"Sure enough..."

The dust is slowly drifting on the ground. Under the strong body, the muscles of the knot seem to vibrate. The straight hair of the golden root is flying with the wind. The strong man coming out of the forest, whose eyes are black and white, twinkles with joy and certainty. In his mouth, he spits out these two words.

In the tone, however, there is a kind of ineffable joy.

"What's the matter, brother?"

But also at this time, behind him, slowly out of a person, but it is somewhat similar to him, are very strong, but the hair is a little more supple, the mouth is such a sentence.

"Ai! You see, here, like the scenery we have come all the way, everyone is bound by this kind of tree. According to what we have seen along the way, only those of us who have died can act. The world has changed a lot! The world of the living is now at our disposal. "

Hearing the sentence behind, the strong man at the head laughed and said so.


In this regard, behind him and he is somewhat similar to the strong man gently nodded.

Thanks to the fact that they are not tired, even chakra is infinite. Otherwise, they have to take a few breaths along the way.

But now, they don't need to breathe. They don't have to worry about chakra at all. It can be said that at this time, they are really grateful for the reincarnation of the filthy earth.

The original humiliation, now seems to be able to give them unspeakable benefits.

What's more, as his elder brother said, great changes have taken place in the world of tolerance. Although we don't know what kind of changes it is, we can be sure that the people who reincarnated them should have lost their consciousness at the moment. Otherwise, the personality restrictions implanted in their dependent body will not be invalid as they are now, And the limit on their own strength will not be as low as it is now.

It is also because of the weakening of this restriction that some other factors may be added, such as the change of tolerance itself, which has activated the reincarnation of filthy people.

From the analysis of his elder brother, the one in front of him, we can see that the whole world of tolerance has now fallen into a huge operation, and all the living have been bound, in a state of unconsciousness and being slaughtered.

In other words, Muye village is now in a state of being slaughtered!

"So, shall we begin?"

Then, after nodding, the strong man spoke again.

Since Muye village is in a state of being slaughtered, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, and even for all the other four villages.

Although they were reincarnated by yuzhibo Xinyan's dirty soil, the purpose is not to destroy the leaves, but now the existence of dirty soil reincarnation has lost control over them, even yuzhibo Xinyan may be in so many vine mummies, and there is no personality inhibition, their consciousness has been in a certain state of freedom, so, Since it is a state of freedom, then, of course, they should act freely according to their own will.

Moreover, at this time, although they had experienced countless wars before they died, they had been trained steadily and mature for a long time. However, when they thought they would be humiliated, they became other people's pawns, and their personalities were trampled on. Now they suddenly gained freedom. Not only did they not have to endure humiliation, but even what they wanted to do for generations could be easily accomplished now, Even they can't help being excited at this time.

Now, according to their plan and according to what their elder brother said, if everyone is in a state of bondage and has lost the ability to resist, then all the people in Muye village will be put to death. In this way, the mountains that lie in front of them seem to be insurmountable forever will disappear in this world. They live in yunyin village, Yanyin village, Wuyin village, Wuyin village When shayin is not as good as before, they will be able to get the resources of Muye village easily. Even after they have executed all the people, they can take Muye's resources to yunyin village, and then they won't have to worry about anyone.

They will replace Muye village. Yunyin village will be the center of the whole world.

No one can threaten yunyin any more. Everything of yunyin will be protected.

Others can only be their vassals.

"It's not that easy."

At this time, the strong man with long hair and hedgehog head gently shook his head. He understood his brother's idea. However, if it was so simple, it would be a bit too sloppy."It's not that easy?"

In this regard, the strong man was slightly stunned.

In the current situation, it is absolutely advantageous for them to look at the rows of vine mummies near Muye village, even if they are not all executed, as long as half of them are removed, even if they are not executed, as long as the resources in Muye village, especially the forbidden and secret skills of Ninja, are taken away as far as possible, enough advantages can be established, Make their own yunyin village strong enough to replace Muye village and become the center of the whole forbearance world, the strongest of the whole forbearance world.

"Along the way, I heard from you. At least in the Third World War, taki Chiba was still alive, right? Even put you on the battlefield, let Yanyin 20000 people complete the encirclement, eventually indirectly lead to your exhausted death, right

As for his brother's incomprehension, the strong man with long hair and hedgehog head looked at the front and took a deep breath, as if he had suppressed his emotion.


And hear Taki Chiba these three words, originally on the face is difficult to restrain of reveal a bit of excitement of the strong man, at this time the face is dignified up, nodded.

His elder brother's words suddenly made him realize something. In other words, it made him recall the patron saint of Muye. At this moment, although everything is going well, taki Chiba will make everything go wrong or even fail when they think everything is going well.

After all, the two brothers, galloping in the world of tolerance, died in the hands of Taki Chiba, either indirectly or directly.

"Well, you think, who is most likely to use such a wide range of techniques?"

To this, the strong man with long hair and hedgehog head said again.

"Yu Zhibo Xinyan, or... Taki Chiba."

Hearing this, the strong man was stunned at first, and a bit stiff appeared on his face. Finally, he seemed to compromise after he was unconvinced.

Tone, but full of unwilling.

