Yes, two people.

Under the light of Chiba, Kakashi's performance was a little flat a decade ago.

Of course, Chiba, after all, is a runner, taking advantage of a lot of advantages. Without this layer, Chiba may not be able to catch up with Kakashi.

Now, the potential of Kakashi's super genius is undoubtedly beginning to explode.

To tell you the truth, Chiba didn't expect that he would be suppressed, or, in a real sense, suppressed.

He was suppressed in a series of offensive and defensive battles just now. Originally, ASMA, xirihong and maitekai were much better than what he thought or expected. With this tacit understanding, no, it should be said that it was precise cooperation. He was also stunned.

So that just now it has been trapped in the passive.

And this precise cooperation, no doubt, the biggest force is Kakashi.

Even, if there is no Kakashi, although it can form a precise cooperation, but it may not be able to let him into a passive.

In the whole battle, Kakashi's every support and lead to the next attack was almost just right. Almost all of them were the points where Chiba had to defend, or had to turn from attack to defense.

It can be said that Kakashi has become the core and soul of this team of four. It controls the direction of the whole battle and stimulates everyone's potential.

Perhaps, ASMA, xirihong and maitekai have made great progress in the past ten years, but it is Kakashi's credit that they have made the most of this battle.

At this moment, Kakashi, it can be said, has reached a very high level in terms of tactics, and has been able to guide his teammates to make the most correct choice and maximize the effect of attack cooperation without language communication and advance planning. Chiba himself may not be able to achieve this level.

Although Chiba has experienced many battles, strictly speaking, he has been fighting alone or basically a lone ranger. In terms of cooperation, Hongyan and Chennai almost had a natural tacit understanding with themselves. Although there are some things that need no more words and no plan in advance, they can also play a very good cooperation.

However, Chiba has no ability to tap the potential of Hongyan and Chennai to maximize the cooperation of the three.

In a sense, Chiba has not achieved much in terms of team leader. If it is not for the tacit understanding with Hongyan and Chennai, it is almost the same as the ordinary team leader commanding the battle.

Of course, because he is better than others in personal tactics and overall strategy, he may be a little short of Tactical Guidance, but on the whole, his achievements in commanding battles should not be too bad. As a qualified team leader, he is safe.

However, Chiba's way of fighting is not suitable to be a team leader after all.

In leading the team to fight this piece, this point, compared with the present Kakashi, Chiba is really ashamed.

In addition to the small team fighting, what makes Chiba feel that Kakashi is different from the past is Kakashi's Ninja level.

As Chiba, who also accepted the guidance of chakra's property and morphological changes from the wind and water gate, and even taught each other, it is very clear what kind of situation Kakashi is now when he uses ninja.

To tell you the truth, Chiba is more surprised here than the small team commanding the battle.

Kakashi's Ninja level, and when he left, directly raised a level. It has almost reached the level of Ninja when he left without considering the immortal human body and the super fine chakra control ability.

In fact, there is no big difference between Kaka and kasha in the level of its own form, that is to say, there is no big change in the level of its own form.

The only difference, regardless of some external factors, such as the immortal human body, Kakashi is actually different from his own in terms of ninja. There is only one difference between the two.

The nature and morphology of chakra have been changed to the extreme by Kakashi's estimation.

That is to say, Kakashi at this moment, even if it does not need to write lunyan, with the strength of Ninja, Kakashi can already be regarded as the first-class strong man in the tolerance field.

Kakashi himself is a genius. Now that Ninja has been greatly improved, his fighting methods may be more and more diverse, and his combat effectiveness can be said to be soaring in a straight line.

However, Kakashi in the original book has opened up the strength gap of the eldest, which is in the real sense stronger in combat effectiveness, not a little bit.

What's even more terrifying here is that according to Chiba's observation of Kakashi during this period of time, or directly and explicitly, some intelligence exploration on Kakashi through various means because of worry, Kakashi's Ninja skill level has crossed a level. In fact, Kakashi completed the flight of Ninja power in a short period of time after the mission of Poland.

Before the mission in Poland, Kakashi, like the original work, was in a seemingly sober and confused state. The strength improvement basically depends on the number of copies of Ninja, and there is no essential improvement.For the mission to Poland, according to the intelligence that Zina also received, Kakashi was also regular, which was similar to the strength shown in the original book. Considering the danger of fighting at that time and never again and the crisis faced by Naruto and Sasuke, if Kakashi had this strength, he would not hide it.

It can be seen that Kakashi at that time, Kakashi of bozhiguo mission, is still the same strength as that in the original book.

After Poland's mission, it was not long before the middle endurance examination. Now that he is fighting with himself, Kakashi's Ninja strength is almost completely transformed.

That is to say, up to now, Kakashi has realized the leap of Ninja strength in this wave of state mission, and has realized and practiced the change of chakra's nature and form to the extreme in a very short time.

And this situation, no doubt, is Kakashi after this period of muddleheaded, really began to burst out his super talent.

It can be said that Chiba now, in a true and true sense, feels what real genius is.

Because of the many advantages of the traverser, Chiba's strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds. In the eyes of Qianye, some ordinary talents inevitably fall into the ranks of excellent ordinary people. In addition to the occasional outbreak of learning ability that makes Chiba marvel, Chiba inevitably generalizes the genius.

But now Kakashi, is for the first time let Chiba really feel the horror of genius.

