"Don't you really go to the rescue? I remember that three generations of Huoying didn't care about you in a strict sense, but since you were born, he cared for you just like the children in other villages. Even when you showed enough talent, he didn't hesitate to cultivate you as the successor of Muye, and he didn't hesitate to give you all the resources of the village. Are you sure And watch him die like this? "

Under the black hood, there is the darkness that can't see the face clearly, just like the fog, which covers the face of the black robed man. However, from the darkness, there is a sound that makes people feel at ease, with a little low, but inexplicably pleasant.

"It's really rare that you would take the initiative to admonish me because of the so-called feelings."

In this regard, in front of the black robed man, the figure of the white robe and the flame pattern embroidered on the robe corner seemed to be slightly stunned for a moment. Then, it seemed to say with a smile.

"I just don't want to get involved in too many feelings, and I'm not cutting off feelings and desires Why do you sound so awkward

Smell speech, black robe person so say.

But in the words, there was a bit of anger. That kind of reassuring feeling began to exude a kind of astonishing anger.

"I'm sorry, but at this time, the third generation of Huoying should not want me to rescue."

In this regard, it seems that the figure of white robe flame pattern does not want to be involved with the black robed man on the issue of "emotion" before, so he says.

"Well, why do you show up? Yuzhibo Xinyan has been looking for you. At this time, you shouldn't be here, should you?"

Smell speech, black robe person's hood bottom, seem to spread a low smile, say.

"Do you mean I should hide from yuzhibo shinyan?"

In this regard, the back of the white robe flame pattern seems to be a little unhappy. In this sentence, it already has three cold meanings.

"Shouldn't it?"

Smell speech, the person in black robe doesn't seem to be aware of the unhappiness in the words of the white robe flame pattern's back, even, there is some meaning of adding fuel to the fire, but asks.

"If he wants to find me persistently, do I have to hide? Besides, I didn't intend to use this to calculate anything! It will take at least three years for me to fight him. He thinks it's my card. I don't have to cooperate with him

In this regard, the back of the white robe flame pattern said.

In his words, he was quite disdainful. It seemed that yuzhibo was not afraid, even a little stupid.

"Is it?"

Smell speech, black robe person is to express a kind of doubt however.

"No I said, how can you treat me so differently? Can't you talk well? "

And at this time, the figure of white robe flame pattern seems to be a wry smile, there is no lack of complaints.


When hearing this sentence, the man in black robe, who had begun to be aggressive, seemed to be stunned. Then, after a long time, he lowered his head and coughed.

"That Compared with yourself, you look more annoying now. Even if I don't want to involve too much emotion, I don't like it. "

Then, the man in black robe came to kill him.


After hearing the words, the back of the white robe flame pattern was obviously choked.

However, seeing the back choking with the flame pattern of Bai Pao, the black robed man seemed to be quite happy, but his head was slightly raised.

"Don't say that. Do you think the 15th is reliable?"

In this regard, the back of Baipao flame pattern does not seem to be more entangled in this issue. Looking at the front of the four purple flame array, which has been full of trees and branches, and can't see the situation clearly, he said.

"By contrast, he has little ambition."

Smell speech, black robe person hesitated for a while, so say.

"No ambition What about dawn? "

Hearing this sentence, the figure of white robe flame pattern first pondered, and then asked.

"Haven't you inspected it?"

In this regard, the man in black robe asked again, but in this sentence, there was no banter and intention, and he was slightly surprised.

"I want to hear your opinion."

Smell speech, the back figure of white robe flame pattern says so.


What does that mean? He can see if it's hard.

Or is it certain that he is close to us?

So, what do you mean by that now?

He said that there are still three years left for him to fight with shinhiko yuzhibo. In these three years, what will he do to dawn?

But hearing this sentence, the black robed man was suddenly silent and thought carefully."As you can see, there are some powerful guys in dawning, but they have been used to the comfortable life of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger for a long time. Although they have combat power, they don't have the heart. As long as yuzhibo Xinyan shows his strength, they dare not participate in it. Except for the 15th, I don't think dawn is worth using. "

Then, after thinking about it for a while, the man in Black said so.

However, in this sentence, her tone has calmed down, which is obviously a very serious result after very serious thinking.

"Yes I see

To this, the figure of white robe flame pattern nodded and said.

"What do you mean?"

But then, the man in black asked.

"It's just that it's unusual. When I need people most, suddenly a dawn organization appears, and then it happens to have the fighting power I want, or the power that can barely compete with yuzhibo shinhiko. It's always a little uneasy."

In this regard, the back of the white robe flame pattern said.

Between the words, he trusted the black robed man, and there was no hidden meaning in it.

"Indeed, it's a bit unusual. You're afraid of being calculated by yuzhibo. But why do you trust me so much that you don't even trust the 15th, but why don't you doubt me? "

Hearing the words, the man in black was quite puzzled. From the words in the back of the flame pattern of the white robe, she could clearly hear the man's doubt and distrust of dawn. Even, from the beginning to the end, the man never believed in dawn.

I'm afraid some investigations and tests have been carried out secretly because of this man's intelligence. Finally, I didn't believe in dawn, so I asked myself this question.

