the bottom in an instant.

However, seeing that Chiba Taki was calm and did not look at it at all, he immediately blocked the blow which was absolutely unstoppable. Judging from the sound, the strength of the blow was that they would have to click and fly out even if they blocked the head twist. What kind of score decline disappeared in an instant.

Suddenly, they had a strong interest in the battle.

Then, almost in an instant, that is, when this sound sounded, seeing the Qianye in front of her easily blocked the blow, their strong interest was immediately dashed by the reality.

, which is as like as two peas before, is no longer effective. As Mr. Kakasi, Asma and miss Xi, Mr. Kay, should not be an opponent of this long Chiba.

I guess it's the end of the fight.

Even, teachers Kakashi, ASMA and xirihong will persuade Miss Kai to give up fighting.

I don't think it's going to work.

To tell you the truth, I don't know why. When they don't see a turning point or a new battle, they don't hope for the strength of Chiba Taki. What's more, they put Chiba Taki on the level of Naruto. Even though they know that he is really powerful, they are no longer interested in his fight.

However, just seeing the sudden kick, their interest was suddenly raised, and even reached a high level. At that moment, they were excited.

It is also because of that moment of excitement, so now they appear so disappointed and powerless.


At this time, he raised his hand to block the blow from the back and felt the impact of his hand almost leaning towards his face. His left hand was slightly sore. During this time, Chiba's three hook Jade's writing wheel eyes glanced slightly to the left and back, and the corners of his mouth caught a slight smile.

The war spirit that had been extinguished was slowly burning at the moment.

Sure enough, Kai, who specializes in physical arts and can start to surprise people for a long time, is not the same.

This strength!

And tiny smile, Chiba's teeth are slightly bit up.

Although it is the same as ASMA's attack Road, the attack angle is quite perfect in the eyes of others, but for ninjas like them who are good at body skills, they are just in the middle of the line. However, the strength of the above, including the opportunity and effect of chakra attachment and increase, is incomparable with ASMA.

With the same angle and the same side kick, Kay's foot is almost twice as powerful as ASMA's!

At least, with Chiba's present body bone, this simple foot down, his hand has been sore up!


At this time, however, his three bodies turned apart again, but this time they were not twisted into a ball, but twisted apart, and his face also showed a bit of surprise.

Obviously, as they share the ontological memory, they also know how difficult it is to come.

"Ha ha! I am worthy of being a competitor for my whole life. As expected, such a small trick can't deal with you! So... "At this time, behind Chiba, the woody leaf Ninja with watermelon head and thick eyebrows, who is also known as the dark blue beast of wood leaf, felt the shock of acid thigh bone from his feet, and burst out a passion when he was neutral.


And in this sound, the smile of Chiba's mouth slightly retracted, originally because of the words of the body, and slightly turned to the front of the writing wheel eye also slightly looked back.

"Youth, burn again!"

And the moment that he looked back, the more passionate words in the second half of Maitreya's sentence also rang out at this time.


With this exciting sound, Chiba's eyes suddenly widened, and a bone breaking sound suddenly reminded him that his left hand, which had been blocked up, suddenly turned inward into a right angle.


At this time, the green chakra air burst out from the left foot embedded in his 90 degree concave arm.


Almost at this moment, there was a exclamation in front of the three sub bodies.

"Hello, Hello, hello..."

At the same moment, even Kakashi's eyes widened when he saw the burst of chakra air flow. Subconsciously, Kakashi turned his right hand over his forehead protection, and his left eye was full of the unique bright red color of the wheel writing eye, and his mouth was filled with subconscious amazement and tongue smacking.

However, the tone is full of "don't use it like this".

And one side of the sun red and ape flying ASMA, at this time also see a gaping, face is also a kind of "can't reach this point" look.


At this time, a dull sound sounded again. The left foot, which burst out green, seemed to be kicking away, and the white haired youth's arm, which had been folded into 90 degrees, had already turned into a whole crooked past with hands and faces.


But in the scream that broke out among the new people of xiaren, all the people could see was that the white haired youth's head was tilted, and the man was already in the air one meter away. The whole person was askew, but it was flying towards the direction of the new people of xiaxiaren.

"The battle is dull! Chiba

At the same time, in the opposite direction of the white haired youth's flight, his whole body was in the air with a green air flow in his arms, and he kicked out the corner of his mouth with a smile of conspiracy.


This guy

However, hearing this sound, the eyes of Chiba shulun flying towards the crowd reflected the eight door acupoints opened by maitekai who opened the six doors. His left hand was fluttering in the wind near his cheek, but a trace of inexplicable frustration flashed in his heart.

It can be said that maitkay hit the heart of his heart.