Whether it is the combat command ability of the small team, or this serious understanding and cultivation of chakra's nature and form changes.

It can be said that the common sense of Chiba was broken by Kakashi!

So, at this time, Chiba also paid special attention to Kakashi's every move.

Even, he's afraid of Kakashi.


Is it hard, I have been thoroughly seen through by Kakashi?

And in the heart of flash and many ideas, Chiba's heart, can not help but a thought.

Just now, he has felt that Kakashi seems to have seen through himself in the battle. Now, when he pays attention to Kakashi again, the feeling becomes stronger and stronger.


At this time, the foot of Kakashi, who was watched by Chiba, suddenly splashed with water, and saw Kakashi turn around and run directly behind him.


For a moment, seeing Kakashi turning and running, Chiba's eyes turned to the burning mud behind Kakashi, and his face suddenly changed.


At this time, a burning air suddenly hit the left cheek of Chiba.

A flash of fire lit up his left cheek in an instant.

In a flash, a huge fireball was half a meter away from the left side of Chiba.

ASMA put down her hand and jerked her hands. Two chakra knives came out of the water and held them directly in his hand. Then, ASMA had rushed with the fireball.

It can only be said that he is worthy of becoming the sixth generation of Huoying in the future?

At this time, seeing Kakashi's turn in front of him, he left. ASMA in the side rushed with the fireball. Chiba took a breath, but could not help passing by such an idea.

Are you distracted?

At the same time, seeing his own fire escape Ninja is about to attack, Chiba has not made any action, as if to suffer this blow, looking at Chiba circulating in other places. There was a flicker of doubt in ASMA's heart.

At this moment, Chiba's appearance, it seems, is that the attention has been attracted in general, not paying any attention to his own attack.

Then, unconsciously, ASMA looked at the other side of the sunset red.

Just xirihong also looked over, obviously saw the reaction of Chiba, but also the heart has doubts.

"It's you who are distracted."

But at this time, two eyes touch the moment, two people in front of, but came a light floating voice.

Fake it!

Hearing this, almost instantaneously, ASMA and xirihong almost at the same time, their eyes suddenly returned to the past.


At the moment when their eyes settled, there was no movement of Chiba, who had already turned his eyes to them. In his right direction, a water wall suddenly burst up, with a bang. At the moment of the water wall rushing up, the fireball with burning gas hit the water wall.

"Hiss, hisses!"

All of a sudden, water and fire hit each other, the water droplets and flames splashed, and the white water vapor instantly transpiration at the place where they collided.

After that, as the steam transpiration became more and more intense, the fireball seemed to be engulfed by the water wall. Bit by bit, it was swallowed into the water wall and finally disappeared in the water wall.The water wall, however, seems to be endless, even though the fireball burned out a lot of steam, but it does not seem to change.


However, in this instant, Chiba's face behind the water wall changed slightly.


After that, there was a crack in the silk. In the slight transpiration of water vapor, the water wall with no change suddenly split a gap, and the upper and lower parts were divided into two parts.


Then, a splash of water suddenly burst out, a figure suddenly flew from the top and bottom of the water wall, a cold light, already in front of the thousand leaves.

What a quick response!

But at this time, Chiba's eyes did not see waves, but did not know when it had been stained with a layer of bright red left eye, which slowly reflected the appearance of breaking through the water wall. After checking the figure swept by Clara knife, such an idea of admiration flashed in his heart.

At the same time, his eyes seemed to be beyond the figure itself, and fell behind the water wall completely scattered in the sweeping and crashing of the figure, and the water spray about one meter above the water surface.

In his mind, the figure flashed past, that is, when ASMA looked back, she suddenly applied force under her feet, and with a knife in her hand, she opened her own water wall with the wind attribute of chakra, and at the same time, she suddenly accelerated her body to disperse the water wall.

"Don't come here! Red

At this time, when the thoughts flashed in Chiba's mind and the situation in his mind passed, ASMA suddenly exclaimed in front of him.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Then, another chakra knife attached to the wind attribute chakra in his hand was still sweeping under ASMA's half turned head and exclaimed. Three splashes of water suddenly burst out, and the hands composed of three water rushed out with two slaps. Two of them grasped ASMA's feet almost at the moment of his exclamation.

Another sailor clenched his fist and hit the half waved chakra knife. In an instant, the track of the chakra knife suddenly changed. After drawing an arc in the air, it was struck and flew away.

At the same time, the sailor who clenched his fist broke apart with a bang.


Then, without seeing how hard the two bare hands holding ASMA's feet, ASMA suddenly fell into the water.


At this time, with a crash, xirihong, who had rushed to Qianye, suddenly stopped. After making a white mark on the water, she suddenly stepped on it. In the splash of water, her body suddenly retreated half a meter and stopped on the water about one and a half meters in front of Qianye.


At this time, ASMA fell into the water, splashed a spray, as if dragged to sink under the water.


However, at this time, Chiba's eyes suddenly jumped, his eyes glanced over the front of the evening red, and suddenly looked at the other side.

Where the burning mire is!


At this time, in front of the burning mud, Kakashi had made his last mark, and suddenly his hands were on the ground.


All of a sudden, a gap burst into the center of the burning area. With a crash, along the crack, the two ends of the burning bog suddenly rose up, taking the gap as the center, suddenly closed from both sides! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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