It's impossible

How How could this happen!


Broken No, broken bones


Towards Original position move!

In his wide eyes, the white pupil is clearly highlighted, and there is an incredible color flashing. In his extreme shock, rixiangningci has forgotten the reaction, but he can't spit out a word with his mouth open, even with the eyes gathered around him, he can't feel it.

At this moment, in his white eye vision, the focus of his vision is on the scapula and left arm of the white haired youth with comminuted fracture. Both the broken bones and the tiny fragments squeezed into the muscle tissue and ruptured blood vessels due to huge force seem to be consciously moving towards the original position, The process is not fast, but he can see clearly. It seems that he is going to return to his position automatically.

It was almost unheard of, let alone seen, and he never knew it could happen.

For comminuted fracture, the fragment should return to its original position automatically. It seems that the bone is almost going to connect the part of the fracture and recover well.

In this way, the internal chakra cycle of the white haired youth is just an increase in the amount of chakra, and there is no obvious qualitative change.

It's also quite bizarre.

According to what the teachers said just now, rixiangningci knows that the medical Ninja named Chiba is a medical ninja, or a very powerful medical ninja. However, unlike other people, he has seen medical Ninja use medical ninja, and the frequency is not twice. After all, they graduated one year earlier. In this extra year, they have also been exposed to higher-level medical ninja Naturally, there are more tasks and insights than others.

According to what he saw, the so-called medical chakra is a chakra that vibrates at a certain frequency. His white eyes can't see what frequency it is, but it can also be seen roughly. Medical chakra is shaking chakra, which should be a kind of other nature change. And this vibration frequency can stimulate the body's tissues to self-healing, that is to accelerate cell division and a series of other functions.

Now, the chakra in Chiba's body has no response from medical treatment except for the increase and consumption of chakra. Obviously, the reduction of his scapula and left arm bone is not the function of medical chakra. Without medical chakra, it is not medical ninja.

But it is neither medical Ninja nor medical chakra. How can this bone automatically reset? Even if it is a blood relay limit, it may not be too exaggerated. He has not heard of the ability to make small bone fragments automatically return to their original position. No, even ordinary fractures have never seen that the bones can be automatically reset without external force.

This is hardly inconceivable.

It's just impossible.

Because of this, the calm and gifted RI Ning CI would be so disrespectful, which is completely beyond his common sense.

"Why What's the matter... "

At this time, seeing the color of RI Ning Ji, Inoue Yamanaka couldn't help but turn around and look at the Nara Deer pill behind him, so he asked.

"I don't know..."

In this regard, Nara Luwan almost subconsciously said that rixiangningci was so impolite that he really didn't know the reason. However, he looked at the white haired youth in front of him and frowned slightly. He always felt that although he was still standing as before, the appearance of the white haired youth was a little strange, but he could not see anything.

I can't see why looking at the white haired youth in front of me, I can't see why I would lose my temper.

"But I think it's Chiba who did something."

But Xu is thinking too much, Nara Deer pill can't help but say.

"What can be done? Ningci didn't look so noisy that day

In this regard, mountain minefield murmured.

Then, the three looked at each other with a look of doubt. Then, their eyes moved away from the white haired youth and RI Ningci, and looked at their teacher ASMA. ASMA in front of them was slightly awe inspiring. Suddenly, they felt as if they were being watched.

"What's the matter?"

Fortunately, this feeling is quite familiar, after this Lin, ASMA also habitually looked back, her eyes fell on her three disciples, quite puzzled said.

"Miss ASMA, don't be silly, will you?"

But this time, it is the autumn road Ding time.

In his words, he was very dissatisfied with his teacher and didn't know what was wrong with the three of them.

Generally speaking, teachers and students with tacit understanding do not need to say more.

Take a look at Kakashi and class 7 just now. It seems that there is a tacit understanding between Kakashi and class 7. Isn't Kakashi clear at all?As the team with the most tacit understanding, or in other words, the team with tacit understanding should not be better than the seventh class.

The good part, of course, is that one's own teacher will understand with a look.

Now, my teacher's performance, that is a bit of pulling hip.

At this moment, in Qiu daoding's simple logic, a series of thoughts flashed through.

"Actually, the teacher doesn't know."

ASMA said, truthfully.

Asama also saw in the eyes of RI Ningci's gaffe, but she didn't think much about it, and didn't think much about what kind of changes there are now in Chiba.

After all, they were together with Chiba when they were young. They said that they were near or far. If they didn't have so many things, I'm afraid that they would often work together. At this moment, if Chiba becomes the shadow of fire, they must also be the group of people that Chiba most trusts, not to mention how important tasks they can handle, but they will still be very close to each other. Kakashi, in particular, is a super genius like Chiba. It seems unreliable. But in fact, he should be the most reliable person besides Chiba. They also know the situation of the village. I'm afraid that Chiba will become a fire shadow and Kakashi will be entrusted with a heavy responsibility. It is not a problem to be an old consultant when he is old.

Because of this, because of the close relationship, they are used to the shocking things on Chiba, and unconsciously they don't care much.

There is almost a kind of strange thing happened to Chiba, it is normal in general.

Even after so many years, this habit has not changed.

Therefore, the next day Ningci like this, saw what Chiba shocking place, ASMA did not pay attention to it at all, it was almost normal.

