"You are really a child. It's just a bad strategy. If we really want to settle down in Muye, even if we are only as tourists, we must move the property of Caozhi country. Moreover, we leave the familiar village and come to a strange place, which is also a competitive Muye village, without any contacts and understanding Under the circumstances, business is quite difficult to do. "

Hearing his brother's words, the woman's mouth showed a slight smile, seems to be quite happy, but the mouth is a little sigh.

Having said that, it is still quite difficult to take root in the leaves.

Although she started to do business with her share of capital, up to now, she has been consciously doing business with Muye, and after the Muye Jiuwei rebellion, she also planned to give Muye a lot of help, especially during the period when the country of grass was closed to the outside world, she did a lot of things for the trade between the two countries.

Even though, her business is not big.

At that time, she was actually ready to pull in the relationship with Muye, and she didn't miss Muye. At least in business, she took good care of those who helped.

Many of the lists that should not have been given to her were almost endless. Even, when she came to watch the exam, the Ninjas hired by the Muye caravan were willing to take her along.

It can be said that although it has ulterior motives, it should also be the biggest income investment in her life.

She can still stay in the village, and she can do so in a shop.

She has also investigated that many of the residents in Muye village started from resident tourists. Although it is said that in case of war or alert, resident tourists will be isolated, but Muye village will also provide protection.

At least as long as Muye village is not broken, or the facilities that isolate them are broken, they will still have no problem.

Because of this, many businessmen like to do business with Muye, and like to build a relationship with Muye.

Of course, it is very difficult to obtain the business license issued by Muye, who is a resident tourist. The living area of Muye village is also limited. It is impossible to let tourists enter the village endlessly. Moreover, we should guard against the spies in the enemy village. The audit is also very strict.

However, her words should be very smooth. During this period, Muye's attitude towards her can also be seen. At the beginning, Muye's Nine Tailed rebellion was greatly damaged in all aspects. That is to say, she has been using her own network to deal with Muye. Although the scale is not very large, it has played a leading role in making the trade between Muye and the country of grass the first On the right track.

The contribution may be small, but it still makes sense.

Besides, she is not a spy, and there is no suspicious place. It is no problem to apply for a temporary business license.

With this card, she can live in Muye village semi permanently as long as there is a shop next. As long as there is no accident, permanent residence is not a problem.

In this way, she can always wait for her benefactor.

It will be found one day.

However, since she has stayed and set down the shop, she has to do business to support herself and her younger brother, so she has to start from scratch.

As she has seen just now, the business ecology of Muye is very dynamic, but the competition is very fierce, especially as a resident tourist.

In fact, there are two kinds of merchants in Muye.

One is the local merchants. These people have lived in Muye for generations. They are already Muye people. They usually operate various shops in their own residential areas, most of them do business with acquaintances. Moreover, because they are wood leaf people, their stores are basically in the golden area. No matter what festival or usual, there is no lack of them Passenger flow, very stable, pressure is not big. During the depression, Muye village was also the first group to support.

The other is the so-called resident tourists. The most they do is wholesale business. They mostly communicate with Muye and the circulation of goods outside. They are basically semi fixed businesses. Their main customers are regular customers. Generally, they are the local businessmen above, and some of them are Muye village itself. There are also customers of Muye villagers, but the proportion is not the same. It is basically like this A point of communication with the outside goods industry.

This kind of pressure is much greater than that of local businessmen. If they are not careful, they may suffer huge losses due to the problems of freight transportation. Those who can do this kind of business either have external connections, or they have strong strength, or both.

Although the control of wood leaves in the commercial sector is quite excellent, there is basically no vicious competition, and because of its stability, the competitiveness of local businessmen is lower than that of other types or local businessmen, the soil for resident tourists to survive is still very fertile.

Moreover, it has to be said that the atmosphere among the civilians in Muye is really good, and there is not so much cheating. It may be because there is often a long-term peace and few wars affect Muye village. The civilians in Muye always have a kind of simplicity and sincerity.However, even if there is no vicious competition, this is still a very risky business model. In addition to the risks of its own business scope, there are also risks around.

There is no other reason. The competition is too fierce.

As businessmen, they may not know the whole tolerance world as thoroughly as ninjas, but they also know much more than ordinary people. They know very well where the most suitable place to live is in the whole tolerance world.

Yes, most of the businessmen, in addition to having special attachment to their hometown or not having the ability, basically 60% or 70% of the people yearn for the life in Muye village.

And there is no restriction on the issuance of temporary business license, so as long as you have the ability to make profits for the leaves and do no harm to the leaves, you can basically get them.

In addition, Muye also has special settlements and commercial streets for permanent businessmen. Basically, you don't have to worry about living places and shops, as long as you do things at ease.

As a result, the number of resident tourists in Muye is very large, and the demand for Muye is always limited, whether it is private or official. Although some commercial missions similar to the Ninja mission will be released from time to time, they are basically extremely rare materials and resources.

But there are too many people and the demand is really limited. Since the competition is fierce, some people are doomed to be unable to survive in the wood leaves.

In the end, even with a temporary business license, you can't live in Muye.

