No No,

In his slightly widened eyes, the shallow pit after the smoke and dust dispersed is reflected. No matter the three Kakashi or other new people of tolerance, their hearts are slightly shocked and their colors suddenly change.

At this moment, the dust dispersed in the shallow pit, in addition to think that the trace of collision, nothing!

Originally, should be in the shallow pit of Chiba, has disappeared!

"No way! I don't see any movement? "

At this time, almost subconsciously, after seeing this scene, Xie Wanyu Zhibo Sasuke suddenly realized that the unconscious thanks to whirlpool Naruto, who seemed to be a bit unworthy, said it subconsciously while shocked.

And the fact is the same. From the time when Chiba Tsuga hit the ground just now, the smoke and dust have dispersed, it has not taken a minute, and there is no movement. With so many people watching, even if the Ninja skill is used, there should not be any movement. It just disappeared.

"Down here!"

At this time, when the whirlpool Naruto did not understand, his teacher, Kakashi over there, seemed to have a sharp flash in his eyes, and his mouth was already blurting out.

"Decapitation in the heart!"

Almost at the same time, only about half a beat slower, ASMA and Xi Rihong also exclaimed with one voice.

But in the exclamation of the stall, ASMA and xirihong have already jumped up, and their eyes are staring at the ground under their feet.

Even Kakashi, at this time, was looking down, his body was sinking, and he was about to jump up.


And just then, on their right side, where maitrek stood, the ground broke apart.

"Ha ha!"

Then, just above the ground burst a few meters in the air, there was a proud laugh.

Maitreya's whole body was green and chakra was surrounded by air. He jumped up in a posture of white crane's bright wings, his eyes fixed on the ground, and his face was proud.

It was as if some kind of victory had been won.

"No! No

But in this instant, seeing the jumping up of Maitreya, ASMA and sunset red, Kakashi's face changed, as if suddenly thought of something, the body suddenly tensed, and stopped the jump.

All of a sudden, maitekai, ASMA and xirihong are stunned. Their subconscious eyes fall on Kakashi, who is about to jump.


At this time, a series of electric current suddenly spread out from the ground with his right foot as the center, and ASMA and xirihong's feet flew by.




But just after the current plowed away, and a cobweb circle of lightning flashed on the ground, three muffled sounds sounded. Kakashi, ASMA and xirihong had originally stood on the ground, but three deep pits suddenly caved out.


That's it!

Can't jump!

At this time, ASMA and xirihong see these three pits, and think about the two words that Kakashi said is wrong. Their hearts flash with light and suddenly understand.

"Kay! Be careful

Then, in this instant, Kakashi turned his head instead of looking at the hole under his feet, and roared at Maitreya in the air.


At this time, the proud face of maitekai obviously did not expect that Kakashi would roar at him, or rather eager to let him be careful. Party item is a Leng, subconsciously to look at Kakashi.

But at this time, Kakashi's eyes were no longer on his body. Suddenly, he swept to the explosion place of the three branches of Chiba.


When Kakashi's eyes settled, a small hole suddenly opened in the explosion smoke which had begun to dilute. A light haze suddenly came out. In the blink of an eye, it was the arrow of matekay.

Lei Dun!

But in this moment, Kakashi's eyes suddenly widened. Before he could shout out the second sound, he heard a "poof". In the air, the figure of Maitreya suddenly turned over, and the light haze like an arrow passed through her body. All of a sudden, the pieces of clothes splashed out with wisps of blood light.

"Kakashi, be careful!"

At this time, Kakashi's ear suddenly sounded a exclamation. ASMA's voice seemed to explode in her own ear, but her words were full of anxiety.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

At the same time, there were three holes in the explosion smoke. Among the thunder lights, three swords were mixed with thunder movies, and they were flying out towards the shoulders of the three of them.

"Don't touch it!"At this time, ASMA's voice sounded again, at the same time, behind Kakashi, there was already a "pa" sound.


Hearing this, Kakashi suddenly stopped his left hand, which had swept out from behind, and stopped the castration of his left hand.

Is it Lei Dun again

At this time, although he stopped sweeping, his mouth was also dissatisfied with a Tut, but Kakashi's face suddenly eased up. In the vision of writing wheel eye, the point of view was fixed on the sword in his hand, especially the group of Leidun chakra in the round hole of the sword.

There is no doubt that ASMA's judgment is correct. If we beat him down with bitterness, I'm afraid that Leidun chakra in the round hole will burst open and paralyze him.

Judging from the amount of Leidun chakra above, the throwing attack of the three hand swords is fake, and the real one is Leidun chakra above. These Leidun chakras are the real means to make them lose their fighting ability.

"The wind runs away, and the three blades jut together!"

At this time, Kakashi's mind suddenly felt that he was at the back of his body. With a light drink from ASMA, the three blades of wind were whirling out, mixed with the spiral wind force generated by the reaction between the wind blades and the wind blades, whistling away from his side and rear.

"Click, click, click!"

Then, there were three sounds of metal breaking. The sword in the hand of the three thunder lights was instantly caught by the three wind blades. In an instant, it was split into two parts by the wind blade. The incision was extremely smooth, but the thunder light burst in the round hole suddenly disappeared in this whirlwind force.


At this time, on the other side of Kakashi's back, there was a sound of finishing the printing. A group of blazing heat roared out from behind him. A cone-shaped flame galloped past, but it was led away by the force of the spiral wind and merged into the strong wind. In an instant, it combined with the wind force and turned into a three pointed flame whirlwind, which whirled away towards the explosion smoke.


There was no suspense. The flame whirlwind did not encounter any obstruction. It destroyed Gula and penetrated the explosion smoke. At the same time, the wind and fire force were not declining, and they were moving forward.

