
So, this is the real function of this time prison

The pale face appears, but Yu Zhibo's heart is surprisingly calm. At the same time, such an idea flashed.

Cheney has made it very clear.

Since this yuzhibo Xinyan can extract the nine tail power of whirlpool Naruto from this space, and even unconsciously extract people into direct coma, then all kinds of coma and weakness before them are the reasons why yuzhibo Xinyan takes away their power.

And what is this power?

Of course, it can't be chakra. Chakra is of no use to yuzhibo Xinyan. His reincarnated chakra can be accumulated. His chakra has already reached the peak that the human body can reach. Although it can't be said to be endless, if we compare it with a reference object, according to the news that yuzhibo Shengzi learned from other populations, that is to say It is the most exaggerated fire shadow of the early generation in the history of chakra in the world of tolerance. I'm afraid that yuzhibo's chakra is at least twice as big as his.

Chakra has no effect at all on yuzhibo.

So, do they still have something yuzhibo Xinyan can look up to?

As a reborn person created by the world to deal with their outsiders, the conventional power of the world, if yuzhibo Xinyan wants to obtain it, he has already obtained it for a long time.

That is to say, the power of the world is totally beyond yuzhibo's eyes.

The answer is very simple.

There's no mistake. What yuzhibo Xinyan draws from them is nothing else. It's their inborn power of transcendence, or the power of transcendence after crossing the world. Some outsiders call it crossing welfare, or plug-ins, golden fingers and so on.

This time prison not only imprisons their souls, but also prevents them from being used to disturb the order of the tolerance world, or the historical process, and can draw strength from them.

Just like hirohibo shinhiko drew strength from Naruto.

The reason why yuzhibo Shengzi turned pale is that he was shocked that yuzhibo Xinyan could absorb their power of transcendence, while the other half was deeply afraid that yuzhibo Xinyan could absorb their power of transcendence.

On the surface, it seems that yuzhibo can use their power. In a sense, they have become the source of yuzhibo's power.

It looks terrible, and it must be appalled.

However, this is not what yuzhibo Shengzi is afraid of. There are many forces of outsider's transcendence. There are basically no repetitions. There are direct ones. They are strong types in appearance and use, and indirect ones. They need some wisdom or just to be able to exert their power. However, over the years, yuzhibo Shengzi has also paid attention to her death The power of transcendence triggered later is basically undeveloped. In this time prison, there is no way to develop the power of transcendence. Everyone basically loses contact with the power of transcendence. In addition to the things learned in Naruto's world, in this space, outsiders are no different from ninjas in this world.

The power of transcendence is something like a seed. Before it germinates, it is the seed that has not germinated. The ability is the ability of the seed. After it germinates, it has the ability after germination. When it blooms and bears fruit, it has the ability to blossom and bear fruit.

That is to say, now all of us, all of us who have more or less relationship with her, are in the seed state.

That is to say, even if yuzhibo Xinyan absorbs the power of transcendence, he can also absorb the power of seed state. Although the power of transcendence is called the power of transcendence, it is also called the power of transcendence after it has fully blossomed and fruited. At least, the power of transcendence in the seed state can not surpass the power of this world, that is to say, the power of transcendence in the seed state can not surpass the power of this world It's just the power under the scope of the world power that Zhibo Xinyan absorbs.

In fact, it's not the power to make too much fuss.

At this time, the son of yuzhibo was afraid of the meaning behind yuzhibo's absorbing the power of transcendence.

Since yuzhibo Xinyan can draw and use the power of transcendence, it shows that people in this world, or the reborn people created by this world, can use the power of transcendence, and there are also means to store the power of transcendence, that is, this time prison.

Well, in a small way, this yuzhibo shinhiko will become stronger and stronger, and even the means will emerge in endlessly, and they may never be able to escape from this time prison. Next, they may have to face the real end of outsiders, that is, the passers-by. Their second life may become a kind of torture forever, and life is not like death Torture, and even, now they have to survive can not die can not be the state.

Happy death is a kind of extravagant hope.

To tell you the truth, those who are imprisoned at this time are still able to maintain their sense of reason. In fact, they are supported by a glimmer of hope. Even her ability to perceive the existence of this world through the fuzzy induction of the split soul is still unable to endure the present torture of time. She also needs to give her hope and hope from time to time to maintain her sense of reason and stop thinking.The hope and hope that is always added to oneself is that one day, an outsider will be able to defeat yuzhibo Xinyan, break the time cage, and release them. Although it is not certain that beating yuzhibo Xinyan will break the time cage, or the outsider who defeats yuzhibo Xinyan will flood with compassion to save them Even some things are not worthy of hope and hope, but what they can do is still hope and hope.

As time goes by, there will be more and more outsiders in prison, and the more power yuzhibo can draw. I'm afraid that no outsider will be able to defeat him before he matures. This hope and hope will gradually turn into despair, eroding their final reason. In the end, they may even die of their souls.

Although there is no soul, but soul is terrible countless times.

