
Countless huge buildings cut off by the waist seem to grow from the black city wall, and the branches and the black city wall that originally lay across them all collapsed.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

And with the roar of the collapse, the black walls and huge branches of the collapsed smoke and dust transpiration, almost to cover everyone's eyes, the smoke column is suddenly opened countless holes, almost invisible quality wind blade roaring out, cutting straight in all directions.

If you look at that, you will not be able to spare the strength of the black wall and the branches of Mudun. I am afraid that you will be baptized by the countless wind blades within a few hundred meters. If you look at the strength of the countless wind blades, you will be in ruins within a few hundred meters.

Just now, the dense wind blade attack instantly cut off the black wall and the branches of Mudun, and the part that was cut off or attacked almost instantly turned into powder.

After listening to the hissing sound, it's obvious that the wind blade is not a simple way of air compression. There is also a strong sense of cutting movement. I'm afraid that every wind blade, whether fast or slow, big or small, is cutting violently. It can be said that it brings the morphological changes of fengdun Ninjutsu into full play.

Even from the appearance of the wind blade breaking at this moment, so many wind blades change in an instant. I'm afraid that this technique has reached the extreme in the change of the nature of the wind attribute.


However, at this moment, everyone's face was white. In the face of countless wind blades, whether it was Yinyin and shayin's allied forces outside the village, or Muye Ninja inside the village, they almost spoke with one voice at the moment.

It's a good thing that the branches of Mudun, which destroyed the black city wall, were broken and split, and even something worthy of their excitement. After all, fengdun's Ninjutsu has proved that their despair just now is completely groundless.

Yuzhibo Xinyan, the combination of Huoying and yuzhipoban, is indeed worthy of their fear and even despair.

After all, no matter what village they live in, even if the whole village is faced with such existence, it's just a matter of killing.

However, they underestimated Taki Chiba now, immersed in the fear and despair of the combination of Mudun and yuzhibo's power. They underestimated Taki Chiba too much and thought Taki Chiba too weak.

Are you kidding me? In a flash, yuzhibo Xinyan's seemingly powerful Mudun was crushed. Even in the blink of an eye, when countless wind blades were cutting, what they saw was the black wall and the huge branches of Mudun that grew out of it. The middle section suddenly turned into dust, and then the smoke was steaming up. They didn't see the wind blade at all.

Even at that time, their first reaction was that they were at a loss. Everything changed so fast that their heads were almost blank.

They didn't react until the wind blade broke through the fog.

Just understand, just now they are groundless worry, yuzhibo Xinyan have a hand, taki Chiba hide a hand, between them, perhaps really is the old enemy, the only can resist each other's existence.

However, knowing that they can still survive in the crevice and have room for survival, they do not have the idea that they should have, or even ecstasy. On the contrary, at this moment, their hearts are filled with more despair than just now.

Yes, at this moment, the pale color on all faces comes from the innermost heart.

And the reason, also quite obvious, is that it makes them react to the overwhelming wind blade.

There is no mistake. At this time, they are in a very special situation. Even if they rush in all directions, the wind blades will gradually dissipate with the distance, and the interval between them will increase. Generally speaking, the wind blades will become more and more sparse.

However, with their present distance and the condensation degree of the wind blade, this kind of art with extreme changes in nature and shape, when these wind blades dissipate or become sparse, I'm afraid they will have been cut into countless pieces long ago. No, they will be directly made into meat paste.

Therefore, the top priority they are facing now is that they may not die in the hands of yuzhibo Xinyan, but they will die in the hands of Taki Chiba.


That's good.

Although we have been sacrificed, it is also good to send a signal to the world of tolerance and give Chiba a little space to fight against yuzhibo.

For the present situation, there are two attitudes inside and outside the village. At this moment, for the Muye ninja in the village, although they are also full of despair, even at this time, everyone subconsciously closes their eyes and raises their hands to make instinctive defensive and afraid actions, but in their hearts, there is a feeling of joy.

As if, to die in the hands of Taki Chiba, who should have protected them, is not an unworthy thing.

On the contrary, to die here and in the hands of one's own patron saint at this time is quite worthwhile, or should be.

You know you can't take part in this operation!We should have objected!


Now not dead in the hands of yuzhibo Xinyan, will die in Taki Chiba's body!

Damn it!

Compared with the reality accepted by the people in Muye village, Yinyin, shayin and some secret forces outside the village are now scolded with remorse.

Except for regret, at this time they have been a kind of repeated despair derived from the venom occupied all the heart.

At this moment, in their minds, they have been constantly recalling the original appearance of departure, the high spirited appearance at that time, which is a picture that deeply hurts their hearts.

At that time, they were full of vigour and momentum, and now they are determined by the enemy's life. The enemy can annihilate them with one skill. After several times of despair and more and more clear about the terrible enemy they are facing, they have lost all their reserve as ninjas.

Just like ordinary people, lamenting their own fate, feeling the extreme fear that life can not be manipulated in the hand.

Yes, at this moment, compared with the consciousness of self sacrifice of the ninja in Muye village, the ninja of shayin and Yinyin outside the village seems not to be out of reason, but in fact they are out of reason.

It can also be seen from here that Muye has been able to live in the strongest tolerance village for a long time. Although it is not as good as one generation after another, it is still the first place in the tolerance world. It's really not empty.

At least, the cohesion and insight of the ninja and ordinary people in Muye village are far more than those of shayin and Yinyin at this time.