When passing through the lower part of Maitreya, by the way, the strong and hot updraft slowed down the fall of Maitreya, but it slowed down his fall. It was only when the flame whirlwind roared past that the maitrek would fall, and it would not reach matekay at all.

"No way!"

At this time, when the fire whirlwind roared by, the three Kakashi had not changed much. However, a cry of surprise broke out at the same time, which rang through the whole venue.

However, RI Ningci, who had to close his white eyes, and Yu Zhibo Sasuke, who still insisted on opening his writing wheel eye, exclaimed with one voice.

With this life, the eyes of all the new people of xiaren moved away from the flame whirlwind and fell on the eyes of Ningci and yuzhibo Sasuke that day, and their faces just turned pale with horror.



At this time, ASMA and xirihong both landed with their hands in the gesture of printing.

"Be careful!"

On the landing gate, Kakashi's face was dignified, and the three outline jade wheel eye in his left eye was moving rapidly in his eye socket, as if he was searching for something fast.

"Where are the people?"

At this time, the eyes of ASMA and sunset red mouth, is unable to help such a blurt out, the face is also a light and endure the same shock color.

At this moment, the flame whirlwind whistling past, the potential is extremely weak, but it is about to dissipate in the air, and after being penetrated by the wind and fire force, the explosion smoke in front of them has already dispersed.

But there was nothing in the shallow pit of the explosion smoke.

No Chiba.

There is no separation of Chiba.


And the flame whirlwind, of course, was a void. It did nothing except blow the smoke and slow down the fall of matekay.

"Up! Kay! Be careful

As soon as Kasi's eyes closed, Kasi's eyes suddenly turned red.

I saw two people almost subconsciously look up, eyes down, but also a tight face, immediately tense up.

However, in the middle of the sky, between the fall of Maitreya, a hand clenched hammer turned into a hammer, which had already been raised high, and was about to be smashed. Slowly, the figure appeared in front of them along with the falling trend of Maitreya.

"Worthy of..."

At this time, in the middle of the sky, maitrek turned up and saw the white haired youth with a smile on his mouth.

Not Chiba, who is it!

"Bang!"However, he only had time to spit out these three words. The white haired youth with his hands held high as a hammer did not hesitate. His hands suddenly fell down and hit him without any suspense. In an instant, the extremely dull sound of flesh and skin collision spread far away.


There was only a sound of breaking through the air. In the sight of the people, the figure of Maitreya stopped for a short time, as if the invisible waves were shaking open. In the next moment, Matt's body turned into a green streamer. With a loud noise, it hit the ground. Suddenly, the ground cracked like a spider's web. In the cracks, the smoke and dust seemed to be squeezed and ejected by a huge force Out, in an instant, the dust and smoke such as columns, transpiration, instant will that white haired youth, that is, thousand leaves of the body.

For a moment, the crowd saw the smoke column rise in an instant and directly swallow up the white haired youth.

"Miss Kay!"

Almost subconsciously, every day, a cry of surprise came.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

At the same time of the exclamation every day, three thunder lights flashed away on the dust column which rose from the sky and quickly scattered quickly, and three small holes the size of holes suddenly opened.


Almost instantaneously, there was a smack of dissatisfaction that could not be heard from the smoke.


In the smoke and dust, there is still the last seal in his hand. The corner of Chiba's mouth, which has fallen a little bit, tugs a little. In San gouyu's eyes of writing wheel, the three pieces of broken smoke and dust are reflected, flying towards themselves, with the bitterness of thunder light.

No doubt, at this moment, these three near flashing thunder light of bitterness, interrupted his preparation of ninja.

Don't touch it!

Almost instantaneously, he made such a decision at the first time under the insight of writing lunyan.

Along the path of thunder light, although it was just a glance, Chiba still had insight into the three kuwushang, the transparent silk thread almost invisible to the naked eye. No, it should be said that it was a transparent steel wire. As long as he shot down the three bitter nothings with kuwu and other close bodies, he would be paralyzed by the attached Leidun chakra. Moreover, Leidun chakra will continue to transmit from the steel wire To limit his movements.

No doubt, it must be Kakashi's masterpiece!

Finally, I have found some feelings!

At this time, his heart, is a flash of this idea.

Then, the idea flashed, but Chiba suddenly inhaled, did not see the seal, and then vomited out.

All of a sudden, the three black blades mixed with smoke and dust went straight to the three bitterness free flies.

Almost instantaneously, the blade of the wind collided in one place. Suddenly, the strong wind rose suddenly, and the sound of gold and iron sounded. With a crash, the smoke and dust column suddenly expanded and burst in an instant. Countless small wind blades flew out in all directions. Only half a meter away, they turned into flowing wind and dissipated in the air.

"Yes, no, no!"

At the same time, six painless fragments, which were cut in half and had extremely bright cross sections, were also carried by the wind and fell to the ground.

And with the fall of debris, there are strands of broken into countless transparent threads floating in the air, slowly falling.

"Click, click, click!"

At this time, when the smoke and waterfall scattered, Chiba, who was already exposed in the air in front of the public, did not relax because of blocking Kakashi's attack. On the contrary, his face flashed with surprise and shock.

At the same time, in his astonishment, his body was covered with hard lumps like black scales with metallic luster.

His eyes, however, were looking at his own back, and there was a trace of gravity in his eyes.

"Blow it up! Youth

At this time, behind him, two steaming hands of the green chakra air current firmly grasped his arms and waist ribs as if they could not break free of iron hoops.

Then, under the huge force of overturning, his whole body shape has been reversed, and the scenery in front of him is also rapidly rotating.

Suddenly, a force of falling, such as the top of Mount Tai, poured out!


After that, it was a low drink full of passion.


Then, in the sound of the land burst, a roar, soared to the sky! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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