Obviously, he is not willing to admit it, but he has to admit it.

"So, it's not so easy!"

When he heard this, the strong man with long hair and hedgehog head sighed helplessly. However, the mouth of the sighing words, his eyes extended to the front, as if he saw something, and his viewpoint fell down.

"If you were still there at that time, I'm afraid I would die on the battlefield of the Third World War of tolerance."

At this time, without waiting for the strong man to speak, a familiar young man's voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Looking up, the strong man's eyes opened slightly, and his surprise was beyond expression.

"Good boy! I'm back to my old age

At this time, however, his elder brother burst out laughing, as if he had met an old friend, and even had to step forward. It seemed that he wanted to welcome him with open arms.

This guy

However, unlike his brother's exaggerated reaction, the strong man didn't respond much. He just narrowed his eyes slightly. However, his heart was not as cold as on the surface, but also a little sigh.

At this time, as like as two peas in front of them, a young man stood in the same shape as in his memory, as though time had not carved any trace on his face.

Just like the boy who fought with them in those days.

Yes, taki Chiba.

Or, in other words, Chiba, the young Chiba of the magic of slugs.

"I didn't expect that you two were the first ones to come, but I think it's the same. In terms of speed, I'm afraid there's no experience of reincarnation of filthy soil, which is your opponent."

At this time, looking at the faces of the two strong men who can almost be described as giant compared with his height, the young Chiba who is divided into slugs and fairy arts, it seems that there is a feeling of old friends reunion.

These two strong men are the ratio of the previous generation of yunyin who died directly or indirectly in front of him, and also the ratio of night and moon, one of the people who changed the trajectory of his life in Huoying world. And three generations of thunder shadow, night moon AI.

Both of them gave him a fight that he will never forget.

Especially this month, after the battle for jiuxinnai, he was busy changing his fate and didn't think much about it. However, after the failure of the Jiuwei rebellion, he often remembered this old man. Of course, when he was reincarnated in the dirty land, it seemed that he was born in his prime. Now he looks just like middle-aged, just in his prime, Along with the three generations of Lei Ying, they are also young, all in their prime years.When he thought of the old man, he could not help sighing that this night moon ratio should be the most difficult one among all the strong men he had fought.

And the only battle of faith.

Although, in the end, he survived, but, strictly speaking, the night than the moon did not lose.

Because that battle was not just a physical battle, but a spiritual battle with their own beliefs. We can't judge the outcome of the battle by who lives or dies.

In that battle, yeyuebi carried out his will. At the same time, Chiba also carried out his will. In the end, after the collision of their wills, no one gave in to their spiritual will. Although some died and some were seriously injured in the end, none of them was the loser.

At this moment, Chiba, who inherits this part of Chiba's memory and emotion, is still a little excited, although he anticipates that yeyuebi may also be reincarnated by filthy soil.

He also likes to see the old man again.

"Ha ha ha! That's nature

In this regard, the night than is laughing up, not without pride.

Although they are still antagonistic and even want to fight against each other, yeyuebi is still very happy to see this boy again,.

After all, in that battle, he really recognized the youth in front of him. That battle was also the most wonderful one in his whole life.

Even if he could die in that battle, he still felt a kind of glory after his death.

Even though they have different positions, they are really happy for the meeting at this moment.

"I didn't expect to face you in the end."

For his brother's laughter, three generations of Lei Ying also smile, I have to say, at this time, he is also quite happy.

Even if standing on the opposite side, even if indirectly killed himself, but in the eyes of three generations of Lei Ying, also recognized the youth in front of him.

At least, taki Chiba is the only one who can let himself fight so freely and give himself so many obstacles and finally escape from him.

It's just that the battle, after all, was a little incomplete.

At this moment, although he should hope not to meet this boy, but, really met, three generations of Lei Ying is quite excited.

How much, can be for the original battle to do an end.

However, a little regret is that now they are the reincarnation of filthy soil. Compared with Taki Chiba, who was born in the flesh, there are more rogues.

Such as unlimited chakra, never tired physical strength, unlimited recovery and so on.

It's a little hard to win.

It's a pity.

"So, shall we talk about the past first, or shall we fight directly?"

And at this time, looking at two people, the young Chiba who is separated by the slug fairy skill smiles and says so.

At the same time, when I look up slightly, because of the contact of sight, the huge pupil force of reincarnation eye is also pressed into the perception consciousness of three generations of thunder shadow and night moon ratio.

Make his smile, become not so friendly.


"So, what you mean is that my request can't be met."

At this time, on the other side, in the center of the world, in the flowing space, Chiba slowly raised her head and looked at the six immortals in front of her and the world will behind them.

Having said so much, whether it is true or not, what the six immortals and the will of the world want to convey is that they must follow the fate line.

What he said just now, after all, does not follow the line of destiny.

The implication can also be understood as that no matter what conditions you put forward, foreign invasion will be engulfed anyway, and it will be a destruction after all. What's the difference between internal collapse and external engulfment? Only the death of damned people can be avoided.

In other words, you can't agree to your proposal.

"That's why I asked about your solution."

In this regard, the six immortals did not shrink back, just said so.

The implication is that you have the right to choose now. Don't ask too much.

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