I didn't expect that when I was just reminding myself to fight next, we must be careful. No matter what kind of sudden situation, we should not follow the way of others, or we should not make any response because of insufficient reaction in the fight.

The idea of alertness in his heart has not faded away. In the twinkling of an eye, it is because of the emergence of matekay that the opportunity has changed. He is careless, and his reaction is slow. He is overcame by his eight door dunjia.

"Eight gates Dunjia... "

And at this time, the moment when Maitreya opened his mouth, Chiba bit his teeth and opened his white eyes. RI Ning Ci, who was already staring at his teacher just now, murmured in his mouth.


Li's eight door dunjia was given to him by the teacher!

But for the first time to see his teacher display eight door Dun Jia, compared to his face surprised color, his heart is very bright.

"This This The same trick as Xiao Li

At the same time, on the other side, in the seventh class lineup, whirlpool Naruto and chunye cherry opened their mouth involuntarily.

"What's the trick?"

Almost at the same time, Yuzhi bozouzuke, who was shocked by the earth shaking changes before and after Maitreya opened the eight door dunjia, almost made an action that he would not normally do. He turned around and asked vortex Naruto some dumbfounded questions.

However, it's no wonder that yuzhibozouzuke has such an abnormal reaction. At this time, the change of mateka in the eyes of shulun is really too big. The scene that chakra is released like an explosion, and the chakra that is released is several times or even more than ten times more than that originally owned by mateka.

After all, he was probably the only one who had not seen the battle of lillock.

"Dingci, minefield, everybody, back off!"

At this time, Nara Lu Wan, who was afraid of trouble, lost his fear of trouble in his face. Instead, it was replaced by a look of anxiety. After a cry in his mouth, his hands suddenly seized the shoulders of his two teammates and suddenly retreated."Bang!"

When the distance between the three of them was less than one meter away, the position where they were standing suddenly burst out, the smoke and dust were rising and the debris was flying. The white haired youth who was kicked off had already bumped into the ground center they had stood.


Under the collision, all the newcomers immediately looked sideways, but the quickest reaction was that Yu Zhibo, the only one who had not seen the eight door dunjia, should be the most surprised. He turned his eyes slightly, and his hand had caught the shoulder of whirlpool Naruto. With this low drink, his body shape had already retreated to the side of chunye cherry behind him, and one hand held her waist In chunyeying's sudden blush and soft voice of "ah", class 7 caught up with class 10 and flew back nearly 10 meters before stopping, almost equal to the position of the no teacher group.

The reaction of the eighth class was slightly slower than that of the tenth and seventh classes. However, when the cloud of dust and smoke was rising, the eighth class had experienced many tasks and battles, and they had a good understanding with each other. When Yuzhi bozou pulled the whirlpool Naruto and took chunyeying out of the distance several meters, gouzuka Ya and younuzhi also responded and embraced each other with tacit understanding Next to the wounded day field fly back to the edge of the woods behind, put down the day when the field, block in front of the field, eyes vigilantly look at the explosion of the dust.


At the same time, there was a clapping sound on the other side of Maitreya, but it suddenly rang out.

"Ah! What a mess

At this time, the proud smile of the green chakra is suddenly solidified. In the falling situation, the corner of his eyes reflects the posture of two front and one back. The first two squat down and the second one stands in the middle. The three people clap hands at the same time, and they have inhaled steadily, and the front chest is bulging 。

Obviously, the next step should be a combination of Ninja, and with the strength of Chiba's ninja, even if it's a physical separation of the ninja, it's enough for him to drink, let alone the physical separation of the fitness ninja.

Just now, he didn't leave much force on his foot. Basically, he had already moved the real thing.

Seeing this scene, I'm afraid the three avatars in front of me will not be motionless.

Most of them can't escape. Although he has opened eight dunjia, it's still the sixth. But at the moment, he kicks out, and his strength is exhausted. Even if he can still use high-speed movement to transfer the position, the tolerance range of these three parts is not small. In such a short period of time, can we move out of the range of ninja, He doesn't have much confidence.

After all, what is in front of me is Chiba's incarnation. As Chiba, who has also practiced eight kinds of dunjia, how to deal with it at this time? Matekay can't deceive himself.

How much distance can be transferred at this time can be calculated by Chiba, and the range of the combined Ninja that can be calculated is bound to cover these distances.

That is to say, now, whether it is an embarrassing whereabouts, or transfer itself, it is bound to be hit by the combination of these three entities.

To tell you the truth, it's embarrassing at this time.

Not long after I was proud, I started to talk.


However, just as his proud smile solidified into an awkward bitter smile, the faces of the three entities changed, and the ninju that was about to spit out was also a meal.

"Hiss, hisses!"

At this time, the three people's different parts, suddenly sounded the sound of flame burning.

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