The universe of death

Nightmare reincarnation is a universe of death.

And it's human death

Looking at the fog figure in front of him, that is, his past self, Chiba seems to want to see the meaning of several separate jokes from his vague image.

At the same time, in his heart, there was such a series of disbelief.

Yes, I can't believe it.

Or, I can't believe it.

I can't believe it in the real sense.

He has a very clear and comprehensive understanding of the nightmare reincarnation universe, whether from memory or after he was born into the world.

He knows very well what the concept of the universe of nightmare reincarnation is.

At least, from the various rules of controlling the world in his hands, we can see how terrible the nightmare reincarnation universe, or a universe, exists.

It can almost be said that all behaviors of the debris of the core of the nightmare reincarnation universe to the world are dimension reduction strikes.

The dimension of the nightmare reincarnation universe is at least four or five levels higher than that of the world. Moreover, the whole picture of the fire shadow world is just the size of a star. The nightmare reincarnation universe is a universe, and the planets contained in it can be described by countless. Even if not from the dimension of quality, only from the number of quantity, the nightmare reincarnation universe is not comparable to this world at all.

If we have to compare or describe it, then it is the gap between fireflies and the sun, and between mole ants and the earth.

Even Chiba, who has the fragments of the core of the nightmare reincarnation universe, and even has a relatively deep memory and understanding of the nightmare reincarnation universe, is still unable to imagine how terrible the existence that can destroy the core of a universe is.

Because, for him, the nightmare reincarnation universe is a boundless existence that transcends several dimensions of his imagination.

Moreover, the more he knows about the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe, the more he can't imagine what level of existence this nightmare reincarnation universe is.

Even he didn't think about it any more. He didn't study the nightmare reincarnation universe any more. With his dimension, it's impossible to understand what kind of existence the nightmare reincarnation universe is, even if its core is in his hand.

In the world of fire shadow alone, he has to do everything possible. In the end, he can only win a good result if he has a business relationship with the world of fire shadow. Now, there is a direct existence that can kill a universe that is higher than the world of fire shadow. He can't even imagine how many dimensions it is. No, killing is nothing, just like the captain, After finding the core of the universe, we smashed the core with one blow. It doesn't seem very strange. It can be said that the living beings in the universe can do it, maybe it's not something out of reach or unbelievable.

But what about implanting new rules into the core of the universe? Let the universe become a nightmare cycle, and finally let the universe be killed by its own creation?

Even the problem of outsiders may be the means of this existence.

This is not simply the destruction of the universe can explain, but the arbitrary manipulation of cosmic rules, and even can not be described by the highest level of immortals and other creatures in his cognition.

Is this possible?

If so, what are they?

Originally, his sense of superiority of those outsiders was ridiculous, wasn't it?

In the face of such existence, they are not even dust.

Even the fire shadow world he lived in was just a grain of dust.

This is really subverting his common sense.

In this world of fire shadow, what will of the world, what spokesman of the world, and even the world itself, because of the relationship between Naruto's cartoon and the edification of all kinds of travel novels in previous lives, all can be said to be within his common sense, and travel should be like this.

However, how can he believe such an existence, an existence that can't be imagined, an existence that even the universe is placed in the palm of his hand like a toy?

How can he believe it?

Even at this time, he just wanted to go deep, his heart would be shocked, as if instinctively, his subconscious was preventing him from believing and thinking.

And at this moment, bit by bit about the nightmare reincarnation of the universe, as well as the existence he said in the past, inevitably made his brain's image of the world and the universe suddenly expand a lot.

Although he desperately did not want to admit, desperately did not want to go on, but, after all, because of these things, the concept of the universe, the world and so on, more broad.

At this time, unconsciously, he is standing higher.

At least, it's my own vision to understand the past.

"There's no doubt that I couldn't believe it when I just learned about it. However, through multiple investigations, especially the information contained in the debris in the core of the nightmare cycle universe, I had no way but to believe it. In addition to our cognition, there is an existence beyond the universe, which can manipulate the universe at will. Even we wandering outsiders are his handwriting, which is hard to accept, but you just need to believe me. "

At this time, the fog figure seemed to see through Chiba, so he said.

However, his words didn't get a response. Even Chiba knows that she can't believe in the past and can't respond at this time.

"Wait a minute!"

However, Chiba eventually reacted. After a long silence, she suddenly raised her head.

"You say the outsider is also his hand? Is that right? "

After looking up, this sentence blurted out.


In this regard, the fog figure is quite rigorous.

Indeed, because of the relationship between the nightmare reincarnation universe, he can conclude that strictly speaking, both in this world and in the nightmare reincarnation universe, they are outsiders, but the treatment of the outsiders in this world is a little better. Not only does the world tend to be peaceful, although there is a lot of darkness and hatred hidden, but relatively speaking, it is much more peaceful, There is also the power of transcendence. Compared with the reincarnation of nightmares, it is heaven.

In the cycle of nightmare, they are actually outsiders, but compared with the world, they are hundreds of times more humble and cruel.

Since there are outsiders in the nightmare reincarnation universe, and there are also outsiders in this world, both the nightmare reincarnation universe and the world are actually abnormal, and even have the shadow of this unknown existence in it.

It is almost self-evident, then, that there is any relationship between outsiders and the existence that can manipulate the universe.

Therefore, he infers that the outsider is also this person's work.

"You let me slowly..."