Yinyin, needless to say, is originally Xiaoren village, and the pattern of knowledge is certainly not as good as Daren village.

However, shayin, after all, is the same Daren village as Muye village. Even at that time, it was able to compete with Muye village. Now the gap between the two sides shows that it is quite normal for shayin to decline.

At this time, the Ninjas in Muye village, in the face of life and death, in the face of their own protection, may be a considerable part of the village to become a fan. They almost tried their best to protect it before. Most of them did nothing, but they still calmly chose to accept it.

Of course, there is the person who attacked, the unparalleled existence in the history of Muye village, and the existence that the whole Muye can really sacrifice for him. However, they are not because the person who launched the attack is that they can be killed willingly by him.

However, now that they have been killed, Muye village will suffer heavy losses. Even in the future, Muye village will experience a dark and painful era.

However, they know that this is necessary, and it is a necessary sacrifice to kill Yu Zhibo Xinyan.

If yuzhibo Xinyan succeeds now, or their death and destruction of the village are caused by yuzhibo Xinyan, then even if yuzhibo Xinyan does not destroy Muye or kill their Chiba, the whole tolerance world will still enter the darkest and most terrible era.

The invincible shadow of yuzhibo's victory over Muye and his old enemy will cover the whole tolerance world. At that time, I'm afraid that even if Chiba is not dead, he can still hold up the banner against yuzhibo. I'm afraid that the whole tolerance world will not have the courage to fight against yuzhibo.

If their lives and their villages are the work of Chiba, and Chiba finally defeats or repels yuzhibo Xinyan, it will prove that yuzhibo Xinyan is not so invincible or terrible. At least he has been defeated by the same man twice.

Moreover, no fatal damage was done to the leaves.

Then, when the time comes, if you fight against yuzhibo Xinyan again, your Chiba master will be able to defeat yuzhibo Xinyan twice, or let yuzhibo Xinyan return without success twice, which is enough to pull up the whole tolerance world against yuzhibo Xinyan.

At that time, with the help of someone, or against a Chiba master who has only one Kiba, he will come back in vain. I'm afraid that under Chiba master who has the help of the whole forbearance world, he will really have to drink his hatred.

Yes, at this moment, Muye village, whether it is the Ninja group, or a few ordinary people, already thought of here.

For this insight and vision, at least the tactical literacy of the Ninja group and even ordinary people in Muye village is higher than that of shayin village.

Even in the world of tolerance, it is extremely rare.

It can be seen that the education in Muye village is extremely successful, and even ordinary people have studied some tactics.

It can be seen that there is a big gap between the vision and insight of ninjas and ordinary people in the same two Daren villages.

That's it!

Chiba, you must defeat yuzhibo Xinyan, and take revenge for us in the future!

Forbearance world, can only have you such gentle strongest person, cannot have Yu Zhibo Xinyan such cruel ruler!

Thinking of this, all the people in Muye village in the village opened their eyes and silently looked at the extremely great existence in their hearts, which was completely covered by the smoke. Then, they gently closed their eyes and calmed down.damn!

Damn it! Damn it!


It shouldn't be like this!

At this time, all the Ninjas outside the village are subconsciously locked in a way of blocking their hands, and their eyes are tightly closed. Their faces are completely distorted because of extreme resentment and resentment.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

"Click, click, click!"

Then, the next second, the wind blade swept. In a moment, under the cutting range of the wind blade, hundreds of meters around, countless dust and debris of the wind blade were suddenly lifted up. In an instant, everyone was swallowed up!


"No more?"

At this moment, in the dust and smoke of the black wall, the open dust and smoke column sprinkles pieces of cut light. The figure of Chiba, a black robe, seems to be a little higher than just now. At this time, it is a change. In the light of the corner of the eye, it seems to pass through the line of sight of this layer of smoke, but the smiling youth can't be found.

Yuzhibo Xinyan, is no longer the original place.

It's not in the coverage area of its own S-class wind escape.

"No! Down there

The next moment, however, black robed Chiba suddenly looked down. In the Jingmen mode, under the dynamic visual acuity bonus that had almost reached the peak, he could see every smoke and dust that was rolled up here vaguely or clearly, and even predict their next trajectory.

Under such dynamic vision, his vision was firmly attracted by the rubble and branches of the black wall that collapsed on the ground.

"In time!"

The next moment, he was a sudden inhalation, hands slightly shrunk.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

All of a sudden, thousands of fireballs burst out and spread out, just like a peacock spreading its wings, whistling toward the ground where the eyes focused.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

And also in this instant, on the ground, gravel branches suddenly burst open, countless red mud and stones suddenly splashed out from the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Then, countless spiral burning dark arrows burst out of the ground and shot at the location of black robed Chiba.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

All of a sudden, the bright yellow burning fireball and the dark flame like spiral arrow collided with each other heavily. In an instant, the bright yellow flame and the dark flame scattered and splashed, and the sound of high-temperature baking in the air burst out.

At this moment, in front of the black robed Chiba, the whole body was twisted by the glue of the bright yellow flame and the dark flame.


At the same moment, Chiba's face, which stood up against the attack of the dark flame, that is, yuzhibo Xinyan, was suddenly on one side, and almost wiped white.

Between the exclamations in his mouth, when the peacock was in full bloom, he suddenly turned back.


At this time, the sound of breaking the air suddenly rises. The darkness is like a giant sword with burning flame. The huge sword with burning flame is cut down with scorching high temperature!

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