"These are... Two ways?"

He gently dragged two light balls floating into his hands and carefully read all kinds of information in his mind. Chiba slowly raised his head. In his mind, those words symbolizing the rules of the chain were slowly suffused with all kinds of colors in his eyes, while his eyes seemed to be slightly trembling and moving, With a faint voice of alienation in the mouth.

"Choose one."

At this time, because of the loss of the glory of the light ball, Chiba opened his mouth in the past.

Between the tone, it seems that there is a sense of remoteness, which makes people suddenly feel ethereal. It seems that although the foggy figure is in front of us, it is actually far away.

"What's the matter with you?"

In this regard, Chiba, whose eyes are flowing with various numbers, runes and words, and constitute a chain like pattern, slightly extends her eyes and looks at herself in the past, with a slight frown on her brow.

Is it an illusion?

How do you feel, past me, more and more far away from me?

Clearly in front of us, but his existence is more and more distant... Or, more and more thin?

At this time, with the introduction of a series of information in the photosphere, Chiba's field of vision, or perception, in this crevice is constantly expanding, and the touch of the skin is also in bursts of slight numbness, gradually able to feel the surrounding vacuum state. At this time, he looked at his own eyes in the past. Although there was such an influence of fog figure in front of him, the fog figure in front of him began to appear unreal.

There is a feeling that people seem to be here, but they have gone away.

"What should be given to you, I have given it to you. After all, I should not exist, and I should die."

In response, misty humanoid said.

But this time, the feeling of ethereal response is more obvious. It seems that there is still a slight response. The sound is not so much from the front as from the ear.

"Die out?"

And hear this sentence, Chiba a Leng, subconsciously murmured a.


Then, in this instant, the words in the mouth of the moment, his eyes are suddenly open, mouth is a sound.

"Make your choice! Make your choice before you go back. "

At this time, the ethereal voice seemed to echo again, but this sentence was already the last sentence of Chiba, which had become the past. At the time of this sentence, the fog figure slowly escaped in Chiba's sight, and the past perception also disappeared in his perception with the escape of the fog.

"I have no regrets."

And at the last moment when the misty human form and his own perception of the past disappeared, such a word without any emotional fluctuation sounded in Chiba's ear.

"No regrets... Do you really have to choose?"

In the face of the sudden disappearance of the past, Chiba slightly took a breath, but in his mouth he could not help but mutter again.

The last sentence of the past self, obviously, means to let him make a choice, and his last sentence without regret also means that he has no other words to explain.

That is to say, what Chiba is going to do now is to make a choice and control the core of the world.

What's more, it's not a choice of whether to control the world core or not, but a choice of how to control the world core and whether to control the world core or not.

"Really... He has been using these two pieces of the core of the nightmare reincarnation universe to maintain the existence of personality, and after these two pieces come to my hand, his existence will disappear."

And think of here, Chiba heart is a little disappointed, although he and his past real dialogue only this time, but, after all, is himself, after all, received so much of his memory, at this moment, see him suddenly disappear, or some not adapt.

There are also some hair jams in my heart.

Maybe Chiba was put into the world as a blank soul at the beginning. After all kinds of experiences, Chiba formed a new personality. Although some of them were inherited from the past, the past self was very thorough in those days, and there was no residual personality. Now, his personality and the personality of the past world are the same person, But it's two different individuals.

Although he doesn't know what he thought of himself in the past, or whether he has any feelings to recognize Chiba's feelings towards him, Chiba now knows that he unconsciously regards his past self as his family, friend and partner who knows the root and the bottom. What's more, he can survive the rejection of the world in the early stage and surpass the fate of outsiders, They were all the plans of the past when they were distributing their strength to transform themselves, and they were all the plans of the past when they were able to succeed.

And, at this time, at the end of everything, the past self still chose a broad road for himself.

Maybe it's a bit strange to say that, but Chiba really feels extremely strong regret and regret for her sudden disappearance in the past, and it's also a bit reluctant to give up.

Even, there is a feeling that "you can't give me these two pieces later".


Then, thinking of this, Chiba suddenly sighed.

Finally, maybe I was calculated by myself in the past, he calculated my feelings, or he got the feelings, will be indecisive, sentimental, so, just choose to disappear.

With a sigh, such an awkward idea flashed through his heart.

"It seems that I can understand the reason why my past self, as a mortal, can survive in that nightmare samsara."

Then, Chiba is a sincere sigh.

To tell you the truth, although he has that part of memory, he still can't understand how he used to be in that nightmare reincarnation, especially the part of Superman's nightmare reincarnation. Now, he seems to have some understanding.

In the past, after he lost his feelings, he gained absolute control of the human heart, so his words were like the whispers of demons. In his logic without emotional constraints, he really achieved the perfect control of the human heart, and his words, the so-called whispers of demons, were just the terrible impression of his words.

No matter whether it is superhuman or not, as long as it is human, there will be inner weakness. As long as there are desires and wants, there will inevitably be weakness. This is the weakness of human nature, and it is also the weakness of all human beings.

The past self is to seize this weakness. No, it should be said that the past self can always seize this weakness of different people and make perfect use of it.