Now, although she can stay in the leaves, she does not know how long she can stay, and it is absolutely a very difficult thing.

How many merchants larger than her business scale have failed in this respect, not to mention the difficulty of her small-scale small businessman.

Although she once took her master and said that she was the most business minded and lucky person he had ever seen, business is a matter of fact calculation. What's more, she has no such good luck and can easily establish her foothold in the wood leaves.

Although she wants to find a benefactor and stay in Muye, the reality is the reality. People like her will not have too many fantasies.

This is a very realistic problem.

That's what she said, but she was still a little nervous to realize it.

"I believe in my sister. When you settle down, I will help you with the business in the country of grass, and then I will supply goods for you."

In this regard, the youth did not have blind self-confidence, but said a relatively feasible business strategy.

Hearing this, the woman suddenly stopped and looked back at her brother in surprise.

At this time, the two people have gone to a quiet place, but did not attract any attention.

"You But I've grown up! "

Then, after watching for a long time, I saw that the young people thought they had said something wrong, and then the woman decided to say it.

And at this moment, in her mind, is flashed that in swaddling baby to feed.

Now that crying baby, how in a blink of an eye to grow into a man who can afford to live.

At this time, the woman, some feeling, also some trance.

She remembered that at that time, there was no food in the village, and even the seeds of crops had been eaten.

The whole village was as silent as dead.

My parents have not come back for a month. They should have died on the way to look for food, together with their good uncles and aunts.

Their village, it's dead.

But she and her baby brother can't make it for two days.

From the beginning of the war, these people are doomed to die. The weak can't survive in the war, even worse than animals.

She also knew that from the tenth day when her parents didn't come back, she already knew.

Originally, she was already desperate.

She was ready to die.

Even in the daytime, she can see the adults who are sitting at the door of the house, whose eyes have been dulled. From time to time, her eyes will fall on herself and her brother, especially her brother.

At that time, the dull and lifeless eyes always showed some brilliance and hope for life.

She knew that as long as they couldn't get through, these people would eat up the bones of themselves and their brother.

To tell you the truth, she didn't blame these formerly nice looking adults.

After all, in the whole village, only she and her brother will die the fastest.

Even if they die faster, it's their luck.

At that time, although she was still young, she had been able to understand what kind of purgatory it would be once such a thing happened.

At that time, they will only be alive as food reserves.

In fact, at that time, she had lost all hope, but no despair, just very calm preparation for death.Just did not expect that there would be such a person, originally she did not hope, that young man, but suddenly turned back to cover everyone's ears and eyes, left all the dry food and money.

There is almost enough dry food to support them for a month. No, if the military grain pills are included, it will be enough for them to eat for three months.

There was also money, not too much, but enough for them to settle in another village.

A relatively poor but peaceful and safe village settled down.

At that moment, her hope of life was ignited.

That night, she took her younger brother to escape from her hopeless hometown, all the way to the hinterland of the country of grass, and finally arrived at the village where she is now, a rare but simple mountain village.

Then he started a business with that money and brought up my brother.

Also had a good day, and also took the people in the village to live a better life.

But after stability and plenty of money, another idea is constantly breeding, she wants to find that young man.

During this period of business, she also knew that, at that time, the teenager had a forehead guard on his head.

It's the symbol of ninja.

And above the protective forehead, there is a symbol of tolerance village.

The sign on the young man's forehead is just the sign of Muye village.

Yes, she knows that her benefactor, the youth who changed her life, no, it should be a man now, in Muye village.

She has to find this man.

And she is like this. Since she has decided to do it, she must do it and never give up. It is precisely because of this character that she can persist and become a businessman only a man can do.

She has also experienced numerous difficulties, even life-threatening.

But she survived.

And the reason why she has been able to survive is that she always has no way to forget that at that time, the young man did not say it clearly, but the words passed in her eyes.


Perhaps, at that time, it was destined that she would come to him.

If you can live, who is willing to die?

No doubt, it was the teenager who ignited her hope and tapped all her potential for survival.

It can be said that without that teenager, she would have been gone.

Where can feel so much warmth, also where can have so good day.

And now, her brother seems to grow up in an instant, besides joy, she is also more firm in her own ideas.

If you can

Even, at this time, her heart also passed a little pinched idea.

No, no, no!

Maybe he has

But soon, the idea was thrown out by her in a flurry.

"What's the matter? Sister

At this time, see his sister's face suddenly some red, the youth busy mouth way.

"Nothing. It's just that my sister is a little happy. You've grown up."

In this regard, the woman spoke directly.

It's just a little awkward in the tone.

"Did the sister agree? Great

And hear this sentence, the youth is almost ecstatic.

At that time, he was a baby and didn't know anything.

However, his sister's gratitude, he is aware of those things, he also knows, that young man, he also knows.

Although there were some complaints just now, they were just complaints that we couldn't enjoy when we first arrived at the prosperous place.

He's a big sister who supports himself wholeheartedly.

If he had not had his sister, he would have been dead.

In this world, in addition to the villagers and huazi, he only trusted his sister.

Only my sister is the best.

"Yes You have grown up. "

However, before he could say anything more, a sigh suddenly rang out on their sides.

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