However, she is also a person of dawn. If she really does not believe in the words of dawn, then such words should not be said in front of her, let alone asked her.

Is it hard for this guy to start testing me?

However, in the end, all doubts turned into such a slightly angry idea.

"You are an outsider, and I am also an outsider. As the only outsider who can die, I admire you very much. Of course, I have heard of your deeds. I believe you are not so stupid. I don't know where you should stand."

In response, the figure of the white robe's flame pattern replied, but the tone of his voice seemed to smile, with a certain sense.


I know that I am still in the world. For me, it is impossible to stand in the position of yuzhibo.

Besides, they are both outsiders.

He believed in my ability and my ability to judge the situation.

How arrogant!

However, this man does have the qualification to say that, in terms of strength and ability, he is the only outsider who can compete with the reborn.

In other words, it is the only one who has escaped from the hands of the reborn Yu Zhibo Xinyan, grown up, fully developed the power of transcendence, and finally can completely compete with the reborn Yu Zhibo Xinyan.


At least, it's not that irritating.

Smell speech, in the heart of the black robed people, a series of thoughts flashed in an instant,


It still makes people feel a little angry.

Then, the next second, the more she thought about it, the more wrong it was, and she was a little angry again.

"Well! It's nice to say, but it's just that I'm an outsider. Do you know? Even if I betrayed you, you can also tell yuzhibo Xinyan this, and yuzhibo Xinyan knows that I am still alive, and he will certainly raise my threat to you. At that time, he will fight to lose my fighting power and kill me in the cradle, right? You're just threatening me! "

Then she said angrily.


But for this sentence, the white robe flame pattern's back is once again a Leng, raised his head seems to think for a while, finally said: "how can you think so? I just think that with your intelligence and ambition to come up with a unified vision of tolerance, you will never stand in the wrong team. You stood in the right team in those years and finally lived a safe second life. I'm not going to be wrong now.

Besides, compared with me, you are undoubtedly more wise. You chose to follow the trend and gained a lot in the end. And I I chose to go against the trend and finally lost everything. Compared with you, I'm even a little stupid. "

And rare, in this astonished words, there is a little more over praise in it.

Obviously, the back of the white robe with flame pattern is clumsy in speaking.

At least, in front of the black robed man, it was a bit clumsy.

This is obviously a kind of appealing words. No matter how obvious the meaning is, it is also full of awkwardness.Er


Panic him He panicked.

At this time, almost in an instant, such an idea appeared in the heart of the black robed man.

This is an awkward word.

That's what it means.

It's obvious that the back of this white robe flame pattern is flustered!


You care about me.

Then, I don't know why, the little anger in heipao's heart disappeared in an instant, and even some little people thought that this man was a little cute.

"Well, what are we going to do with all this talk? You're sure you don't want to save people. "

However, although I felt nothing more in my heart, and even felt that the man opposite was a little cute, the tone of the black robed man was not relaxed at all, just separated the topic.

"No help."

In this regard, the back of the white robe flame pattern is a very simple answer.

"Why don't you save me?"

Smell speech, black robe person is obviously some rise, speech also some sharp rise.

Just as the figure of the white flame pattern knows his own affairs, the man in black also knows the story of this man.

Even after getting close to him, she heard much more than the story of this man in the world of tolerance.

She knew that the man in front of her was really a big man. His second life, which was hard to get, could have been mixed up in Muye village. In the future, he would marry a daughter-in-law and have a baby just like himself. By using the understanding of the original work, he could have a happy old age and at least have a happy life.

However, after getting the love and salvation of the original characters, that is, the aborigines of the world, he resolutely launched a challenge to the fate.

And, up to now, he is still fighting against this fate.

However, compared with the forward mang Bilu, now his confrontation is obviously mature and introverted.

But this mature introverted, is accompanied by more sacrifice.

Including the three generations of Huoying in front of him, we can say that he is an important figure in the growth of this man.

To tell the truth, she didn't believe that the man in front of her had no feelings for the old man who gave everything for the sake of Muye.

Even now, perhaps the man who wants to save people most is the man in front of him.

To tell the truth, she sincerely hopes that the man at this time can rush forward, break the four purple flame array, interrupt the ghost sealing inside, and beat the big snake pill.

However, she also knew that the man in front of her set all his plans for three years later, that is, the fourth World War of tolerance.

At that time, it was the best time to end fate.

Therefore, she would like the man in front of her to save people.

Because, she knows, watching the person who has a deep fetter with him die is the man's trial for himself.

If he can't help it now, how can he endure it in the past three years?

This is that this man is forcing himself to be a real schemer, because next, he may not be able to fight alone.

He is about to carry the whole Muye village.

Whether he takes over the position of Huoying or not.

Next, if he still wants to fight against fate, then after the test, he will face the death of ASMA, another close friend of his, who was the first to express good intentions to him, almost in addition to Hongyan Chennai and jiuxinnai.

At this time, he can't help it. Then, how can he continue to fight against fate?

And she didn't like it.

I don't like the man in front of me.

But, she knew, it was only in vain, her own hope was only in vain.

"Send three generations of Huoying, the last journey."

And then the words of the back of the white robe flame pattern also confirmed her idea.

This man has made up his mind.

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