"That's not true. Before that, I have a question to ask you."

After thinking about it, I narrowed my eyes slightly. Chiba's smile converged slightly, but I opened my mouth quite seriously.

However, vaguely, there is a sense of confrontation to avoid the six immortals.

"What's the problem?"

For Chiba's sentence, the six immortals were silent for a while, as if they had thought about it for a long time, and seemed to be accepting some information before they spoke.

"As for Yu Zhibo Xinyan, you have been waiting for me to get rid of him for more than ten years since the nine tail rebellion. Of course, it's better to die together, right?"

Hearing the response of the six immortals, Chiba didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.

"That's right."

For Chiba this straightforward words, six immortals answer is quite straightforward.

This one is straightforward and this one is simple, but it seems that a layer of window paper has been opened, and the heavy faces on the two faces have been relieved.

It seems that there is no need to fool.

And at this time, two people's hearts, plus a pangran will, are the emergence of such an idea.


At the same time, seems to be relaxed, Chiba asked.

"Don't you understand?"

In this regard, the six immortals smile, quite a kind of this you also asked, is not a bit too silly feeling in it.

"Yes, but not sure."

Smell speech, Chiba quite honest response way, look, still really have a pair of shameless look inside.

There is also a feeling that I am not pretending to be stupid, I am really stupid.

Of course, there's another way that I just pretend to be stupid. You just have to explain it to me.

"You just said that I can't directly intervene in the world of the living, or even the world of the dead. Isn't that my usual style? "

Wen Yan, the six immortals said so.

Eyes are showing a bit clear, mouth slowly hanging a smile.

It seems that there is a sense of playfulness in it. When you feel it, it seems that you suddenly have the bottom in your heart, full of assurance.

"No! I know your method very well. It's to make the best use of the situation, secretly make some coincidences, and be good at using all kinds of small details to cause what I call unforeseen factors. That is to say, the quantity changes incite qualitative changes, just like the wings of a butterfly flapping a hurricane. What I really want to ask is, why do you want to get rid of hirohiko? Didn't you create him to contain US outsiders? Although I have always been called the most special outsider, every outsider is special to the world, and also the most special. And the most special thing is that we can't wait for them to mature, or their transcendental power to mature. Compared with all the powers in this world, the source of transcendental power is not this world, and it is almost engraved in the soul of the outsider. Moreover, with the age, it will automatically continue to develop, and there is no need to stop it.

That is to say, as long as the outsider survives for one day, his strength will be stronger, and if he survives to a certain age, even if the power of surpassing is not fully mature, it is enough to make the tolerance world helpless and can only let it go. In addition, the outsider knows all the characteristics.

That's why you created hirohibo shinhiko, isn't it?

Well, at this time, there should be no reason to get rid of Yu Zhibo. What made you change your mind? "

In this regard, Chiba is also a smile, such as the opening way.

Ask clearly

At this time, hearing this, looking at Chiba's serious expression, liudao fairy's eyes narrowed slightly, and a thought flashed in his heart.

And, when the idea flashed, there was a slight stiffness on the face of the six immortals.

It is said that it has not started yet.

Isn't this the beginning?

And the next second, in his heart, there was only such an idea.

This outsider Chiba, no doubt, knows why he wants to get rid of Yu Zhibo Xinyan, but he still asks. Undoubtedly, the second round of their real game has begun.

This is the attack of this outsider Chiba.

For this alien Chiba, both the will of the world and the six immortals under the authority of the will of the world have been paying attention to it. Especially at that time, when the six immortals met the alien Chiba in the initial spiritual space of the alien, he had already begun to pay attention to the alien Chiba.Of course, compared with the six immortals, the will of the world began to pay attention earlier. In the Third World War of tolerance, which is the first critical turning point of fate, it began to pay attention to the fate of this outsider Chiba.

However, the will of the world was not able to effectively pass on this information at that time, and new outsiders have emerged.

This can also be regarded as the special protection of outsiders.

In other words, it is the protection of the power of transcendence to outsiders.

Although the power of transcendence has no hidden characteristics, and every outsider has a tendency to emerge from the beginning, the power of transcendence can shield the world and the world's will from exploring itself for quite a long time when it was first born in this world, that is to say, even if the outsider starts to show extraordinary, For quite a long time, the world and the world will have no way to find outsiders through the sense of transcendental power, only through a variety of signs, and because although the six immortals are the spokesmen of the world will, and in a sense, they can enhance their control over the world, However, their connection was not as close as it is now at the beginning. Even in the absence of certainty, especially yuzhibo Xinyan's uncertainty about the identity of the outsider, due to certain restrictions, it is difficult for the world will to contact the six immortals, and the connection can only convey vague information.

Here is the reason why the will of the world has noticed the existence of the alien Chiba, while the six immortals are a long time later.

As for why this is the case, it is natural that the will of the world interferes too much in the operation of the world when the world itself rejects and does not confirm the information of outsiders.

That is to say, it is the instinct of the world itself, for fear that the will of the world will have too much authority over the world, and be good at using the butterfly effect, for fear that the volume of the will of the world itself will be a whirlwind, causing enough impact to make the world collapse.