Even, secretly there are some complacency, and some resonance.

It can be said that, finally, some people will be in their mood at that time.

"Ya, zhinai, let me have a look too!"

But at this time, the three of them looked at each other at their teacher's answer, and seemed to ask again. In class eight over there, RI Daida's eyes were taken back from Rixiang Ningci, but they pushed aside two of their teammates and walked forward.

Have a look?

But hear this, dog grave tooth and oil female Zhi is slightly a Leng.

"How can this work?"

However, when they saw the rudiments, they felt that they were out of shape.

Take a look at it. It's already obvious.

It's time to open your eyes again.

However, now her physical condition, how can she open her eyes?

"Bones The bone is homing, and even such small pieces are automatically separated from the muscles and ruptured blood vessels. How can this be possible? "

However, their words out of the file mouth, the day the field is not inferior to its brother's exclamation is ring up.

But this time the exclamation was more detailed than his brother's.


And this time, because of this detailed exclamation, those who still have some unknown reasons, including having asked their own teachers, are still in a fog, immediately understand, one by one are showing the appalling things.

Dog grave tooth and oil female Zhi is the second half of the sentence's dissuasion, but also can't say.

Because, at this time, their mouths, like other people, are big, but they can't spit out a word.

Does the bone move on its own, and even the fragments are automatically detached from the muscles and ruptured blood vessels?


What a miracle this is!

They don't know yet that someone can do this for themselves.

The Chiba shoulder blade and left arm were broken. Although they could not see the broken fracture, it was not an unusual thing, but they would not doubt it.

But does the bone return to its original position?

Does the fragment separate itself?

What a joke!

Is Chiba's body alive?

Do bones have their own consciousness and can move freely in the body?

It's against the rules of the human body, OK?

How can there be such a thing?

Even such a fracture can return to its original position by itself. So, what kind of injury can threaten this person?

I'm afraid that the viscera is injured, the viscera fragments can all climb back again, integrate into one, and then restore the effect!

Will this man still die?

Is it possible to die?

The whole tolerance world, how can such a person be?

At this moment, all of us are occupied by a sense of incredible in disbelief, incredible above incredible.

It's almost blank in the brain.

Such things are so much beyond their common sense that they can't think, or even give up thinking."HISHI Chuckle Hiss, hisses

At this time, the front suddenly changed again. The white haired youth, that is, the injured parts of Chiba's arms, just like the water boiling, began to emit the white air constantly.

In a short time, Qianye's side is already full of white gas, which is like clouds around the body. People can see it as illusory.

I can't help but feel tight again.

"The more It's healed. Bones It's healing. "

as like as two peas, the two brothers and sisters in the same day spoke the same words, and the tone of the shock was exactly the same. At this moment, as like as two peas,

is staring at the moon, and even looks like the same.

, as like as two peas, and all the new people who are present at the scene, this moment, whether it is Yu Chi Bo Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru's careless expression, or the impulse of dog's tomb teeth and whirlwind Naruto, this is the same situation at the moment.

At the same time, they also understand what their teachers mean.

Self healing.

This Chiba owner's terrible self-healing ability.

Therefore, their teachers are not worried at all.

So, in the beginning, Mr. maitrey would use that kind of big killing.

At this time, some quick thinking people suddenly understand it, or in other words, they suddenly wake up, or in other words, they suddenly understand.

The best wood leaves

Is it hard, really?

At this time, some of the more agile thinking have already thought of something.

Vaguely, they are already aware of something more essential.

"It seems that it is even more powerful! This one hand... "

At this time, as teachers and the teachers who grew up together, they were a little uneasy. The situation in front of them was something they had never thought of. They knew that the injury was difficult to defeat Chiba. However, they did not expect that Chiba was so powerful that he had the ability of self-healing without any seal. I'm afraid that only the early generation of Huoying could do it.

After all, the teachers are more knowledgeable than their students. The scene in front of them is shocking to the children. The tolerance world has never heard of it, let alone seen it. However, for Kakashi, ASMA, xirihong and maitekai, since they are more than tolerant, they are also the mainstay of Muye. Some things are intentional Yes, it can be found.

Even some legends, even if they are not checked, can be heard from their subordinates or other people who have been in contact with more.

All four of them knew about the fire shadow's self-healing ability.

It's not hard to guess the scene in front of you.

However, thinking that Chiba had mastered the Muji self-healing ability of the early fire shadow, which existed in the legend, Rao was so knowledgeable that they could only pretend to be calm at this time.

As for the heart

It was almost all shock and a little doubt.

After all, the fire shadow of the first generation has its own blood inheritance limit. According to the fact that master gangshou did not learn the skill of self-healing without seal, it is likely that Muji self-healing is a kind of ability that can be acquired only by blood inheritance limit or by blood inheritance limit of early fire shadow. However, master gangshou did not awaken the blood inheritance limit of early fire shadow, so he did not learn it.

At present, Chiba is not the successor of the first generation of Huoying, or the successor of the Qianshou clan of the early Huoying, or related by blood. Although the long clan is not famous, its physical defects can be found.


At this time, the white haired youth's white Qi dissipated, only to hear a breath, the white haired youth raised his hands, gently and heavily clasped.

Clucking sound, the hands, but as if never injured in general! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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