At this time, after hearing this sentence, Chiba gave a little meal, then raised his hand to indicate that he wanted to slow down. After all, the amount of information was amazing.

Originally, he thought that crossing was just an unknown coincidence. Although he knew so many outsiders and that there was at least one outsider in each fire shadow world, he vaguely realized that something was wrong.

However, there is such an existence now. These outsiders may be the work of this outsider, but he did not expect it. He could not believe it. He could not even think about the joint well.

Listening to the past self, whether his last life, that is, the life of nightmare reincarnation, or this life, this life in the world of fire and shadow, may be related to the consequences of the manipulation of the existence that can manipulate the universe. Although, for the existence that can manipulate the universe, he is just one of many outsiders, that is, one who passes through the crowd, That existence does not necessarily pay attention to him, but the problem is not that the existence can manipulate the universe, why the nightmare universe is created, and why so many passers-by are created. He survives in this world. Under such circumstances, after knowing that there is such an unimaginable existence, Chiba is not naive to think that he only needs to survive.

Now he, no, it should be said that from the first crossing, he has fallen into a huge whirlpool.

Next, he couldn't help what he wanted.

Now, I'm afraid it's related to this vortex that I planned so many goals in the past.

"So, what did you find in the end?"

Then, thinking of Chiba here, he took a deep breath, seemed to press down his confused thoughts and asked.

"What do you think of the universe we are in now?"

But this time, misty figure did not answer Chiba's question directly, but asked in reverse.

"The universe we live in?"

To this, Chiba slightly a Zheng, then, his eyes is a bright, as if suddenly thought of something, looked around.


The nightmare reincarnation universe has been broken, so we should not still be in the nightmare reincarnation universe, that is to say, we are in another Universe now.

This world of fire shadows, or so many world of fire shadows, should be the characteristic of this universe. Of course, it can't be that there are so many world of fire shadows in this universe. Maybe there are other kinds of world.

But there is no doubt that this is not a nightmare reincarnation universe.

It's another universe.

At this time, such a clear idea flashed through his mind.


However, just as the clear idea flashed by, Chiba suddenly looked at the fog figure in front of him and blurted out: "you mean, the universe is also..."

"Yes, there is no mistake. This universe is also an abnormal universe. After investigating the nightmare reincarnation universe, I focused on this universe. After consuming part of the power of the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe, I checked several abnormal points of this universe. Generally speaking, this universe is much smaller than the nightmare reincarnation universe, Although it is also called the universe, the dimension level is one dimension lower than the nightmare reincarnation universe, otherwise it is impossible for me to check the outliers so easily. "

In this regard, the fog man immediately points, such as: "after checking, I found that all the anomalies in the universe are pointing to a big bang."

"Big bang, isn't this the formation of the universe?"

Chiba is quite familiar with the term "Big Bang", and now he says.

"Yes, generally speaking, the big bang, according to the knowledge we received, is the creation of the universe, but what about the destruction of the universe? In addition to being implanted with new rules, such as the nightmare reincarnation universe, instead of the core rules, leading to death mutation, becoming a zombie death universe. Is there anything else? "

Smell speech, fog human form so say.

"There are other things... You mean, this big bang is the... Destruction of the universe?"

In this regard, Qianye is acutely aware of something.

Obviously, Chiba is really reacting at this time, and has been able to think calmly.

At the same time, the ability of thinking and reaction returned to normal.

"Yes, the anomaly of the universe is that its core has exploded into countless pieces, and these cores have evolved into innumerable worlds, innumerable worlds with various world views. Although it is not known whether the self explosion of the universe is related to the existence that can control the universe, it is certain that the universe has undergone a self explosion. "

To this, misty person shape opens a way.

"Self explosion... Do you mean that the universe is dead?"

Smell speech, Chiba and acutely understand what.

"No! Although the universe is one dimension lower than the nightmare reincarnation universe, it is much smarter than the nightmare reincarnation universe. Although it has exploded and its core has evolved into countless worlds, these cores are close to each other all the time, merging and absorbing each other. It is estimated that these cores will be reorganized into new cosmic cores in billions of years, Perhaps because of the inevitable self explosion, the new core of the universe will be much smaller than the original, but the universe can re evolve. "

To this, fog figure said.

"You mean, this is a car abandoning guard, deliberately blowing himself up, looking for a chance of life? Wait... Yeah! The perfect world of fire shadow, which is engulfing the world of fire shadow all the way, is not that it has evolved into perfection, but that it is perfect at the beginning, and it is not that it is engulfing the surrounding world to expand itself, but that all the fire shadow worlds here are getting closer to it, integrating into its world core, in order to recover to the original core of the universe. "

At this moment, Chiba's brain just like thunder flashed, instantly connected everything.

"Yes, that's it. It's not the perfect world of fire shadow that's engulfing the surroundings, but the surroundings are merging into that world of fire shadow. Although there are innumerable outsiders in this innumerable world, in the integration of the world and the world, every world, an outsider, has little resistance to this integration. Therefore, even if we survive in this world, we will eventually face destruction. "

In this regard, the fog figure slightly pause, such as said.

"So, your purpose is..."

Smell speech, thousand leaf brow wrinkly, open mouth asks a way.

It's really wave after wave. At ordinary times, Chiba may think carefully about screening. But now, he knows that he should not think too much, just ask.

"I want... A new core of the universe."

In this regard, fog figure tone light, so said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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