From the inside, yuzhibo represents the world. Yuzhibo gains power, which means the world gains power. Although we don't know why there are always outsiders in the world, maybe the seeds of their transcendental power seem to be yuzhibo's acquisition, but in fact it may be the world's pursuit of outsiders The power of the world.

It is also possible that the world deliberately lures outsiders into the world, and then hunts outsiders to gain the power of transcendence.

What's the use of hunting for transcendence, most likely, is to strengthen itself.

Yes, although it's a bit whimsical, it's not impossible. Even the world strengthens itself with the power of transcendence.

As far as Yu Zhibo himself is concerned, her origin at this time is in this time prison, and her transcendental force is soul splitting. The trigger condition is that she has not mastered the initiative to launch after death or near death.

In this world, there is no power to split the soul. At least, the setting of the world, or the rules, is impossible to split the soul. There is no doubt that the soul is unique.

In this world, the body can be split, or prostheses of the body can be made, that is, physical separation. These prostheses also look like souls one by one. However, prostheses are prostheses, which only carry memory and character, and at most are extensions of the soul, but they are not split bodies.

The best way to distinguish is that the fission has 100% ontological power, but depending on the degree of division, it takes different time for the fission to grow.

The only thing that can symbolize the indivisible rule of the soul is the almost unique soul level forbidden art, the art of reification. When the art of reification is launched, the whole soul is out of the body, and there is no split body.

Now, as an outsider, taki Chiba is the most special outsider. It's not surprising that he can split his soul. After all, he has the power of transcendence and mature transcendence, ignoring some rules of the world.

However, yuzhibo Xinyan is different. First of all, yuzhibo Xinyan does not have the power of transcendence. Even if he can absorb the power of transcendence and the power of seed state, the seed state can not surpass the rules of the world at all.

So, that is to say, even if yuzhibo has learned the so-called method of soul splitting, it is impossible to use it, because he does not have the power of mature transcendence to ignore the rules of the world.

Taki Chiba can be used, does not mean that he can be used.

Now, he's using it.

What it stands for, obviously, is that the rules of the world have changed, so that the soul can be divided, and there is no side effect, just like the transcendental force of her soul's division.

In other words, the world can actually use the power of transcendence to change its own rules of power, and the soul can split, which means that the world can use its power of transcendence to strengthen its power in a sense, or even "evolve".

After all, the original rule of the world is that the soul has unlimited chakras. It is only limited by the various restrictions of the body, so it can only play a part. According to the different bodies of each person, the parts play are also different in size, so there are few chakras and many chakras.

Otherwise, the reincarnation of dirty soil will not have unlimited chakras regardless of the amount of chakras.

That's because the soul is infinite.

And the soul has unlimited chakras, and can split. As long as Taki Chiba's method is passed down, or Yuzhi poxinyan's method is passed down, then every aborigine in the world, or most of the aborigines are not limited to the prosthesis, can split. Then, a strong individual becomes two, a weak individual, and a weak individual Being able to turn one into two, both quality and quantity can be improved. Even if a person can only split once in his life, it also greatly improves the total amount of power in the world.

That is to say, the total power of the world is directly doubled.

The most direct thing is that the world is getting stronger.

And if the world becomes stronger, according to what yuzhibo Shengzi can think of, for the first time, yuzhibo Shengzi is afraid of what will happen in her original world. Since she can cross over, it is very likely that the world will know her original world, and now the world is becoming stronger and stronger, absorbing the power of transcendence, and If we can use the power of transcendence to "evolve", does it mean that it can also engulf other worlds to strengthen its own power.Not only will I not be able to survive or die here, but even the original world may be swallowed up and become a puppet played by the world, and there is no place to go back.

Moreover, although she died in the war in her previous life, many important people are still alive, which is also her obstacle.

In fact, this kind of world is consciously hunting and becoming stronger. Even if we don't consider the problems of our own world, or the fate that we can't survive or die, we instinctively make yuzhibo shudder.

In addition to despair, that is despair.

"Well Is Naruto OK? "

And at this time, see two people don't speak, day Hatfield face is also a little white, for fear Naruto is not as said before is all right, now open a way.

"Don't worry, it's just a moment of weakness."

In this regard, Yu Zhibo Sheng Zi, who was still in fear, straightened out his mood and said.

However, in the words, there is a slight tremor, deep in the heart, despair is a burst of attack.

Although there is no final conclusion, there is not much evidence, it is just a kind of inference, but inference alone is enough to let the son of yuzhibo unload all his reserve and be attacked by fear.

Mother in law

It's the first time I've seen her like this.

At this time, Chennai also had a feeling of being scared. In her impression, the mother-in-law of the Holy Son was not only happy but also angry. She also had some indescribable courage. Sometimes the fire shadow could not compare with the momentum.

Such a pale face and trembling tone were not the expression she had in mind.

Is this really so terrible?

In other words, is it such a terrible thing for outsiders that yuzhibo Xinyan can absorb the power of transcendence?

In this regard, Chennai's heart, it is the emergence of such an idea.

"Hongyan, you What's the situation now? "

However, although the heart of all kinds of puzzled, Chennai did not delay in this topic, but turned to Hongyan, so asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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