Therefore, we can make so many people who are cruel in mind and have experienced countless bloody and dark, who can almost be called demons obedient.

"My mood seems to be a little complicated now. According to this, am I also caught by my past self and obedient to him?"

And think of here, Chiba couldn't help looking at the light ball in his hand, the corners of his mouth slowly bitter down.

For a moment, he suddenly felt that he was reluctant to give up just now. It seemed that he had some illusions and helplessness.

"No! It's not like I'm really caught in the weakness... "

After this idea came into being, Chiba subconsciously began to speculate and demonstrate, and then, a moment later, when his eyes fell on the ball of light, he got the answer.

At this moment, the two choices he faces, especially the second one, clearly show that he has seen through himself in the past.

The two spheres of light, the two choices, the sphere of light in his left hand, and the written rules are essentially a kind of transformation rules. As long as this rule is implanted into the core of the world, that is, the sphere of light behind him, which represents the world itself, all the existence in the world, including creatures, including mountains, rivers, trees and even the world itself, can be transformed into a kind of pure energy, Form a seed of the world, and as long as he integrates the seed into his soul, he can use the pure power of the world to upgrade his body and soul. This kind of promotion is beyond Chiba's imagination. However, it is certain that after fusing this seed, he will definitely be able to see the new core of the universe. No matter whether he has other special abilities or not, the strength of his own fist will have world-class attack power. That is to say, this choice can make him become the world itself, Let him from a living creature, into a world comparable to the existence, is no longer a mole ant.

However, if you choose this rule, everything in the fire shadow world will become a pure energy body, that is to say, it will become the nourishment of his body, which means that all people will be scared out of their wits.

The rule written in the light ball of the right hand is a kind of grafting rule. If this rule is implanted into the core of the world, then this rule will generate an energy channel to connect with his soul. At that time, he can draw the world power of the world through this energy channel, and this part of the world power can be used as his attack means, He can also refine his soul and body. Although he can finally reach the strength of the soul and body under the transformation rule, it will take hundreds of millions of years, and only a part of his strength can be absorbed each time. Compared with the transformation rule of directly turning the world into the source of the world's power, this method can use very little of the world's power, Besides, he should also avoid the rejection of the world itself. In addition to the vision and perception of touching the new core of the universe and the world dimension, his other promotion is quite limited. Especially in the crevice, because without the world of fire shadow, all the power he gains from the world of fire shadow can't be used. The only power he can use in this space is the world power he draws. It's different from the world power that completely uses the world after transformation. Compared with the use of transformation rules, the power he can play in this space, It's just the part of the world that we draw from.

That is to say, if this grafting rule is used, he estimates that only one percent of the world's power can be used. That is to say, if he is likely to fight for a new core of the universe in this space in the future, the power he can play is the sum of one percent of the world's power. However, this grafting rule does not need to transform the creatures in this world, and everything in this fire shadow world can be preserved. In other words, everything he cherishes can exist well. Moreover, no matter the grafting rules or the transformation rules, the world becomes a kind of existence similar to the portable energy body. The transformation rules, needless to say, can also make him have a kind of spatial connection with the world, and can let him cross dimension in and out of the world no matter when and where. Even people and things that can be brought out of the world at will. There is no doubt that the second option of grafting rules is the one most in line with his idea. It's also obvious that in the past, I was inclined to use the transformation rule. At the beginning, I only prepared the transformation rule, an implantation rule. However, after observing myself, I found that the transformation rule should not work, so I had a second grafting rule. And this grafting rule can be seen at a glance. Compared with the transformation rule, it is an expedient measure. Now, even if Chiba does not want to be involved in the world's disputes, it must choose one. No, it should be said that it will inevitably choose the grafting rules. After all, the most important thing is to get the perception to see and touch the new core of the universe. Even if you don't say it yourself, Chiba knows that you can't be a mortal, but you have a certain dimension level, which is higher or not lower than the new core of the universe. For the past self, the main purpose of controlling this world core is to upgrade the dimensional level of Chiba itself. Transformation or grafting is not something to be desired. As for Chiba, to follow the rules of transformation is to pay the price and follow the path of the past. After all, to be able to become the world itself is to take the lead on the basis of leading countless worlds in the universe, and the probability of winning the core of the universe is more than 99%. Of course, the price of this road is what he is not willing to bear. And to go on the road of grafting rules is basically to start with one percent of the world's strength. All the equipment depends on fighting. In the future, if we really want to start fighting, we just have a certain advantage. Finally, the probability of seizing the core of the universe is not so absolute, but there should be a 50% probability. Moreover, if the grafting rules are adopted, Chiba will have to make more preparations to capture the core of the universe“ It's really... It's all in my calculations in the past. " And think of here, Chiba helpless shake his head, and then no nonsense, directly in the right hand of the light ball, pushed into the light ball“ Poof Then, as if through layers of thin film, the small light ball, like a mixture of water and milk, disappeared into the big light ball. WOW! At this time, Chiba's eyes suddenly widened, opened his mouth, and a low cry, the bright starlight burst out from his eyes. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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