If we say that outsiders are all kinds of obstacles in the turbulent flow of fate, if we compare them with stones, we can at most change the course of the turbulent flow of fate, just like the top-level outsiders, namely, the alien Chiba.

Then, the will of fate is the river bed of fate turbulence. If the river bed becomes shallow or deep, it will make the whole fate turbulence no longer turbulent. If it becomes serious, overflowing or too calm, it will make the world collapse.

This is something that the world itself does not want to happen for the sake of existence.

Therefore, in the absence of outsiders, the world itself does not allow the world's will to intervene too much. In a sense, it represents the fate of the world itself, that is, everything in the world of the living and the dead.

And anyway, no matter the will of the world or the six immortals, they are all paying attention to the alien Chiba.

And, in a sense, from the perspective of God.

Apart from not being able to pry into the mind of the outsider Chiba, what he did was in his eyes.

And now, this sentence is undoubtedly the usual trick of this outsider Chiba, who wants to dominate the next conversation.

Or, in other words, have an advantage.

Once the outsider Chiba gets the advantage, it is impossible to take the psychological advantage from him.

In other words, Chiba, an outsider, has launched an attack.

He has to take this issue seriously.

"Well, since you really want to know, I don't want to hide it. The reason is very simple. He is just a tool made. However, even a tool is conscious and has character. The accumulation of memory and too much contact with outsiders make him have ideas that he shouldn't have. So, I want to get rid of it with your hand. "

And think of here, six immortals is quite frank, straightforward said.

In terms of momentum, it sounds like it's better than Chiba. It's as if it's a matter of course to kill yuzhibo Xinyan. There's nothing to argue about, and there's nothing wrong with it.


In this regard, Chiba slightly squinted and opened his mouth.

"Oh, what? It seems that you will keep the obstructionists who prevent you from changing those people you cherish. Don't be here for 50 steps and laugh for 100 steps. If you want to occupy the moral highland, you should first take a good look at the blood on your hands. "

Smell speech, six immortals face of disobedience reappear, words also gradually sharp up, but did not let Chiba go on, naturally said.

"Well! In the final analysis, what kind of philanthropist are you really? If you have boundless love, there is no such negotiation situation for us now. If you live in peace like unknown son, even Yu Zhibo Xinyan can't find the cause, feel the threat, and don't want to get rid of it, how can there be so many things? "Then the six immortals added another sentence.


It seems that my habits are clear!

There is no way to refute the fact that it's not at all dignified, frank and lovely!

Chiba is also slightly smothering, but did not think of the six immortals. No, just now, it should be the will of the world to speak through the mouth of the six immortals. It's so frank, so simple, not so hypocritical, not so dignified. Chiba doesn't want to stand on the high ground at all. For a moment, she doesn't know how to say it.

As for what kind of moral highland, this hat, in this sentence, is also firmly buttoned by Chiba, but it is a small general.

Of course, Chiba naturally disdains any moral highland. His hands are also covered with blood, morality and other things. In the world of tolerance, which is full of darkness and hatred, he does not boast that he is the embodiment of benevolence and righteousness. Even the people who are kind-hearted and soft handed in this world are not considered, especially in the past ten years, He didn't use any tricks. When caoyin village changed its banner, he had already instigated people to be perfidious.

What's more, what's faith in this world of tolerance?

It is estimated that treachery will happen hundreds of times every day in the whole forbearance world. What is the morality of this forbearance world?

What's more, he still clearly remembers the vicious and ugly nightmare reincarnation, and he won't be put on the shelf by morality.

However, what he did was a clear conscience, just what he thought was good.

At least, he didn't kill any innocent people.

Moreover, we should try our best to give the unarmed and powerless people living space, and try our best to ensure their survival.

And innocent people have not killed, but innocent ninja, he killed a lot.

However, as a ninja, bearing the darkness and hatred of the world, which Ninja is innocent?

Which Ninja doesn't have the blood of the innocent, the blood of the unarmed and the weak?

"Well! So what? At least, I didn't do it. "

But in the heart flashed such a slightly some surprised idea, Chiba is back with a sneer, eyes straight at the six immortals, or, the world will.

Indeed, what he did was not moral or moral.

But, comparatively speaking, he has never done this kind of thing, and liudao immortal, no, it should be said that it is the will of the world. Because yuzhibo Xinyan is not right, he is going to kill his words and deeds, but it has a certain taste of killing.

Of course, strictly speaking, the mill is not finished. After all, Chiba is not dead.

However, although it's not in a strict sense to kill donkeys, there's another way to use these four words to imply that you want to kill donkeys before you finish grinding. Even those perfidious ninjas can't think of it. You're so happy to tell me that the moral meaning is in it.

It's a little irony.

"Chiba, we don't have to bend around here. If you ask this question, just say what you want to say. We don't waste time. You know that the world will be destroyed. Do you think I'm still negotiating with you by chance?"

At this time, the sense of disobedience on liudaoxian's face suddenly disappeared, so he said.


Hearing this, Chiba, who originally wanted to say something, breathed a low sigh.

His eyes moved slightly.

Look, it seems that some helpless, but also some bitter, but more, it is a silent silence.

It's a little lonely.

"Well, I'll just say that you have my soul body, my teacher jiuxinnai."

Then, this sentence, gently spit out from his mouth.

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